
Peace or Tranquility? [open]


03-12-2013, 05:40 PM

Blue, sapphire orbs peered out from a skull of misted silver. Her tail strong and lean batted back and forth, she had no problems, no worries, no cares, only the total peace and serenity that being a loner had provided her. She realized now that her time outside the cages of confinement were what she had truly been missing... never in her life had she felt truly free until a few short months ago... a year ago she never would have been caught watching rivers, it would have made her to anxious, to nervous to sit still. But now... the babbling of the brook, the whispers of birds in the trees... all of it felt soothing on her battered soul, a balm of the most beautiful kind.

She stretched out on the warm rock, watching as fishes battled one another playfully in the crystalline waters. Flashes of beautiful scales had her mesmerized and never could she remember feeling so relaxed, so at peace with her own demons, her own nightmares... maybe she could make peace with Valhalla. She did not wish to return, but their feelings toward her would no doubt be less than pleasant... no... they had never seen her as one of their own, returning would only fuel more bitterness both on her side and theirs.

It was better this way, and so with a gentle huff, and a flickering of her eyelids, she drifted off into a light sleep, letting the rivers carry away her worries.



03-12-2013, 06:26 PM
The young prince padded through the forests surrounding the lake, his mind abuzz as usual with hateful thoughts toward his siblings. His two sisters swore that he had sparked the conflict between them but he knew, oh he knew, that no matter what they said, in their hearts he would always be different. He charged for the lake, rage consuming his mind as his paws slapped against the water. He hated them! He hated both of them! His rage had consumed him to the point that he didn't even notice the sleeping wolf at first, and when he did, he drew back, surprised by her beauty. Never before had he seen a female outside of Valhalla, especially not one so pure and so perfect. Shyly he stepped closer, almost afraid. "Hello?" He called, his shadow sweeping over her face. He was only a yearling, a pup by most standards, but such an exotic wolf would stir even the most pure of heart.

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03-12-2013, 07:00 PM

Luce's tail, a languid every moving structure flickered this way and that. Lazily draping over the edge of the rock and picking back up to float ceaselessly in the air. The snapping of pads against the earth caught her ears and lazily they flickered forward watching with renewed interest as the small life form charged towards the lake. He was young and obviously quite upset. Luce herself could understand such things. She had terrible mood swings of violence, but in a creature so young fits of rage seemed quite out of character, at least this intense, and he was alone, abandoned out here in forgotten lands where any misbegotten beast could swallow him whole. Poor thing.

She watched him, head still resting upon the rock, but icy blue eyes keen upon him. He charged into the icy waters, rage consuming his shaking frame and she blinked. What had upset the poor creature so? Even a dame like she had a soft spot for pups. Finally he seemed to notice her and took a moment of silence, he approached her rock almost timidly and she smiled gently, her eyes glittering with interest. She was gorgeous, most everyone starred as they should. Luce knew she was stunning, but this was but a pup and she needed to calm her vanity.

She remained reclined, relaxed. His gentle voice reaching her audits with ease as he approached her. Her tail, still flickering behind her, she dipped her head out of respect, a gentle gleam in her brightly colored gaze.

"Bonjour." Her voice was a gorgeous soprano but heavy with a French accent. She could speak the language of love perfectly, but knew better than to default as such to the small pup. "What is your name love? Who has upset you so?" She purred as sweet as honey, everything about her screamed for him to draw closer, to relax with her, to trust her. She was masterful in her deceit.



03-12-2013, 07:21 PM

His head tilted at the foreign word. He glanced around awkwardly, wondering if a "Bonjour" was some kind of animal ready to attack him. Finding none, he starred back at the pearly mistress, this ivory goddess and smiled awkwardly, realizing much too late that she had just greeted him. "What is your name love? Who has upset you so?". His back straightened, suddenly remembering the hole his sisters had left in his heart. "I'm Neo Ad-...Neo. Just Neo."He didn't need that moniker. He barely used it to begin with. He didn't belong with them. "I shouldn't trouble you with my problems." He said quietly. That was what he had been told anyway, or at least what he believed. His problems where his own cross to bare, he needn't ruin someone's day whining about his siblings and the rights they had earned over him. And it was true. While his siblings had simply been given rank he and his brother were left unrewarded, having to fight for their rank tooth and nail. It wasn't fair.

