
Lets Explore! Wait what the hell?

Caribou - Hunt Thread


Judilian Band

Intermediate Navigator (40)

Advanced Hunter (70)

1 Year
10-25-2024, 07:43 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2024, 11:05 AM by Fairytale. Edited 2 times in total.)

Fairytale had heard rumors once more, that spread like wild fire threw all of Boreas and Auster. Animals acting strange and completely not themselves. Fairytale had traveled threw the different territorys skirting around some that alphas and their pack ruled over. She wasn't completely sure if she should be traveling and not knowing if another was following her. The landscape changed completely, it was colder and the winds were completely bitter as it whipped around aggressively. She tried to sheild herself from the colder weather, ice crunching under her small frame.

The little female spotted a sight she had never witnessed before. She moved closer to it, sniffing and a light growl slipping from the girls throat, she wanted to find a way up onto the ledges to get a better look at the frozen land. It would offer her shelter however as she climbed inside of the ship. The scents stung her nose, small mammals taking hide from the weather also within the walls.

She climbed up, finding her way to the main and once more she was outside. The wind once again lashing out about her small frame. Her ears twisting back as sounds of something bashing it's skull against the ship.

Fairytale was taken by surprise as a caribou bashing it's skull up against the ship, some of it's antlers broken laying upon the ground below it, the one antler completely broken off. As the beast dug into the ground, what was it doing? As it appeared to Fairytale it was actually trying to find a way within the damn ship as it continued time and time again bashing its entire body weight now into the ship.

Fairytale watched this event unfold, never witnessing such an act before. The remaining antler was large and held may points to it. Spotting lesions all over its front legs and face as it turned to dig its head within the frozen ground. Something was definitly wrong with this situation. The hunter within her would be patient for the caribou hasn't taken notice to her as of yet.

Its loud antsy bellows crying out over the frozen land, with no one around. Normally Fairytale known that they traveled in large herds and never far from one another. But this bull? He was alone. So yes, something had to be wrong. It bellowed out once more - trying to get the attention to the herd that was no were in sight.

Fairy allowed her eyes to close, sniffing at the wind trying to catch scent of others - with luck there was none. The way the bull had dragged its side of the missing antler was gone, fur marking were he dragged his mass around the side. What the hell was he doing?

She was weary, but stayed out of sight, because lets face it the bull wasn't interested within her but something else. Something driving it mad - scent of blood bringing her attention back to the large bull that appeared to be about seven hundred pounds of meat and a thick coat. But those antlers! Those would be a risk.

4 of 4 Wolves - Fairytale, Atreyu, Bellatrix, Alexander
1 of 3 round hunt of Bull Caribou





Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-25-2024, 07:57 AM

He’d been drawn North, catching the faint scent of his mother within the area. Had this been where Bellamy had come to stay, where she had been hiding away from her family? The question lingered within his mind as he pressed on. He’d heard of a ship out here and wondered if that had been where she made her den. There were packs in some of the other habitable lands… and his mother was older. Digging a shelter through the snow would not be ideal. He worried for her. Leaving home, even with all that had happened… surely his mother knew the dangers and risks, so why had she…?

The sound of bellows drew his attention. Strange, he hadn’t noticed signs of a herd. Cresting the top of a snowbank his gaze landed on the bull caribou at the ship’s side. Immediately he stiffened, eyes wide as he watched the behavior of the prey animal. The fuck was it doing? Surely… surely whatever was making it behave like that hadn’t affected his mother as well.. Right? He looked around, and that was when he spotted the small she wolf also watching the beast.

Alexander approached her, keeping his posture relaxed so that she hopefully wouldn’t be intimidated. “It’s behavior isn’t normal. It should be taken down so we can see why.” He knew better than to assume she wouldn’t be much help because of her size thanks to his sisters. His gaze trailed to the caribou again, his green eyes worried. “You haven’t seen an old she-wolf acting like that around here, have you?” Hopefully she hadn’t.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"Little Things Add Up"


Master Fighter (280)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Double MasterPride - Bisexual
10-25-2024, 08:58 AM

Don't go down without a

She moved swiftly, legs keeping pace with Atreyu as the pink rosetted wolf went to follow her band member. They'd been having a lovely chat and catching up when Atreyu had wanted to go follow the albino woman. The pixie had lifted a brow to that. Was it because she was tiny? If that was the case Trixy was more than willing to step up and teach Atreyu a lesson about size not mattering.

