
Was It Fate? [JOINING]


12-15-2013, 02:44 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

Bhaire could hardly believe his eyes, or his nose. All around him was the smell of wolves, so thick he could not doubt that he had come upon a pack land. Surely this was the realm Aurora had spoken of that day so long ago, on the warm sands of a distant island. The air here was balmy and pleasant, and the smell of sea salt hung on the breeze. He sensed a sort of turmoil in the air, some great change that had happened, was happening, would happen. He couldn't know for certain. His paws, however, felt compelled to move forward. This was where he needed to be, he was sure of it. His gut tugged him forward, begging to be heeded. Surely this is what the gods wish of me. Surely this is what the Abbot would have wanted. I will spread his teachings here, and I will find my own family. Bhaire took a deep breath.

From his earliest memory he had been with the nomads, or he had been missing them. But he had had enough of pining over their losses. Grief only weighed him down! Now, he was ready to devote himself to furthering his search for knowledge, his lust for the unknown. He would sate his every worldly desire, and he would through himself into life with all the force he could muster. Now was the time. Today was his day. Bhaire tilted his head back and let out a deep howl, letting his presence be known, and accepting all that had come before, and all that would come after.

"Talk" Think "You"


12-15-2013, 03:27 PM
OOC// Lily is supposed to be a rogue now since she decided to find somewhere else to go after tort moved/disbanded.

Her decision was made. Although she was sad about Tortuga's fate, she knee she would never follow the glaciem king or whomever he had decided to put in charge. She would always remain loyal to Taurig, he had opened up his home to her. And for that she would always be grateful, and when the time came for him to recreate the pack of his dreams, then it was possible she would return to him. However, it all depended on how things went here. She had heard about the former alpha disappearing, and this very pack had been her first choice, but the previous alpha scared her, and so that had led her away.

She would warily step through the brush, the strange lands here were fascinating, it awed her. There were so many different plants and things to see, almost immediately she began to feel at home in this part of the land. When she came around a thicket, she froze at the sight of another, a male. Her breath quickened, would he hurt her? Was he mean? Would he chase her away for intruding? She nearly turned to flee, and as she made the motion, her ears flicked back as he howled. Turning to look, she narrowed her eyes slightly at the figure, somehow that voice seemed familiar...and then it hit her! He was the stranger that had chased after the Tortuga band as they were heading into the water towards their new home! Was he seeking to join as well?

Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, she carefully stepped forward to stand a couple yards behind him. She waited for him to finish his call before she spoke, her wintry eyes uncertain yet longed for something at the same time. "Um..H-hello.." her shy voice came out, though she had meant for it to come out more confident, it was apparent she was quite the opposite of that.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"


12-15-2013, 05:40 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

The response to Bhaire's howl was almost instantaneous, though hardly what he expected. Instead of a call of welcoming, or even savage snarls to ward off his intrusion, he was met with something faint, something that quivered and quivered. He frowned in curiosity and turned, trying to find it's source. His eyes lit upon a wolf much smaller than he, by nearly a foot. She had a grey coat, as natural and neutral as his own. It was after his eyes had drank in their fill that the smell of her fear wafted towards him. Bhaire smiled at the young fae. He was nothing to be afraid of, not hardly! He would struggle over raising a paw in defense, and never in offense. It was not his way, he had been taught much better.

So he smiled at the young fae and bobbed his head in greeting. "Hello there, little one," he would say fondly. "Are you a member of this pack? I did not mean to intrude." His voice was as warm as he could make it, his low baritone rumbling in the way Abbot Kahn's had whenever Bhaire had been scared as a pup. It had soothed him, and perhaps it could do the same for this frightened fae. He looked back to the border for a moment and thought to himself. Perhaps this pack is in more dire straits than I first assumed, he thought. It this wolf was truly one of theirs, that she would meet a new wolf at the border with such fear was concerning. The gods were right, he thought with certainty. I am needed here, and here I shall stay.

"Talk" Think "You"



12-15-2013, 07:27 PM

Her meditation would be interrupted as the call of a wolf came to her Attention. She could not recognize the voice but she would be certain to reveal herself to them as Aria had once done for her. Since the disappearance of the Sol the pack had taken an incredible dip in population. It would sadden her that so many could ignore the call of divine intervention. Maybe they would return, but thus far such information had been declined.

