
When your heart splits open [Song]


12-15-2013, 03:03 PM

Lead me out of the darkness.

Strengthen and protect the voice that makes no sound.

Suffer and bleed for me.

Pulled from the hell that is in me.

Set me free.

She stood on the brim of freedom, the double-edged sword that wielded her fate. Could she really surrender to it? He had asked her to stay and here she was. Why? Her violet gaze shifted towards the stars in all their glory. Why had their light never touched her? Why had his divine guidance never crossed her forsaken ears? Did he speak to her? If she listened hard enough would she hear his voice? Her mother said once before that if she dreamed. If she kept her faith, he would speak with her. Why couldn?t she see her soul in those stars? Did she have one anymore. She pulled her head away. Dismissing the guidance she was seeking from her maker.

She would keep the act of being heartless. She would be here. She would stay and belong but would she ever really be alive again? She was so confused. She curled her tail tightly around her legs as she hung her head down. Her heart was thumping in her chest. What was she doing? These wolves were her enemy weren?t they? They had blood on their paws. The blood of her family! She could feel her lungs burning with the rage that often suffocated her. Her breath increased in speed and her heart felt like a frightened bird slamming into its cage, over and over, until it would finally break something.

?Why do you forsaken me?? she whimpered. Her eyes were glittering with her rage as she turned her head back towards the heavens. ?You have brought me to the enemy! Made me linger here. Why? For him?? she asked, she could feel her heart jump at the mere thought of that face. She snarled in response to herself. He was her enemy, they were her enemy, and she did not belong here! ?Is this worth the journey? I don?t think I know my way anymore. Do I let my heart settle here? Or is my heart so lost to the fire?? she said softly, she was so confused. She allowed herself to fall and laid her head on her paws. Why did he never answer her? The path she saw, it was so clear, but she wanted to stray. Just a little bit, past the point of no return. She was tired of feeling the weight of her hatred. She had become so use to being alone. She was so use to depending on no one. Maybe this was it? maybe she could embrace it.




12-15-2013, 07:00 PM

Pristine paws would saunter delicately over the land that she would now call her own. She couldn't really call it her own though, for it was not she that lead the school but rather those that were channeled through her. The divine would speak to her in her dreams, even now that her fever was gone and her body recovered she would still see them come to her. Some wolves would name their deity, but she could not. They would not give her what they were called only that she trust their nameless beings.

Her name had been on their lips the last they had spoken, Syn's retreating form was burned into her minds eye. She was not finished speaking to the girl who had so been wronged. Song would not stop wondering of the causation of her hatred and anger, never has she seen such emotions fall from another wolf. Knowing one such as her was so conflicted only brought her sorrow. Dog had to have a second chance with the she wolf, to at least ask what had happened to her and her now broken family. Quietly she would make her way through the mangrove, her form coming upon that who her thoughts had been so wrapped around.

Song was not a confrontational wolf, she was rather humble and did not care to flaunt her position with the gods. She knew who's favor she held and that was certainly all she needed to prove herself. Words of sorrow would dance woefully around her crystalline ears as Amieva's voice gathered itself into the cool air. She would call out to them in defeat, her words so pure Song wanted to cry out with her. What could the purpose of such sorrow be? What was the wisdom behind such horrible events? Forgiveness was what she was taught though, could even something such as this be forgiven in the end? She was completely unsure as she did her best to keep from interrupting the girl.

Like a ghost the Oracle would seat herself daintily onto the cold earth, her glittering bicolored gaze resting upon Syn's form as she mourned the past and the future. She would not reply to any of the she Wolf's questions for they had been directed to those who were above herself. "I was afraid you had left before I could offer an apology. I know that it will not help anything that happened in the past, but it can certainly remedy the future."



12-15-2013, 07:27 PM

A lifeline, it would fall from the words of a wolf that lingered across the lines of the divine. Violet eyes so full of uncertainty would slowly shift to the words of the newly crowned. Her tail flicked behind her. I cant breath. Who am I? She watched the oracle carefully. Why did she care to know the story of ashes and blood? What was it to her? She wondered if her heart had lost its warmth. Could she feel? He had made her heart stir for a moment but could she feel more?

?You say, you want to work the divine into play?? her words sounded like her mothers. Riddles, she disliked those but it only seemed appropriate at the time. She shook her head. ?I left because, it was not my place to burn your crowning glory. I merely wanted to know if the one who destroyed everything. Who was so selfish to..? she rose with the anger. It was so unbearable. The hatred that filled her blood for that golden witch was always so choking. Could she be free of it? She felt so blinded and her ambitions were all so cruel. ?I hated your kind. All of you. For letting it all happen. For standing by and following a monster.? She hissed, her eyes all but blaming the new Sol for what had happened. Yet the hint of wanting more was deep within them. She needed a savior. She needed something more then herself. She needed a purpose to help her heal. Could she really find it here?