Paws moved in tandem with hooves behind as Trixy took in the land around them. It was cold, snow and mud mixing in places, but getting even colder as they moved. Trixy had stopped to put the fur lined vest on from Frank's saddlebag. Charlie had settled upon Frank's antlers, his feathers fluffed against the cold winds. Neither companion seemed bothered otherwise. There was a smell coming from the north on the wind and a cant of her head was her only warning before she took off at a dash past the rosetted woman.

The scent not that of the sick reindeer that had captured the attention of the pair ahead of them but that of Gav's family. Was that his grandma and one of her mentors? She was aware that Bellamy was "missing". Not that Trixy thought she was so much as she was of the mind that if Bellamy wanted to go be alone that was on the older woman, her decisions were hers, but if she saw her and she was doing okay it might help Gav's family relax a little.

Only the sight that caught her when she climbed up the plank of the weird metal contraption and on top wasn't Bells. It was a like colored wolf. A blink, before she moved forward and looked down at what they seemed to be talking about and had their attention. A glance to the albino and darker wolf before she spoke up. "It's sick.... Frank, Charlie, you two stay up here, I don't want you guys catching it if it's contagious. As for taking it down, I agree, but we should be careful of those antlers and make certain we was anything and everything that touches it. Spit out any blood that gets in your mouth too. Those lesions on it look ready to bleed." She made a disgusted face at the thought of the lesions popping in her mouth. She caught the male's words about an older wolf. His scent and appearance told her everything. He may not smell like their family pack but the scent of family could not be wiped away so easily.

"I'm assuming you mean Bellamy. If Bellamy is acting like that, we're gonna need to muzzle her and drag her back to Vedia or the Hallows. They can get her the medicine and help she will need." She looked at him with an apologetic sad smile. There was no reason to be sweet about someone being possibly sick. The red sun was causing quite a few problems it seemed. If Bellamy had contracted this thing's madness it was going to be a problem.

She looked back towards the Reindeer below. A sad look crossed her face, if it was alone that was a mind issue. They were herd animals. Frank only stayed alone because he was loyal to her for saving him. Something was both physically and mentally affecting it. "It's sad isn't it? The poor thing is mad with sickness... So mad it isn't even with a herd. Any idea's on how we want to take it it down?" A sigh. They needed a plan.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Fight, little wolf, fight, little wolf
Code by Asena


"I will fear no evil"

Judilian Band

Master Fighter (260)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

1 Year
Dire wolf

1KWordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
10-25-2024, 09:37 AM
Making her way north as Fairytale had, Atreyu followed along after her nearsighted bandmate with Bellatrix and Bigs in tow. She was unaware of how her protectiveness over the albino woman could be perceived as a height thing by the piebald woman beside her, but if it needed explaining she would happily do so. Atreyu's protectiveness over her friend was born from the fact that, should Fairytale lose the glasses she made for her, the albino woman would be a sitting duck. With the glasses she was less vulnerable, but that wouldn't stop Atreyu from watching over her like an older sibling. The spotted dire woman felt her ears perk up on her head as her eyes went wide, so much snow! Why was Fairytale going all the way up here? They hadn't been this far north before, and Atreyu was shocked at how the landscape began to change around them.

As Bellatrix and their companions traveled with her they passed by a wall of bodies in the distance, the stench in the air almost enough for her to turn around and head back south. She knew it was bodies by the way the crows circled along with other carrion birds, by the scent on the air. What kind of monster lived there? The thought made her pause in her step for a moment before she continued on and made a mental note of this location. Here there be monsters, and Atreyu thought it wise to keep careful steps along the way. Not far off in the distance, Atreyu spied the hulking figure of the S.S. Antiox, and Bellatrix went dashing forward. It only took a moment for Atreyu to register what was going on before she followed Trixy at a run.

Atreyu caught Fairytale's scent on the ship once they arrived, and made her way up to the bow to find the albino woman standing with a darker-colored male. Trixy seemed to be surprised at the male's appearance, though Atreyu was unaware of the relation she sought. Looking down over the side of the metal beast, Atreyu didn't have to wonder long at what they all were looking at. Covered in these red, pustule-like lesions and banging its skull against the hull of the ship, the bull caribou seemed to be enraged at the ship. No, the ship didn't seem to be the culprit...Something was wrong in the caribou's mind for it to act the way it did. How interesting...

Listening closely to what Trixy said, Atreyu nodded in agreement. "It's definitely sick, look at all those sores..." Atreyu felt pity for the illness-maddened creature below them. Bellatrix then stole the words right out of her mouth, asking for ideas on how to take it down. "It needs to be put down swiftly. If we could sneak up on the caribou from behind it might be easier to take down." Atreyu suggested, though she looked to Trixy on this one. She regularly traveled with her caribou and would know more about how to take them down faster - hopefully. "Try to avoid direct contact with those lesions, if we can. We rinse ourselves in salt water after this, even our mouths." She wished she had brought antiseptic with her, but she had left those at home.

