
Raider Brats (last chance GilMod kids)



Artist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
Yesterday, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 1 hour ago by NachoMumma. Edited 3 times in total.)

The basics

For the very last time! Here we go again. Having handed the reigns over to the younger generation doesn't necessarily mean Mod and Gil will go any easier on these kids than the last. Raider's do be Raider's at the end of the day and there will be expectations around activity and skill proficiency for these kids.

Activity Requirements

In line with Raider activity requirements, these kids will need to be expert in both skills by the time they turn one. Those with fighting as a skill will expected to participate in a raid by the time they are 3 seasons old, and if you don't post them for 2 months, they will be reclaimed (and potentially killed off). We understand life happens, just give us a heads up if you can.



Since its the last litter and why the hell not, this time we're going for a Ghibli theme. Preclaimed siblings are Calcifer and Sophie.


Modesty has quills, muntjac antlers, extra-long fur and caracal ears. Gilgamesh has crystal spines, water deer fangs and goat pupils. Gil is Extra-Large and Modesty is Dire, though regular size children are more than welcome!

As I’ve said in previous adoption threads, if you would like to drop one of these kids, murder or kidnapping can be discussed for the plot fodder. Incest related plots will be discouraged and there will be IC consequences if they happen.



Designs: (or BYO)

Designs by Resin

Designs by Salt

Designs by Janoobus

Designs by NachoMumma

Probably more designs to be added later

<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (50% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b> Mutations</b>: (Optional)
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b> Alignment</b>:
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
Yesterday, 05:03 PM
Out-of-Character Name: wicked
Character's Name: Moon (thinking about Nausicaä but we'll see how I feel by the time this is finished)
Gender: female
Adult Height: 30"
Height: medium
Build: balanced
Appearance Description:

Mutations: probably not, if i can wrangle a bath bomb she'll get mod's pretty fur
Personality: 150 words
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Skills: intellect & navigation (or healing? idk)
Intended plots: a raider and a politician? dangerous!


11 hours ago (This post was last modified: 4 hours ago by Medilic. Edited 5 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Medilic

Character's Name: Zeniba
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 45
Height: Dire
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:
[Image: distejw-b162b30d-e4c1-41af-a4b5-ae086fbb...NOu66LWAho]

Coat: When you first look at Zeniba you are quick to realize how much she takes after her mother, purples and blues standing out against the black background of her fur. Apparent striping made itself known against her legs and a few upon her tail. Her coat speaks of the very sky itself. Her face is marked with light blue stripes around her eyes and one that runs down the length of her head, creating a star at the midpoint of her face before fading out to a white as it grows closer to her nose. Her chest, underbelly, back, and end of her tail are marked with the white she stole from her father even if the placement exceeds where it is upon him. Overall she is ethereal, dreamy, and above all else soft. Her fur is luxurious and long, but not nearly as long as her mother's.

Build: Coming in at 45" at the shoulder Zeniba is already a mountain of a wolf, matched with a build of 215 pounds she isn't the burliest around but she is not the daintiest either. She falls into the middle with her weight, a lethal mix of strength and speed. Her body is otherwise narrow, with a cinched waist and supple curves. Her femininity doesn't hide the supple muscle lingering in her shoulders, back end, and legs, however. Additionally, she is mutated, in a way that is not quite visible, her ribs are collapsible like a snake. Providing her with additional mobility, an odd party trick, and an even odder way to take incredibly deep breaths. Being able to expand and deflate on command is something she finds quite amusing to freak others out with.

Eyes: Piercing orange eyes lay inside of her skull, the same one-toned eyes of her father yet a more orange-gold color more closely related to that of her mothers.
Mutations: we will see what items i can get and what i can afford >:) (so far agility mut for sure, shows as collapsible snake-like ribs)
Arrogant: Zeniba has a high opinion of both her own abilities, intellect, and herself, often drawing her to believe she knows best in most situations. While she doesn't blatantly go out of her way to belittle thoughts outside of her family, her dismissive attitude towards other's opinions can make her feelings more than clear.

