
Dunamis adopts



07-28-2024, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2024, 05:43 AM by Alo. Edited 10 times in total.)
Hi! Before we jump in, I wanted to clarify these are Érebos siblings and full-blooded at that! Three are currently available for adoption! Names & genders may be changed and you may support your own designs, however, I'll be offering up some I make myself too. Quirks for these adopts include: manip headshots & full body, premade designs, fancy signatures, family tables, headshots & full body busts- all from me, free to those who are selected to adopt these three siblings. However, let this not be the only thing that draws you in! Let's dig in below!

The Dunamis Family

Origin: Cyprus
Ethnicity: Greek
Family alignment: Lawful Evil
Currently living: 28
Currently in ardent: 1
Generational overview of played/playable characters:

Érebos Dunamis/Male
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis

Cora Dunamis/Female
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis

Apollo Dunamis/Male
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis

Nikolaos Dunamis/Male
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis


Family alignment:
Alignments for this family are mostly chaotic neutral to lawful evil. Erebos is very ambitious and disdainful with an expensive taste. Here are some of common personality traits for the family: materialistic, vain, elitist, conceited, judgmental, arrogant, elegant, egotistical, indifferent, harsh, chrysophilist, advantageous, devious, pretentious, brooding, confrontational, stubborn, inflexible, snobbish, selfish, haughty, distrustful, stern, passionate, disdainful, dominant, aggressive, hot-headed, loyal, elusive, intelligent, deceptive, powerhouse, independent, preserving, dogmatic, political, blunt, gluttonous, snarky and proper.

Family common features:

-Males & females in his family are usually Extra Large and sometimes Dire wolf size.
-Coats consist of chimera and piebald alterations & patterns, from simple to complex.
-Heterochromia’s are most common with this line & is their linage signature. However this doesn't always happen.
-Shorter than normal tail lengths are occasional.

Family History:
This family is stubborn- outliving most of their rivals and remaining in power for over two decades. Their weakness: not branching out into newer territories, often finding themselves bored without conflict and purpose. A deathly ambitious family, they seemingly never sleep. Always on the move and striving towards bigger, badder goals than their relatives. A chain of greed, status, and supremacy. Bonded tightly and religiously loyal to their family, the Dunamis are highly revered and cruel towards outsiders.

After sometime- a beneficial diversion took place within the family in regards to their political standing and power. Intending to add value to their names and making it known elsewhere in lands virgin to their existences prior. Thus they set off younger wolves to obtain a furthering effect of their lineage & influence, specifically the litter(s) of Nike Dunamis & Cassius Dunamis. Four have been selected to venture out, their names being Érebos, Cora, Apollo and Nikolaos.

The first to invade Ardent, is what would be known as the male leader of the family in this newer land: Erebos Dunamis. Given the task from his own elders to obtain a line of political power, influence and wellness- to then share his genes & last name with only the most empowering of wolves that complimented their family’s vision & goals. This is tasked to all Dunamis family members.


Important notes: This family is more Patriarchal than anything else, thus note that female characters for this line normally never hold the title of leadership in terms of guiding the family. However- they are regarded highly of, just not in the same way males are. Males are more superior and given more opportunities. Erebos will be 3 as of Autumn Y21. Therefore, these playable siblings cannot be older than him & if they are, they must be biologically female. This keeps Erebos as the most obvious Patriarch considering he was present within ardent first & the oldest at the time.

Quirks & Mentions:

-They speak Greek & English. This does not have to be the actual Greek language, but can be said in italics with the clear assumption of it.
-They are not incetuous.
-They are not good alignments by any means.
-They are not against one another, rather for. However, minor conflicts can be expected. Major conflicts are not tolerated within the family and will be dealt with by the Patriarch.
-Leadership of this lineage does not begin with Érebos, however it starts with him within Ardent. This will inevitably roll onto the next wolf in line via age and vote.

