
Sunset Dinner Date




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-22-2024, 08:48 PM
With the kids successfully handed over to Avacyn and Saracyn for a sleepover with their cousins, Deimos grabbed a basket of supplies and headed out of the pack lands with Ikigai. The date night was severely over due, especially now that he had been swept up in alpha duties and diplomacy trips. It was the most time he had ever spent away from Ikigai since the beginning of their relationship so he felt a little bit like he was making up for lost time. It was a silly feeling to have considering it was only a few days at a time that he was gone and most days he was at least home for dinner, but because he found her so late in his life he felt like every day he had with her was so fleeting and he didn't want to waste any of it–even if it was to lead their pack.

He had passed through this area during one of his outings and had decided it would be the perfect spot to bring Ikigai. They walked up to the field of wildflowers that led to a cliff overlooking the ocean just as the sky was starting to warm with shades of orange, pink, and red. He sat down the basket to pull out a rolled up fur that was draped across the top and he spread it out for her before pulling out the simple dinner they had thrown together and laying it out–including the special bottle of wine that he had won from his bet with Artorias during their raid with The Hallows. "I hope this is as good as Artorias promised it was," he said with a chuckle as he settled down beside his mate, pulling her into his side as he nuzzled behind her ear. "I needed this. It's been so long since I've had you to myself."

"Deimos & Ikigai"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-01-2024, 06:23 PM

Way back when, had someone told Ikigai that Deimos would end up being a romantic man, she wouldn't have believed them. These days though, he was very much that. His thoughtfulness was touching and, frankly, Iki didn't believe that she deserved it. While he was off leading the pack, she stayed home with the children and tended to the infirmary, though she didn't even need to do much of that anymore with the different healers coming and going. It didn't feel to Iki that her contributions measured up to those of her husband.

Once the fur was laid out and the various meats and things were brought in close, Iki nestled against her massive husband. His words brought a soft chuckle from the pallid fae and she leaned up to kiss his chin. "The price of responsibility, my love." Plucking a piece of meat from one of the dishes, she offered it to him, then took a piece for herself, chewing slowly. "I do agree that we needed this break though. I have missed you."

As they consumed their meal, Iki listened to the mesmerizing ebb and flow of the water below. It was soothing. Calming. That, mixed with the Hallows wine that was indeed as delicious as promised, left Ikigai quite relaxed.

"Deimos & Ikigai"
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-05-2024, 10:01 AM
Deimos gave soft chuckle at Ikigai's mention of this being the price of responsibility. Truly he wasn't sure it was a price he had ever wanted to pay, but he had only ever wanted to live up to his family's expectations and make himself a benefit to them rather than a hindrance. He thought he had fulfilled his obligations when he found Ikigai and had his family, but when his niece came to him with the need and vision she had for the pack he knew there was still more for him to give. Still, he couldn't have done it without Ikigai and he wished he had more to offer her in return for changing his life and turning him around from the vindictive, bitter man he used to be.

It was a beautiful evening and as they enjoyed their meal with the view of the ocean in front of them it was nice to simply enjoy the quiet and peace of it all. They didn't often have quiet moments like this with their pups running around so it was lovely to just focus on one another and their relationship for a bit. As he had his fill of the food–and the delicious wine–he settled in with a contented sigh and turned his attention back to his mate with a little smile, dipping his muzzle to lightly nibble along the edge of one dark ear. By now the sun had mostly set, just peeking over the horizon with darkened shades of color all across the sky and the stars and moon starting to peek through. "This is beautiful, but it pales in comparison to you, my mate," he rumbled with a little grin, bringing one of his large paws over her back as he shifted more onto his side and started to pull her into his embrace.

Tonight he wasn't thinking about the pack or their responsibilities. He was only thinking about her, the love he had for her, the journey they had been on together, and the unexpected turns he had taken to get to this point. Deimos wrapped his foreleg around her waist and easily pulled her smaller frame into his till their chests and stomachs were pressed together with them both on their sides, laying under the soon to be night sky. He had enough wine to feel the slight fuzziness and buzz of it, but he was still very much aware. He would never let himself be completely out of control again–not after how he had treated Ikigai the last time he had been. He slipped his nose beneath Ikigai's chin and gently lifted her muzzle enough to expose her throat to him and he started leaving a trail of kisses and nibbles through pale, snowy fur while his paws traced the dark stripe along her back. She had his full attention–body, mind, and soul–and he was going to savor every second.

