
Beneath the summer stars



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
06-21-2024, 06:31 PM

After filling their bellies with an array of delicious snacks, playing games with the other teenagers, and enjoying the lively atmosphere crackling all around them, Clove was ready to spend some alone time with Akito. Seasons ago, she’d expressed wanting to show him her balcony at nighttime, so he could experience the celestial marvel just outside her towering windows. He seemed interested, maybe a little shy as she grabbed him by the paw, leading him away from the buzzing crowd and towards the castle. The bonfire was blazing in the distance now, stretching out into the surrounding fields of the starlit plains but Clove and Akito were out of earshot now. They weren’t aware of the events occurring in their absence.

The castle had an eerie silence, having been empty for most of the night. A few of her pack mates went back to their rooms, but for the most part, Clove and Akito wandered the halls unseen. She led him through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle, moonlight filtering through the windows, illuminating the corridors, and helping guide their way. They entered the Great Hall first, passing the long table and burning hearth before reaching the Grand Foyer that led to the upper floors. Motioning for him to follow, Clove leads Akito up to the fourth floor, tiptoeing down the hallway until they reach her door. “We’re here.” She whispers, bringing her muzzle near his ear. It felt like she was sneaking him into the castle in the middle of the night! And it was exhilarating.

As she opens her door, it creaks a bit, and she looks at Akito with a sheepish smile. Thankfully her Raven cleaned up the mess she left behind- she would have been so embarrassed if he saw her messy vanity! “Come on, you’ve got to see this!” She says, motioning him inside and shutting the door behind him. Across the room are ceiling-high glass windows, double doors built into the glass which led out onto her balcony. They were already open, a gentle breeze swaying the tapestries that curtained the corners of the windows. Stepping out onto the balcony, they are met with the scent of sea salt and pine, the breeze ruffling her fur as she turns around to face Akito. “Well, what do you think?” Behind her, a beautiful backdrop of celestial colors unfolds, illuminating her silhouette, stars sparkling in the reflection of her eyes as she looks up at him. Hoping he thought it was beautiful too.

"Clove Carpathius"



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-23-2024, 06:32 AM

Akito isn’t the bubbliest wolf out there. Well, he’s actually quite stoic and severe, some might say he relates better to a wall than a wolf. But for Clove, he tried. Following along as they interacted, played, and eating snacks with the other teenagers until sleep started to crease their expressions. When Clove suggests going back to the castle to show him her’s balcony, he didn’t hesitate to agree and follow along. Some quiet would be welcome.

With the bonfire at their backs, Akito follows, keeping pace with her smaller form. The walk up to the castle and into its interior is indeed quiet with so few wolves littering the hallways. Clove points things out to him and he’d nod in acknowledgment. Somewhat lost in his head, he finally begins to realize where he was going. Her room. As they ascend the steps going upward, his heart begins to quicken. Was this more anxiousness or anticipation? Was she expecting anything of him? Did he even feel ready to want anything from her?

Breaching the fourth floor and tiptoeing down he hallway, he is as quiet as can be. There had been plenty of practice being silent within the bamboo. Coming to face her door, his muscles freeze as she leans up and whispers into his ear. We’re here. His breath catches in his throat, swallowing hard as he glances at her from his peripheral. This was it. He was going to be alone with her in her room.

Upon being urged inside, he steps in hesitantly, glancing around to examine the neatly picked up room. He really hadn’t taken her for a tidy wolf, more of the type that was far too busy to care for such menial things. Much the opposite of his own room, but he wasn’t one to judge or care. Continuing to step forward, his gaze is drawn to the tall glass doors and fluttering curtains, barely hearing the doors closing behind him.

No, it’s Clove suddenly standing out on the balcony, illuminated by the celestial blanket behind her and shadowed by the light of the room that draws his attention. Walking closer until he’s standing before her, his chin tilts downward so that he could look at her better. Only inches separate them and though a whole evening has passed, she smells just as wonderful as she had when the night had started.

“Beautiful,” he speaks breathlessly, eyes only for her, clearly not talking about the view behind her.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
07-06-2024, 10:15 PM

As Clove looked up at Akito, she found herself lost in his misty gaze. The celestial canvas at her back was shimmering in his eyes, adding another layer of charm. Their closeness didn’t go unnoticed, in fact, Clove was basking in his shadow. She cherished the warmth rolling off his muscular body, and the smell of his cologne intertwining with the salty, seaside air. It was all too perfect. And his compliment, his statement of beauty that was aimed at her, not the view, was the cherry on top. Akito made Clove feel seen, he made her feel beautiful- not always with his words, but with the glances he stole, the soft smile he always gave her, and the fierceness he displayed when he protected her from the dingos. He was just so dreamy.