"Talk." || Think || 'Hear.'
code by bird, art by alo
Atreyu can be rated M or X, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


Judilian Band

Intermediate Navigator (40)

Advanced Hunter (70)

1 Year
10-25-2024, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2024, 11:35 AM by Fairytale. Edited 1 time in total.)

She was alone only for a few moments as eyes train on that of a dark male with ivory and slate colors, but she was trained onto what the bull was doing. To say that Fairytale was not frightened would be a little white lie. Something the yearling never did, she was fucking down right terrified. The snow and ice gathering around the ship they stood upon. Soon the sight of two others came into view. She gulped seeing that of Atreyu and Bellatrix. Listening to them gather their thoughts and actions. Seeing the masculine's emerald pools shine with worry only made Fairytales heart break. She had to help after they took care of this though.

Her tail hung low as the bull continued to act strange. So fucking strange - which in turn would only cause the small females fur along her hackles to rise up. "You all are indeed correct, from what I've been witnessing. It's like its sick with madness. Something it ate maybe or something to do with the events of what is going on down in Auster and here within Boreas. I think we need to find and place ourselves were there is no sustained injures. It's a risk, a high risk that if we get some of this within our mouths and we can't get to water fast enough that we may become sick. We all need to be careful with something like this." She didn't want to see her alpha or friend grow sick from what ever disease this bull had. "You's are the only ones I've seen, I'm sorry. Maybe we can go look for her after this?"

Everything made Fairytale's blood run cold. From the wind that howled around them, causing eerie sounds flow out threw the ship that they all stood upon. "Maybe.... Maybe we could look for sharp objects to help us hunt this also? I mean after all, there are areas in this ship that need to be explored, maybe we can split up and look for something, anything to help us take this creature down so we don't have to put ourselves in complete danger." Fixing her glasses she glanced to the three of them, she didn't honestly like the taste within her mouth already. What if they weren't able to make it to water in time and went after those they cared about or possibly each other? It was a possibility, but one that Fairy could not think about right now. Not ever!

The bull continued before rising up on its hind quarters before coming back down, lashing out at the ship that was in it's way of destruction. It was a hard hit, one that Fairytale felt the vibration from. Her paw slipped causing her to loose traction. Now she was within the view of the bull, it noticed her. Backing up, and crashing it's feet within the snow and ice. Fairytale snarled her lips curling up. There goes that idea of finding something to help. That idea went down the drain for her but not the others. Maybe she could do laps? Maybe she could wear it out. Lowering her skull below her shoulder height as her throat began to vibrate.

The yearling had to be strong, to protect those she called friends though. Something she would die doing - although it probably wouldn't come to that. She watched as the bull came at her then and there, its skull lowered so it's antlers were aimed at Fairytale. Thing about caribou was they were use to weather and environments like this. Ears laced back. "Find something, anything!" The girl yelled to the others as she moved to get out of the way, the bull appeared to loose interest in a way and begin digging within the ice and snow. Blood dripping from its face before once more locking its chocolate eyes with Fairytales own. Not realizing that there was three others upon the ship.

She had to do something! Anything in that matter.

4 of 4 Wolves - Fairytale, Atreyu, Bellatrix, Alexander
2 of 3 round hunt of Bull Caribou





Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-25-2024, 03:22 PM

Bellamy had yet to be seen. Alexander breathed in relief. Only to have Bellatrix and another join them on the trip. His gaze shifted to his nephew’s friend. “I can hope she isn't. But she's been here. Her scent lingers.” Though he was worried, there was the pressing matter of the mad bull. Its madness was far from normal, the sores and injuries on its body foreign to him. The hunter in him was hesitant at the idea of touching it. Ears pinned to Alexander’s skull as he scanned the around around the ship… only to be drawn back toward the broken antlers. There was a hole in the hull of the ship, guts from the vessel exposed…

He found himself listening to Fairytale but distracted. He didn't trust putting the antlers in his mouth. Maybe there was shrapnel from the ship…? His head suddenly snapped back around as the caribou charged the she-wolf. Shit. Leaping from where he stood Alexander landed hard and stumbled. “Keep it distracted! He barked. ‘...and don't let it touch you.’ Forcing himself up, Alexander tore toward the hole. He just prayed he found something he could use to stab the bull.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"Little Things Add Up"


Master Fighter (280)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Double MasterPride - Bisexual
5 hours ago

Don't go down without a

It didn't take long for Atreyu to catch up and figure out the issue below them. Trixy kept an ear forward but pressed her left ear to the side, listening to the other three that stood looking down at the reindeer with her. The word from Alex caused her to nod. She could indeed smell Bellamy around here but it was sort of stale, maybe. Though Trixy wasn't an expert or anything. They would definitely have to catch up after everything and see what they could figure out about Bells actually being here.