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03-12-2013, 07:38 PM

For once the dame had not indulged in sins and promises of sweet high. Poppy seeds were far from her train of thought, the addiction, the craving not beckoning to her like the sweetest of sirens. Her mind was her own, at least for now, and she came the tiny male her full attention. He glanced over his shoulder at the French word, obviously not knowing what it meant and when he turned back to face her. He spoke of how her problems were not her own and how she should not be forced to be troubled by them, but she only smiled, very gently, and very tenderly extending her neck to brush his cheek with the tip of her snout, in a gesture that was supposed to be comforting.

"It isn't a burden in the slightest love. Come, sit, talk. My name is Luce." He carried the scent of Valhalla with him, a part of her wished to corrupt him, but the calmer, contemplative, thoughtful side wanted to give the child a piece of mine. He was out here, alone and unprotected, regardless of whom he belonged too, that was unacceptable. "I hail from a place called France, Bonjour means hello in French." She chuckled lightly, answering his unvoiced question.



03-12-2013, 09:07 PM

Her voice caressed his ears softly as she spoke, sending into a wonderful daze the likes of which he had never known before. He was too young to comprehend the frivolities of lines on a map, of alliances and rivalries, he wanted only to be with the female, to experience her entirely, to be absorbed into the blissful world she had swept him into with her kind words and understanding heart. He could tell her anything, and would do so,gladly and willingly. "I-it's my sisters." He said, almost ashamed of his own, chalky adolescent voice compared to the sweet row of syllables that left her delicate jaws. He scent, the scent of flowers in spring, assaulted his senses, driving him mad with longing and devotion. Would it be too much to say he had fallen in love with her? He prayed not.

"M-my sisters..." he continued, regaining his train of thought from his engrossment of her beauty. "Well. They're not REALLY my sisters anyway, they were given high ranks in my pack, but me and my brother...My real brother, were completely left out of being assigned any rank at all." He said, his voice feeble. She would think he was stupid. A stupid starry eyed pup with no hope of redemption.

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03-12-2013, 09:55 PM

She watched him, eyes the color of crystalline ice absorbing everything about him. His coloring was unique, gorgeous, if he was just a touch older... Luce would have demanded he take her, but alas, he was not and so Luce would behave. Her voice was a soft timbre, drawing him nearer, willing him closer, she reclined ever so gently against the rock. Her long, luxurious tail coiling absently about her haunches, twitching ever so slightly. He drew closer to her, and if he wished it, he could lay beside her. Luce was feeling uncharacteristically calm and benevolent. She wondered if addiction had not trapped her if this was how she would have been.

She cocked her head to the side, a perfect picture of patience after the whispered words. He seemed to lose his train of thought, becoming a bit lost within his own thoughts but his gaze never left her and she smiled reassuringly, willing him to continue speaking. Surprise flickered through her gaze as he specified it was his own family that had upset him so, and shock registered within her gaze as he gave her the reason. He smelled of Valhalla? Female domination was a trait of Lentajin.

"I am so sorry love. Playing favorites is something no parent should ever do, it is exceptionally cruel to deny you a rank at all." Not that she would know. She never had parents. She had never had a family. She curled her neck around his torso and dragged him to her, embracing him in the only way she could. " Tis why I left the pack I belonged too. You should have the same honor and respect your sisters have claimed even if you did not fall from the same litter. My heart bleeds for such inequality especially to someone as handsome as yourself." Her voice was as soft as sin, rumbling up through her vocal cords. She kept the pup curled upon her chest offering him the comfort he probably never received.