Parent background:
-Mother was: to never be called mother. Rather Nike was more appropriate for the woman. It appeased her. Her power within the family is one that has been sustained for years. She is sly, sharp-tongued and jealous. Often times, she would exercise control over the weaker personalities; exploiting them and taking advantage of their natures. Her temper was glorious. And her mind, just as sharp & agile. Cunning and battle ready- she was an ambitious wolf never settling for less. She made her children work for her favor. She saw all her children as golden children- deserving only the best and shackled them to glory too young. Expecting highly of them always. No matter how dirty they had to get to get there. She was affectionate and used it for manipulating devotion.

-Father was: traditional. Political and status concerned. He cared for his image. Always clean with expensive jewelry adorning him. He collected and stole many valuables throughout his life. A greedy man with a dogmatic view of life. Black & white concepts. Very inflexible. He did not take losing well, and ingrained these harsher aspects into his children. Held rigid codes for himself and made sure his relatives did not fall short. Very serious and present father figure. Harsh with his lessons and saw his children as trophies. He would test them in all ways. He was unforgiving and vengeful. And very devoted to Dunamis's future. He adored his children. A feared warrior of his family.


I reserve the right to take back these siblings if you are inactive for more than 1 OOC month. Absences are fine, but I must be made aware beforehand. I'm easy to work with. No, these characters may not be killed off. The family follows a rigid code and their priorities must be in alignment, otherwise these siblings may not be for you. Their motto is: trample everyone without the Dunamis surname.

Dunamis (Ancient Greek: δύναμις) is a Greek philosophical concept meaning "power", "potential" or "ability".

Adoption form:

RP Sample:
Future plots and ideas for them:
table coding by bunni ♥


07-29-2024, 04:45 AM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2024, 02:38 AM by Janoobus. Edited 32 times in total.)
[Image: enyobothsides.png?ex=66aa5726&is=66a905a...34f6e5d01&]

NAME: Enyo Dunamis

GENDER/SEX: female

COMPANION: Foberos (Fohv-eros), a female peregrine falcon with a wingspan of 47"

SCENT: mahogany, teakwood, black pepper, leather. Intense, luxurious, and robust smell.
POSTURE: head held high, posture exudes pride and unshakable confidence. Imposing and commanding respect.
VOICE: thick, velvety. Voice-claim: Gwendoline Christie MUTATIONS: prehensile paws??
SIZE: 45' in height, dire wolf, balanced

APPEARANCE: easily mistaken for a male from distance, dire, domineering, muscular/masculine, fierce, often ready for battle.

A formidable presence that embodies raw power. Her physique is a testament to her powerful lineage and robust health. Thicky, sturdy limbs that support her heavy weight. Legs are muscular and well-proportioned. Thick, strong neck that looks even larger due to the thick mane surrounding it. Despite being a female her body has traditionally masculine traits such as broad shoulders and chest, powerful limbs. Once a thick and gorgeous tail is now a maimed bob. If you spread the fur apart one can see the hairless flesh where it was severed off.

Fur is dense and rugged although very well kept. Designed to withstand harsh environments. Enyo has a dramatic half-and-half coloration on its face. A classic Dunamis piebald. Her fur is particularly thick around her neck and shoulders which only adds to her formidable silhouette. The left side of her face is a deep, glossy black, while the right side is a crisp, pristine white. This contrast extends to her thick, luxurious fur, which is equally divided between black and white patches, giving it a unique and eye-catching appearance.

The right eye is a mesmerizing silver blue, shimmering with a cool, ethereal glow, while the other is an icy blue, adding to the her grand aura. Her eyes are piercing and intense, intelligent, and keen in nature. Her ears a smaller but sharp and upright. This combination of colors and eye tones enhances the goddess’s powerful and striking presence, making her a captivating and memorable wolf.

Head large and strong, broad square-shaped muzzle complimented by her powerful crushing jaws. Her face is far from beautiful, handsome would probably be a better description if it was suitable. What she lacks in an attractive face she makes up for with her build, charismatic tongue, and enticing gaze.