"Deimos & Ikigai"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-17-2024, 04:03 PM

True, they didn't have much time together, though they slept beside one another every night. It was entirely different than being alone together like this. They didn't have to worry about what they said or what they did. Didn't have to worry about hungry little eyes watching their every move. Not that Iki didn't adore her children, but one couldn't deny that they saw everything.

The pair ate their meal, both sipping at the bottle of wine that, Iki thought, was particularly delicious. Potent, too. By the time their food was gone, Iki was feeling rather fuzzy. Her skin tingled and her perception of the world was covered in peachfuzz. When Deimos scooped her close to him, her weight nothing to his strength, Ikigai gave a delighted giggle. The pale fae stretched her body out, pressing her belly against his. Paws found his chest, toying with the thick fur.

Deimos spoke, complementing her and Iki smiled, eyes glassy with wine. "It pales in comparison to my rugged, handsome husband as well," Iki replied, a smile on her lips. She'd never had eyes for anyone else from the moment that Deimos had come into her life. He was it. Her one and only.

The amaranthine man tipped her muzzle up and began nibbling gently at her throat. Iki released a soft sigh of pleasure. It had been so long since they'd been able to just lose themselves in one another. As he nibbled away, Iki's paws began to roam over his big frame, massaging his kingly muscles. With their bellies pressed together, it was easy for Ikigai to tease him a bit by sliding her lower body painstakingly slowly along his own.


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-18-2024, 03:01 PM
He had seen Ikigai transform in the years they had now spent together, blossoming from the dutiful, reserved young woman that he had stumbled upon in to the self-confident, sexy woman that he had the joy of being mated to. As much as he had needed to change his ways and grow into the man she deserved, she had also come into her own and he was incredibly proud of her. If someone had told him that Ikigai would eventually be tipsy on wine and pressing her body into his back when their relationship had first begun and she had been so hesitant with any kind of intimacy he likely wouldn't have believed them. A low, pleased rumble escaped him at her roaming, massaging paws while he nibbled at her neck, his own paws holding her close while he quickly began to get lost in her. The view, their picnic, their responsibilities–everything from the outside world started to fall away and his whole attention was centered on her.

She knew exactly what he liked and her body sliding against his own made the warmth and desire in his belly only flare even hotter. A lopsided grin pulled across his muzzle with a rumbling hum of delight while his paws slipped down lower along her body, caressing her hips and rump as he savored her figure. He didn't care that they were in the open on this overlook. The dark of the evening was quickly descending upon them and this area had been quiet and empty enough that the thought of anyone finding them like this never crossed his mind. Honestly, even if they did, it wouldn't have stopped him. He had been waiting too long to enjoy Ikigai again and this moment of romance and solitude with his mate was more than enough motivation to finally be able to indulge in her.

After a few lingering moments he rolled with her to put her on her back under him, holding himself over her so that his belly lightly rested against hers. Propping himself up on his elbows, he was able to gaze down into her captivating silver eyes, immediately entranced by them as he always was. Brushing his muzzle against hers and following the elegant curve of her jaw and neck, he peppered her with light nibbles and kisses. It took a lot of will power to not rush this moment, but he knew times like these were far more few and far between these days and he didn't want to waste a moment. The trail he made along her neck didn't stop, continuing on down her chest and stomach as he shifted further down along her body with a quiet, almost possessive growl. Between the wine and his own wanton desires any inhibitions he might have had were gone and he helped himself to enjoying a dessert of his stunning wife and giving her a little taste of what the rest of their evening was going to become.

"Deimos & Ikigai"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-18-2024, 03:19 PM

Ikigai had always loved the fact that Deimos could lift her and manipulate her slender frame to his will. When he rolled her onto her back and moved over her body, the ink-marked fae giggled softly, silver eyes glassy with mirth, drink and lust. The combination throwing any inhibitions she may have had over the cliffside.

