
Fading in the dark [Newts kids/Taurig]


12-26-2013, 04:17 PM
Newt Saxe

She had heard the news. Found nothing in her home. Her children were missing and she was unsure if they had followed him. She had taken so much time getting to the island they had secluded themselves on. The swim had been exhausting and on the way to finding the pack she had found Ozz dead. Her death had only further enraged her as she made her way towards the ?kingdom?. All she wanted was to get answers and find her children and leave. Her tail flicked behind her aggressively as she followed the lingering aromas of wolves. She had let her pack down upon her defeat with medusa but she had fought! She had given everything to protect them and although she had failed she had still tried. What had he done? He had just rolled over and allowed this King, Isardis, to take everything away without so much as blinking.

She found herself on the edge of insanity. The rage was eating her alive. Where was her mate? Where were her children? She hoped that Zara was still all right. She needed her now more then ever. She lifted her head to the heavens and released a long howl. It was a demand for Taurig to face her and for her children to come if they were here. She wanted to make sure her family was all right and deliver the news of Ozz?s death.

ooc: sorry its so short, I just wanted to start it.



5 Years
Extra large
12-26-2013, 11:47 PM

He probably should've spoken to Newt about his executive decision to relinquish control of Tortuga over to Isardis, but the behemoth of a woman hadn't been around. She had been recovering, or at least, that's what he thought her to be doing. The last time he had seen her he had been pulling her away from the DM. After that, she ahd disappeared to who knows where, possibly to be on her own to recover. She hadn't told him where she was going and he had tried looking for her, but to no avail. Perhaps if he had spoken to her, she would've helped him figure out another way to get his wife back and have Isardis leave him alone, but it was the only thing he thought of at the moment. And his pack was included in his thoughts. He had already gotten them to safety transferring them to the island, he just had to make sure that the albino wouldn't hurt his pregnant wife either.

He could feel his stomach wrench inside his abdomen as Newt's familiar voice rang out across the island, calling for him. Tattered ears would flatten against his skull, limbs automatically pulling the titan up and away from his den, paws carefully navigating the foliage as he the sound of her voice to the shores of the beach, where the pack had come to make its journey. Toes would sink in the sand as he moved towards the origin of the behemoth woman's scent, milky eyes blindly searching for her large mass. Newt? He would call out, stopping in his tracks, nostrils flaring as he tasted the woman's scent, waiting to hear some confirmation that she was around.

OOC: assuming she was on the beach and not sure if you wanted the kids to post first but figured i might as well reply

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12-27-2013, 06:54 PM
Newt Saxe

Sightless eyes searched for the source of the call. Her own observing his reaction carefully as she waited for him to come to her. He stood, sniffing, searching and she was certain that what Haji had told her. So he was indeed blind then. She allowed a deep breath to fill her lungs for a moment. She closed her eyes and attempted to sooth the anger she was choking on. She was reasonable, well sometimes, and she needed to know the truth. She needed to understand why and determine where her place would be and with whom. Haji wanted her to help him take back the kingdom, to rule it, she was unsure if that was the path she needed to follow. She couldn?t make a choice until she had all the pieces.

?I am here.? She said, her voice was neutral and lost any hostility that had previously been dripping in her mind. He had been threw so much strife and her anger was understandable, however, it wasn?t the reaction he needed right now. She cared about her former king. He had become something she desired to protect. What this other king had done to him was eating at her but she needed to know why. Why had Isardis come and stolen his eyes and balls? ?Cerberus little pink dildo you look like shit Taurig.? She said with a laugh. If she could sooth her own anger then perhaps she could look at the situation with an open mind.

She approached him with heavy paws. The ground seemed to buckle beneath her as she moved closer and closer. Gently she allowed her muzzle to touch his cheek in greeting and withdrew to look him over. ?This wolf did quite the number on you.? She stated bluntly. She was never one for being careful about sensitive subjects. Her tail flicked behind her as she looked down at him. Her head was held high and her body language clearly displaying her own authority. It was habitual, nothing personal, and it wasn?t as if he could see the display anyway.

Ooc: nah its cool, I figure the kids will come in when ever.


12-27-2013, 11:31 PM
Nausica Saxe

The girl had made her way to the island but had remained out of sight. Her brother had once again disappeared, she didn't know if her mother was alive. She had nothing. Soon she would be leaving this dreadful place, starting new life for herself. Her crown rested on her paws, purple daggers staring blankly out at the ocean, her presence hidden by a thicket. A call shattered her silence. Audits twitched. Her mother. So the woman was alive.

She would rise, seeking out proof of the woman's existence. It did not take long for her to arrive. Taurig had already found the woman. She approached silently, her stare blank of any emotion. "Mother." Dull words would float from her jaws. Anger bubbled slowly in her chest. She had abandoned them, and now she had appeared demanding their presence. Tension rolled off her growing bodice, muscles tight with agitation. Their king stood silently. He was a poor excuse for a king.

Lips twitched in a faint snarl, tips of fangs glinting against dark flesh. Not a word left her mouth. She had nothing to say. Her mother had never truly been a mother, she had been a faint presence in their life. Along with the rest of her family. Her brother drifting, she didn't even know if her sister was alive or not. The girl had grown up abandoned, it was her life.



5 Years
Extra large
12-28-2013, 05:01 PM

I am here. Came Newt's familiar voice in response, tattered ears swiveling to catch the direction in which her voice came from. He would listen to her heavy pawsteps as she moved towards him, the sand shifting beneath her weight as she approached him. Cerberus little pink dildo you look like shit Taurig. Her laughter was infectious, his own amused rumble vibrating through his massive chest. Well, at least it didn't sound like she hated him. Yet. A little worse for wear, but still kicking. Glad to hear that you're alright Newt. I was worried about you. Even if he probably hadn't done the right thing in her eyes, he still valued her as a friend. A really good one to be in fact.

A smile would touch his ebony lips as she touched his cheek, the scarred tissue across his left one wrinkling in response to the facial movement, tail swinging gently between his hocks. When she pulled back he would return the greeting, muzzle bumping the bottom of her own, ears rotating forward to catch her words, shoulder rising in a nonchalant shrug. I suppose he did.But it isn't anything to life changing. I'm just glad I'm still here. How have you fared Newt? The sound of an unfamiliar voice would catch his attention, crown turning towards the source, nostrils flaring to catch the scent of a young female who smelled alot like the behemoth woman before him. Could this girl be Newt's daughter?

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5 Years
Extra large
12-28-2013, 05:02 PM

I am here. Came Newt's familiar voice in response, tattered ears swiveling to catch the direction in which her voice came from. He would listen to her heavy pawsteps as she moved towards him, the sand shifting beneath her weight as she approached him. Cerberus little pink dildo you look like shit Taurig. Her laughter was infectious, his own amused rumble vibrating through his massive chest. Well, at least it didn't sound like she hated him. Yet. A little worse for wear, but still kicking. Glad to hear that you're alright Newt. I was worried about you. Even if he probably hadn't done the right thing in her eyes, he still valued her as a friend. A really good one to be in fact.

A smile would touch his ebony lips as she touched his cheek, the scarred tissue across his left one wrinkling in response to the facial movement, tail swinging gently between his hocks. When she pulled back he would return the greeting, muzzle bumping the bottom of her own, ears rotating forward to catch her words, shoulder rising in a nonchalant shrug. I suppose he did.But it isn't anything to life changing. I'm just glad I'm still here. How have you fared Newt? The sound of an unfamiliar voice would catch his attention, crown turning towards the source, nostrils flaring to catch the scent of a young female who smelled alot like the behemoth woman before him. Could this girl be Newt's daughter?

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