Her dainty paws would push her from the cold earth as she shook the debris from her pearly coat. She would carry herself to the call, her demeanor obviously relaxed and at ease as her form found its way to the borders of Ludicael. Two wolves would stand to greet her, for a fraction of a second she would doubt her decision to arrive alone. She would debate quickly about calling for her mate, but both seemed rather harmless and she had certainly not been granted any warnings about them. So she would offer a welcoming smile at her approach.

"hello you two." she would welcome them cheerfully, "What brings you to Ludicael?"




12-15-2013, 08:22 PM

The black male with the white right ear and left front paw remained in hiding. He had been lazily lounging on a sun-kissed spot of the woods when unfamiliar voices reached his ears. Instead of leaping out of the trees where he perfectly blended in, he watched and waited to see what would happen. Excitement made his heart beat faster as he saw his mother's swift, dainty paws carry her across the territory to the two wolves with intermingled legs. From where he lay, he was able to catch it all.
After his mother greeted and inquired about their presences, Dhiren decided to make himself known. He slipped through the back way, unseen until he popped up on Song's left side. His tail began to wag and he nuzzled her shoulder lovingly, for he was at that exact height. "Mama," he gently cooed, a smile playing on his young and handsome features. With perked ears, he looked over at the two strangers and lightly nodded his head. "Greetings," he said, his smile obvious in his tones. "Welcome to Ludicael, fair strangers. My curiosity mirrors my mother's question -- what brings you here to our fair home?"



12-15-2013, 08:48 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

Footsteps of a larger wolf reached Bhaire's ears, and a calling more like what he expected fell upon him. He turned his gaze from the small grey wolf and lit his gaze upon an impressive fae with snow white fur and mismatched eyes. Godsmarked, Bhaire thought to himself with a smile. Fate had smiled upon him. Bhaire fell into a deep bow, and came up to see yet another wolf approaching. Bhaire noted where they both had come from, and wondered briefly about the far beside him. He thought now that she must be a stranger, as he was. <><>

Deciding to save that thought for later, he turned back to the femme before him."Greetings. My name is Bhaire, and I am here because this is where my paws carried me, and I believe it is where the gods instend me to stay. May I assume I have the pleasure of speaking to the leader of this pack?" His tone was kind, respectful, and through no force or mischief. Bhaire was not a wolf to shirk authority, and the aura this fae bore was impressive indeed.

"Talk" Think "You"


12-16-2013, 04:47 AM

The moment she had spoken, he had heard. Lily was somewhat afraid, yet at the same time she felt like she shouldn't be. But she just couldn't help it anyway, because of her past she was always shy, jumpy, and distrusting of everyone, especially men. He had asked her if she was a part of this pack, and shyly she would shake her head no, nothing spoken for now. As soon as she had done so, a white she-wolf came from within the territory. Lily lowering her small body a little closer to the ground, afraid of answering. She had come to seek a place here, but she couldn't bring herself to speak. As soon as the stranger had spoken, a young wolf came bounding out from beyond and asked the same thing. Lily bit her lip, trying to hold herself from turning and fleeing back into the hidden safety of the forest.
And yet, she would somehow manage to keep herself glued in place. She remained where she was somewhat behind the brown male. It would seem that the same male who had gone running after them during the move of Tortuga, would somehow come here the same time as her. Was it fate? She herself couldn't bring herself to cross the waters, she was too small and she was not strong enough to swim by herself. So, she had made the heartbreaking decision to turn back and find her own way. He would introduce himself to the white woman, and Lily too was curious about the stranger who had approached them. She glanced at the pair, slowly bringing herself up though her tail was kept tightly to her, the tip flicking nervously like a cat's.

"M-my name is...Lily. I seek to erm...join this pack...I possess the skills of a healer...I'm good with advanced techniques...But, I can do other things too...if need be." she responded finally, a deep breath was let out to try and steady herself. Instinctively, she would gently rub her foreleg against the other, the bandages upon them tightly intact. The damaged memories hidden away from the world.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"



12-16-2013, 06:11 PM

The man would take a glimpse of her and take a rather low bow, she was not quite used to such shows of respect, but would accept all the same. A nod of similar respect would be allowed in return as yet another wolf would join the welcoming committee, her young son Dhiren would approach and lovingly nuzzle the white dove. She would take a moment to return his deep affection, noting happily how closely he had been staying by her side since she recovered, and even before. She would wonder if she would have even have survived had he not been there to watch over her.