03-12-2013, 10:14 PM
"W-well. It's not my father." He admitted, stumbling over his words as she mended to the wounds his siblings had left on his heart. "It's my older brother that made the decision. Not my father." He explained. Although he hated his children Neo could never hate Cairo. The wolf that had guarded and protected him like one of his own and never seemed to falter from that path...But there was that darkness in the back of his mind, the thought that always lingered, and he wondered: Would Cairo have done any different? Collision was after all practically a carbon copy of Cairo, despite their lack of blood between them. He fell into the embrace regardless, his head resting upon her arm as she coiled around him. His eyes closed softly, lulled into a peaceful state by her kind words and sympathies. The touch of a female, something he had been denied his entire life, first by his biological mother who had abandoned them, then by Guinevere who died coddling her own cubs, and then by his siblings who turned their backs on him. "My heart bleeds for such inequality especially to someone as handsome as yourself." Finally he had someone to himself. Something to himself something to...Handsome? She thought he was handsome? Magenta eyes jumped open as the words reached his ears. He looked up at her, confused momentarily before he buried his head in her chest, feeling the soft rhythm of her heart as his own heart raced inside his rib cage, threatening to break the tender bones and muscle "Handsome" The word played in his mind again and again, always in her soft gentle articulation. He was handsome and she was beautiful. He was in love with her.

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03-12-2013, 10:41 PM

Luce purred, a soothing rhythm that rumbled through her chest, she coiled her body around the tiny pup, blanketing him with her tail, shielding him entirely from the outside world. The poor thing... he held so much anger, so much sadness, it reminded her of herself. Of course she had been dropped into the heart of France, roped into pulling heavy artillery across the snow, she had never known her parents, she fought to the death for her food, and the humans beat her senseless. Cracked bones, torn muscles, gaping wounds... she had survived it all and had come out of it with a severe addiction to poppy seeds... opium, but as a child she had been hateful, angry, pissed, and the injustice he spoke of was one of the reasons she had left Valhalla. It was good that she had chosen to stay away.

"Regardless of who in your family has denied you, it is wrong. You deserve to be treated just as well as your sisters. They are foolish and ignorant to treat you so harshly." She smiled as he pulled away from her fore limb, his large blinking up at her in confusion before he buried his maw into her coat, hiding his face from her obviously touched by her words, her tail flipped to allow her maw into the cocoon of warmth she had created for him. She wondered if he had ever felt the gentle embrace of another? He seemed so utterly taken by her, did anyone offer him the time of day? A strange sense of protectiveness fell over the dame and Luce wasn't entirely sure what in the hell it was, for now, she would ignore it.

"Do not despair sweetheart, I speak only truth. You needn't hide your emotions from me." Her jaws slid open, soft pink tongue gliding across the top of his head between his ears, her heart beating an ever steady rhythm against his cheek.



03-12-2013, 11:03 PM

He felt the gentle embrace of her tongue against his fur, the warmth of her body as she shielded him from the cold world waiting for him at the end of their moment. Protecting him from all the pain he had ever felt. There was no one else in this would. Only him and Luce, and that was all he needed, no Epiphron to belittle him with her very existence. No Chrysanthe to gang up on him and tease him, no Syrinx to be the model son they should all hope to be...No Preston, looking at him the way he always did, thinking the thought he never dare speak but that knew-KNEW was in his heart. No. None of them could take this from him, their serene moment of sheer joy, and happiness he had never before felt. He felt invincible with their bodies entwined,and he could only pray that their moment would never end. A soft whine escaped his lips as his forehead nuzzled her chin lovingly. Valhalla was a distant memory. The needs of the pack were outweighed by his personal hunger for affection and love, and with it, he thought only of all the ways he could impress her. His motivations now, would be devoted to her and only her. Although he was no longer thinking of only himself, he had no idea just how dangerous a creature love could be. He could have told her at that moment: That Collision would be leaving for Glaciem, that Valhalla was without a lead warrior to guide them, that the land of milk and honey was ripe for the plucking. And had she asked, he would have gladly told her, without hesitation.