?Blood filled the ground. His eyes cast at my mothers whimpering cries as her own eyes closed with her sedation. Our kingdom fallen on unworthy paws. It was given to paws that held nothing more then a fantasy to uphold for her fucking puppet master. We were so happy. He had changed and we had a happy home. Mother cared about her wolves. All of them. She put them all above herself.. Even us.? She said sadly, so many times she had wanted to be with her mother but the pack had always come first. She was so close and yet so far away. It was like she was looking at two different parts of herself. The darkness sang of revenge and longing for all those that were involved to pay the iron price. They all needed to burn. Yet she saw the smaller bit of herself struggling to break free. To feel anything other then this hatred but could she really ever stop hating them?

?Where were you when this happened? What did you say when she told the story? I need to know if you stood by her choice. How can I ever put my faith in someone who would do the same?? she demanded, her eyes burning with her need to know the truth. Sure the male hadn?t been born yet and she had been nothing but a child. She was a small insignificant child whose pleas had fallen on deaf ears. Was that what she was? Was she a mirror image of revenge just as Jupior had done to her family? Was that the hate that harbored deep inside her soul? God she just needed a little push. Just a little push to help her cross the line and into her own skin rather then the skin that her hatred was carving out for her.




12-15-2013, 09:06 PM

Pale form would be still as the girl let her words flow freely. The Oracle would quietly listen with intent, she did not wish to miss a single word that was released. The anger and hate were clearly visible is her actions, though the creamy dove would keep herself in the same calm position. Her audits would fall back as hate was let loose from Syn's vocals. A look of horror would contort her features as the scene unfolded before her. What had their Sol done? She had told them she was going to kill a monster, a terrible plague upon Alacritis. "Kaios. Kaios was your father. Medusa fought against your mother Newt." she would say half to herself as Amieva finished. The accusations against her all became clear. ?"I had just joined the pack," she would begin, doing her best to recall that day the Sol have birth to her children. "Jupiter would lead us to believe he was a monster. He ate the stillborn and claiming others against their will, she told us he would come for us too." her voice would draw quiet again as she told Syn of the day she had announced her decision to them, "She would not tell of the family that he had created, or the pack he had helped build. I did not know such sorrow would develop, it would have seemed to everyone there that she was being a hero." She found it odd to be so at lass for words. Seeing both sides of this battle would create turmoil inside her heart. What had Jupiter done when she defeated her monster?



12-15-2013, 09:38 PM

The words hero ate at the very fabric of her heart. It was like liquid metal would stick to her soul and poison everything. Filling her vines and her teeth would grind at such words. Who?s fault was it! Song had been innocent. She had not known the truth behind what truly happened. She was not to blame but her words caused the rage to fill her eyes, the hate to burn in her throat, and her feelings of letting go to vanish just in one quick sweeping motion of her closing jaws.

?My father was indeed a Monster. He had done many horrid things. However, my mother had shown him loyalty and love. Allowed him to be himself freely with no thoughts of changing him. Allowed him to be a monster or less if he chose. I can see the reasoning behind his planned death but my mother.? She shook with the words, her heart so heavy with the sorrow that had consumed her and turned to hatred. ?Did the pack not question why they took her kingdom away? My mother, Newt, had lived her role as Queen for the wolves. She made sure she knew every single one of them. What they feared, what they loved, what their strengths and weaknesses were and she protected them all with her life!? she snapped, her chest was rising and falling with her rage. She wanted to break something and release all that fire.

?I just don?t understand why no one asked WHY.? She said finally. Her ears pulled back as she felt her heart crack. She wanted them to see the truth, all of them, and place their judgment on their old Sol. ?I want. I want to see her burn for what she did. I.. I cant forgive her. I?ve tried.? She said softly. The hatred was bred deep into her too deep. Her brother and her had planned that wolfs death together. They had planned to burn everything and everyone. ?If she comes back. I will kill her.? She said honestly. Her violet eyes shimmering with her hatred, she would never let it go, and even if she wanted to feel something other then the heat of her rage she couldn?t let her take the pack back. Not if she lived here. Not if she followed Song. She was fierce with her loyalties but her revenge would far outweigh anything else.




12-16-2013, 06:33 PM

Song could not comprehend the amount of hate and rage that would boil beneath Syn's surface. The girls while world had been destroyed in one day by a wolf who Song would have followed to the ends of the earth and back. Now seeing what she had cause she could feel the pangs of doubt creep into her mind. Had she been right to follow Jupiter all that time, should she have been given the amounts of respect Song had for her? She didn't know. She didn't even know what she would do we're the Sol to reappear. Would she be able to hand the crown back? Would she even e able to look at Jupiter? It was unknown, but she knew she could not stand for the death of such a one. Syn's violence would make her heart nervous, for Song had never met someone who harbored so much negativity.

"Syn... She would draw near, wishing to reach out to the fae but unable to close the gap. "I.. I'm sorry that such events transpired. I'm sorry Medusa ripped away your home. But I want.. I want to offer you a home here, with me and my family. I want to offer back some of the love lost." her soft voice would ripple through the still air, "I have to ask of you one thing though. Should Jupiter return I need you to challenge her on the battle field. I can not have spilled blood here." She wanted so bad for the lost woman to take up residence with her in the pack, but she could not allow Jupiter to die here.?
