
The broken bones of yesterday


03-10-2013, 09:23 PM

The world had held its breath. The sound of mourning seemed to cross the air as the winds cried for the fallen. It had been some time since the little queen had fallen to the hand of death. Since she revealed the truth and brought the world to Zara just as she had promised. That world belonged to her as well and it was difficult to comprehend it. How had she gained such power when all she had desired was a simple life? She all but laughed at that. Simple indeed. A smirk painted its way across her jaws. Chaos was her destiny and she followed it with glee.

She felt as if she had passed threw the veil of time. The warmth of her realm had shifted to the chill of death. Her breath was visible against the soft air around her. Her dark gray ears twitched as she sniffed around the area. The smell of salt and copper filled her nose and she laughed. So the world had shunned this place? Did the forgotten remember its time on this world? Would is history ring with truth along the walls that were frozen in time? Maybe if she listened carefully she would hear its story.

Paws the size of a small bear pushed defiantly against the coarse grounds. Her claws barley scratched the surface even with the 200 pounds of weight pushing down on the world. The night sky was clear and void of all clouds. The moons Cheshire smile gleamed down on her and gave her violet body and ethereal look. It felt as if the phantom of who she had once been had stolen her skin and walked the world on this night. What had broken her again? God she wouldn?t even remember but she saw those eyes in her nightmares. The blood. The violence. It was all in her mind.

The skeleton of the ship loomed just in the distance. She could almost hear its horrified cry for life. It lay on its side, broken and forgotten, and desolated in the evening before her. She was so far from her realm but she didn?t care. What was a little adventure to make the blood run cold in her veins? Her laugh filled the air as she tried to remember her purpose for coming. Maybe the dead had called to her. Maybe the ghosts would come out to play in the witching hour. She was unsure but all she knew was she wanted to know if the ground could speak and the metal tell stories.

She stopped where she was. One ear pulling backwards as her heart began to beat loudly in her ears. She heard something. What had she heard? The noise didn?t register in her mind but her body had acted without so much as a second hesitation. Her silver hair erupted into attention along her shoulders and spine. A low warning growl erupted from deep with in her belly giving her the illusion of an angry male. She was a titan of a woman. Whose build was made for a males body but the gender specific qualities still rang with truth inside her shattering the androgynous appearance.


03-12-2013, 12:12 AM

Thank you Lube ♥

Darkness had encompassed the land and silence followed suit as the daytime creatures retired for the night, granting the nighttime lurkers their time to come out and play in the moonlight. The petite beauty had always sought adventure at this time, and though it was dangerous, especially for one as pallid as she who had difficulty blending in with the shadows, she adored being a night owl and faced the challenge of stalking random creatures just to observe their activity. Although spying was a dangerous sport, the suspense that came with the possibility of being caught had her crawling back for more every night; she could not help but fall victim to the adrenaline?s addictive qualities. Just the way that it coursed so smoothly within her veins and the tingling sensation that accompanied it was enough to render her foolish with following monstrous creatures that could send her flying through the air with just one flick of their paw should they prove to look upon her spying with disdain. But she simply did not care ? fear was a feeling that she had shunned so long ago. Even creeping upon the behemoth of a wolf that stalked the frigid air who appeared far more bear-like than canine-like did not scare the wench; it excited her. However anxious she was for the outcome of her little stalking session, she would refuse to allow it to show and break her cover; she remained collected and utilized bushes and trees to lurk behind and never followed too closely. No ? she was always at least a hundred feet from the monstrosity.

Her breath began to condense as the temperature decreased with every step she took in the direction the other had been traveling, trekking upon unfamiliar turf though intrigued with these new surroundings. She made it her duty not to fawn too much over the change in scenery and, instead, kept her focus upon the ashen-hued bitch before her who remained silent and oblivious to her presence, seemingly too absorbed in her own thoughts to notice what was going on in the world around her. It was not until she approached a sort of metal haven that the brutish goliath halted in her tracks, causing Morphine to do the same, but only for a moment. Curiosity drew her nearer not only to the wench, but to the fragments of what only appeared to be some man-made machinery that she couldn?t identify very well.

The crackling of a frozen twig beneath her forepaw broke her from her trance, internally panicking with the invitation to failure and detection from the bitch. Fortunately for the pallid Machiavellian, the beast before her simply twitched an ear, though didn?t seem to pick up on the sound that Morphine had been so sure would blow her cover. She retreated a few steps, very cautiously lifting her paws one by one as she backpedaled to avoid further mistake. Her luck, however, shifted within mere seconds, and her own auditory system soon flooded with the threatening growls that rattled the beast?s larynx and shattered the eerie silence. Hesitation ensued, and after an internal battle of fight or flight, her pride got the better of her and Morphine allowed a guttural grunt to spew from her parted jaws to notify the wench of her presence. Adopting her trademarked warrior?s stance, she sauntered closer to the wench, shooting daggers at the twig who had ruined her fun as she passed it.