The mention of sharp objects and finding something had her rolling a shoulder and unclasping her dagger. The blade was long for her but in someone else's jaws it would be a toy sized knife most likely. "I have my knife here, and those antlers that fell off it are probably sharp enough. Hey Bigs, you should probably stay with Frank and Charlie, in case its contagious and in case the reindeer tries to stomp you. They get mean when they get cornered and upset...." a wry smirk and glance thrown at Frank who breathed out a snort at the words and look. Her eyes returned back to the sick animal next then. Atreyu mad a point to agree with her about cleaning themselves after they took it down and she nodded.

Then chaos was breaking loose as the reindeer shook the vessel beneath them. Fairy was the first down, falling from the ship and Alex was right behind her. A quick grab of her knife and she was leaping down with a plan in mind. A jerk of her head and she was throwing the dagger right for the reindeer's shoulder. A way to get its attention. Her paws hit the snow and ice and she darted for its side away from the knife she had thrown. "Alex! Use my knife!" He was taller and would be able to retrieve it easier. He might also be able to use it on the deer easier.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Fight, little wolf, fight, little wolf
Code by Asena


"I will fear no evil"

Judilian Band

Master Fighter (260)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

1 Year
Dire wolf

1KWordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
4 hours ago
Atreyu listened intently to her friends and the stranger as they tried to figure out what to do, she was about to speak when Fairytale slipped from the ship and right into the reindeer's path. The stranger leaped down after her, followed shortly by Trixy with her knife. Pulling her own galaxial blade, Atreyu leaped down herself looking for a good opportunity to jump into the fray. Her moment came just after Trixy throws her knife, Atreyu held onto her knife and ran in for back legs of the animal, hoping to slash at the side of its leg as it swung around. She wanted to hurt and confuse it while avoiding any of the kicking feet or swinging antlers. Those points were sharp. and Atreyu knew it. She would dart away and toss her knife to Fairytale, "Here! Take it down!" They needed it down fast, the longer the fight went on the more chance they had for infections to spread.

OOC: Sorry its so short, my brain is mush today.
"Talk." || Think || 'Hear.'
code by bird, art by alo
Atreyu can be rated M or X, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


Judilian Band

Intermediate Navigator (40)

Advanced Hunter (70)

1 Year
3 hours ago

Fairytale watched the antlered beast, trying to keep it distracted. The others coming down to join and aid her. Watching as keeping the attention of the caribou, or attempting to. As it swung it's skull around she looked to the antler that laid upon the ground away from her. Too far away. Trixy was next to join then then after her came Atreyu. Her tail rose in dominance as she snarled and snapped open and close of her jaws. Seeing her time to strike she went in for a front leg, one wrong move would knock her out. Calculating her own movements, she pulled and yanked upon the caribou's front leg trying to drag it from under it. Swiftly moving out of the way from its antlers as a swung its head. The she Wolf backed away before going in once more. Seeing the lesions upon its neck and chest that was an area of interest, although she did have to stay away from those lesions. Fairy want once again after that same like a little higher up. Blood already dripping from the wound The yearling already delivered to the caribou. Bellatrix was able to slash at the caribou's hind legs causing it the bellow out, a sharp cry of pain sending Fairytales ears completely back against her skull.

Atreyu passing the knife to Fairy she looked at her friend with slight confusion, Not knowing how to use a knife or anything like that maybe if she followed in Bellatrix steps, but along the throat. Carefully grabbing the blade she would slice it towards the beast, her eyes closed as the scent of blood filled the air. Hopefully soon it'd be over.





Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
1 hour ago

A call from Bellatrix has Alexander spin on his paws. Gaze flicked to the bloodied knife that had grazed the beast’s shoulder. As the others got close and personal with the beast he tore toward the blade. He paused long enough to rip it from the ground and then barreled towards the beast. His heart pounded in his ears as he lunged for the side of its neck with the intent of using his momentum to slice through the prey animal. He prayed that they would be successful - if they didn't bring it down now there was the potential of it lashing out and hurting one of them.

(Sorry, crap post is crap. ><)

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.