PERSONALITY: vain, elitist, conceited, judgmental, arrogant, indifferent, harsh, advantageous, confrontational, stubborn, inflexible, stern, dominant, aggressive, hot-headed, loyal, elusive, intelligent, powerhouse, independent, political, blunt, gluttonous, snarky and proper. The Son that never was. Male superiority complexes. P*n*s envy? Eldest daughter rage (one of them)

Enyo navigates a world of political intrigue and rigid dogma with a complex blend of ambition, resentment, and authority. Though she is a powerhouse in her own right, Enyo wrestles with deep-seated envy toward the male members of her family, feeling that her worth and influence would be greater if she were a son. This internal conflict fuels much of her behavior and attitudes, contributing to a multifaceted and often turbulent personality. Her vanity and arrogance mask a deep-seated frustration and envy toward her male relatives, driving her to assert her dominance and seek validation in ways that often clash with her family’s expectations. Despite these internal conflicts, Enyo remains a powerful and influential figure, whose intelligence and loyalty make her a crucial force. Despite this, her demeanor reflects a life of privilege and expectation, marked by a blend of arrogance, strategic acumen, and an unyielding sense of superiority.

Enyo takes great pride in her lineage and appearance, believing the Dunamis to be the epitome of superiority. Her vanity is palpable and she often engages in self-admiration in many little ways. If she sees her reflection she can’t help but linger. She carries herself with a high head and swollen ego. She easily views herself and other Dunamis above other wolves within and beyond their pack due to their prestige. At times she can easily be dismissive to those who do not meet her standards. Speaking of which, she can have quite a critical eye and tongue. As she is constantly assessing those around her, if there is no advantage to holding her tongue, she will deliver her thoughts with a sharp edge. Enyo’s blunt behavior is hard to misconstrue and often provides clarity but comes at the price of one’s feelings. Enyo can be unrelenting with her expectations, inheriting her father’s black-and-white views when it comes to such things. Once Enyo has made up her mind, she is extremely resistant to any changes or attempts at compromise. It is one of the many ways she is dominant.

Her naturally domineering personality is both a means of asserting her authority as well as a projection of her perceived lack of reverence in comparison to her male counterparts. That being said, her envy leads to a lot of pent-up emotions. Though rare, her fiery temper can lead to explosive outbursts, particularly when she is doubted or when she feels disrespected. For the most part, she prefers to maintain control and protect her true feelings, Enyo remains somewhat elusive, revealing little of her internal battles. The core of Enyo’s struggles lies in her envy of the male members of her family. She feels that if she had been born a son, she would have been more revered and given greater opportunities. This envy fuels her aggressive drive for recognition and influence, leading her to push boundaries and challenge traditional norms. This started at a young age when Nike “complimented” her by saying something along the lines of “If you had been born a man, you would have undoubtedly been remembered as one of the greats in history, my dear."

Despite her aggressive nature, she adheres to a strict code of propriety, ensuring she maintains an outward appearance of dignity. Besides, she is a Dunamis after all. Speaking of which, she loves to indulge in all things luxury and when not forwarding the Dunamis political agenda, she is often enjoying the finer things in life. Whether those indulgences be gorgeous women, food, or even fun herbs. Oftentimes all together at once, although a beautiful woman will always be her favorite pleasure.

The early morning light filtered through the towering windows of the grand hall, casting long shadows on the marble floor. Enyo stood in the center of the room, her posture regal and unyielding as she awaited Nike’s arrival. She could feel the weight of her mother’s expectations pressing upon her like an invisible force, and despite her outward confidence, a flicker of aborrhence danced at the edge of her mind.

Nike’s entrance was nothing short of commanding. From the extravagant jewels strewn around her neck to the plethora of gems and stones adorned around her body. The matriarch’s presence filled the space with a palpable intensity, her every movement precise and every detail deliberate. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, fixed on Enyo with a mixture of expectation and subtle disdain. Nike had always been clear that to her, the title "mother" was an unnecessary thing, and Enyo was well aware that her approval was neither given nor easily earned.

“Enyo,” Nike’s voice rang out, each syllable crisp and deliberate. “Are you prepared for the task I’ve set before you?” Enyo straightened herself to meet her mother’s gaze with a steely resolve, “Yes. I am prepared.” Though she had been caught off guard, her parent’s did not care to give heads up to such tasks and instead took little to no consideration of the personal lives of those they considered pieces on their chessboard.

