
The Netonya Family


12-06-2013, 10:55 AM


Any chance you'd like to adopt a member of the Netonya Family?

Back Story: The Netonya family includes the relatives of my first character, Aranya. Her back story so far is very simple, which leaves you a lot of wiggle room for character creation. In short, they were a small family pack without a set territory, wedged between much larger, more powerful packs. As the pups grew, so too did the tension between the Netonyas and their neighbors. After a season of intense hostility and violence, the family decided to leave their homeland and part ways.

Family Relations: Aranya's direct family consists of five wolves, including herself. They had a very pleasant life together, but this does not bar possible trauma during their travels. My only wish regarding this would be that if the original five (Hiram(F), Cedany(M), Kan(B), and Birch(B),) should meet one another, they would be friendly with one another. Kan and Birch would be expected to be especially friendly with Aranya, as they protected her when they were younger.

Creative License!: Who am I to say that the four existing members of Aranya's family are the only in existence? Feel free to create aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, half-siblings, or even full siblings birthed after their departure. Note that any of the younger generation would have to be 2 years old. I am open to any alignments, agendas, things like that. In all honesty, I don't even mind if her direct family would go by different names now, as long as you have a back story for why.

Recommended Names:

Male: Willem, Cale, Hossolf, Arin, Aldin, Hadoc, Sollum, Bori, Lebaldur, Caisle, Raham, Xytri, Teyo, Ayleif, Zannen, etc

Female: Lynx, Loriah, Ellwyn, Jessa, Tera, Maela, Allis, Dania, Almary, Nyrani, Teyo, Luvie, etc


Image #1 Claimed by Enchanted!

Image #2

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Image #6

Please fill out this application if you're interested!

Name: (Feel free to use a recommended name or choose your own)
Place in the Family: (Brother, sister, mother, etc.)
Appearance: (Feel free to use a provided image, or create your own,)
Alignment: (Any)
Personality: (Any)
Brief History: (Where did they go after the family split, or how are they related?)
RP Sample: (200 Word Min.)
Brief Plans: (What will you do with them?)



12-06-2013, 10:59 AM
Name: Maela
Gender: Female
Place in the Family: Half-Sister
Appearance: Here :3
Alignment: lawful neutral
Personality: Though she is lawfully good, she does have a superiority complex when it comes to others around her, her different patterns upon her fur also makes her think that solid colored wolves are boring and should be avoided at all costs even if she doesn't voice this opinion out loud. Maela though enjoys appearing to be the wise one in the group, and having her opinion valued above others.
Brief History: She is the half sister through her father, after the small pack split up her father found another mate and she was the product of that litter. Sadly because of the area they where staying in, there wasn't much nutrients in the area, the rest of her litter mates died where she survived. Once she came of age, she left her father and his mate and set out on her own for a land much more decent than the one she was currently staying in, and she picked up a scent that was familiar but also strange to her, and she followed it all the way to Alacritis.
RP Sample: (200 Word Min.)

Pose, grace, beauty, and all those that where below her. She flowed over the snow, her legs stretching out as her paws flirted with the snow covered ground. Her tawny back collected the snow like a mailbox and its letters, the fading against her legs, the white patches against her fur, the dots along her face, and the light brown and white that ringed her neck...she was it, she was perfection built into one singular wolf. Nothing and no one could compare to her.

The she-wolf threw her head back, lashes fluttering off the snow as cut through the dense forest and the winter wonderland that was this world for now. The lake was close, she could see it on the horizon, so her gait picked up to a quick trot. Head high, tail flagged proudly behind her, muscles shimmering under her coat as she drew to the edge and stared down in her reflection.

Yes she was nobility, an Alpha in the making, too young still that was for sure, but when she was older, she would make sure that every wolf bowed to her. Was it hard to ask them for? For them to submit to their betters. They weren't worth much anyways, her paws trailed in the snow in a tiny circle. Even the drawings she made in the snow where perfect. This world was about her, this world revolved around her, but they would never know she didn't see them as wolves. She saw them as lowly servants, she would bark an order and they would scurry to obey.

Obey. Obey. Obey. That's all they where good for. But for now she had someone she needed to find, someone that smelled like her but she didn't recognize. Would this one that was her but not her obey? We would have to go and see. Light laughter chilled the air as she threw back her head, her mouth opening as she allowed her melodies to dance along the sky. I'm coming for you.