Chaotic: She is unpredictable in nature, often causing others to stay on their toes around her. She follows her instincts and whims rather than adhering to social etiquette or rules, making her actions often difficult to predict. She is not outwardly malicious, her disregard for others often leads her towards outcomes and struggles that surprise her just as much as everyone else, involved or not.

Confident: Zeniba moves and speaks with a confidence that demands attention. She remains steadfast in everything, unchanging in the face of a challenge. She rarely second-guesses her own thoughts or ideas, which is often either the biggest mistake she makes or something that somehow manages to save her ass.

Curious: She is a seeker of knowledge, and all that comes with it. Zeniba is keen on uncovering mysteries, particularly those that surround Abraxas. Her curiosity can sometimes be hindering to her, but she will never fear away from asking the hard questions others avoid.

Cynical: She is often skeptical of other's motives outside those she trusts, and often judges the fairness of the world. She is quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to other's kindness.

Independent: Zeniba is nothing if not self-reliant, she values her autonomy above almost all else. Other than her god no one has a full say in what she can and can't do. She can often resist authority if she believes it threatens her own choices, plans, or family.

Loyal: She is deeply loyal to all who share her beliefs or her pack, she believes the raiders to be the superior pack in most situations. No matter what always believe them to be the most important thing to her even above herself, she is fiercely loyal. However, if you do not meet those standards her loyalty is hard to earn. It takes time, effort, and a great deal of pestering before she even considers it.

Mischievous: Beneath it all, Zeniba is a prankster, she enjoys catching others off-guard with her wit or surprising others with clever pranks. Her humor is often subtle but not dull at all. She definitely enjoys pushing boundaries in ways that are more playful than harmful.
Alignment: Probably chaotic neutral but we will see how development goes !
Skills: Fighting & Healing
Intended plots: Zeniba will begin to dip her toes into the whole spiritual side of the Abraxas beliefs from an early age, seeking to gain knowledge on the subject as she grows and being quick to try and prode any information from her family about it. Perhaps growing to become a sort of seer to their god, maybe even believing herself to be one of the last few who can communicate with him directly. (Broad idea likely to change with development, but a fun little idea!)


4 hours ago (This post was last modified: 3 hours ago by Missy. Edited 4 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Missy
Character's Name: Aogaeru or Kamajī
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 36in”
Height: Large
Build: Balanced
Appearance Description: 100 words, wip

Mutations: wip
Personality: This boy will follow his whims, an individualist, first and foremost, yet calculative and devious like a griffin. He’s headstrong and weaponised by an ironclad demeanour, wintry and phlegmatic, brandishing a rather egocentric way of thinking, and with that, comes a warmongering, militant trait. He truly believes he's all that, and honestly, with looks as dapper as this? It'd be hard not to. Wantonly planning every move, every thought, every breath, to get exactly what he wants, waning no empathy to those who suffer in his wake —— clever, even, he’s concise in deceiving to achieve just that. He stoutly values his own autonomy and doesn't strive to protect another’s rights, much less care. Family is the epitome of everything, of course, and will always remain that way, for he will be patriotic to none else. A principle set in stone, the boy will do anything to ensure their welfare is never infracted, even if it means reigning bedlam and demise. Avoiding bureaucracy, resenting diminutions and testing the rules of havoc, he isn’t opposed to sinking his teeth into a campaign of anarchy, but not without rhythm or rhyme, and a reason to do so. Whether it transcribes from a desire to liberate for the good of himself, or an evil so raw with recreation and compulsion for seeing another suffer beneath his bludgeoning barbarity. Unpredictable at best, his intentions are never frivolous nor arbitrary; he’s intelligent and witty, consciously considering all probabilities. And where there’s brains, comes a sea of vanity; feeling as if he deserves to own a sense of prerogative, regency is an obvious attribute, seeking to obliterate any and all pillocks that dare to rain on his lawless, damson parade.
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Skills: Navigation & Fighting
Intended plots: tba