
One Wrong Turn


12-15-2013, 02:14 PM

?Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread

through shadows to the edge of night,
until the stars are all alight.?

Kili growled and snapped at a briar branch that had latched itself into his coat. Though the leaves had fallen away the thorns remained, and seemed to have a penchant for finding his mats and tangles. This damnable thicket is far worse than my fur, he thought to himself, grumbling still as he strained to break free. The more he struggled, the worse his entanglement grew. Finally he fell limp, panting. Where on earth had his brother gotten off to? He had seen him not long ago, he was sure of it. Well, nearly certain at any rate. They had been looking for something to eat, and somehow Kili had ended up in hell. "Gods curse all briars!" he burst out, snarling and embarrassed that a handful of plants had gotten the better of him. His mother's voice reminding him about the necessity of coat care came back to him like a mocking spectra and Kili fell limp, sullen and hungry.

"Talk." Think. "You."


12-15-2013, 04:02 PM

Wh-where did I end up? Was I so focused on the hunt that...I got lost? of course. She would get lost in the land. She had never really been anywhere outside of the Seracian territory, and this particular area was new to her. Luckily, the snow had saved her trail, although it wasn't much in the South, at least there was a little for the pups at home to play with. She began a slow march back, the hare she had been chasing clamped firmly in her jaws. Although it wasn't as fat and as plump as usual, at least it was something. Several other hunters had gone out to find food, and although she wasn't part of the hunting group she still wanted to try and bring something back to whomever needed it.

As she walked and became lost in her thoughts, a strange sound caught her attention. Curious, she stopped and listened, a tilt of her head in the direction of the muffled talking that wasn't too far away. Curiosity pulled her forward, her silvery form moving carefully through the brush until she soon came upon an area that was full of briars and other thorny plants. Standing tall, she looked around to see where the source of the commotion had come from, and she would have almost missed him if not for the double take. Sky blue eyes narrowed as she focused on the stranger, and carefully she would make her way over to the limp figure stuck in the bush.

A smile raised the corners of her lips, amused but worried at the same time. She placed the catch on the ground, leaning forward to be at eye level with him as she cleared her throat. "Um..excuse but, you look like you need some help.." she tried to stifle a giggle, and so far she was successful.



12-15-2013, 04:59 PM

?Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread

through shadows to the edge of night,
until the stars are all alight.?

A certain sense of horror filled Kili's veins as a new, feminine voice floated against his ears. It was not that he was trapped, defenseless, with a strange wolf so close to him, but that he had been seen in such a state. It was hardly befitting a warrior of his stature. Heat flared under his fur as embarrassment took him like a flood. He turned as well as he could to find a young silver hued fae watching him, blue eyes bright with curiosity and poorly disguised mirth. "Erm," he coughed, trying to come up with a story. "No, I'm fine. I thought this might be a good place to train. To, uh, get out of a grip in a fight." He thanked the gods that his brother wasn't around; Kili wouldn't have been able to stand the humiliation. The fae was bad enough as it was.

He looked to her again and frowned. He noticed the rabbit at her paws and grimaced, hunger rearing it's head. "And what are you doing here?" His tone was gruffer than it might have been had she caught him in a less than uncomfortable situation. As it was, he would give almost anything for her to just go away. From the interest glowing in her bright blue eyes, he guessed that he would have no such luck.

"Talk." Think. "You."


12-17-2013, 12:19 PM

She waited and watched as the creature in the bush struggled to look at her. Amusement was clear in her eyes, and although the sight was comical to see, she was sure the poor creature was humiliated. One ear cocked forward as the male spoke, amusement at his excuse pulling up a corner of her mouth, but she hid it by slightly turning her head away. She gazed at him, knowing that he was stuck but he wouldn't admit it. Males... This whole situation was amusing, but she was curious as to how he had gotten stuck there in the first place. And she knew that if she laughed, he would be further embarrassed and possibly upset. And she didn't want to upset him.

"And what are you doing here?" Her head jerked towards him, her full attention on him as she peered down at his form. She found his eyes quite intriguing, even for one in this situation. "Hunting." She nudged the rabbit slightly forward with her paw, then looked at him again. "So, what purpose does this serve as training? Self defense against bushes?" She couldn't help herself, the wanted to try and make light of his situation, and so she sat patiently, soon to offer her help to extricate him from the clutches of the brier bush whether he asked it or not.



12-17-2013, 04:26 PM

?Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread

through shadows to the edge of night,
until the stars are all alight.?

Kili bristled, indignation filling his every vein. His temper simmered, but was quickly quashed by crushing embarrassment. He tugged bitterly, not caring to keep the the charade of training any longer. He growled and snapped, but the branch was no more willing to relinquish him than before. He sighed and glared as his paws, rather than glaring at the fae. At least she was trying to be nice about it, and perhaps with her help he could escape before his brother came upon his plight.

If only his coat was not such a mess! It wasn't his fault of course, world class adventurers such as he had no time nor means for hygiene. But still, perhaps this all could have been avoided. Finally, he answered the stranger. "Whatever it's supposed to do, it's not working, is it? Look, my brother is nearby, and if you could help me out of here before he shows up, I'd be grateful. Think I've had quite enough training for one day," he grumbled out. By the looks of it, if the main branch were lifted up and away from him, he might be able to wiggle out backwards... If he was lucky, that is.