“Good. I expect nothing less. Your brother Erebros is already making his moves in Ardent. You will assist him in consolidating our influence and securing the land. Remember, this is not just a matter of negotiation but of demonstrating our power and commitment.”

“I do have an issue to inquire about…” she would wait and look at her mother, waiting for the woman to give her the nod to continue.

Nike nodded, her expression stern. “Carry on.”

Enyo’s ears twitched slightly as she absorbed her mother’s words. “And what if Erebros’s methods clash with my own? We both have our ways.” She added the last part in a weak attempt to provide more information to avoid angering her mother.

Nike’s lips curled into a faint, sardonic smile, “And what? Who exactly are you to clash with anything. You are his subordinate, not his equal. He is the head of the Dunamis lineage in those lands. Not you. Obey his command, there is a reason things are as they are. Know your place Enyo.” Nike stood forward, leaning into Enyo’s space in an attempt to assert herself. Enyo obliged, lowering her head to the floor just in time to cover the utter contempt she held in her eyes. When she finally returned Nike’s stare she had masked all emotion with well practice composure. The sharp jab at Enyo’s inferiority was not lost on her but she knew better than to show anything other than total obedience. “I understand. I will make sure our presence in Ardent is both formidable and beneficial. If Erebros’s desires of me anything, it is my duty to execute it.”

Nike’s gaze remained fixed, her eyes narrowing slightly. “You must balance firmness with diplomacy. Do not allow your personal frustrations cloud your judgment. Your role is to enhance our position, not to create internal conflicts.” Enyo felt a surge of resentment at Nike’s words. It was as if her mother was reminding her of every shortcoming, every instance where she was made to feel less than her male counterparts. The sting of being the “daughter” rather than the “son” had always been sharp, but Nike’s expectations made it even more poignant. If only you were a son… “I am well aware of my role, Nike. I will not let personal issues interfere with our goals. My focus is solely on securing our interests and to support my brother.”

After hearing what she wanted, Nike’s expression softened a little but her voice did not, “Very well. Just remember this Enyo, everything- and i mean everything you do in Ardent matters. You and Erebros are the Dunamis future in that land. You have the ability and intelligence to successfully execute this task no matter how long it will take. I expect nothing less than perfection from you two. You are Dunamis after all my child.”

Enyo’s ego twisted at the praise, though she did not let the confusion show. To be angry or to let her mother’s words warm her. Instead, she nodded curtly. “I will not disappoint you. The Dunamis will strengthen its hold in Ardent.”

Nike’s eyes flickered with a glint of approval, though her demeanor remained stern. “See that you don’t. And remember, any failure is not an option. It never has been and it won’t be now.”

With a final, piercing look, Nike turned and began to walk away, her steps echoing with authority. Enyo watched her mother leave, feeling a mixture of frustration, anger, and determination. The mission ahead would be filled with challenges, but the drive to prove herself, to surpass the expectations imposed upon her, was a powerful motivator. But she would be damned if she let Erebros know she was sent there to specifically be his little assistant. That part, she would leave out.

FUTURE PLOTS/IDEAS: sibling rivalry, a harem of women/many female lovers,

- sent over here by her mother to aide her brother Erebros in his mission and obey his command (she loathes this and won't relay that last part to her brother). Although she is excited to be involved in a new area, things are boring back home for her family has everything under control. She sees this land as a fresh opportunity to make a name for herself.

- in the beginning she will often complain of how she misses her women back home although she is not sure is she will ever see them again.

- to live up to her name she will more than likely have some armor or preferred weapon for battle

- one of the eldest daughters


Name origin: Nike named her after the goddess Enyo when she saw how large of a pup she was. Enyo is a war goddess often associated with chaos and the horrors/devastation of war. Enyo is like the opposite of Athena in terms of chaos and violence without strategy and wisdom. She was considered to be Ares companion/partner in war.


