
You need a torch to light a flame[JOINING]


12-17-2013, 09:40 PM

Vahva couldn't exactly voice her opinion on Taurig's decision, but after it had been done she had decided to leave and go home. Her actual home, of Valhalla. Weather they would accept her or not was a mystery but either way she didn't mind either choice. Yet after conversing with Azalea already once and Chrysanthe from missing this place. Perhaps they'd accept her, and accept the information she brought of Tortuga under new leadership. The maned woman stood wet from swimming here, and shook the water off as she let out a quick bark before sitting down.
Her head set at a respectful glance, confident as always though. The shaman was as she was, and still her attitude payed no differ to her changing environment. No change at all. Her tail curling around her back paws. This was how it was, and there was no opinion on her side, since this was always where she thought her family would reside.




12-22-2013, 05:46 PM
She had answered the woman's call before, but they had failed to meet each other. Whether she had missed her or the other grown impatient, Chrysanthe was not sure, but it would be for the second time that the alpha heard her call. This would be the first time though, that she would get a good look at her visage. The alpha was normally near the borders, watching the only shore that connected to the mainland. This new territory was beautiful, and although she had done her fair share of exploring, this was easily the place that the woman was found most often. It was from her lookout near the line that beach became grasses that connected to the jungle that she would sit, and it was from there that she saw the female swim to the shore.

The woman would approach the other at a comfortable stride, leaving a respectable amount of distance between she and the stranger. Yet at the same time she would greet her with a nod, giving a regal dip of her head before her one eyed gaze settled on the other. "You've found our new home. To what do I owe this visit?" She didn't know where Vahva had decided to settle, but she seemed to have her own pace to stick to and her own goals despite her seeming to be comfortable in Valhalla. "Is everything alright?" The alpha would ask, wondering whether her visit came with good or bad news.


12-22-2013, 06:33 PM

Vahva's red eyes glinted at the alphess, as her ears perked to be slightly more alert. She found herself feeling more nervous than she had previously assumed she would be. The shaman could not amount to the things her mother had done in this pack, and now she was running back like so many times before. Though a short smile was held as a greeting, dipping her head to Chrysanthe. It was true she had become so comfortable around valhalla, it was natural, seeing as the time she had spend with azalea and guinevere was enjoyable to say in the least. Though her gaze turned slightly serious head tilting slightly to bring the information out of her mouth. "Hello, Chrysanthe. It's me Vahva Hutashi. I was part of tortuga, but something happened and I want to return to my birth pack. The reason I left last time was because I was enslaved, as such I've been able to return after a year." She gave a dip of her head as a greeting, civil as always even when she was nervous.
Vahva moved her man slightly shaking off the nerves. This had to be like the time she took over the pack in the north, when confronting her captures to be their leader it was a frightening act. Specially with her children near at the time. "Taurig after Isardis took his mate gave into his pressure. The man is blind let alone not being able to procreate any longer. Taurig has given Tortuga up and I only saw a glimpse of who is now running the pack. He is a darker male with scars littering his front limbs and snout. And they have left mount Volkan. That is all I know, but Tortuga is no longer a home I can help, and since I enjoy Azalea's company as well as being thankful to Guinevere for certain events I wish to join Valhalla again. I can share my whole story but it'd take far too long." The womans tail flicked. After she finished speaking, she seemed to be a bit of how she had been when leading. She hadn't liked the old tortuga to have been scattered but that was how it was.




12-30-2013, 02:20 PM
Vahva, not a stranger to Valhalla, but they had yet to speak this way. She had a respectable tone to her words, and if she was nervous, she hid it well. The woman's eyes would widen slightly as she admitted to being enslaved - and immediately the alpha wanted to question who would do such a thing. But she moved right along - it seemed to be something that the other female simply lived through and lived past. Perhaps it was best not to question her about it. "I'm glad that you were able to make it back." She would say, trying to gently sway the other to relax. It seemed that she was a bit tense, even if she didn't have give aways to nervousnes in her speech.

Chrysanthe had not known that Taurig had even taken a mate - Isardis had stolen her? The woman had spoken with him once before this, she knew that he was blind, castrated, it angered her to know that the bastard had taken things even further. How much was enough? When was the albino brute satisfied? Did he simply grow bored when he was not ruining another's life? Yet she would force herself to calm down, Taurig had gotten his mate back, had managed to keep his members with him, and had only lost the territory. She would have to pay him a visit on his island if he had still chosen to stay there. "You've been through a lot." She would comment, "I think I know where Taurig is staying, should you want to check in on he and his family. As for now - I am happy to accept you into Valhalla."

