
the fruit looks so yummy...




Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-15-2024, 06:34 PM

The scent of wolf here was stark in contrast to the other lands he had explored. If it were not for the ripe scent of fruit, he probably would have steered clear. Standing on the edge of the border, his eyes focused on the trees ahead, he tried his damnedest to ignore it. Even as his nose ran and a sharp cough exited his fuzzy lips, he knew he had to get at least one bite. Taking a few apples wouldn't hurt right? Besides, any wolf that attempted to harm him would get a swift, but large hoof to the face. They were nothing to fear.

Slowly, as his lumbering body usually did, Xurek steps into the orchard with his eyes only for the apples. His face quickly dips toward his shoulder, rubbing some of the yellow mucus from his nostrils that continue to agitate him. Even his eyes were feeling a bit itchy, but nothing he couldn't ignore. Whatever was inflicting him was nothing but a nuisance.

Approaching an apple tree, he examines it carefully. The leaves are green with no yellowing or black spots, no sign of bugs or disease. Apples, large and red, hang heavily from the boughs, even some drooping toward the ground. Everyone knew the best ones were near the top though. Reaching up, he carefully plucks an apple and munches on it with eyes closed, savoring the sweet, delectable taste.

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥

1/3 explore a new land - The Orchard



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

2 Years
Large species
08-16-2024, 03:33 PM


Large blue eyes like pure tropical waters watched as the mighty stallion crossed over from the buffalo knoll into the orchard. They weren't allowed there! There were wolves and... and... and wolves!! Did he need reminding? Surely the sharp strong scent of canine would deter him!

Nuri flicked her noble head up, tossing her long shining metallic mane to grab his attention. To no avail, he was set to taste the forbidden fruit! A sharp huff and a stomp of her pale pink hoof did nothing either. She pushed off the ground and lithely glided over the grasses into the orchard after the large male. The canine scent distracting and distressing. He may be able to take on a few wolves, but she wasn't so keen on getting her hide scratched.

"You know we can't-" She was about to hiss at him when she noticed his goopy eyes and yellow mucus running from his nares. "What's this with your eyes and nose?" She demanded, he better not be sick! He better not get his icky mucus on her either. Though It was spring, she had noticed some get a little more goopier than others around this time. Allergies. It wasn't as common from where she was from but she remembered her aunt would always be a little snuffly and itchy when they went to the summer grazing grounds. What did she use to help those symptoms again?

473 / 1500 healing seasonal



Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-16-2024, 06:20 PM

It really was a delightful place here. His eyes manage to look around, exploring a bit as he chewed through the apple. Chunks of the fruit fall from his lips as spittle cover them. The grass was lush here, thick and very very green. From the sound of the birds, there were at least a few nesting couples hidden amongst the trees. If it were not for the strong canine scent blinding his nostrils, he would consider staying here permanently. Even the next tree over was quite inviting. Large, juicy pears hung from its branches, almost calling his name.

If it weren't for the hiss of Nuri at his shoulder, he would have gone over there. His ears flatten, nostrils flaring to hold back a sneeze as he turns to look at her. Confusion is on his face as he tries to blink away the itchiness. "It is nothing," Xurek demands, narrowing his goopy eyes at her before turning to amble over to the next tree. Plucking a ripe pear from the highest branch he could reach while still on four legs, he munches that as well. He notices that as long as he's chewing something, the coughing and sneezing it held at bay.

"This nuisance inflicts me every year," he rumbles in an annoyed tone as if he couldn't be bothered to indulge her sympathetic nature. Finishing his pear with one last itchy swallow, Xurek looks around once more. "Do you think there are oranges here too?" He questions more to himself than to Nuri.

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥

word count: 729 / 1500
2/3 explore new land - the orchard



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

2 Years
Large species
08-19-2024, 04:42 PM


He just continues to chomp! His nonchalance to his difficulty breathing makes her tail swish and snap over her back. Stallions! She wasn't typically the type to approach one, but this one seemed to have maggots for brains. Did a blowfly lay eggs in his ears or something? She huffed and pawed the ground. The strong scent of wolf about had her more nervous more than her usual cautious attitude.

She blew her nose at him as he asked about oranges.
"Well if you eat more of the blossoms than the fruits it could help your allergies. But seriously, Xurek! Oranges??! We're not supposed to be here!" She looked around, the whites of her eyes showing her fear. No! Stay strong! Be brave! She can't be their weak link in the herd! Be useful! Be worth protection at least! She hadn't had an orange since she was a foal.

She scanned the lush growing grasses, plantain, and dandelion abound, clover, and other less useful weeds. She remembered what she needed, some eyebright, peppermint, and nettles! She was loath to leave his massive muscular side to find the herbs to help him.

"I can find a few herbs to give you some relief of that itchiness and mess in your nose." She said, eying the lush corners of the orchard, full of spiders, ferns, and tall grasses. At least she'll know where to find these fruits in the future but not when there were wolves tending these trees. Did wolves know how to climb? Would there be any in the trees? Lying in wait to jump on their backs and bite their necks?

Tentatively Nuri walked through the grasses toward a shaded corner. Several footfalls away from him. These spots typically held the herbs she was looking for. She glanced at him, was he the type to protect her if a wolf came around the corner and started attacking her? She honestly didn't know. Were they only interested in horses that could defend themselves? She could kick sure, but she wasn't a flat-out fighter!

She pawed through the grass and found a few tall stems of nettles. She reached her lips out carefully to test if they were stinging and indeed! They stung her lip sharply, but it wasn't too harshly, like a pleasant spice to the flavor of lush green salads.

With another glance around the place, she grabbed a few stems of the heart-leafed nettles and gingerly carried them back to Xurek.

"Eat these, I'll get you some peppermint and eyebright. I'm sure they're growing in another corner." She nodded for him to take the plants from her teeth. Maybe he'll save a few oranges for her? Were they even in season here in Boreas?

1186 / 1500 wc

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1. the fruit looks so yummy... The Orchard 06:34 PM, 08-15-2024 02:47 PM, 10-02-2024