
Monsters Inside.


12-19-2013, 02:18 PM

It was rather cold for the desert.

The shadows stretched far, creeping up the sides of the cliffs and leaving nothing else. He was still rather dizzy, molten hues blinking slowly to life as rusting bones slowed to a stop. He was getting too old when would it end or was he cursed to revolve round and round the earth relentless as the moon above. A fickle heart pumping blood through corroded veins yet somehow he was still standing here. What could be found out in this wasteland he wasn't sure, but a strange sense left him tingling inside.

His pale hide was filthy, a matted mess of dust and mud and blood making his transparency tainted. He crept softly, limber legs caring him far across the sand, no stars where out tonight it was full dark and he came to understand how alone he was out here. He could scream as loud as he wanted and never be heard. It was all in his head perhaps, broken from things long ago but it wasn't his fault that pieces of him had been taken when they left pieces he could never replace and now he was as hallow as he looked, ribs outlined underneath the mess.

Something bleached was poking out of the ground, his curiosity caught like a fly. It never failed to happen. The colors were all blended together, he felt like a stranger he had never met. He approached in silence, lingering a few feet off as it sank in. It was a wolf skull or what was left and he had no idea why this would scare him so badly but he was trembling, molten gaze ripped away to look at the nothingness before him. The sins he had committed all collided at once leaving it very hard to breath.

"We'll wish this never ends"



12-23-2013, 03:10 PM

Her paws would bring her slowly to the edges of desert, her wanderings odd and out of place. She was so far from home, her gods telling her she needed to leave. She wished to talk to others of her stature, to begin the talks of alliance and friendship, but all she had found was an abandoned territory. She had heard rumors of a pack living by the desert, but now she was sure they were untrue and she was hardly at ease with the instructions that had been given to her only nights ago. What was her purpose in this wasteland but to touch and leave once she found the nothingness that threatened to swallow her up? As she turned once again to leave, sure there had been something amiss with her interpretation, a being would catch her eye. A large man, as pure of pelt as she, would stand on the horizon. Was this who she was meant to contact? He seemed in turmoil, as she drew more near, something was a miss. She did not recognize his scent or his frame so she would lead on in caution. With a slight tilt of her head she would let out the slightest of howls to announce her presence. She was far enough away that such an instance would be appropriate, though the sound did nothing to ease her of the tense air that clung about her fur.
She did not want to interrupt him to terribly, but she was incredibly serious as to his doings. There was a reason for her appearance here, though it would certainly not be revealed yet. She would wait there, many yards away, wondering silently what would happen during their encounter, or even if he would acknowledge her.



12-23-2013, 03:46 PM

The silence was worth more then gold.

If anything was wrong it was him, and everything he collided with. Zen was nothing but a whisper now and he had a funny feeling he wouldn't find him here. It was a compelling piece of information something unsettling as he looked up once at the half covered moon. He had every right to be skittish, barely learning to crawl again and he could ill afford distraction. Somehow it still found him. He wished he was a dragon, soaring high above it all.

He thought he was making it all up in his head, head titled as he turned to see who might be casting such lyrics into the stale air. A creature just as pale as himself, but far more intense. Something dropped down to the pit of his stomach a blinking of molten hues and he found out it was his heart squirming inside there. A sniff of the air revealed she was female. He was so terribly alone and such a mess almost ashamed to be seen by and he folded ears flat as the distance played out between them.

It had been so long since he saw a pretty face.

He turned to face her, moving with careful ease as he collected himself. He didn't come any closer, half not trusting himself and even more not wanting to make her go away. And just as suddenly his heart jolted back into his chest and the words came tumbling out once more in a sudden electrified rush, vomiting up the only thing that made sense. "Hey Sexy"he cocked his head to the left, a stiff wave of his tail standing exposed in the midst of nowhere.

"We'll wish this never ends"



12-23-2013, 04:32 PM

He would indeed take notice of her, his pale form turning to better acquaint himself with her own. Her head would resume it's more natural place as she wondered what he would do. She had not met many wolves who lived outside of Ludicael, and if Cherokee had anything to say about it she wouldn't have either. There were incredible amounts of dangers that crawled over the baked earth, and she would do her best to defend herself against them. She was not some defenseless wraith, she had been taught well by her mother the way to survive, but it was certainly a relief to have her husband by her side to protect her. She was reminded of him as the odd words left the mouth of the man. Taken slightly aback she would pull her head back in a startled manner. A soft laugh flowing from her pearly lips. Good evening sir. She would light heartedly react. I'm sorry to disturb you, but it looked like you might of needed some company?