08-01-2024, 05:42 AM


Nikolaos Dunamis
“Victor of People”
Manipulative Narcissist


White wolf, black underbelly and bottom of neck and face up to a black mask on his face. Tail and paws are also black. Hetrochromia brown and blue eyes like brother.
Very concerned with looking good, grooms himself regularly and will acquire jewellery as his father did, possibly in a similar fashion. Keeps his fur in good condition through treatments he hears about through the grapevine.
He is a large wolf but only stands at 36 inches. This has obviously made him much smaller than his siblings. It does in some ways give him a bit of a complex.


Primary Motivator: Adoration, wants to be cherished, admired and wanted by others.
Emotional Disposition: Contemptuous
Moodiness: Labile
Outlook: Optimistic, Idealistic
Integrity: Unscrupulous, manipulative
Impulsiveness: Spontaneous, rash
Boldness: Intrepid, audacious
Agreeableness: Disagreeable. Cantankerous when he doesn’t get his way.
Interactivity: Engaging, talkative
Conformity: Conventional when it comes to his family, does what they would expect. But when they are not looking he is Heterodox. Doing what he needs to get attention.

RP Sample

The large-yet-small creature walked calmly across the beach. His head was held high and the glittering chains around his neck twinkled in the sunlight. With every step they sang a melodic tune as they danced against each other. It was almost as if he was calling out for attention rather than hiding from it as most loners would. His face was set in a comfortable smile, one that said he was calm and at ease with himself and the world. After all why wouldn’t he be? He was Nikolaos Dunamis. He was a legend.

He was something worth worship, in fact not only was he worth worshipping but he deserved worship. He expected worship.

Of course, he was not at all self-aware enough to realise that this desire to be worshipped and loved came from the manipulative tactics of his mother. He had never felt as adequate as his siblings, as after all he was much smaller. His size gave him a general disadvantage when compared to the others, even if he had tried just as hard. He had always seemed to come up short. His grand ideas about himself were in many ways a coping mechanism to survive the emotional torment he had been faced with and told was normal.

He stopped his gait, looking around the deserted beach, narrowing his eyes and grumbling to himself. This beach was not going to fit his needs. He needed a more populated area. He didn't notice its beauty or the calm that filled the area.

Future plots

Honestly I can see him becoming some sort of Marilyn Manson cult leader.
Manipulating and abusing those who are weak willed enough to love him into doing what he wants.
His brother swiping his power from him, or using the family name to force him and his cult-like following to do things.
Doing atrocious things to get the love he deserves.


08-01-2024, 03:45 PM
Will be posting some designs here today!


08-01-2024, 10:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2024, 10:43 PM by Alo. Edited 1 time in total.)

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
08-02-2024, 02:23 AM

Name: Kronos Dunamis

Gender: Male

Appearance: Simple in color, Kronos' coat bears monochromatic colors that consist of a white base coat splattered over with blacks and ashes. There is no particular rhyme or reason to the markings upon him, though the shades vary from the blackest of blacks to ashen grays. Mottled on some parts of his body, fully enveloped in others, and yet still vaguely splashed in other parts, Kronos is a handsome being. The splashes on his coat are remarkably uneven, with black masking one side of his head before transitioning into a partial gray mask. The markings on his face are broken by an alabaster coat that runs unevenly from nose toward the end of his tail yet not quite reaching the end. White reaches around his neck, side, and legs as well. But all in all, his coat is broken up by varying shades of black and ash. It's as if a painter simply splashed the blank canvas of his form, splotches here, some striping there, some spotting even...

That aside, he is a muscular male. Sharply chiseled and handsome, cerulean gaze sharp and intelligent. It's almost as if he was carved from stone and came to life. Everything about him is proportionate and as it should be. Elegantly angled eyes, defined ears, a sharply chiseled face, well-toned muscles lying beneath a well-kept coat. There are hardly any imperfections about him.

Kronos is both physically strong as well as he is smart, however, he prefers to use the latter. While yes he is a good fighter, he much prefers to use his intellectual capabilities over his physical prowess. He also has a penchant for spy work, and he's become quite good at what he does. He has a sharp mind, a silver tongue when he needs it, and is an efficient tactician. He's quite good at the art of deception when he needs to be, and is no stranger to the life of a spy, either. He has done work as a hitman here and there, and he's quite good at it, too. He has a keen mind as a strategist, and his sharp intellectual capabilities make him a formidable opponent that you don't want working against you. He prides himself on being able to read others quite easily, while on the same side of the coin is able to hide his own feelings and motives. He wears a mask of indifference, always hiding his true intentions and it's a rare sight should that mask ever slip to reveal his true self underneath.