Evening, she spoke lightly, her vocals so sickeningly polite that it almost made her gag. Name's Morphine. Might I ask who you are?



03-12-2013, 09:37 PM

Everything shattered around them. The illusion of an alternate reality had come crumbling down around her. The whispering snow had fallen silent as the transgression came forth to be identified. She tilted her head as the stalker spoke with ease. It was as if the gods hadn?t put a demon before her every eyes and asked her to play a game of riddles. Bright violet eyes focused on the female who had called to her. Her game of cat and mouse had ended when reality had found its way back into the broken ones mind. Had she not slain a queen in lesser days her mind would not have wandered so far away that any creature could creep along her path.

She eyed the female with suspicion. Her violet eyes never leaving her as she introduced herself. Newt let a smile slip across her lips as her words came forth in a singsong manner,

?Who hung his hat on the moon?

The owl in his bubble balloon.

One bright summer night

He sailed out of sight,

And, hooting like Lucifer,

hung in delight

His three-cornered hat on the moon.?

She emphasized Each question that she sang. It was as if she accused this wolf, Morphine, of committing these quips. She tilted her head to the side as she pondered the question at hand. Who was she? That was indeed a good question to ask. It was the right question to ask. After all, she was a queen slayer now and the new ruler of Lentajin.

?It all depends on who you wish to speak with. I have many different names, or titles, which I cannot think at the moment. Do you want my birth name? The new name I give myself? The name my crown has given me? It all depends on what me you wish to know.? She said with slight amusement. Her laugher trickled from her throat at her own witty definition of herself. Should the puppet master been at play then all she would see was the darker parts, the part of her that no longer craved to be ensnared by pain but to be the one to deliver it.

?What realm is it you walk along? I don?t smell my home on you nor the place I once called home. The road the rouges still travel on. So where is it that you belong?? she asked, her eyes flickering with intelligence and madness. She was moments away from shifting again. Forgetting where she was. Where her head was resting. Why was she wandering out in the old roads? The roads she had been wandering before Cerberus had delivered her the purpose she was craving. Her master had come and brought her home.


03-12-2013, 09:54 PM

The boy was nothing but a broken soul, lost in this ever changing world, without the girl that stole his heart. He was a fragile soul, one that would give anything for the woman that tormented him to the ends of the earth. He had once had an attempt to commit suicide for fear that she did not care. Making her spill out her heart for once, like he did everyday. Valkur was nothing, nothing but a broken poor boy with no where better to go than to wander this world aimlessly. No sense of direction without her fiery eyes to light up his world. Just, lost. No idea where to go, so he would wander, his tattered broken body barely hanging on it seemed. Eating wasn't something that interested him, and should he lose all hope that she existed still, he would allow himself to wither away. It was that small glimmer of hope that kept him hanging onto life. It was the middle of the night, the darkness was like a heavy blanket, keeping him safe from the horrors. But the secret was, they had already pierced through his own mind.

His eyes of ice scanned the area, it was yet another new world he would stumble across. Following her scent to the ends of the earth. Down every dark alley way, and even to the edge of volcanoes he would travel. Body was hunkered low to the earth as always, clinging to it for some sort of comfort, but none would come to him. A snarl broke the silence, and his fallen ears flicked silently to catch the sound, little interest plaguing his face as a familiar scent lingered into his nostrils. This stranger...smelt of her. But she was not, maybe family. Maybe they knew where she was. His heart ached in his chest, as he picked up his pace. Valkur's broken frame, his hip bones and ribs visible from the lack of wanting to take care of himself. The cold felt like nothing against his numb body, and didn't bother him. Mind now consumed by this who smelt similar to his love. However another being would crack through the glass that separated them and a growl of irritation bubbled in his chest. He didn't care about this stranger, he wanted the information from the dark girl.

Icy blue pools shot the one who called herself Morphine a glare. He waited for the dark female to finish speaking, paying little attention to her actual words. Muscles tensed impatiently, tail flicking behind him. Although her last question was shot at the white female, Valkur took the opportunity to step into the conversation. "Well...I can't say I belong anywhere." he responded, his voice broken and rough. Ears remained against his skull as he studied her, peering into her violet eyes. "The name's Valkur. You know of Disaster?" he questioned, it was more of a demand. Flicking his eyes to Morphine, he spoke to her for a moment. "Either of you..."