Brief Plans: Hm not sure yet, probably have her stalk her bit sister around.



12-17-2013, 10:28 PM


Name: Lynx ...


Place in the Family: (Brother, sister, mother, etc.)

Appearance: #6, eye color change to dark blue

Alignment: (Any)

Personality: (Any)

Brief History: (Where did they go after the family split, or how are they related?)

RP Sample: Fox said I'm special, so I don't have to fill this part :P

Brief Plans: (What will you do with them?)


12-17-2013, 10:33 PM

Name: Birch
Gender: Male
Place in the Family: Brother
Alignment: Lawful Good

Birch is a wolf who lives for good. He follows the path of what is considered right, living to protect the weak and good. He would never attack any whom was unable to defend themselves, for or not. He lives by a word of truth, speaking no lies, no matter what the situation. One thing a wolf should never have to doubt is Birch's loyalty. He will stand by his friends no matter what they face.

But many do not take Birch very seriously, for when he is not trying to help someone or fight he is a very excitable and bubbly wolf. He loves to joke with others and run and play, much like a pup. He has a lot of love for those around them, and treats all of his friends like family.

Birch is a wolf who often day dreams, getting lost in thought when alone. Others can see him staring off into the distance, a far off look in his eyes and a large smile on his face as he comes up with all sorts of things.

Brief History:

There was a sadness within Birch as he parted ways with his siblings. He sought out new lands, traveling for several cycles of the moon to a small land known as Aethelis. There were three main packs that controlled the lands, and none of them seemed all that large. It was the pack lead by a large calico wolf that Birch had decided to join.

Lead by Gavroche, Birch soon began shaping into the wolf he is today. He started putting justice, truth, and honor first, standing by his new pack and friends. But something within Birch was not truly happy. He longed for the days where he was with his family... and though the Kedieo's had taken him in like one of their own he still longed to see the familiar faces of his youth.

One summer morning, while Birch was on patrol, he came across a horrific sight. Keno, the alpha's daughter, lay dead on the ground before him. Her throat had mercilessly been torn out... and two young pups were buried against her side, crying. With a heavy heart Birch called for Gavroche.

The alpha had lost himself after that day, and the pack slowly fell apart until it was only Birch and Gavroche left. The poor brute didn't last long after that, and once Birch had buried him he set off on a journey again, this time determined to find one, if not all, of his siblings.

Eventually his wanderings would lead him to Alacritia, where he would continue his search.

RP Sample:

The strange grasses that made up the plains of his home bent underpaw, leaving a path behind him as Birch walked. It was a beautiful spring morning, birds flying high above their songs mingling with one another as the male made his rounds. As of late there had been trouble of two wolves crossing their borders. The first wolf, a male whose name he did not know, had come taunting his alpha. He was a cruel male who had apparently come from the lands Gavroche originally hailed from. The other was his female, equally cold and of a dark mind. They were nothing but trouble makers.

Birch slowed to a stop, taking a deep breath of morning air. The pack lands seemed peaceful this morning. The brute swished his tail back and forth lazily. Life here was beautiful, but his heart still yearned for the faces he had once known. Before the brute's mind could wander down that path too far a small, familiar voice addressed him.

"Mister Birrrrrch. You promised we'd play today!" The bright eyes of the male shifted to the small gray pup. His name was Kirhe, one of the alpha's sons. "Right! Let's begin then~." The brute replied in a happy tone. Birch turned his body fully to the young pup, dropping into a playful position. With his butt up in the air the male began wagging his tail back and forth, energy seeming to bubble out. The little pup dropped his front end to the ground as well, letting out a playful bark. "We're gonna play tag, and you're it!" Kirhe spun, shooting off across the plains as laughter escaped him.

Birch waited, his paws tingling in anticipation to chase after the pup. But it wouldn't be fair to catch up with the youngster so soon after he ran off. A few more moments passed before Birch couldn't wait any longer and he sprang from the position he had been waiting in, his long legs eating up the distance between him and Kirhe.

Once Birch had caught up he ran excitedly around the pup three times before stopping in front of the youngster and tapping his nose gently with a paw. His tail was wagging like crazy behind him as he lowered his head to Kirhe's level. "You're it now~" He spun around again, practically bouncing away as he started to distance himself from the pup. It was simple pleasures like this that made Birch enjoy his stays with the pack.