Sighing softly, Clove slowly leans forward, pressing herself into his muscular chest, brushing her cheek against his well-groomed fur. It was bold, but her demeanor was modest and shy. “Thank you for coming tonight.” She says, closing her eyes and wanting him to take her into his embrace. She wasn’t usually this forward, but with the night’s busy events, she felt tired and a bit jumbled.

Laying her head on his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath beneath her cheek, was comforting. “If I can be honest…” Her voice trails off, waiting to see if he will intercept her. And if he doesn’t, she continues. “I wasn’t sure when I would see you again.” Quite some time had passed since their last encounter. And yet, in his absence, Akito crossed her mind at least once a day. What exactly did that mean? “How have things been back home?” Carrying on casual conversation, and enjoying their alone time. Clove just wanted to hear Akito talk, wanted to find solace in the comfort of his deep baritones against her cheek.

"Clove Carpathius"



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-09-2024, 07:33 AM
Akito’s body freezes, muscles tightening for a moment when Clove leans forward to brush her cheek along his chest. Such gestures were new to him, but he attempted to not be so awkward. Relaxing after a moment, he leans his muzzle down to press his nose to the top of her head.

“I’ve been meaning to visit more,” he says instead of what his brain told him to say. Which by the way had been you’re welcome, but if he had taken any notes from his parents, that would have been the incorrect thing to say. And with her curled up against his chest, looking at peaceful as she did, he didn’t want to ruin the moment. This was the closest to romantic as he’d ever been.

As she speaks, his breath stops with anticipation. Honest about what? Looking up to stare at the stars as he lets her snuggle into his chest, he slowly lifts a paw to wrap around her shoulders, holding her gently against him. What she says is true and he feels the same way. He also feels ashamed for not visiting more, but he does have his reasons. Her question about home had hit the nail on the head.

“Turbulent,” he speaks softly, nose still hovering close now to her ear so that she could hear him. “Both my father and mother have gone. I am the only one of my litter that remains. Hattori, our leader, his wife has disappeared as well along with some of their offspring,” this was perhaps the most he’s ever spoken in one go and he can feel the strain, but she deserved to know. “I’ve been busy helping raise the pups and keeping Tojo-Kai safe,” Akito sighs, muzzle lifting so that he can look up at the stars above.

“Whenever I would try to slip away, something came up,” his nose wrinkles, frustrated that he felt this way. He wanted to see more of Clove, but he had a duty to uphold, and he was sure she had her own obligations. With so many threats out in the world, he found it hard to ever escape.

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
08-20-2024, 11:20 AM

The sensation of his nose against the top of her head was… foreign. Yes, she’d felt something similar from her Mother and Father; affectionate pats meant to comfort her, when she was a child. But this sensation was different- it was surprisingly intimate- a playful gesture that carried a newly blossoming warmth and affection from Akito. Clove smiled to herself, her cheeks taking on a warm, rosy hue.

And with her confession, comes the progression of affection. Akito wrapped his paw around her shoulders, holding her against his chest. It was a gentle, reassuring pressure that made her feel grounded, melting her previous worries away. His explanation helped too- he wasn’t visiting because he didn’t want to- instead, it was difficult to find the time.

His family dynamic was more strenuous than Clove could have imagined- she’d always envisioned him in the middle of a large, formidable family, flourishing in the confines of the bamboo. But the confession of losing his mother and father, and the disappearance of his alpha’s wife and offspring… It created a strain on Akito that Clove could never truly comprehend. Because she’d always lived a sheltered life, basking in the eternal love of her parents and pack mates.

But Clove is an empathetic girl - she may not be able to comprehend Akito’s turmoil - but she can try to support him. Leaning in slightly, Clove tips her head back, trying to place her snout in the crook of his neck, to nuzzle him beneath his chin. “I’m sorry Akito, I-“ Her voice trails off for a moment, stricken by concern. “I had no idea.” She was sorry for the loss he’d suffered, and the stress it incurred. And, most of all, she was sorry for not asking him about his home life sooner. She could have been there for him when he needed it most.

Leaning back, Clove puts enough space between them to look up into his misty gaze. There’s a soft intensity in her eyes, a subtle shift that speaks volumes and conveys a range of feelings. Tenderness, sadness, longing. “Then I’m really happy you came tonight.” She reiterates, feeling even more grateful for his attendance. It must have been tough to sneak away for the night. “And I… I want us to make the most of it.” There’s a tender adoration shimmering in her gaze. “I want this night to be a happy memory you can think back on when times are tough.” Her ears pinned back slightly, warmth spreading across her cheeks. “Because I... I really like you, and..." Her voice is trailing off again. When did she become so forward? Maybe it was the thrill of the night jumbling up her thoughts? “Akito,” She whispers into the night, peering up at him through thick, wispy lashes. “Will you kiss me?” Her breath almost catches in her throat, the question fading into the backdrop of waves crashing against the shoreline.

"Clove Carpathius"