
Mr. Snow Miser [Joining Seracia]


12-18-2013, 08:41 PM

A small smile was found on Malia's muzzle when she was sticking her muzzle in the snow. She was biting the snow and letting the snow melt in her mouth before taking more. It was fun and the water was good for her so no harm done. She had realized, in time, that she was near the borders of a pack. She sniffed the borders funny and with curiosity. She had never actually run into a pack before, her first encounter with a pack wolf ever. Quite strange for a three year old wolf. But then again, she was no normal adult.

She figured that if she was curious, she should just call for them. "Helllo?" She howled out, looking around. She knew it was a serious matter she was about to enter, so she backed up a bit. She waited, wondering what pack wolves were like, if they had a fun life. Malia liked a fun life, it was all she really lived for.

Credit Table Code - Kade ©



12-18-2013, 08:52 PM

After a few days of getting herself back together, Loccian was up and about, checking her borders. The children were tucked in safely with their father, taking a nap while she went out to stretch her legs. It was probably about an hour walking along when she heard the howl, making the woman come to a brief stop, ears perking up to pick out the direction it came from. Slowly a smile would form on her lips, this would be the first wolf she would see after taking the throne. Off she went, paws carrying her swiftly through the land, moving at a steady walk. A couple more minutes and she would see a figure come into her view near the border, patiently waiting. A possible member? "Greetings stranger, I am Loccian, Queen of Seracia. How may I help you on this fine Winter day?" Tones were gentle, friendly to the woman before her. Her smile would grow as she sat back on her haunches, tail curling around her body and laying over her paws, head held high. She wondered what this stranger needed or wanted to talk about.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


12-20-2013, 03:27 PM

Malia watched and waited when eventually, a wolf arrived. She introduced herself as the queen of the pack whom borders she stood at and Malia became curious, perhaps too curious. "Howdy there, I?m Malia Lagi. I called ya ?cause I?m really curious. I?ve heard of one of these pack things but neva really met one. I heard a rumor once that packs were ruthless and cruel, but you don?t look like a ruthless wolf or a vicious wolf. What exactly is a pack?" She posed the question as she tilted her head to the side. When she tilted her head it was almost to the point where she would fall on her side as she tried to turn her head upside down.

Malia felt a little flustered, like she wasn?t too sure what to say. "Ma?am, if these rumors I?ve heard aren?t true, I?d like to join. I?ve always liked bein? around other wolves. I?m a hunter." She offered with the smallest smile. This wolf before her seemed nice enough and not too oddly serious. Malia at that point was just following the instincts a wolf would have, become part of a pack.



12-21-2013, 12:55 AM

Ears would perk up as the woman spoke, Loccian noticing her accent right away, odd but interesting. She would give a dip of her head when she introduced herself, Malia Lagi, a nice name. She would go on to explain that she called because she was curious about packs and never really met one, she heard a rumor tat packs were ruthless and cruel, and that Loccian didn't look like that, asking what a pack was. The Queen couldn't help but chuckle at Malia, in no way mocking. Before she could answer her question though the woman said she would like o join if the rumors weren't true, that she always liked being around other wolves and that she was a hunter.

"Well, Miss Malia," she would begin with a grin, tail lightly thumping against the ground. "Your rumor isn't entirely true, there are indeed some packs like that, but Seracia is more of a peaceful pack with lighter aligned wolves. She would explain with a slight nod of her head. "A pack is like a family, a group of wolves that look out for each other, protects each other, hunts and learns together." Seemed like a good basic explanation. The woman seemed respectful and friendly enough to give Loccian a good starting impression, but before she accepted her some laws needed to be explained, and how Seracia's mentality was like.

"My Kingdom is a nice one, we do not start trouble with others, we look to keep our home safe and peaceful, respectful and hard working." She would hold her head high, pride obviously in her voice but not in a cocky manner. "We have a few laws that allow you freedom unlike some packs. .. Queen, and King when there is one, are to be obeyed, failure to do so results in punishment of a physical nature or demotion depending on the severity of disobeying. Always put the kingdom first, rank and respect is what we are made of, if you work hard you will be promoted, those higher than you should be obeyed." She would watch the woman closely, waiting for her reaction to the laws. "You do not need permission to seek a mate, but you must inform me early on if you are expecting children. If you mate with somebody outside of the Kingdom however, you will face demotion and the pups are to be brought here to be raised." She would pause to take a breath. "As for ranks, you may challenge for one but I Will not think too good of you, most work for the rank they have."