12-24-2013, 03:48 PM



12-25-2013, 10:46 PM

She found him slightly odd, but he was certainly not alarming, he just looked to her like he needed a good friend. His ears would fall back as he looked to her, as though a lighthouse on a misty night. I'm not afraid. she would smile, her ears perking up slightly at the words of his name, Hello, Satchel. I'm Song Destruction. His face would fall as the saddest of exhales would drip from his pale lips. She could not tell if it was from the revelation of being lost or some other mysterious reason. She would keep herself at a safer distance, but she couldn't help but bring herself slightly closer. Well, where are you going? she asked, wondering if there was anyway to help him, she only knew of a few places in Alacritis, but her doubts were with held.



12-26-2013, 01:14 PM

It might be time to gather things from the ashes.

He kept on running around pretending everything he did was of importance, but really he was just trying to make up for lost time. His mouth going dry for a moment and he tried to remember what he was doing but it was hard to tell if it was the same thing as when he started. If he kept on doing this he would drown, everything that killed him made him feel alive.

The longer he was exposed to her the more it itched, deep deep down from places he couldn't reach. It invaded his veins and his heart, trembling softly as she told him her name. Dormant for so long, it was a terrible thing to be so damn hungry. He wanted to shout at her, tell her to go away before it was too late but words utterly failed him and instead he found himself staring hopelessly at all her little curves. He watched in silence as she came closer, so cool to the touch despite the fire in his eyes.

He decided to take a chance, plunging off the cliff with no regrets. He took a few steps forward too, closing the distance between them with a curious little stare. The question she proposed made him shiver in delight, a satellite spinning off in the dark. [b]"Hopefully with you"it came tumbling out as his heart jolted terrifically in his chest, a flick of the tail and he found himself wishing she wasn't a complete and utter stranger.



12-26-2013, 02:14 PM

He would bring himself a few steps closer, the man who Song only knew a name of. His large form could have scared a lesser wolf, but Song was not one to be intimidated, especially when he showed no signs of aggression towards her. Her head would tile slightly as he brought forth lyrics that would confuse the she wolf slightly. She wondered if he knew that she help the authority over a pack, it was quite an obvious smell on her pelt. Did he mean that he wanted to join her pack? To come to Ludicael? Well, Satchel it's certainly an attainable goal. Would you like to join my pack? She would inquire softly, I follow a path of the gods, they speak to me in dreams and visions. I do my best to follow their words and lead the pack on their path. She would smile, wondering if he was a warrior at heart, or if he practiced the art of healing, or even if he had spoken to the gods himself.



12-26-2013, 03:07 PM

She was an Angel.

His foul breath was toxic as it left his mouth, inky lips parted slightly to pant the cold air suddenly not so cold, a surge of heat leaving him slightly out of breath the closer he got to her the more he knew and the less he wanted to care her pelt a mixture of scents she obviously had a home and a community and a family and he was just a soiled mess he had nothing to offer her nothing except the truth and it made him tremble to his core.

The next offer he could never accept, he was starting to like her and in that case he needed to stay away but one little taste couldn't hurt could it? A citrus stained gaze, an aching in his soul that could never be fulfilled but he would keep on trying anyway. He closed the gap even more, nudging her once with his snout static crackling in the air shocking him from the inside out but it was too late to turn back now.

"Let me beg your Forgiveness" A heated little whisper, hot breath brushing over her ear as leaned in, a delicious little stutter in his step he was starting to wake up more and more spiraling down to crash hard but that was half the fun and he knew why he felt so tainted his filthy soul crying out for salvation but no one could here, unless they listened so close. She felt so nice, almost as if he might be enjoying a tender little dream.



12-27-2013, 10:41 PM

She would see him move closer and could feel him draw near, but she was frozen in place. As though words hardly even mattered. She didn't know what to do the foreign touch was so sudden and unexpected. No stranger had drawn themselves so close to her, other than the one she had married. He had found himself surrounding her out of necessity, but this man wrought his movements with his own pleasure in mind. She wanted to retreat, she wanted to back away and find the warm embrace of her only love. This one felt cold, but could she move? Did she wish to disturb the man who she knew so needed the touch of one so divinely aligned.
He would ask her forgiveness but he would not relent, their fur would intermingle as she tried to catch her breath. A gasp had escaped her lips as he had touched her and with it her breath had followed. She could feel goosebumps crawling down her skin, and she would also feel guilt rise around her as she let him embrace their closeness. Her mind would scream at her to move, but her body would not. She would beg her lips to move, Yes, this is hardly appropriate sir Satchel, Stuttering lyrics would cascade from her pearly lips. Mentally she would push his form away from her own, but physically she could do nothing but hold her ground.
