
Grieve the Evil Child


12-23-2013, 08:18 PM
Tiana?s large frame hauled itself across the mountains, a psychotic laugh breaching her muzzle in the process. The young and lanky girl, was by any standards, a crazy bitch. Her back leg, which was brown in color, had the faintest scar stretching up it. In her mind it was nothing, just a bit to show the loss, the loss of another?s life. She had been in a fight and that was the only sign that she was even in a fight, well over than her being half blind. The prideful woman carried herself tall, her mind warping into a state of delirium. New plans swirled in her mind and a wicked grin crossed her. ?My oh? my, who to torture now? Surely I can find myself a kingdom to overthrow. I must, must have my crown.? The small grin faded away.

Did no one know that Neutral Evil could not be bargained with? All the wolves she had met had been bumbling idiots, but this time it had to be different. She had to get the sly and cunning under her control, and then she might be able to live in a world of discord. That would be her world and a fun world indeed. She strived to find conflict to live off of, to feed off of. She felt no pity for those who had lost their lives to her, no, they were nothing compared to her. She was a goddess in her own mind, and she intended to find others who thought the same. Others deserved to perish. She could get away with anything she wanted to after all.


12-23-2013, 10:23 PM

Shay picked his way through the landscape. He'd stayed in the area after the Tortuga pack had left it, prowling through the abandoned territory in curious investigation. How had they lived, where had they chosen to sleep, where to interact, why? Social or biological pressures telling them what they should do? It interested him, but the old camp showed him little without the pack that had inhabited it.

Now he found himself wandering further afield in the territory searching for game to assuage his faint hunger. There wasn't as much to find as in many places he'd traveled, but the solitary activity was a comfortably familiar one. He'd caught the scent of a rabbit and had stalked it here, but had lost it down into it's den when he miscalculated the trajectory of his leap. Unlike many a young wolf, he wasted no time with anger or annoyance, or futilely digging at the rocky ground. Instead he immediately put his nose back into the air, sampling the currents for the scent that would mean a meal.

Instead he caught a scent he didn't truly expect - that of another wolf. Interested, he followed the scent further. Into sight came a brown and black female. He stopped just within sight distance and studied her without emotion. The female was of similar stature, similar in appearance as well though with a brown and amber hue rather than his plain gray and silver. If there was something a little off about her, it wasn't something Shay would have noticed - she was no more or less unfathomable to him than any other wolf.

He chose to break the silence rather than wait for the female to, in the interests of establishing communication and gauging the social situation. "Hello," he said simply, his single softly-spoken word not yet betraying his odd speech patterns, though the barely-there syllable emphasises may have been taken as a vague accent.



12-23-2013, 11:51 PM


Tiana had never really been prone to other wolves being around her, so when she heard the voice she spun with her haunches raised in defense and her teeth pulled back into a snarl. But she saw it was some weak rouge, well, she assumed the man was weak. She forced herself to calm down and she cleared her throat. "What are you called?" She asked in a regal matter, a sly smile hidden below a polite smile on her face. She was an enigma, and she hoped the other man failed to realize it. The wolves she met were daft idiots, and she hoped this one was the same because he would be easy to manipulate. The game, the hunt if you will, was all Tiana played for. She found a thrill in making others obey her.

She examined the man for what he was or was not worth. It was obvious the wolf was muscular and sturdy, probably from hiking these mountains if he made a schedule of it. His eyes were a silver or a light blue and his pelt was a mixture of gray. He wasn't too bad looking and a small and devious smile spread across her muzzle. "Why are you here alone?" She also posed in a low and almost seductive voice. If he were smart, it would be fun to try and seduce him into doing what she wanted, if he was daft like the rest of them then it would still be fun getting him to do as she wished.


12-24-2013, 01:25 AM

Shay watched interestedly as the other wolf reacted to his appearance. Reacted angrily? Fearfully? Perhaps simply defensively, though he had always equated defensive with fearful. The female seemed to collect herself upon seeing him, however, a reaction that was not wholly unusual for him. He was hardly the most threatening wolf.

He cocked his head to the side as she spoke, processing her words. Analyzing them for any possible social cues. A smile curved her muzzle, a gesture that was generally friendly. He advised himself toward caution, however - he'd had the misfortune in the past of a smile heralding violent intentions rather than kindly. The odds were in favor of friendly, however.

Her voice seemed to change slightly on her second query, causing Shay some mild confusion as he'd not really encountered that particular tone before and couldn't quite classify it. He blinked at her for a moment before deciding to just move past it and hope it was unimportant.

He belatedly forced a smile of his own, an expression that felt stiff and strange for him. "I am called Shay Bearkiller," he informed her in his peculiar, nearly monotone manner. "I am here alone as solitary travel is faster and... simpler, than is group travel. There are far fewer variables."

He went quiet a moment, but the thought occurred to him that social niceties demanded a return of pleasantries, so he added, in his stilted way, "What is your name, and why are you also here alone?" It seemed like the proper sort of inquiry to him, though he never could quite catch the proper nuances of polite conversation.



12-26-2013, 10:36 AM
[Sorry this is short

Tiana did not answer questions, she only asked them. She listened to what the man had to say to her questions, and the names were interesting to her. Shay Bearkiller? She had to admit that killing a bear was a feat, but it was probably just a last name. Not many wolves have killed a bear and live to tell the tale. "I am here alone as solitary travel is faster and... simpler, than is group travel. There are far fewer variables." She gave a small chuckle. "That it is." She told him and then he asked for her name and why she was there so alone. "I do not answer questions, I only ask them."


12-26-2013, 08:49 PM

Shay cocked his head to the side quizzically at her terse non-answer to his questions. He felt reasonably sure that social mores dictated the asking and answering of meaningless questions, to be considered "small talk." It puzzled him that this female flouted the social constraints so easily.

"A conversation requires both sides to both question and answer, does it not? Else it would be an interrogation instead." His vocal patterns gave no hint of condemnation or accusation, just the barest hint of curiosity.

Fascinating how no matter how many times he interacted under the same circumstances, each wolf's distinctive emotions coloured the tone of the encounter so strongly as to change the rules entirely. He often felt as though he would never quite find the pattern that would allow him to maneuver the social order the way every other wolf seemed to be able to naturally. He even wondered, sometimes, if there were any point to trying. Logic told him that wolves developed that social hierarchy for a reason - survival - and if he wanted to do just that, he'd need to learn it.

So he disregarded any sort of doubt and kept the uncomfortable smile in place, wagged his tail in his deliberate, stilted sort of way, and just waited to see where this encounter would go.



12-27-2013, 03:30 PM

Tiana gave another evil laugh as he told her if she didn't answer, then it would be an interrogation. Then she guessed it was. "I'm not answering that question either way." She said defiantly yet regally. A smile was etched on her face, but there was some kind of wicked twist to it. She took a deep breathe and her tail curled up in dominance. Her one good eye was staring at him, examining him and the blind eye was doing the same thing, except she couldn't see out of it. She didn't like to give away any major information about herself and this man couldn't change that. But she could use him. Using wolves is what she considered an expertise for her.