"We are in need of more hunters, and warriors for protection and patrolling if you would like a rank before you settle in." If she wanted a rank to train under, that was something that the alpha could do for her now. "We're still learning about this territory, but you are free to explore it. I can show you toward the meeting grounds and the dens if you would like?"


12-30-2013, 04:17 PM

Vahva's ears made subtle hints of understanding to the womans words as she spoke. Indeed she hadn't had much of a connection back then, as much as she had now it was more. Taurig had enough support, she was not there to baby sit him, he found what he needed, and as such she had lost what she had been striving for which was to help the pack get off the ground for such things. So she would not need to visit him, after all she had already been to the island she traveled to it with the others when they moved. Her tail flicked, such a story as her own yes it was a lot, but she had prevailed just the same. So she stood, and she approached the alphess dipping her head such in a greeting manner as well as a thankful one.
"I may have been through a lot, but in the end I ended up an alpha until I wanted to rejoin my family. I'll be happy with any rank, I know how to fight, hunt, as well as heal. I'd gladly take a walk to the meeting grounds with you." Vahva said, and she gave a bit of a chipper smile. The best thing she could ask for is acceptance from her family. Experiencing such wolves as she did, she truly felt as if she had belonged.




01-03-2014, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2014, 09:30 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She had been an alpha? The woman was intruiged - what had happened to this female during her travels? Looking at her, she seemed strong - but younger than Chrysanthe herself. In those moments Vahva struck the woman as not only a survivor, but a lupine capable of perservering. Relentlessness was something that the alpha definitely appreciated in another, especially with many of Valhalla's occupants being rather laid back. "They're just past the jungle, it's a good sized clearing - just big enough to fit all of Valhalla when it has to." The alpha had taken to the island quickly, she enjoyed seeing things that she hadn't many times before, although she had scoped the place enough to know it was safe, there were still a few hidden treasures even for her. "You were an alpha Vahva? What sort of pack did you run?" She was curious, this lupine had lead a pack of her own and given it up to come here. "Do you have any family here?" There wasn't any member at the moment that struck her as similar to Vahva, but there was something about her scent that was somewhat... familiar? Either way she had no way of quite pinning what it was that struck her as such.

"I will place you as an epsilon for now then, but feel free to help hunt or to train with the other soldiers. The healers could use your help as well - they're getting used to the new flora on the island." They were all getting settled into their new home - being a jack of all trades, Vahva had come at a perfect time. "And come to me if you would like a rank." She was always welcome to call for her alpha. As the two walked through the jungle, their surroundings would quickly shift from the sunny beach to tall vine covered trees that stretched high enough and were thick enough to block out much of the sun's light. The animals that lived here were a bit noisy, monkeys could be heard overhead, as well as the occasional bird and snort of a pig. It was all so different from the plains - it was part of the reason that Chrysanthe had fallen for this island so immediately. She always had an infatuation with what was exotic to her.


01-10-2014, 05:28 PM

No one had ever asked her what kind of pack she had run. No one had seemed that interested, many she had seen and come across, ones she knew before leaving simply brushed it off like it was some sort of fairy tale. It didn't surprise her though, her behavior before becoming part of that northern pack was rather in a hatred towards those who had been so bitter to her. Only for that to have been beaten out of her out of the group of five males within her slavery days. And some would even call her insane for letting them live after she took their fathers spot. However, she was not an evil doer, she simply understood the pain, their pain and gave them a reason to live and breath as well as be kind instead of taking their frustration on slaves in which she abolished upon becoming the shaman. Vahva's red eyes looked thankful to Chryanthe as they calmly made their way to the destination. "It was a northern pack, the pack there enslaved me and another female named itu. The pack consisted of the king and his five sons who some were of different mothers and he did not treat them well. While they were abusive, once the king died I took the pack and ran as Shaman. I gave the men a chance to redeem themselves because I understood that they simply felt that they were not being of any use. The pack was a peaceful one, mainly a caretaker between two of the neighboring kingdoms who tended to have quarrels often but our job was to settle things so that both of the kingdoms were happy." Vahva explained, when she thought back to it. Itu had been so fragile, she didn't know what would have happened if Vahva hadn't been there.
Vahva chuckled when Chrysanthe asked about family. "Funny as it seems my families blood line is squirming around all across alacritis. Though I have a few pups whom I don't know weather they followed me from home or not. I left the pack in the hands of Itu, and their father who was one of the sons of the king. But I am aware I have family in Seracia and a few loners about." She explained calmly and cooly. As they walked through, and Chrysanthe spoke Vahva listened intently. Giving nods to tell her that she was listening. "I cannot thank you enough Chrysanthe. I can see Valhalla has a very worthy alphess indeed." Vahva stated smiling at the other lady.
