
A fragile dream in the making



Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-17-2024, 11:24 AM

Oath glanced over just in time to see Fairytale latch onto the younger deer’s leg, her small form moving with surprising agility as she held her ground. A sense of pride flickered in his chest as he watched her, determined and fierce despite her earlier hesitation. She was fighting with everything she had, her jaws clamped tight as the deer thrashed in a desperate attempt to break free.

But Oath wasn’t about to let her fight alone.

With a burst of speed, he closed the distance, his powerful body surging forward like a bolt of lightning. The young deer was quick, but Oath was quicker, his long strides carrying him in a smooth, practiced motion. His focus zeroed in on the animal's neck, and with a swift lunge, his teeth sank deep into the soft fur just behind the throat.

The deer let out a strangled cry, struggling under the combined efforts of both wolves, but it was futile. Between Fairytale's tenacity and Oath’s strength, the creature's fate was sealed.

Oath’s growl rumbled low as he held the deer steady, giving Fairytale the chance to adjust her grip. "Yeah! You’ve got this!" he barked, his voice full of encouragement. "Hold tight!"

He could see the determination in her eyes, the same fire that had driven her to face the serpent earlier. She was proving herself, not just to him but to herself, and Oath knew this was a moment she wouldn’t forget. Together, they would bring down the prey, and she would know the taste of victory.


Oath Morningstar



Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
09-17-2024, 11:32 AM

Maybe she was too eager and sprinted too quickly - however she had reached the deer even though she stumbled and slipped with her movements. Soon Oath had grabbed ahold of the deer, ears turn against her skull hiding within lush fur of her neck. To block out the strangled of a cry.

Fairytale had released her grip and then went for the other leg to the same attack, however she wasn't quick enough. The deer had got the advantage of her and she felt pain slither up over her side. Knocking the wind out of her lungs.

She felt the pain, and staggered with the dizziness, but wouldn't allow it to affect her. Fairytale had grabbed the leg that connect once more, pulling and yanking but her grip wasn't as tight as before as Fairy landed with a small thud. The sand making the landing much easier.

Growling slightly as she went in for the attack again, this time no matter the pain that surged over her ribs and shoulders. Her lungs burning as she shook her head knowing victory was just a short distance away.




Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
Yesterday, 05:05 AM

Oath saw Fairytale falter, the deer's powerful kick sending her staggering back. His heart clenched at the sight of her small form hitting the sand, her breath knocked from her lungs. For a brief moment, his focus wavered, worry for her clouding his mind. But she was resilient, shaking off the pain and diving back into the fight, determined not to let the deer win. Her spirit was undeniable.

But enough was enough.

With a deep, rumbling growl, Oath tightened his hold on the deer’s throat. The young creature struggled, kicking and thrashing, but Oath’s powerful jaws clamped down harder, cutting off its air. The deer’s movements slowed, its strength fading with every passing second. Finally, with a last, weak twitch, it collapsed beneath him, its life slipping away.

Oath released his grip, his cyan eyes immediately turning to Fairytale. He stepped over the deer and rushed to her side, his concern clear in the way he nudged her gently with his nose. “Fairy,” he murmured, his voice softer now, laced with worry. “Are you hurt?”

He could see the way she winced, the pain in her ribs and shoulders evident, but she was still standing. Her determination made him proud, but the last thing he wanted was for her to push herself too hard.

“You did it,” he said, his voice low and filled with admiration. “We did it.” He gently pressed his nose to her side, checking for any serious injuries. “But let’s get you resting before we celebrate. You took a hard hit there.”


Oath Morningstar

Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
Yesterday, 07:34 AM

Silvery white fur shimmered under the suns rays. And the taste of the deer's blood from it's legs filled her mouth. She savored the taste completely allowing it to roll down over her tongue. She heard that of Oath speak out to her. The way his voice became softer than before, hints of worry laced together with each word.

Fairytale felt admiration fill within her heart for the mauve brute before her. "We've done it dear." She smiled, that smile fading as he moved to press his nose against her side. A slow whine leaving her throat, for she felt pain there.

Did Fairytale really want to come out and tell him about it. Of course not, but there was no use in hiding the fact. "I think I have a few bruised ribs due to the deer, but wasn't the deers fault. I should have been much more careful."

She stated softly to Oath, as she crawled under his under carriage and nuzzled her head into his stronger legs. Although she hated the dirt and sands she felt safe with him. Without a care in the world she crept up between his front pillars and laid there silently. Her pink eyes trying to look up to him but only seeing that of his chest. Her tail dancing behind her causing small clouds of sand and debris to float within the air.




Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
Yesterday, 09:38 PM

Oath's heart ached slightly at the soft whine that escaped her. The sight of Fairytale crawling beneath him, seeking comfort in his presence, filled him with a strange sense of protectiveness. She was brave, resilient, but also fragile in a way that made him want to shield her from anything that could cause her harm. His cyan eyes softened as she nuzzled into his legs, the warmth of her small body pressing against him.

"You fought well," he murmured, his voice deep but gentle as he lowered his head to look down at her, though all she could see was his chest. "Don’t blame yourself for the pain. Bruises can heal, and you held your ground. That’s all that matters."

As she settled between his front legs, Oath leaned down, nuzzling the top of her head with a tender touch, his breath warm against her fur. The sight of her tail wagging, despite everything, brought a soft smile to his face. He lowered himself slightly, careful not to jostle her, letting her rest against him.

"You’re safe now," he said softly, his tone reassuring as he held her. "We’ll take it slow, get you resting. No need to push yourself anymore." His gaze lingered on her, admiration for the little wolf growing with each passing moment. She had proven herself to be far more than a damsel in need, she was a fighter - and Oath felt honored to have her by his side.

For now, they could rest, and in this moment of quiet victory, Oath found peace in simply being there for her.

As they lay there in the quiet aftermath of the hunt, Oath couldn’t shake the thought that had been lingering in the back of his mind since they met. He had noticed the way Fairytale struggled to track the deer, how she squinted and moved cautiously, her vision clearly hindering her at times. He hadn’t mentioned it before, not wanting to embarrass her, but now seemed like the right time, especially since he knew someone who might be able to help.

“You know,” he began, his voice soft but steady, “I have a sister. Her name is Atreyu, and she’s a healer. She’s skilled with all sorts of remedies, even with... vision problems.” His eyes met hers, though he knew she couldn’t see the full depth of his expression. “I could tell you have trouble seeing things from a distance. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but maybe she could help? If you’d like, I could take you to meet her. She might be able to do something for your eyes.”

He hoped his words came across as caring and not invasive. He didn’t want her to feel exposed, but he also wanted to offer her a solution - something that could make her life just a little easier.

Oath watched her closely as he spoke, his voice gentle but full of concern. He knew the idea of revealing her vulnerability might unsettle her, but he also knew she deserved to feel stronger, to overcome whatever challenges her eyesight caused. Still, he didn’t want to overwhelm her all at once.

"But first," he added with a soft chuckle, "you need to eat. You earned it, and I can hear that stomach of yours grumbling louder than any deer we could’ve taken down today."

He nudged her lightly with his nose, encouraging her to rise. The warmth in his tone was unmistakable, a mixture of pride and care. "We’ll rest, fill our bellies, and when you’re ready, we can visit Atreyu. She’s patient and kind, and maybe she can help you see the world a little more clearly."

Oath smiled, watching for her reaction as he waited, ready to help her however she needed, whether that was with her meal or simply offering comfort by her side.


Oath Morningstar

Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
9 hours ago

The she-wolf nuzzled a little more into his front legs, twin peaks swivel forwards listening to the words. His words hit her more than anything, making her feel happy in a way that he had thought that she had faught well. Feeling slightly that she could have faught better. Her tail giving waves behind her. She listened to his words falling from his lips. Feeling his eyes upon her had made her feel more protected than wandering these strange lands alone.

Peace had wrapped around her for once since she had come to these new strange layout of lands. He laid there with her as she curled up against him, relaxed. She was happy to have such a brave knight beside her. Laying her head down upon one of his legs as a smile brushed along her lips. There was no words to match how she had felt in this moment.

"Slow and steady always wins the race." A giggle was stolen from her as she replied, silence was beautiful between the two of them. He began to speak shortly after, talking about her sister. He had noticed that she did have vision problems and waited until now to bring it up. Fairytale turned to look to him, thinking about it for a moment. Tenderly placing her forehead against his neck for a second.

"As long as she doesn't look down on me due to the problems with my vision. I can't recall if I was born with this problem or if it happened after. I don't even remember how I got here." Fairy had admited to Oath, which in truth she couldn't recall what happened to her vision. Thinking she seen fine months ago, but then it was all cloudy.

"Only if you join me." Her voice took a hint of worry, not wanting to really leave his company right yet. And she wouldn't, she chuckled about his comment with her stomach. "Hunger is always something we have to fullfill. Isn't it?" A smirk, feeling his light nudge against herself from him she did rise up, her movement slow.

"Atreyu seems nice, and maybe she can help me with seeing more clearly as you said Oath. I'd like to meet her." A statment so true as she moved towards the deer, looking into the direction she had moved from, her spot probably growing cooler than the warmth she offered.