They would introduce themselves, and song would notice how cautious the girl was. As both told of their resins the Oracle's ears would perk at mention of gods, there were few who knew of the existence but she would gladly open her home to any who did. Lilly told of knowledge of healing, a skill that would be greatly needed. "My name is Song Destruction, Oracle of the gods. I would like to welcome both into the School as apprentices. You Will actively study one of the four arts: healing, self defense, hunting, or theology. Which do you choose?" she would smile encouragingly at Lilly, hoping she would not scare the tiny girl off.?



12-16-2013, 10:21 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

Bhaire's attention diverged momentarily to inspect the small fae that had approached the border beside him. The odds of them coming to stand in just such a place at just this time seemed more than mere coincidence. Lily, he thought as she introduced herself. A lovely name. But why is she so fearful? If they were both accepted into the pack, he felt that he should have to find out. His attention focused once more as the alpha introduced herself. His heart soared at the femme's calm demeanor, her self-assured confidence, her presence. He felt as if a great cloud of sand and dust was falling down around him, after wandering lost amongst it's fog for so long. There was clarity, and hope. There was a beginning.

This pack seemed to be more than Bhaire ever could have hoped for. A peaceful land, beautiful, devoted to learning and healing and the gods. Truly he had been blessed, and if any thought remained that this all was some chance occurrence, it was gone now. Bhaire tilted his head and considered her suggestions, a smile on his face. Finally, he spoke. "I have been trained with herbs, both to heal and harm, but I have never felt any true calling in that. Of late, I have felt another presence watching over me, guiding me. The gods are strong within me, and I believe theology would suit me very well." To dedicate his life to the service of the gods? To learning their ways? What other course to take? His heart seemed made of iron, as he took his first step down a long path, one he hoped would lead to happiness.

"Talk" Think "You"


12-17-2013, 02:55 AM

Quietly she watched and waited, listening to the white woman who she came to know as Song. When she mentioned Gods, she was slightly confused and hesitant. So, others chose to believe in them as well? That was nothing new to her. Where she had come from, her pack was all about that. But the way they went about it, her father especially...he took it too far. She remembered when her mother had done something her father didn't like, and although she couldn't remember what it was, she did remember what her father had done. He had killed her mother, his excuse to the pack was that the Gods guided him to do it for acts of treason. And all her Mother had done was help heal a sickly wolf from a rival pack. Her generosity and good heart had gotten her killed, and the pack did nothing because her fathers words were "just as the Gods commanded." That was when the pack had turned on her shortly after, for helping a rogue rival mother give birth. Because of that, the rogue and her children had been killed. Lily then imprisoned for an act of treason. The details of her punishments vivid in her mind, and they were things no creature should go through.

She was pulled from her thoughts suddenly, when she heard the last of Bhaire's words. Her own eyes wide as if she was reliving her past. Her body rigid and shaking, heart beat and breath going in fast pace. She had heard what he wanted to study, and now it would seem to be her turn to choose. She hesitated, glancing at the smile that Song was giving her. It eased her a little, but she was unsure...that was how her own pack had been. Seemingly kind and the moment something happened, the moment you did something they didn't like, they would use the excuse of "The Gods Will" to act, using the most harshest methods of punishment. For her punishment, acts of force of which she wished she were dead.

