
it's all going to be okay




Master Intellectual (265)

Expert Navigator (230)

1 Year

08-10-2024, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2024, 12:39 PM by Gem. Edited 1 time in total.)

To say Gem was surprised at the stallion's offer would an understatement. The fact that he was offering to give both her and Hem a ride over to the cluster of islands had made her eyes go wide with surprise. Surely he was not so kind... He had not behaved in such a manner thus far. She would have believed him to be a man who'd allow her to struggle, but here she was carefully perched upon his broad shoulders as they made their way across the calm waters. With hardly a breeze to quell the stiff warmth of Spring, it allowed for passage to the archipelago to be easy and quick.

When Uruk begins to emerge onto the shore of an island, Gem and Hem hurriedly slide down from the slick sides of the horse onto the softer and deeper sands. It was a different sort of sand here. Her paws sunk faster and there were hardly any shells here to pick up and stash away. Looking up to the palms that rose above the surface of the island, she hops and jumps her way up the shore and away from the water. "You are a fantastic swimmer," Gem compliments, her now soggy tail wagging a few times as she begins to inspect the beach around her.

It's then that she sees something white sticking up from the lighter colored sands. A decaying carcass whose ribs are jutting up from weathered fur and skin. The thin bones of the bird would be perfect for sewing! Gem gasps excitedly as she carefully begins to dig out the carcass from its prison in the sand. "This will be perfect," she says quietly to herself.

Gem Klein

1/3 explore new land - dove island archipelago
1/3 collect an item not related to another skill - bird rib bones for needles

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.


08-10-2024, 01:07 PM

Uruk shakes off the water as he steps onto the shore of Dove Island, the soft sand sinking under his heavy weight. The air is warm, thick, and with the scent of salt and the sweet aroma of tropical flora. His white eyes scan the surroundings, taking in the towering palms and lush greenery that blanketed the island. The quiet cooing of doves echoed through the trees, adding to the mystic atmosphere of this place.

Ignoring Gem's excitement over the carcass, Uruk strides further inland, drawn by the promise of exploration. He eyes the other islands in the distance, particularly Inu Island with its jungle and treacherous mountain. The dense foliage and potential danger there piques his interest. "This place is much more alive than I imagined for an island," he murmurs, mostly to himself.

[ 1/3 Explore new land (Dove Island Archipelago) ]





Master Intellectual (265)

Expert Navigator (230)

1 Year

08-10-2024, 01:15 PM

As Gem relinquishes the carcass from its sandy prison and places it gently upon the surface, she notices Hem running along the beach. His deep bellows scatter the doves into the air, his thicker legs jumping up in an attempt to catch one for a snack. It is then that she notices the stallion walk further inland with curiosity in his gaze. He almost appeared entranced by the island and its mystique. So there was more to this mystery stallion than he cared to show! Her tail sweeps across the sand as she lets out a little giggle and continues to carefully pull the rib bones from the bird's carcass.

"Wolf packs have typically always inhabited this archipelago. It has only been empty for a season or so since the Raiders moved west," she indulges the history to Uruk whether he cares for it or not. "I've heard Inu Island has buried treasure on it, but it's never been confirmed," Gem shrugs, her gaze glancing around the shady palms and clusters of doves that inhabit the island.

Gem Klein

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.


08-10-2024, 01:36 PM

The stallion pauses, his ears flicking back as he listens to Gem's words with interest. The history of the archipelago was more intriguing than he expected, and her mention of buried treasure on Inu Island made his eyes narrow thoughtfully. He continues to scan the surroundings, noting the doves scattering in the sky and the lush greenery that stretched out before him. The island, once seemingly deceptively peaceful, now hums with the potential for more.

"You know your history well," Uruk rumbles, his voice gruff but with a hint of acknowledgement. He doesn't often give compliments, but he recognizes the value of knowledge, especially in unfamiliar territory. As he continues to explore, the thought crosses his mind that Gem might be more useful than he initially assumed. Her understanding of the area and its secrets could prove advantageous in the long run. With a final glance toward Inu Island, he silently wondered if the legends of buried treasure could be true.. and if that treasure would hold any value to him. He flicked an ear, deciding it was probably just a rumor.

