
Bard vs Bison


Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-08-2024, 09:24 AM

The sun hung low in the darkening sky, casting a golden hue across the expansive grasslands. Oath Morningstar, a massive beast of dark mauve with jaguar-like spots encircling an array of vibrant colors, padded silently through the tall grass. His rainbow-spotted pelt did not blend in with his natural surroundings, as he was a living tapestry of hues led by two brightly colored devil horns. His melodious voice hummed as he moved with calculated grace, his senses attuned to the world around him despite his singing interrupting the young night's air.

Oath had ventured out from his traveling companion's company to explore and gather inspiration for new hymns. The prairie was a source of serenity for him normally, a place where he could connect with the divine. But today, serenity was not on the agenda.

A distant rustling caught his attention. Ears perked, he paused, scanning the horizon. The rustling grew louder, more agitated, until finally, the source of the disturbance emerged. A massive, irate bison, its dark eyes glaring with unmistakable fury, charged through the grass, nostrils flaring and hooves pounding the earth. It was hellbent on reaching Oath and getting him out of its territory.

Oath's heart skipped a beat. He was a Demi-God, accustomed to hunting prey, not being hunted. But this herbivore was different; it was enraged and seemed to have a vendetta against him... perhaps from the last bison that had tested them? Oath considered his options quickly. Running wasn't an option - the bison was faster in open terrain. Hiding was futile - the bison had already locked onto him.

He had to fight. It was his only choice.

With a deep breath, Oath lowered his head and curled his lip as he set his defenses. The bison closed the distance rapidly, its sheer size and power a stark contrast to the usual prey Oath faced. The horned wolf lunged to the side at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the bison’s charge. The ground trembled as the beast thundered past, wheeling around for another assault.

Fighting an herbivore was indeed different. There were no fangs to dodge, no claws to evade, just raw, overwhelming strength and an unrelenting will. Oath's mind raced, analyzing the bison's movements. He had to exploit its weaknesses, use its bulk against it.

As the bison charged again, Oath darted to the side, this time nipping at its hind leg. The bison bellowed in rage, but Oath's attack was not meant to cause serious harm; it was a distraction. The real challenge was wearing the beast down without getting crushed under its hooves.

Oath circled the bison, staying just out of reach, his sharp mind formulating a plan. He needed to tire it out, make it expend its energy on fruitless charges. Each time the bison lunged, Oath would leap aside, occasionally darting in to snap at its legs. Slowly, the bison's movements became less precise, its charges less coordinated.

But Oath knew he couldn't keep this up indefinitely. The bison, though tiring, was still a formidable force. He needed to end this, and soon. A direct confrontation was out of the question; he had to be clever. He had to think.

The tall grass provided the cover he needed. Oath dashed into a particularly dense patch, the bison thundering after him. As he ran, he noted the terrain - a small dip in the earth ahead, surrounded by thick grass. Perfect.

With calculated precision, Oath would skid to a halt just before the dip, turning to face the oncoming bison. He barked, a sharp, taunting sound, and the bison, blinded by rage, charged directly at him. At the last possible moment, Oath leaped aside, leaving the bison to plunge into the dip.

The bison stumbled, its momentum working against it as it struggled to regain its footing. Seeing his opportunity, Oath sprang forward, aiming for the bison’s exposed and tender flank. His jaws clamped down with ferocity, the taste of coarse fur and sweat filling his mouth.

The bison roared, thrashing wildly, but Oath held on. He knew he couldn’t maintain his grip for long; the bison’s strength would eventually overpower him. With a final, desperate twist, he released and leaped back, watching as the bison, off-balance and exhausted, finally began to back away.

Breathing heavily, Oath watched the bison retreat. The fight had taken its toll on both of them, but he had prevailed. He stood tall, his dark mauve pelt gleaming in the fading light, a testament to his cunning.

As the bison disappeared into the distance, Oath felt a sense of triumph swell within him. This was no ordinary battle, and the victory was sweeter for it. This would have been the second bison to test him, hopefully now the last.

With the sun setting behind him, Oath turned and made his way back to Azriel, his heart still racing from the fight. The hymns he would compose tonight would sing of this encounter, a tale of courage and cunning, a tribute to the strength and spirit of a Demi-God.

[ 843/800 Seasonal Skill Prompt, Spring Year 21 ]


Oath Morningstar

Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.