
Two hearts are better than one


12-16-2013, 01:48 PM

Ares and Devya

Ever since Taurig had accepted Ares, she had not spent much time with the pale wolf. She missed his company, their private meetings. But then Taurig had gotten attacked and they had moved to an island. So much had happened, her world had been turned upside down. And now she wished to be by his side again. The dark girl wandered the beach of their new home, paws sinking into the sand, the chilly winter wind biting into there flesh.

Her crown would tilt back, a call wrapping around her. Where was Ares? She wanted to by his side. To feel his warmth. Ending her song, the girl would continue her walk, he would find her, she was certain of it. The wind continued its assault, whipping her pelt around, waves crashed on the beach, threatening to erase her steps.

So much had changed. Briefly she wondered what Taurig would do, the girl was unaware of his meeting with Isardis. She didn't doubt that her home would remain in tact and that Ares would remain by her side. Her feelings for the brute had only grown, had amplified. Turning away from the ocean, the girl headed back towards privacy and protection of the forest. Finding a spot nestled in the trees, the dark girl settled into the wait.

Ares 1


12-16-2013, 07:53 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 07:54 PM by Ares 1.)

The boy would hear the sweet call of the one he had become so obsessed with, her flowing dark fur, those deep eyes, and her unmistakable scent. He wanted to call her his from the moment he had set eyes on her, though it had meant something completely different back then. So eagerly the pale monster would find his way towards her call, the vocals had been brought to him on the sea breeze and he was sure she was on the beach.

He had done little since taking up residence on the isle, bits of hunting and more sleeping than he was proud to admit. He had been rather reclusive with being rather sick from the swim over. He had not wanted to give Devya the ailment. Now though, he felt fine and was overjoyed to get to her side. With a little tracking he would follow her sandy foot prints to the hollows of the woods, her form a beautiful sight as he closed the distance between them.

He would take no time is reuniting their fur, her warmth was all he craved and he would give into her temptation as his head was burried into her neck fur. Did she know that she was all he craved? The only wolf who had his attention. She had not failed him and se had not left him. Nor would he leave her ever. "Hello, my gem." he would whisper as he curled himself tighter around her.?


12-17-2013, 02:27 AM

Ares and Devya

It took almost no time for her to be found. A smile would play on her lips as she watched his approach. She leaned into his touch, planting a kiss between his ears. "Ares." The dark dame would coo, immediately relieved by his mere presence. She had come to crave him, his presence, his touch. Everything about his was like a drug and she was addicted. His warmth spread across her body like a high racing through her veins.

"I have missed you, things have been so crazy." The girl would pull away just enough to be able to look at him, seeking out his lavender gaze. "Who are you feeling?" He had been ill, she had caught wind of it every time she had been near, but he had not wanted her around, did not want for the same illness to fall upon her so he had tucked himself away. Now it appeared as though he had recovered, was back to himself.

She would press herself against him, wanting to feel every inch of herself against his own. He blocked out the winter chill. In the time that had passed she had grown desperate for him, wanting nothing more than to be by his side again. A dark tail would thump against the ground, playful nips grasping at his flesh, soothed by a kiss soon after. Eyes lit up with joy, mischief dancing in the shadows.

Ares 1


12-19-2013, 09:35 AM

He could not deny how much he enjoyed hearing her say his name, at the beginning of his life he would have never imagined taking up residence with a she wolf adopted by his father. He had always thought he would be with Artemis for the rest of their lives. How things changed so much. He would wear a small grin as he became comfortable around her, their body heat mingling enticingly. Her head would pull back slightly as she made room for them to gaze at each other, their eyes would meet as her gentle words filled their thicket. He had missed her during his sickness, and was so glad to be back in her arms.
He was incredibly grateful that he had not passed along the awful illness that had overtaken him such a short time ago. He was unsure how he had recovered so entirely but he would not complain about his health anymore. Now was the time to enjoy being with the one he could have so easily lost had he been any more diseased. He would take in her eyes, wanting to drink up every moment with her. I've missed you like crazy. He would nuzzle her in reassurance, I believe I've made a full recovery, I don't feel like I'm about to die anymore. He'd smile as her form pressed against his own, his lavender gaze would disappear as he closed his eyes to help preserve the memory. It felt incredible to share in her body heat, to enjoy the closeness they shared.
He could feel something inside of him rear up as her playful nips found their way to his fur, her motions sending ripples of shivers from ever spot. What was it about her that caused his body to so misbehave? He would return her kisses tentatively afraid that if he were to boisterous she
would disappear from his grasp. Devya, I don't know if I've told you,
he would whisper into her shadowy ears, But, you are absolutely beautiful. He would push his crown closer to hers, only wanting to somehow be even closer.