She would push it out of her mind, or at least try for now. Swallowing back the nervousness, she slowly rose herself up to try and seem less afraid. "I...have heard of Gods too...but, I would like to take on the position of Healer. And if there is none, perhaps someday lead healer? I-if that's alright with...with you, m'am...and perhaps...theology as a side job..." she felt the nervousness creeping into her voice, and knew that if she continued talking while the memories of the past stalked her mind, she would never finish and probably run back into the woods again. But she had to face the world someday, and although she was distrusting and afraid, she still had a small glimmer of hope.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"



12-18-2013, 02:20 AM

The only son of Song and Cherokee stayed next to his mother's side and listened intently to the two wanderers. They were both looking for places where they could practice their religion freely, as well as learn what all they could. It made his heart swell with pride to see his mother's ways and beliefs slowly setting forth through the mouths of wanderers of their vast continent. With knowing gold and silver eyes, he turned his gaze from the man and his little woman to his mother. Silently, he watched her and felt more pride burn in his chest. Dhiren loved his mother dearly. She was his beacon of light and had never raised a stern paw to him in his short life. To know her was a blessing; to be her son was definitely a miracle.
With the love and happiness radiating from his gaze, he gave his attention back to the strangers as they introduced themselves and let his mother know what they wanted to study. His tail began to wag as Lily spoke of wanting to learn theology. "You will enjoy it, miss," he said encouragingly. "I want to be taught in that as well, so I hope to see you around whenever the sessions take place." His smile was radiant and he spoke to both of them as he said, "By the way, I am Dhiren Destruction, and I would like to welcome you both to our wonderful Ludicael."




12-19-2013, 01:24 PM

It was hard for Song to get past how the lass was behaving, she seemed to be shaking in her skin with fear. Was it big crowds, was it men, could it be new wolves? She was very unsure but she had to make it right, she wanted to soothe the girl before she made any permanent convictions. Bhaire would announce his choice, that of the study of the gods. It was certainly a noble one, and not one that many would find choice. She would let herself grin wider at his choice, her head nodding in the acceptance of his choice, "Fair choice, sir Bhaire. We will need to speak together." she would let her attention fall to that of the girl Lily. Her nervousness a gash of white light, what was it that tormented her so? Her choice was to become a student of healing, and the queen could hardly deny her. She may have been timid but she would hope that would not deter her from doing her best. She would speak of gaining a higher rank among the healers, and Song would feel herself consider, she was so timid though did she have the means necessary to teach the wolves of the pack? "Your choice is honorable as well, Lily." her smile would soften as she talked to the apprentice, sure that if she made a wrong move she would flee the scene. "Though, I will have to work with you on some confidence building," she would begin but would then turn to talk to the both of them.
"Ludicale is a pack of learning, and we will learn as a family. It is required to respect everyone who resides within as well as those who have not come to us for higher learning." Dhiren would appropriately accept them into the pack, and Song would hope that Lily could find a friend in her son, who was so welcoming to all and so willing to learn. She adored her song, and had high hopes that he would climb the ranks once he was of age. "As would I, welcome to Ludicael. Dhiren would you show Bhaire the territory? I'll show Lily around so they can have some one-on-one time." She'd let the boys go off and then she would be able to talk to Lily, to see what it truly was that would make her so fearful.



12-19-2013, 04:13 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

That Lily aspired towards healing brought a smile to Bhaire's lips and eyes. It was a noble art, and truly noble wolves succeeded where others would fail. He knew he must make an effort to know the young fae, as friends and not just as packmates. It was more than likely that she had knowledge to offer him, just as there were things Bhaire might teach her as well. Perhaps tomorrow, after they had settled in. Bhaire bowed slightly to the alphess' son for his gracious introduction. It thrilled him to see young members of the next generation with such impeccable manners. It not only spoke well of them, but also of their sires and dams. "I am quite certain I will find life here both fulfilling and enjoyable. Thank you both for your kindnesses." Bhaire noticed the alpha eying Lily, and recognized the light of concern in her eyes. It was a welcome sight, indeed.

It did not surprise him when the alpha proposed they split ways, but he also did not want the young male to feel pressured into guide duty. He smiled at the small black male and said, "A kind offer, and I would much like to see the land, but I'm sure there are more enjoyable things for a young wolf to do on an afternoon as lovely as this? I would not want to mar your day." As it stood, all he really wanted at the moment was a place he could begin building a den of his own, so that one day soon he might curl up in safety and comfort. It had been quite a while since he had any place to call his own. His minded drifted, wondering what sort of places might be available to a newcomer such as himself. In his mind's eye he saw an inland mangrove, it's roots a tangled mass, and how well they might serve as seats for shells and herbs. He grinned.

"Talk" Think "You"