
Bambi gone wild

Spring seasonals fight an herbivore


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
08-08-2024, 07:16 PM
Alaric was traveling with his cane corsos companions Maul and Cinder through the land once more. They stayed in the move, primarily in Auster although Alaric would be moving to the southern region for the continent above them soon to shake things up. It was in these travels Alaric had the strange sense he was being followed. It seemed he was not the only one of the trio that had sensed something was off. Maul let out a low huff and a growl while Cinder looked around and whined. It felt as if something was following them but Alaric wasn't sure what.

“Maul, go scout the previous trail.” Alaric instructed. Maul nodded and took off down the beaten path, disappearing completely from view. Minutes ticked by until a loud yelp was heard from the distance and Maul was soon in view, running full speed with an angry whitetail buck chasing after him. Alaric snarled and charged forwards towards the stag in an attempt to get it's attention away from Maul. He swerved sideways and went to bite at its ribcage.

The deer twisted its body and aimed its antlers to plunge into Alaric from the side. Maul and Cinder quickly joined the fray. Together the cane corsos would bite and nip at the legs of the deer. The attacks from all angles was making the deer unsure of who to attack. It was twisting and kicking wildly with its sharp hooves. Alaric jumped out of harm's way before the shape antlers could impale him.

Maul would duck his head in time to keep one of the deer’s hooves from landing a blow. While this was going on, Cinder had managed to secure a back leg of the deer and was twisting his head violently to injure the leg. The deer let out a bellow of pain and anger. Alaric jumped back and put some distance between himself and the deer.

Alaric would then charge forwards with a snarl and last second kick up dirt towards the deer’s face. The goal was simply: blind it, distract, anything to keep it from trying to land any blows to his previous cane corsos. The deer had managed to move it's head away just in time and the dirt had hit it's side of the face instead of the eyes directly. Alaric cursed under his breath.

Cinder's grip on the deer's leg had relented. The deer charged forwards towards Alaric once more with its antlers posed down to impale him. Alaric jumped out of harm’s way, his white body rolling through the grass before he landed back on his feet. Maul was hot on the deer's heel, biting and nipping at the heels as the cane corso tried to inflict as much wound as he could on the animal.

That's when Alaric heard a chilling yelp come from Maul. Maul rolled back from a harsh kick from the deer. Alaric felt his heart stop for a brief second as his orange gaze shifted from the deer to Maul. Maul got to his feet, blood trickling down its head from a nasty gash caused by the kick. Alaric let out an enraged snarl and charged after the deer.

This was it. Alaric was not going to let the deer live after what it had done to Maul. “Cinder, the legs!” Alaric snarled a command to the gray cane corso as he ran along the side of the running deer. Cinder latched upon the same leg it had before and was pulling back on the leg harshly. The deer twisted its body around to try and impale Cinder with its antlers only for the large dog to move out of the way just in time.

Alaric charged forwards and secured grip on the deer’s side of the neck. His black maws gripped it tight as he trashed widely. The deer was bucking and trying to get Alaric off in a desperate attempt but to no avail. Blood poured into Alaric's maws as he continued to grip the side of the neck. Then, somehow, his fangs lost their grip amidst the thrashing and Alaric felt the warmth of the deer’s neck leave his maws.

However Alaric was determined not to give up. He lunged again at the deer's throat. This time he had successfully managed to secure a tight grip around the jugular of the deer. Just then, Cinder and Maul had both gotten a hold of the hind legs of the deer. With both cane corso’s putting their effort into pulling back the deer's legs, the deer’s balance was disrupted and now the deer was on the ground.

Alaric could feel the heartbeat of the deer on his teeth. He was so close to severing the jugular of the deer. He took no time in doing so either. He quickly bites down and severed the major vein and felt the life leave the deer in some last angry, gurgled, bellow. Alaric set the limp corpse down on the ground. Blood stained his chest and maws as he wanted to catch his breath.

“I hope you want deer for dinner.” Alaric let out a dry chuckle as he looked over his companions. Maul would not let him touch the head wound and he was worried about a possible concussion. However as he watched the cane corsos dig into the carcass, he felt that everything would be ok. Alaric joined in on the buffet and began tearing away at the deer.

Once the trio had their fill, Alaric would lead them to a nearby stream to clean their wounds and the blood off their coats.

-Exit Alaric and companions-