03-13-2013, 04:23 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

A glint of brilliant violet was all that Morphine could seem to notice as the behemoth pivoted to face her; she shunned every other external trait that the creature possessed for it was nothing impressive to the petite wench whose judgmental eyes had fallen upon canines who appeared as if they had been carved by Satan himself every time she crossed the border back into Tortugan lands. Her metallic, silver eyes roamed the depths of the female?s violet and reflected no emotion even as the other?s clouded over in suspicion, the only emotion portrayed on her entire body being that infamous smirk of hers that danced across her plain countenance as she waited on a response. Her brows quirked immediately as the being began her little speech, speaking in riddles rather than prose and intriguing the pallid queen accordingly. The tones intertwined within her riddle only spoke of accusation, but Morphine disregarded the wench?s crafty words and remained silent, only waiting on the answer to her inquiry.

Even still as further words flowed from the bitch?s mouth ? words that Morphine could easily decipher -- she was denied an answer to her question. Her smirk disappeared and morphed her visage to its normal state as frustration crept upon her, but she would refuse to portray the irritation and, instead, kept stoic. Why not share all three? she responded curiously as the words ceased from exiting the creature?s mouth and a bitter chortle replaced it, causing the petite woman further confusion. It was then that she concluded this obscenity ? whatever her name should be ? was obviously not in her right mind.

Once the manic laughter subsided, a growl breeched Morphine?s ears and her skull flicked in the direction it had emanated from, pupils greeting a second stranger who had aimed the growl in her direction. She refrained from mimicking him and traced the male?s figure with her pupils instead, internally sneering at his malnourished physique and lacerated visage, but paid him no mind other than the brief examination. Her attention flickered back to the dark female as she aimed a question of her own at Morphine, but, before she had had the chance to respond, the male cut across her and answered first, immediately following with his own title and another question. I?m afraid not, she stated simply, drawing her pupils back to the first stranger as she waited for her response. After all, the question had been intended for her. Morphine just so happened to be the obstacle between he and the information he sought from the beast.



03-14-2013, 05:28 PM

The world was always turning, changing and abrasively forgetting to deliver knowledge to hungry minds. It was merely a matter of seizing the opportunities and never relinquishing ambitions to know the truth. She eyed the wolf before her carefully. Analyzing her. It was an odd gift of hers, to see into the unknown in others and truly read them. This one wanted to know everything the world had to offer. Information was her salvation and she couldn?t help the smile that crept over her jaws. ?You want the world.? She said with a laugh. Her bright eyes slipping shut for a moment as she allowed it to roll from her throat and kiss the world around her. ?What I can tell you, since you wish to know, is I am known as Newt.? She paused for a moment. What the hell was her blasted Sir name? Cerberus knew she had spoken it enough in the past few weeks to many a soul. ?Ahh yes, Saxe.? She finished with an exaggerated bow.

When she pulled herself upright she smiled sheepishly, ? ?hough I assume it is unwise for newly appointed queens to bow to others. I cannot help but show off my manners. Regardless of my newly acquired title as Tarkein.? Her violet eyes filled with challenge for a single instant. The strings of what could be from the after math of Sade?s death were still dancing wildly around her. She could feel the trepidation following in her wake. Someone was bound to want vengeance and she would secure the Thorne that she had inevitably killed to obtain. She had left out the name she had given herself, The queen slayer, when the familiar caw, or rather not so familiar anymore, responded to her question that had been delivered for the lady morphine.

? Is that a shadow of a raptor that my eyes do see? Tell me do your fangs still pierce with the frailty that fallows in your bite?? she mocked; her violet eyes alight with excitement. Now the day was becoming amusing. Her tail slashed behind her as she looked him over and scoffed, ?Not much of a man if you ask me. No wonder your charming bitch abandoned you. Could you even give her children in that sad state your in? Not that she?d ever allow it. The bitch truly is a vile thing. ? She said with a laugh. Oh was he looked for that bitch? The one that was of her blood? Perhaps she could play a little game with him. Give him something to chew on and make him follow her around waiting for scraps to be thrown his way. The insanity churned in her mind for a moment as she heard Morphine say she knew not where his precious treasure had lingered.

?Oh I think I may know a tale or two on the where about of your reapers..? she trailed off for a moment. Who was the Reaper? How did she know that name? Eyes that shinned like demon fire seemed to prickle into her mind and she winced at the knowledge of who they belonged to, and yet before she could grasp the thought it was just as quickly gone. ?What was it you wanted again?? she asked, confusion filling her gaze for a moment as the loss of thought escaped her conscious mind. Then it came back and she laughed,

?Oh where your master is. She is your master isn?t she?? she asked as if the knowledge should be common knowledge. She only heard words of this male. The great Raptor. Who wasn?t so great as he stood between the gruesome and the spider. ?Where is my mind? I did indeed ask a question. A little quid pro quo goes a long way you know. I do believe I asked what realm you descend from Lady Morphine. You seek the world but it comes with a price you know.? She mused, her mood swaying towards a manic state. She could feel the energy swarming her body and eager to be released. She wondered, would the raptor want a taste of his lost lover? She could give it to him if he wanted, at least until he found the real deal.