A raise of her brow Loccian would smile at Malia, tail unwrapping from her legs. "Any questions?"

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


12-23-2013, 08:31 PM

Malia gave a small smile as she listened to the queen tell her about the pack she was in and how they were a kinder pack. The fact that some packs were cruel made her shudder and wondering what kind of wolves could possibly be cruel and mean. When Queen Loccian told her of the rules she smiled and nodded. The rules were understandable and respectable. "Miss Queen Loccian, you're pack sounds like an awesome place! I think 'ya covered it all since I have no questions and I can obey the rules!" She said, her bubbly form practically bouncing up and down. She was very hyper, always was. The snow was chilling her paws, but she didn't mind, she loved the snow and everything about the Snow Miser that her parents had taught her about. She looked expectantly at her queen as she figured out a question. "Why aren't wolves aloud to have children with others, wolves that aren't in Seracia? If they are allowed to have them without penalty in Seracia than why not with wolves without a pack or somthan?" Curiosity killed the cat, or wolf in this case. She wondered, because what if she had fallen in love some day, with someone from another pack. What would happen then?

Credit Table Code - Kade ©



12-24-2013, 11:19 AM

The young woman seemed to like the sound of the pack, a smile forming and nodding. An ear would twitch when she finally spoke up, complimenting the Kingdom and saying that Loccian pretty much covered it all so she didn't have any questions and could obey the laws. That was good, this girl seemed kind and respectful, a good soul, good addition to the Kingdom. Not only that but she seemed a bit hyper.

Malia would ask something that made the Queen tilt her head, asking why wolves weren't allowed to have children with others outside of the pack. That was a very good question, the whole time she was here Loccian never questioned it, common sense taking over the whole time. ?Well, Miss Malia,? she began, clearing her throat, about to give her reason why this wasn't allowed. ?By mating outside the pack, you are breaking one of the laws, the Kingdom comes first. By procreating with a loner you give them a reason to roam around our home, and if they happen to be of darker alignment they will try causing problems with us and will use the children as a way to prevent us from taking action. If the mate happens to be in another pack, the same thing could happen if they aren't our ally.?

She would straighten herself out, shoulders rolling as she watched the woman's reaction. It was all about the Kingdom's safety, loners would love to use the children as leverage, to get what they want without consequences, along with packs the kingdom wasn't allied with. "The children are raised here so they will get meals when needed and raised in safety, something a loner can't always provide on their own. If the mate happens to be from a pack we are allied with, then I will allow the children to be raised there as long as my member is able to visit them. Either way, the only time you need permission to have a mate, is if they are not in the Kingdom." Would that be a good enough explanation?

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


12-26-2013, 11:23 PM

Malia listened to the lengthy explanation about how loners might want to see their children if they had them, and Malia then understood why she musn't fall for any wolf outside of Seracia. She gave a smile and gave up her final words to the alpha. "I understand, and this kingdom I would be proud to be part of." She told the queen with excitement in her eyes. Her first pack!!! She tried to remember all the rules. No mating outside the kingdom, the kingdom comes first. The queen and king are to be obeyed at all times. If I am ever to expect children I must let them know as soon as I know or early on. The rules racked her brain, but she was confident with them. "Would you have me in Seracia, Queen Loccian?" She asked the question innocently enough.

Credit Table Code - Kade ©



12-26-2013, 11:39 PM

The young woman would understand why the law was in place, smiling and telling Loccian so. She seemed quite excited, bubbly. She would be a great addition to Seracia, bring some sunshine upon their gloomy days. She would then ask if she would have her in Seracia, and with a light chuckle the Queen would give a nod of her head. "Of course Miss. I shall give you the rank of Clergy for now, and with hark work and loyalty you will rise, our ranking system is a bit different from other packs, but you may be one of our hunters." She would speak in smooth tones, warm and friendly. With a swing of her tail Loccian would pick herself up and give a small shake, motioning the woman to approach, cross over the border into her new home. "You may go ahead and explore your new home, most of Seracia dens in the north eastern and southern forest. You will mostly find me in the barn, last stall on the right with my children, if you need anything." With that she would turn and begin to head towards the barn, wanting to check on the bundles of joy.

-exit loccian unless stopped-

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3