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03-12-2013, 11:35 PM

Luce was getting... oh what was that putrid word that those with bonds used... attached? He reminded her so much of herself when she was young. Her life had been a spiraling vortex of bitterness and hatred, she knew what it was like to feel unloved and hated by everyone, everything that moved. Even as vain as selfish as she was, she never wished for such a fate to be bestowed upon anyone. Least of all a pup like he. He was so young and already so angry... she had scarcely spoken fifty words and he leeched upon her kindness like a starving wolf upon a slab of meat. She hummed, a soft, low sound, that vibrated her chest and trickled from her maw. She decided she would not let this child return to whatever abuse he was so accustomed too, but she could not return to Valhalla. She held too much of her own bitterness for the pack... but would he come back with her to Tortuga?

At his soft whine, he buried himself even deeper into her luxurious fur and she tightened her grip around him, reassuring him that she was still there, she could not ask him just yet, she needed to know he would not return, that he would come with her. She could be his source of comfort, she could be that perfect angel, if only he would come with her. She would show him there were much better places than Valhalla. That Valhalla was nothing more than a flaw. A lie disguised in beautiful speech. This pup only hardened her dislike of the pack.

"Where is your brother now? Perhaps there is something I could do to sway his mind. Make him see how unique you truly are?" Perhaps she could kill two birds with one stone. Earn his trust and gain a touch of intel on Valhalla. It would be a lovely combination, to prove that even she would be chosen over Valhalla given the chance and to earn the respect of Kaien. How delicious this afternoon had turned.



03-13-2013, 12:12 AM

The soft hymn of the other wolf was the final step to lead to his total abolition to Valhalla. There was nothing for him there but curt siblings and failed ranks and as the soft lyrical sound rang in his sensitive ears he knew a life of milk and honey awaited him, far away from his siblings, somewhere where they'd never be able to hurt him again. The song came to a close and his eyes opened tiredly, half asleep from the sheer relaxation he felt. "Where is your brother now?" that was it. The question he had longed to hear before he shrugged of Valhalla entirely. "He's in Valhalla now...But he wont be for long. He's going to Glaciem soon." He muttered. Before any of this Cairo had him sweat that he would only do what was best for Valhalla. Only do what was right for his pack. But Valhalla wasn't his pack. It was Epiphron and Chrysanthe's. Not his. He never belonged there. Never belonged in the pack that would always shun him. Now it was his turn. He would turn his back on Valhalla, surrender their secrets to whoever would listen, and never return. He was no longer Neo Adravendi. He was Neo. Just Neo. A wolf on his own. Invincible. Dangerous.

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03-13-2013, 12:42 AM

Luce's haunting blue eyes watched the tiny life she held within her grasp. He was so soft, so comforted by her embrace. She was lulling him to sleep with old lullabies she could remember the humans humming. Valhalla had deprived the child of love and affection. Of mutual respect and dignity, Luce would offer him all of those things, everything that his heart desired. She would be his saving grace his sweet angel because he had just given her the most decadent of prizes. No he would not return to that wretched place whom had out casted him. She had sunk her claws into the pup, claimed him as her own and Luce was incredibly possessive.

Valhalla was without a leader. Valhalla was without a king. Cairo was old and weary and the rest of the pack would crumble without their king. Oh this pup was a glorious creature, one that had just earned her a permanent rank in Tortuga, and this glorious pup... she would show him all of the love and affection she could muster, so that when Cairo came, and surely he would come, this child, this pup would chose her. And Cairo would know how far he had fallen. Oh... she absolutely beamed. She bathed him in another kiss, her tongue drifting over the crown of his head.

"Love... why return to Valhalla at all if they are so cruel to you? Come with me, back to Tortuga. You can live with me and Ill take care of you for as long as you desire." She purred, her voice as soft as honey as she spoke her proposal, eager to hear his response.