Talk like this


12-27-2013, 09:46 PM

Ares and Devya

A smile pulled back her lips, her face would press into his neck. Relief flooded her knowing that he was better, she only wished that she had been able to by his side during his illness, but he had hidden himself away from. "I'm glad. You should have told me though, i could have helped." Her words would scold him lightly, vibrant eyes pinning him with a stare. But it was all quickly replaced with happiness that he was well again.

She could sense his hesitation as he slowly returned her kisses, uncertainty surrounding him. In an attempt to encourage him, a playful growl would rumble in her throat, her tail thumping against the earth. His words brought her triangular audits forward, his breath hot against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Hid warmth surrounded her, causing a reaction that was foreign to her to flare up in her belly. She didn't understand the feeling, the only thing she knew was she craved his touch. She would shift slightly, pressing herself closer to him, wanting nothing more.

ooc- short post sucks, sorry :(

Ares 1


01-04-2014, 06:51 PM

She would chide him gently at his lack of wanting help, he would not have been able to stand himself had he gotten her sick. All such was in the past though, and he would not dwell upon things that could not be changed. He was perfectly fine now, and able to spend all of his time in the presence of his sweet she wolf. He would hear as her tail began to wag, its girth creating soft thuds as it kissed the earth. Her playful growl would entice his own as he placed gentle nips upon her neck.
He was still so unsure about what it was that so drew him to her, he loved the subtle curves of her body. The sweet scent that she carried and her warm welcoming eyes made him melt. She would push herself ever further into his plush pelt, he would let her as he fully consumed her body. His arm would snake its way around her as he pulled her in closer. Why is it you tempt me so.. You are all that I can think of, the light that pulls me through darkness... he would murmur as his nibbles became infiltrated with delicate grooming. His lessons that would concern the birds and the bees had been minimal, but with every touch those few words would repeat themselves within his mind. Was that what so caused his insides to feel hot and made him so restless? As his tongue found its way over her gorgeous fur his appetite for her would not subside, but continue to grow. He had an idea of what he wanted to do, but his inexperience would be a cause of frustration. All he could do was keep himself close to her.

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01-04-2014, 09:07 PM

Ares and Devya

She felt his growl just as she heard it. His chest vibrated as his placed light nips along her flesh sending a shiver down her spine. A slow burn flowed through her veins, igniting her entire body in a longing heat. His long leg would lift, pulling her closer. She would allow her bodice to drop, rolling onto her back beneath him. Why is it you tempt me so. Mischief would dance in her eyes and play on her dark lips. Paws would rest on his chest.

It was foreign feeling that grew within, its wake left an aching frustration, a desire that needed to be sated. "Why is you don't ever give in?" Bold words startled even herself, sultry tones felt strange on her tongue. Her jaws would part, tongue stroking the pale fur that covered his bodice, nips fell sporadically.
She had no idea what she was doing, all she was doing was answering the need the drove her forward, that kept her close to the white brute. There was no going back now.

ooc- short post sucks :(

Ares 1


01-06-2014, 12:02 AM

Her allure was incredible, the way she batted her lashes at him, and how perfectly her paws sat upon his chest. Being so close to her like he was his heart would pound beneath his pallid chest, he felt as though it might jump out. It would pump his heated blood through out the rest of his body as tingling sensations would crawl over his skin. "Why is it you don't ever give in?" he would lift his brow at her comment, surprised at its bold meaning. A half smile would come to rest upon his lips as she continued to tease him, her muzzle bringing shivers wherever she placed her teeth. "Maybe I will," his chest would rumble with his bolder reply.
Still quite at a loss as to what he would be doing the white boy would caress her gentle with his muzzle, his jaws running from the base of her cheek and up to her snout. He would press his nose into her softly, taking a deep breath her her scent, immersing himself into her. Lavender gaze would seek her own as he felt a pull grabbing him, seeking respite. He felt so lost, he did not know how to ask or even what he wanted to do fully. He just felt the pull of his body to hers, as he kept himself as close to her as he could. He didn't want to look like a fool in front of her, but he could not progress any further. He did not know how long he could hold himself off before he broke down and admitted that he was certainly the most inexperienced wolf in the art of making love. He had been taught how to war, not how to please.

Talk like this


01-06-2014, 06:01 PM

Ares and Devya

Maybe I will. Brows would lift, his boldness came as a surprise. But nevertheless, his words made her heart skip a beat. Eyes would slide shut as his muzzle slide along her cheek. Her eyes would open once more then she felt his nose pressed against her own.

