
Just a cuppa

solo seasonal


The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-31-2024, 01:43 AM

Ugh! With the seasonal change and the weather, Phantom was having a bit of a bad time. He wasn't entirely used to the colder weather, especially considering he had spent most of his life in the warmer lands down South and in the West. But he was here, and had been here for some time now, and although he was getting accustomed to the North lands, it wasn't quite fast enough. The caves especially that the Sidi were kept in were constantly damp, which didn't help. His nose had bene awfully runny as of late, and he had the occasional mild headache. His ears sometimes felt like they needed to pop, and the only thing that really brought relief was sleep. But, at least it was just a cold. Nothing he couldn't handle. These were his assumptions, anyway. He was 99% sure it was just a cold and nothing more serious, like pneumonia. He was sure he'd be having an even worse time of it. He'd seen what pneumonia could do, and his symptoms didn't quite line up with that. He grumbled under his breath for a moment as he got up, digging through the few supplies that were scattered about the cave.

He had the means to make a small fire, and quite frankly, a chamomile tea didn't sound too bad. It'd help soothe his throat and head at least, and luckily, he had just enough of what he needed to make it. Throwing together a few of the drier sticks he could find, he then grabbed some flint and made quick work of getting something small going. Just enough for a bowl of chamomile tea. He grabbed one of the tins that had been left behind, collected some water, and carefully set it down over the low flame. While he waited for that to boil, he lied down for a quick cat nap, and before long, he could hear the faint bubbling of water. Peeking through one eye, he added the chamomile flowers, stirring that with a stick before playing the waiting game once more. The scent of chamomile wafted around him, giving a pleasant aroma. His watery eyes and stuffy nose made it a little more difficult in the dark, but the tea was finished at last and so he removed it from the flame and set it on the cool stone to cool down for a few minutes.

Before long, he quietly nursed his cup of tea in the dark, relishing the silence and the aroma as the warm liquid soothed his throat and already he could feel the stuffiness in his nose lessening.

WC: 438