Brief Plans: Birch will be searching for Aranya and once he finds her will stay very close. If she ends up joining a pack Birch will follow, not wanting to lose his sister for a second time.


01-22-2014, 03:59 PM
Name: Nyrani Netonya

Gender: Female

Place in the Family: Half-sister

Appearance: Click Here For Adopt 2

Alignment: Lawful good.

Personality: Nyrani's not a bad girl, but she does not trust other wolves because of what she has believed happened to her mother. She does not like packs, because she believes that the wolves who killed her mother were in a fairly large pack. She will try her best to stay away from the packs, and any pack members, unless she absolutely needs to ask them something. Then, she will not spend time talking. She will get to the point right away. Has the wolf seen, or killed, any wolves? If they've killed any, then the girl will ask if they killed a wolf who looked a little like her. If they say no, Nyrani will thank them and go on. If they say yes, then Nyrani will attack them and have a fight against them

If she met any of her half or full siblings, then Nyrani would trust them a little more than any other wolves, but will still be cautious around them. She'll like talking to them, but won't be all that loud. She'll mostly listen to the stories, not add to them.

Brief History: After Maela left, the girl's mother suggested that they have a new litter, since the last litter did not end up well. But first, the two left the place where they had the first litter. So, in a better place, with lots of nutrients, Nyrani's mother gave birth. There were three pups, all alive, but Nyrani was unhealthy. Her father didn't think she would survive, but her mother had faith in her. She raised the three pups until they were two months. Then, she went and taught them how to hunt. This was the first mistake of many in Nyrani's lifetime. While hunting for a injured doe, and finding her, the youngest pup got kicked in the head. The doe charged and trampled it, upsetting her mother. Nyrani's mother charged at the deer, and killed it by biting it's throat. But, the pup, barely alive, had no hope of being saved. He dragged himself up on his front paws, and struggled to get up on his back paws. He opened his mouth as if to saw something, but was too late. His final breath was to look at his devastated family, then close his eyes for what would be the last time in his short life. Nyrani was devastated pretty bad, but not as much as her family. They sat and moped around, and Nyrani was forced to hunt for them. One day, while hunting, she decided to leave. She brought the prey back and dropped it in shock. Her mother was dead. Her father lay on the ground, injured badly. Her sister's jaw was broken, but she had struggled to her paws. She was trying to save their father, and was doing fairly well. Nyrani dragged the prey to the girl and left quickly, without a word. She needed to find whoever murdered her mother.

RP Sample: Light blue eyes narrowed as the looked at the mountain ahead. Her eyes had noticed pawholds, and so the girl started ahead. Gray and dusty brown paws landed on the ground until she was in front of the mountain. Raising her head, Nyrani looked at the mountain, spotting the place she needed to go. Once she could see, it reached about halfway to the top, there was something like a trail. From what she could see, the trail sloped downwards into....something.

Suddenly, the girl's ears pricked as she picked up a scent that she felt like she should know. But she didn't, so that made her wonder. Who was this wolf? Running a little closer, the girl struggled to fit her paws on the first pawholds. Once she did, she narrowed her eyes in happiness. She was closer to the trail! Not much closer, but it still counted for something, right? Light eyes narrowed once more as she struggled to get closer.

Digging her claws into spots that she could, Nyrani was getting there faster than she thought she would. Still, her light gray chest heaved for breath from the struggle up the mountain. But she was too far up now. If she let go, she would fall to her death. So, one dark gray and brown paws landed the final pawholds, and Nyrani struggled to the trail, claws scraping against the top. Then, they landed into small holes, larger than her claws.

With a few final puffs of breath, the tri colored wolf pushed with her hind legs, and tumbled onto the trail. Hitting the part of the mountain that lead even higher up, Nyrani stopped to get enough breath and continue. She closed her eyes for a moment, and let what she had just done alone sink in. "I did it. I did..." Closing her eyes, the girl lowered her head and began to rest.

Brief Plans: Have her look for any wolves that would seem like they killed her mother, then bring her sister in later. I'll have it turn out that a bear had charged into the den and killed her mother. Then, Nyrani will hunt for a pack and someone who loves her.


01-22-2014, 05:21 PM
If you end up getting Nyrani I'll have Birch run into her. :3 His mate is eventually going to be starting a pack.


01-22-2014, 05:30 PM
:D That would be fun, considering Nyrani might not trust him all that much.