She felt as lost as he looked. She knew what she wanted, but how did one ask? She was as inexperienced as he was. No past experience, she never had a mother to explain such things, nor any sisters. What was she suppose to do? What was he suppose to do? Slowly she would roll onto her belly, sliding out from under him. She felt every bit of his warmth as her spine slid across him until she can to stand before him. Almost shyly she would peer up at him, bright eyes would look at him questioning.

Longing filled her chest, dancing in the shadows of her face. Her body quivered with anticipation, her heart pounded in her chest. "Ares?" Her voice was nearly nonexistent, questions surrounded his name, longing teased, frustration built. She simply wanted him.

Ares 1


01-07-2014, 09:56 PM

He would enjoy her as thoroughly as he could, enjoying being so close, he could feel the potential inside of him. The roaring of a sensation that he could hardly ignore one he had never felt before but had him totally ensnared. She brought about a fire to his veins that he felt could not be quenched by any but her. As he struggled to interpret what his body wished of him she would slither out from his grasp, her form rolling so he would come to touch ever bit of her spine. A gasp would escape his lips as this motion brought another wave of frustration about him. She would turn to face him as she stood up, the longing question in her eyes enough to break his heart. He wanted to touch her, to please her, but he didn't know how.
He could see that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her, his name upon her lips was sweeter than any honey. He would push himself from the earth to embrace her once again, his own body quivering as the tension built itself up. He felt a strange pull as he pushed his chest against her own, his head snaking its way around her neck. A whine would be uttered from his lips as he lifted his left paw to caress her ribcage. "Devya.. I.." his voice was heavy with breath as his body move to be parallel with her as the heat inside of him increased even more. His leg would have slid from her side around to her back as he balanced upon three legs. His muzzle would move to bury itself in the thick fur of her scruff as he let his instincts take over. A sigh would escape his lips as he pulled his second front legs upon her back. He was so unsure of himself, he didn't want to hurt her from the weight that was now settled on her back, "Are.. you okay?" he would whisper gruffly into her ear, hoping he wasn't doing something wrong because he felt so right.

I can talk!


01-07-2014, 11:39 PM

Ares and Devya

Everything was intensified. She felt every beat of her heat, every breath against her skin. His presence was like a drug, and she was addicted. She wanted his touch, his love, but mostly she wanted him. It all felt so right, they belonged today, from the day they met when he claimed her as his. It meant something different then, but now, now she all his, and would be forever.

He would rise, a limb rising to brush against her side, she would lean into the touch, her name rolled off his tongue softly while a whine, they were both treading on unknown grounds. Uncertainty hung between them. She felt the shift in his weight and then him settle across her back. Are you okay? Words would tickle her ear with hot breath. "Yes" Came her breathy response, barely audible. Toes would flex, claws digging into the earth, rooting her to her spot.

She felt as though she were on fire, but a good kind of fire. It warmed her entire body, slowly becoming uncomfortable with need. She would lean back against him, a small show of encouragement. There was no going back now, but that was okay, she wanted this. They wanted this.

Ares 1


01-08-2014, 12:24 AM

Her warm body would press into his touch as his body would be supported by her own. A quick "Yes." Would encourage him as he found himself slowly grooming her as her body shifted to be more prepared for his weight. Yes, this was what he craved, a togetherness that would never have been achieved with out such action. He wanted her tremendously, her body and her heart. Shivers ran down his spine as he savored the anticipation, his confidence rising with every movement. He would feel her weight shift into his own, reassuring his movement and goading him on. A fresh flame would surge from his hips as his need mirrored her own.
His chest and rear legs would then line up with her own in one fluid movement, his ribs and upper half coming to rest heavily on her frame. He would quiver excitedly as intense shivers raced across his skin. It was a thrilling action that he would take as his muzzle reached to gently lick her delicate ears. Today he would make her his forever, no one would tear her from his grasp. "Are you ready?" his eager voice would slide quietly from his inky lips as his hungry gaze took her in. The boy would finally be able to call her his wholly.

-fade i imagine?-

I can talk!


01-08-2014, 12:37 PM

His weight would come to rest heavily across her back, though it was far from unbearable. His tongue would caress her ears gently, words whispering into her ear. "I am." Anticipation would make her heart skip a beat, shivers raced across her skin, a flame of desire danced rapidly across her body. There was no going back, she was about to belong to him entirely. A brief sense of nervous flared at the thought of the unknown. His gentle touches soothed her worries, allowing herself to become lost in a world that consisted of only them."I love you, Ares." The quiet confession rolled from inky lips, and immediately she would hesitate, was it the right thing to say? She knew the feeling was true, but would it would scare him away? Her crown would turn, peering up at him from over her shoulder, as much as she could anyway. Once more a sense of shyness overtook her, but it was all lost to a world of pleasure.