"Talk." Think. "You."


12-18-2013, 01:31 PM
Fili sighed as he trotted through the undergrowth. He had been separated from his brother, and he had to be nearby. There was quite a large disturbance to the undergrowth, like something had ploughed a path through it. He shook his head, Oh kili A smile still crept onto his ebony lips. Trust him to make him laugh. He prodded on, carefully avoiding particularly thorny branches.

When he finally saw his brother he howled with laughter, he was stuck in the undergrowth. It must have been his fur, Fili kept his nice and clean. But his brother preferred the weather beaten rogue look. Gods Kili, what have you gone an done now he was still trying to contain the laughter that hadn't quite made it out during the first round of laughing. When he grinned at his brother his eyes lit up, he loved his brother. When he looked up, he saw a woman there. He looked to her, Hello there miss, Fili, at your service. he smiled and tipped his head at her In a courteous bow. 'Scuse my brother, I'll be a second he turned back to his brother. As much as he had laughed at him, he was still his brother. He sighed and began to ease the branches from his matted fur. Don't move Kili he set to work on de-tangling his brother.

OOC: crappy phone post xD. If there are any weird spelling errors it is fault of auto correct xD


12-18-2013, 02:04 PM

Pacifica remained sitting, waiting for a reply and when it came she nodded. A small smile lifting the corner of her lips, finding this males continued excuses fairly cute and adorable. However, it would seem that as she was getting up to help him, another wolf would come on scene. Laughing loudly at the misfortune of the male stuck in the bush. Her ears fell back, ready to scold the other until he mentioned he was the brother of the unfortunate "Kili" as she heard. She watched as the brother tried to untangle him, though it seemed he was having some trouble, the briar bush was after all a difficult opponent to get away from. And she was worrying that Kili's pelt was only getting more tangled. "Um...excuse me, if I may." gently she'd shoulder aside the arriving brother, gently nosing him away so she could set to work. She had much practice with this, as there were times when she herself had gotten stuck in many situations like this...though she supposed it was because of her clumsiness. Though she never liked to admit it. She would always make up excuses for her predicaments, just like Kili had.

Carefully, she stuck her nose into the bush, the small thorns pricking her nose and setting off stinging sensations on her muzzle, though she did not care for now. She located the main branch hold of the bush, and so she'd grab it in her teeth, biting down as hard as she could as she pulled with as much force as she possibly could, and finally it would budge and snap. Releasing it's prey hold on the unfortunate male. She removed the lodged piece in his fur, detangling it as best as she could so he could tear himself away from his brothers prying laughter. She'd spit out the wood fragments, stepping back to give him room to extricate himself. She felt bad that his brother had seen him like this, and had she known he was so close by she would have moved a lot quicker.

Instead, she picked up her rabbit and stepped back a few paces, sitting herself down once more as she waited for the male to leave his woodland prison.



12-18-2013, 10:23 PM

Kili was filed with molten dread as his very worst fear was realized. He could have died then and there to be free of the horror... His brother had arrived. Kili closed his eyes in a long, slow blink, knowing that it would be quite a long time before he heard the end of this. Should he ever find himself with pups, he was certain they would know the story the moment their ears opened, along with every other embarrassing thing he had ever accomplished. But hey, what were brothers for, right? Kili glared at the lighter toned wolf as best as he could. "No one asked you, you bone-chewing, root-eating, mite-infested-" You get the picture. The stream of curses went on, even as his older sibling moved in and set to disentangling him.

It wasn't until the fae's polite interjection reached him that he bit off the stream. Equal parts wary and curious, he froze as she moved in to help. Took her this long to grow a heart, eh? He thought, his inner voice still bitter with embarrassment. Moments earlier and mayhap I wouldn't be in this tangle. Or, situational tangle, anyways. He was about to take up cursing again when the pressure pinning him in place was lessened. Never one to miss an opportunity, Kili began to frantically scramble backwards. Such was his haste that, when he came free, he tumbled nose over tail into the dirt. "Ha ha!" he laughed with glee. He turned to the silvery fae, all prior resentment forgotten. "Thank you, miss! Time for a proper introduction now, I'm Kili of Durin, at yer service." He dipped into a low bow, and shook his fur out as he rose.

"Speech" Think


12-28-2013, 09:05 AM

Fili simply couldn't contain himself when the string of curses flew from his brother's mouth. He stepped back as the female set to work setting his brother free. His sides hurt as he leaned against a thick tree, trying to regain his breath. He had finally calmed down when Kili was out. He fell into the dirt and Fili couldn't help himself, he howled with glee again. Tears filled his eyes as he had been in hysterics. His brother introduced himself, and Fili managed to choke back the waves of laughter trying to surface. He looked to the woman, "I am sorry that our meeting was on such strange terms, but forgive me. But we should be going now. It was lovely meeting you. C'mon Kili." Another nod to the woman and a nudge to Kili. And the man was off agin, through the woods. Not waiting for his brother to follow. As he knew that he would be there. "And watch out for the briars!" he yelled back to his brother. Another wave of laughter surfacing as he walked.


"Talk." Think.