Deimos began by licking and nipping at her throat, which Ikigai gladly bared for him. Each little drag of canine over her skin brought little sparks of electricity in their wake. She had expected her husband to join their bodies but he surprised her by nibbling his way down her neck, her chest, her slender belly... His first taste of her hitched the woman's breath and she released a soft moan. Gods... they needed more free time like this!

As the giant brute fed at her, Ikigai's long, slender legs stretched down the length of her body. Nimble digits sifted through the fur atop Deimos' crown. The former sparks of electricity had turned into full on strikes and Iki's hips shifted of their own will. The woman's hind toes splayed as she rolled her hips against her mates tongue. Had someone told her in her younger days that she'd act so wantonly, Iki never would have believed them.

"Deimos," the Mendacium woman purred out his name, her breath coming faster as his tongue worked her into a fervor. It didn't matter to her that they were out in the open like this. The world ceased to exist except for the small area where she and the love of her life lay together. "Deimos!" His name was called out once more, Iki's voice breaking, as the first waves of pleasure crashed over her. Hips rolled reflexively and one set of dexterous digits gripped the larger of the brutes horns. He knew her so well and was capable of bringing her to that precipice so quickly, so perfectly. The benefits of having been mated to a virgin, she imagined.

"Deimos & Ikigai"
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-28-2024, 12:10 PM
The way Ikigai moved under his touch and his tongue was possibly his favorite thing in this world. Just hearing the way she said his name while her dexterous paws roamed across his crown made him never want to stop. She was beautiful, intoxicating, and delicious. He never gave her anything less than the very best, but he really pulled out all of the tricks for her tonight. He was rewarded for his efforts as she went tumbling over the edge of pleasure, grabbing one of his horns reflexively and keeping him pressed firmly to her most intimate parts. A delighted groan of his own escaped him as he kept up his pleasuring for as long as she kept him there and only pulled away when he felt the hold she had on the top of his head loosen. He lifted his head so that his gaze could catch hers again with a rumbling growl, a sly, lustful grin on his lips.

As he licked his muzzle clean and stepped up over her body once more, Deimos dipped his head to nuzzle into the side of her neck while one of his forepaws slipped under her hips. "It's a wonder I get anything done with you as my mate..." he rumbled with a chuckle as he nibbled along her jaw. "I would be like this with you every waking hour if I could..." Perhaps if he was lucky enough to retire one of these days maybe he would. For now he'd make the most of their time alone and he'd indulge in his soulmate for as long as he possibly could. He showered her with tender licks and light nibbles that gently scraped his teeth across her skin all along her throat and jaw, keeping himself propped up above her with one foreleg while the other held her around her waist and pulled her body up into his.

He was admittedly more gentle with Ikigai than he had ever been with any other woman before her. The only time she had ever really experienced how he had once been with all of his lovers was the one time he and drunkenly lost control of himself with her. While he was certainly not to that level of drunkenness now, he was hazy enough to have his usual inhibitions and save guards muted and swept away. With a low growl rumbling in his chest and his gaze clouded with pure lust and desire, Deimos used his paw that was wrapped under her to roll her over under him onto her belly. His foreleg hooked around her waist once more and pulled her hips up into his as he lowered himself over her slender frame, holding himself up on one elbow as his free paw rested around her throat to tip her head up and allow him to continue nibbling along her ears, cheek, and jaw.

Finally he allowed himself to slowly join their bodies together, the feeling of her perfect body melding with his pulling a deep, gasping groan from him against her cheek and his toes curled, putting a light pressure of his bear-like claws against her throat and hip. "Gods, Ikigai..." he gasped, gritting his teeth and burying his face against the side of her neck as he had his way with her, pulling her hips back into his with each motion. Despite how out of control she made him, he still kept some consciousness of himself and he was careful not to break any skin and focused entirely on her pleasure and the reactions that he pulled from her. No matter how he had her it was going to be mind blowing for him so he focused all of his efforts into giving her the same amount of pleasure. He refused to let himself reach that final peak until he heard and felt her do the same and then he finally gave in to the building, undeniable nirvana with a loud, growling moan and a tremble of pleasure that racked his whole body. His paw squeezed tighter around her throat on reflex, but as soon as he realized the sound of her panting was gone he loosened his grip, pulling his paw away and dipping his muzzle to kiss apologetically along her neck between his own heavy breaths.

"Deimos & Ikigai"