03-13-2013, 12:56 AM
"Love... why return to Valhalla at all if they are so cruel to you? Come with me, back to Tortuga. You can live with me and I'll take care of you for as long as you desire." He felt his heart skip a beat. It was as if she could read his thoughts, as if she knew what he desired more than anything else in the world. He looked up at her beaming, his eyes alight with hope and joy. He had a home! He wouldn't need to suffer through the trials of being a rouge. Through hungry nights and cold mornings, he would live comfortably with the woman he had fallen for, and would never suffer at the hands of his siblings again. "I would love that." He said, nuzzling her chest happily. His tail wagged uncontrollably behind him, his ears folded back, he felt like he could have cried from the sheer joy he felt. Never again would he live among those that belittled him, those that never understood him, he was of Tortuga now, and as long as his beautiful Luce remained with them, so too would he.

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03-13-2013, 01:09 AM

Luce was not a wolf of exceptional strength or power, she was a lithe, slender beauty with eyes of ice. She was a creature who thrived on trickery and deceit, seduction and lust, but she could be a demon when she wished to be. She possessed a hidden strength and while more often than not her aggression was concealed, it was still there, rippling beneath the surface, and this wonderful pup had just bestowed upon her a wondrous gift. She had not anticipated becoming a caretaker, responsible for another life this morning, but oh how she loved surprises!

She nuzzled the pup ever so gently, the tip of her nose, brushing the side of his cheek. She would become anything he would require of her. Mother, companion, friend... She could not wait to see the once mighty king of Valhalla's face fall as this pup denied him and chose her of all wolves. It would be a glorious day indeed!

"Would you like to see your new home? You have my promise that Valhalla will never harm you again." She brushed her maw against his body, covering the Valhallen scent and dulling it down, not completely causing it to vanish, she wanted Kaien to scent it upon him. "Kaien is a much fairer ruler than Collision. You will succeed brilliantly in Tortuga's ranks."



03-13-2013, 01:23 AM
He nodded briskly and wiggled out from under her, he couldn't contain his excitement! A new home that would adore him, a new family that seemed to bless the ground he walked upon, it was all he could ever hope for and more. "Lead the way Luce." He said happily, his tail wagging with such fervor that the tip kissed his hips. For once in his life he was truly happy. He would get the respect he needed so desperately, the attention he wanted more than anything, and the rank that he deserved all along. He ran into the forest happily, stopping only to wait for his new companion. He was a new wolf entirely. Reborn as the playful pup he should have been all along. His new home was waiting for him. His new life. Cairo was a distant memory, his promise long forgotten. Preston? He didn't need him. He didn't need any of them. He was a traitor as far as he was concerned. He had everything he needed in Luce, and soon he would have it in spades with Kain

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03-13-2013, 01:34 AM

Luce had been a silent creature all of her life, intent to watch the word whiz by without her. She didn't plot, she didn't scheme, she didn't so much as think beyond today's pleasures, but not the tides were changing she had a responsibility now. She was in charge of a pup, and how excitable he was! She rose to her pads, shaking out the dust and arching her spine like a cat allowing the joints to pop back into a place. If he considered Collision his brother that made him Cairo's son, whether by blood or otherwise mattered little. He was stripped of the title. He was Luce's pup now. That thought made her smile.

His tiny form bounded into the forest. She would craft him with love and admiration, mold him into a fine warrior, teach him the arts and ways of deception... Luce had never been quite so excited. She bounded after him, long body stretching out across the grasses as she darted off to meet him. Playfully, wanting to keep that innocent pup spirit, she grabbed one of his ears tugging lightly. "I'll race ya!" She purred to him, heavy French accent coloring her tones as she darted off, slow enough that he could easily keep ground with her. For once, Luce could not wait for tomorrow.

-exit Luce-



03-13-2013, 01:50 AM

A laugh broke his usually serious and harsh demeanor as she tugged on his ear. He reared onto his back paws and bolted after her, his body rippling with energy and every push, and every pull brought him closer to his new home, closer to Tortuga and further from Valhalla. He was free.

-Exit Neo-

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