The mastiff's chase sent a flock of birds scattering in Uruk's direction. Instinctively, the stallion reared on his hind legs, his powerful muscles coiling in response. A single dove, unable to escape in time, met its end with a swift strike from his left hoof. Uruk landed with a thud, his eyes briefly flicking to the lifeless bird. Without a word, he took a few strides away, leaving the carcass behind for the mastiff to claim. His actions were deliberate, but he made no mention of the kill, as if it were a simple matter of course.

[ 2/3 Explore new land (Dove Island Archipelago) ]





Master Intellectual (265)

Expert Navigator (230)

1 Year

08-10-2024, 01:43 PM

Her teeth and toes carefully clean off the rib bones. Once she examines that they are in good condition and clean enough, she carefully embeds them into her tail fur for safe keeping. Once they're back on the mainland, she'll be able to actually turn them into needles she can use for sewing or other needs. Painting was indeed one of her favorite past times and she wonders if she can utilize the bones for it in any way. Maybe a trip to the market would be necessary...

Uruk's statement has her eyes drawing upward toward the stallion. Amazed, she watches as he rears into the sky, striking at a dove. There is precision behind the stallion's movements that she admires. Among the tropical landscape, he almost appeared as if he had been born from the water depths, crafted by the care of dove wings and molded by the salty sea. "It is important to know the land's history. Why packs stay in one place for long periods or why they are quick to move. There are stories to be told there," she thoughtful as she speaks, standing up to shake sand from her fur.

With Hem content with the dove provided to him, Gem is free to move about some more. She wanders to a large leafy plant that provides shade for a dove nest. Above it, a mango tree hangs, full of ripe fruit. "I was born from royalty, but sadly, neither empire nor pack exist anymore," her tone is solemn, but not without hope. One day, the Kleins would rise again, it would just take time.

Gem Klein

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.


08-10-2024, 01:58 PM

Uruk listened to Gem's words as she speaks of history and lost empires, his eyes narrowing and his ears twitching with his thoughts. The way she speaks with such reverence for the past, the importance of understanding the land's history, strikes a chord with him. He's not one for being sentimental, but he recognized the value of knowing why territories are won and lost, why packs rise and fall. It's a knowledge that could be wielded like a weapon.

As she mentions her royal lineage, Uruk's interest piques. "Royalty, huh?" he rumbles, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Empires may fall, but those with strength will always find a way to rise again." He steps closer to the mango tree, his gaze drifting to the ripe fruit hanging above. He could smell how sweet it was, the tang in the aroma - he had never tried a mango before, but it was enticing enough that he would now. "The past is indeed useful, but it is the future that matters. If you are keen on reclaiming what was lost, you are on the right path by knowing these lands."

His tone is firm, almost challenging, as if testing if that was what she wanted. "That empire may be gone, but you are still here." The little wolf had followed him this far, trusting a brute of a stranger. That earned some respect from him for her bravery, and that was hinted in his words.

He reared up again, this time just enough to grab the mango and the power of his bite crushed it instantly. He let out a satisfied grumble as he savored the slimy texture and unique taste. He might have just discovered a new favorite snack.

Uruk could feel the time to move on was nearing as the sun began to set behind the palms. The shadows were much longer now than their initial meeting in the briar, and the tropical air had grown cooler than it was initially. With a decisive snort, Uruk turned back to Gem once his snack was finished, his stance strong and purposeful.

"I should get you back to mainland, no sense in lingering when night falls," he lacked the nocturnal sight of a predator, but he wouldn't mention that that was the reason. "If you're ready, I'll take you and your.. companion back to mainland." He had also never encountered a dog before, so he was at a loss for what to call the funny looking wolf. He lowered himself into the shallow water once more, muscles tensing as he prepared to ferry them across. His tone softened slightly as he added, "Consider what I said, little wolf. The future is yours to shape - but you must seize it first."

[ 3/3 Explore new land (Dove Island Archipelago) ]



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1. it's all going to be okay Dove Island Archipelago 12:38 PM, 08-10-2024 06:29 PM, 08-15-2024