
Space to Run



7 Years
12-28-2013, 12:45 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

A quick chuckle slipped from the complacent wolf as she glanced at her husband, feeling his foreleg slide along her back in a gesture of comfort. Having Bane close and knowing his feelings for her simply by the fact he was there and so supportive about everything that they did, but it was another to hear it from him directly. It brought her smile around more fully, more confidently, as she closed her eyes and relaxed more fully as her mate's paw continued to trail along her spine.

His assessment of the pups seemed spot on too. They were growing so quickly and their intake reflected it, a fact she was well aware of and grateful that their diet was expanding. And she could hardly wait to see them learning to fend for themselves, to see which of their parents the youngsters would take after as far as hunting habits went. She hoped somewhat proudly that one of them would excel in fishing as she did, and had her eye on Anais as Bane had suggested already. But she was so impatient most of the time, Tahlia was certain it would take a while and a lot of patience for her to learn, traits she was curious to know whether either of the boys would possess from the start. "Doesn't it?" she murmured wistfully as he remarked upon her idea of a trip to the lake, leaning into him as he rested his head atop hers. Such fun they would have! And it would be a good place for her to see who might have inherited her talents, if any of them had, as well.

Her thoughts were still full of the pups and the eventual trip the family would take when Bane spoke to her, gently massaging her ear within his teeth as he waited. The ear he had taken in his jaws twitched lightly as she considered, before she spoke. "I believe I chose this activity," she answered, opening her eyes to turning her head slightly and peer upward at him as best she could from that angle. "Perhaps you would like to choose the next?"



11 Years
01-02-2014, 01:01 PM
Bane gave a lazy blink and rolled his tongue around his mates ear that remained clenched between his fangs. He released the ear and gave a nip on Tahlia's cheek along with a rumble of lust as his mate reaffirmed that the idea to go to the lake for a family day trip. A fun time they would have where he could just watch his family, maybe even lay in the water and bob about in the shallows to relax his muscles. A pup would probably want to intrude upon that medicinal practice with some splashing. Bane was getting more and more tired each day with having to hunt and deal with his are and... no, that was negative thinking. He'd promised Tahlia that he would no longer voice such drivel.

Tahlia spoke of a sort of back and forth they were doing right now with deciding what to do between themselves. Blood was cleaned off of his mates muzzle with a few swipes of his tongue and firm a push against his mates shoulder eased Tahlia onto her back.?"Oh I think you know what I have in mind now that the pups are at the den and the adults are alone. Something that I hear relieves stress." The elder responded to his mate and her suggestion that he choose another activity for them to do. His tongue stroked her throat and he trailed a set of nibbles down to her chest and ended at the inside of a foreleg with a happy growl. "My dear, let me love you, how about I do that?" Bane placed a paw against the side of her neck to steady himself as he raised his right legs to straddle over her, his tongue lavishing licks upon his mates throat as he began to move.

-fade to black-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-03-2014, 02:43 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia knew already what she was getting into when she offered to let her mate choose what their next activity would be. It was evident in the tone of his rumbling, purring growls against her ear and in the way his gentle caresses could elicit swift shivers that raced down her spine. And, though she dared not say so aloud, she was ready. She truly did enjoy days like this one, where not only could she spend the afternoon with her children but also time alone with her husband. Around the pack, even the pups, she strove to maintain an image of dignity and restraint, watching her words, her manners, everything. With Bane, it was so easy to get those walls to come down, for her to relax and loosen her strict ways, to indulge in emotional and physical pleasure. He tended to be so free himself, it made her that much more comfortable to be the same around him.

She smiled only minutely as he pressed against her shoulder but it was most prominent in her eyes, watching him closely with anticipation as she dropped gracefully to her side and proceeded to roll onto her back for him, positioned as she recalled from their last encounter. Words of an incredibly forward nature were uttered so naturally from him, confirming what she had already deduced by his tone and especially for his positioning of her. "Are you stressed, my husband?" she questioned, voice playfully teasing though already growing breathless from the trail of kisses and nips that started at her exposed throat and traveled down to the crook of one leg. Oh, he was so good at this. Much better than her deceased ex-husband.

The rumblings of his happy growl filled her ears as she lay beneath him, eyes closing blissfully under his attention. A soft noise, almost a moan, was breathed from her muzzle as she listened to his final question, answering quickly and without hesitation, "Please." Bane was already moving into place, her paws roving upward to stroke his chest, and with a sudden breath it began.

-Fade and end-