Using his expertise in a number of fields, Kronos is a dangerous man to encounter, so its best not to get on his bad side. Once he has you in his sights, it's hard to shake him loose. He's been known to track others relentlessly, especially if the target has in some way offended the family, or he just takes a special interest. Excelling in the art of deception, he is pretty good at getting close and personal, and if he has no use for you, it's safe to say he has no problem cutting the cord or, if you've really pissed him off, making you ahem... Disappear.

Loyal to his crest, Kronos is not opposed to doing any dirty work for his family. Though honestly, he prefers to work in the shadows and do it in a manner that doesn't link back to him or the Dunamis in general. An advisor and tactician at heart, however, he does very much prefer to keep his other hidden talents, well...hidden. And often resorts to his silver tongued ways as much as possible. He's no stranger to politics, and will analyze and observe each and every situation with calculated judgment. He's not one to make rash decisions and run into situations blindly. He can be bold and blunt with his words just as equally as he can be cunning with them.

Despite all this, however, Kronos does have honor and compassion, and he does have a soft spot for the defenseless. He doesn't just follow orders blindly, and will question whether or not it's the right choice. His morals are a bit loose and in a sort of gray area. He picks and chooses what jobs he thinks are worth it or not, and will do his best to advise the more headstrong members of his family. To deal with them, sometimes he'll use sarcasm and dry humor. It's entertaining to him when he feels they get too serious.

Oh, and a quirk about him is he does often indulge in drinking. He adores a good wine or mead, but whether or not this hinders or helps his is a mystery.

RP Sample:
Future plots and ideas for them: idek, i suck at this part LOL. Uh, family advisor and spy?


08-02-2024, 02:55 AM
Closing this up after one more adopt is taken! Congrats Janoobus, Mock and Dragon!



Expert Intellectual (200)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
08-02-2024, 04:59 AM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2024, 05:19 AM by Identification. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Atticus Dunamis
Gender: Male

Appearance: (fixing slightly)
Now this masculine has more female like features his coat is always clean, don't get him wrong his is a firm believer in good looks, his eyes would be the first to strike conversation. A coat of white to match that of Erebos's ebony coat with a patch from his chin covering his eye ever so elegantly. His right eye is the same icy blue while the other is that of a rich purple pigment. Upon his chest is also a splash of raven color that flows down over his left leg. He stands at a striking 38 inches and is that of a more lean but average build, although his thick coat hides that. He appears to be much larger and well lets admit it very nicely put together.

Smart | Egotistical | Elegant | Passionate | Selfish | Stern | Reserved | Quiet | Observant | Elusive | Proper | Independent | Loyal | Dominant | Hot-Headed

Now to start this off. Atticus is very loyal to those he shares blood with, no matter how much he believes them all to be pains in the asses. He is the more elusive and reserved one out of the group. Being also highly passionate in his believes could cause him to become stern when another would try to distract him from task at hand.

Just like his siblings there are times he can become hot-headed and dominant even with them, not afraid to tell any of them when they've fucked up. Although he carries himself with higher standards, although always there with his family needs him he's very independent, and yes he does enjoy his own space and time.

To say this brute carries himself with a elegant and proper demenour is a understatement. Always egotistical, making sure his coat is always cleaned and Atticus is always looking his best. But that's who he is and no one not even his family can change that.

He can also become very selfish and passionate at times, because like the males in his family what is his, is his. And only his.

RP Sample:
-working on it lovely.

Future plots and ideas for them:
He isn't honestly interested in romance, but wants his bloodline to survive as any male. He may or may not settle down, allowing another to see his side he keeps hidden from his family.


08-02-2024, 05:42 AM
Congrats fic on him! Thank you all for the interest! Let's get these babes in ardent! Wootwoot! Congrats everyone!

-closing this adopt thread down for now.