
Red Sun Rises Like An Early Warning




Master Fighter (270)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - Lesbian
1KDouble Master
4 hours ago

Finally! Gossamer raced north the moment the shaking had stopped. She'd manage to escape her captors and she wasn't going to miss a moment to get ahead of them. She only hoped that the strange quakes and darkness had ushered them into hiding as it had her. If it hadn't… well then fuck she'd wasted a lot of precious time.

Racing past the Barren Dunes, she squinted at the strange spikes rising up into the horizon. Since when had those been there? She started to slow but soon picked her speed back up again. Fuck it, she'd race right into hell if it meant giving her captors the slip and if she could find somewhere scary enough to hide that would make them give up then she was going to go for it. At least… that was the general idea.

When Gossamer arrived however she started to change her mind. The sun was rising red and cold. It cast an unnatural light that sent shivers down her spine. How much of a risk was this worth taking. Scratching at her matted fur she thought for a moment and decided to risk it. Padding over to one of the nearby spires she squinted at the structure, trying to make heads or tails of it. They seemed awfully old but she was dang sure this wasn't here before. There seemed to be something carved in them… squinting she reached up a paw and tried to clear some of the dust off the carvings only to have a face contorted in terror staring back at her. Maybe this wasn't the best place to rest… she really did need to get back to the Armada. There was a chance the same group that had held her also had held Aris. They needed to move fast if there was a chance to track her down.

Thinking she heard the sound of approach, Gossamer through an opening at the base of the nearest spike, shimmying her body between the gaps before crouching down and peering out to see if anyone else was there. She tried to steady her breath and ignore the breeze moaning through the gaps in the spires.



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
4 hours ago

Quill had been wide awake when the world began to change. The shifting of colors from blue to blood red had been breathtakingly beautiful, albeit terribly ominous. The maned brute was drawn towards the ruby lights origin and so, without a word to anyone at the castle, the Klein set out on his own.

Tremors reverberated through the earth beneath his paws as though the world itself was shivering, shuddering. Long before he reached the spires, he could see them reaching up into the sky like the fingers of a giant. The moaning winds were faint at first, but the closer he came to the towers, the louder the wailing became.

Coming to a stop between two spires, a flash of movement caught Quill's eye and he turned his head, blue and pink eyes noting the woman staring out from inside one of the spikes. It... didn't seem like the best place to be. If they came up through the ground, couldn't they go back down at any moment?

"What do you think this place is?" He questioned her in low, rumbling baritones. The air seemed electric, like lightning was about to strike. Moving to the tower opposite the fae's hiding space, Quill lifted one giant paw and brushed some dust away from a single screaming face. The man felt no fear here, but he did feel pity for the creatures that seemed caught here, frozen in stone.

"Quill Klein"