Ares 1


01-08-2014, 02:11 PM

She would consent her willingness in two sweet words as he prepared to take her. Unrefined movement would echo from his expectant body. A few deep breaths would be suddenly interrupted by her sweet words of confession, she loved him. All of his life he had been taught loyalty and devotion, never love, but as the words fell from her elegant lips he could not argue. If this was love he would never be able to get enough of it, and he wanted to bad to show her how much he reciprocated the feeling. He would keep his crown positioned close to hers as his own confession slipped from his lips, I love you, Devya.. as their enjoyment would begin.

Okay fading for real this time.

He couldn't believe what they'd done, he could scarcely believe he had been capable of such actions. It felt so right being able to be able to declare that he loved her, to take her in such a way to be able to call her fully his own. Like the first day they had met, he had wanted her then but somehow he wanted her more now. The way their bodies had entwined would replay in his memories for the rest of his life. As the deed was fulfilled he would relinquish his body from her and come to nuzzle her neck once again. He felt complete release, now he just wished to shower her in all of his affection. She loved him, and he loved her, and now forever they would belong to each other. Devya, my irresistible drug.. his voice would be said with a sigh of relief as he pushed into her dark fur, as though trying to prolong the feeling he had experienced. His salmon tongue would reach to caress her muzzle as his mischievous lavender gaze searched for her own.

I can talk!


01-09-2014, 01:09 PM

I love you, Devya. Words echoed in her skull, they made her heart skip a beat. Things had changed so drastically in her life, it was amazing. As the world settled down once more around them, he would come to her side, releasing his holding on her, and nuzzle her neck, his affections more than welcomed.

Words rolled off his tongue, bringing gentle laughter from her jaws. "And you are mine." She would return the kiss her had planted on her muzzle with one of her own. Her dark pelt would mingle with his as she leaned against, desiring a nap, her energy stolen.

She still could not wrap her mind around what had just happened. They had each claimed echoer, expressing their love. It was something she thought she would never experience. "Come let us rest." She would lead him to her original spot, limbs folding under her as she laid against the earth, waiting for him to curl around her.

Silence would wrap around her, thoughts filling her head. Never had she imagined this life. Someone to love, and love her back. But then there was the murder of her father, it pulled a sigh from her lips. She missed him dearly. Two toned gaze would seek his lavender one, leaning into his warmth.

ooc- Im assuming this is after the dm?


Ares 1


01-10-2014, 05:58 PM

He would join her in a gentle laugh as her words would reach his ear, their addictions matching. He would close his eyes and enjoy the kiss she returned to him, as her weight would be felt leaning into his own form. He would let himself be amazed at the events that had just transpired, he and Devya.. he would have never guessed that he would have experienced that with her. In fact, he never thought he would have ever, there had been no emphasis on procreation in his child hood. Not that either of them thought about children, with only barely being in adulthood themselves.
As his thoughts would grasp the concept she would direct him back to where they had been laying before. Her beautiful form would gracefully come to rest on the earth, Ares would linger for just a moment on her before bringing himself to rest around her. He would let his head rest upon her shoulders to where he could easily take in her features with his gaze. "That was amazing Devya, but.. you don't think... You don't think you'll have any.. children now?" He was so uncertain about the whole thing, he had no idea about maturity and how old a she wolf had to be beforehand. He didn't know what would happen, but hopefully she would put his fears to rest.

I can talk!


01-12-2014, 05:35 PM

He would take only a moment longer to come lay down beside her. His larger form would curl around her, blanketing her in a cocoon of warmth. His concern would reach her dark audits, a smirk tugging at her lips. He was lost, but she knew enough that she was not old enough, nor was she in her season. "You have nothing to worry about, neither of us are old enough." She would place a comforting kiss on his cheek, meeting his lavender gaze, hopping to soothe his worries.

He had rested his skull across her shoulders, she would bring her body to curl tighter, enabling herself to be able to meet his gaze. Her crown would come to rest on her paws, her thoughts wandering, but always coming back to one. He was now part of her world, and would forever stay that way. Blue and green pools would constantly catch his lavender one, a smiling playing on her lips each time. A sort of contentment seeped into her chest, chasing away any worries she might have had.
