
Your Equal in Many Ways


12-30-2013, 10:14 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

So this was the former home to the esteemed pack of Tortuga, until Taurig was dethroned by his own father. Was their alliance with Glaciem still holding strong since the change in leadership? Curious, if need be she would travel to Glaciem territory to assure this for Song. Padding along the rocky terrain, she looked about, taking in the strange sights. The volcanic soil should boast a wide variety of flora, which should host much fauna, but instead it was barren. How strange indeed. Standing at the top of this immense volcano, moonstone orbs reflected the magma at the pit of the mountain. Heat shimmered before her liquid mercury optics, folding illusions and mirages that faded as quickly as they were born. Mystified by the ability for the pack to live so calmly upon this volcano, she began to trot comfortably to a safer distance from the boiling lava. She remembered when the Kingdom had fallen, she and her pack had stumbled upon a volcano, which erupted soon after they had left it in the distance. She would not want to be here when this happened to Mount Volkan, she wanted to be far away, safe in the embrace of her beloved mangrove. Of course, she would help all those who required it in the aftermath of such an event, but for now she would remain wary of the disaster waiting to happen. Long legs were swift in their travel down the pebble strewn slope, broad paws silent as they muffled the sharp stones underfoot. What could be living in this disaster zone now?




5 Years
12-30-2013, 10:28 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa watched the pale wolf's approach from atop a large boulder, likely the remnants of an age old eruption. She found that she quite liked this volcanic terrain. It was mystifying, dangerous, enrapturing. It could not be said, of course, that many others of her kind agreed with her. In fact Koros had left earlier the previous day, saying he was going hunting. Raisa scoffed, thinking that the little mite was more likely going to enjoy the 'fresh, healthy air,' as he had so often called it. He does not understand, she thought to herself. As the pale wolf grew ever nearer, Raisa wondered about it. It was too far now to catch it's scent, even if they hadn't be encompassed by sulfur and brimstone. It bore a pristine white coat, and Raisa smirked, wondering how the creature was faring among the soot laden soil.

Her own dark coat blended wonderfully in this dark, fiery landscape. In some odd way, Raisa felt a kinship between her and the volcano, and somewhat protective of it's lands. When the white wolf was close enough that Raisa could have kicked a stone at her, she rose from her perch. "And what exactly brings you to my volcano?" Her voice may have come across as hard, demanding, but in truth she was only curious. It was not her way to be polite or kind. If she sought an answer, it was her right as a royal to receive one. She knew that this was no her realm, and that no wolf would bow to her here, but surely at least that small courtesy should not be denied to her?

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


12-30-2013, 10:40 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

A voice demanded her reasoning for her presence here, a female voice harsh and cold. Stopping, the ivory femme did not react for a moment, processing this haughty attitude towards her. Slowly delicate cranium would turn to fix a cold, consuming stare of pure liquid mercury upon the face of a stranger. Immense willowy frame would pivot as well, so she was fully facing this rude lass. In those eyes was only two words, obvious and impavid. Excuse me? They demanded incredulously. "The last time I checked, Miss, this land was not claimed by anyone." She replied curtly and in a quite annoyed manner. This wolf had eyes much like the magma she had recently abandoned in favour of the barren landscape. Calm was her gaze as she looked up, unafraid of this strange she wolf with the boldly patterned dark coat. She was glad she had left Corvusi to patrol the borders while she had taken her leave to do some long awaited exploring. That cat was quicker with her tongue than the rest of her body, and could get the alabaster queen into much trouble with her snarkiness and sarcasm.




5 Years
12-30-2013, 10:55 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

The obvious ire in the pale wolfess' eyes made Raisa grin, her eyes glinting. It would appear as though she had a bit of a spitfire on her paws. She stood, her tail swinging lightly from side to side, the very picture of ease and comfort. The white fae was bigger than Raisa, but what did that matter? She wasn't here to fight, she was here to enjoy her day, and it looked like it had just improved. Her voice was light, with an edge of mockery. "Perhaps I've just claimed it, then. At any rate, it was only a question, dear stranger." Her fire tipped ears twitched in silent laughter. If Raisa called this summit home, and it did not belong to anyone else, than it was hers until someone ran her off. Why anyone besides herself would want the stinking, dangerous hunk of earth was beyond the young Queen.

She looked up at it's brim and chuckled. My new kingdom, in all it's glowing, stinking glory, she thought bitterly. Nothing like the cold, grey mountains of her homeland. The ancient stands of oaks and maples and ash trees. At least I got the ash right. Oh, how proud would you be Mother, if you could see me now? She turned her gaze slowly back to the pale fae, sneering at her. What could she possibly know of Raisa's struggle, of what she had been through? To see her own parents murdered in a coup, to be driven from her homeland, to be betrayed by her loyal subjects. She was cast down to the dirt, and if she wanted this mountain now, well the damn it all, she would have it. "What's it to you anyways?"

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


12-30-2013, 11:21 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The femme was snarky and quite irritating in her haughty demeanor, and if she was a lesser wolf the ivory giantess would step right up and take her down off her pedestal in a heartbeat, but no. The large woman knew better than to meddle in the lives of those who would no doubt have the gods deal them the cards they deserved soon enough. As the wolfess tried to turn her into the villain of this story, a soft grin of mirth playing at her features as she laughed internally at the poor lass. She nodded in bored acknowledgement, watching the strange bitch overlook her new home. This wolf was quite a nuisance, though someone would end that soon enough no doubt. Then a sharp demand met tall, pale audits the alabaster queen scoffed, raising an eyebrow as she replied smoothly, ethereal tones calm. "It is nothing to me, simply pointing out the flaw in your brash statement." She responded, faint Russian tones whisper soft as usual. Seating herself upon the terra, she tilted her chin upwards so her consuming pools continued to watch the features of her temporary conversation companion. "As well, I suggest you watch that tongue of yours, someone is liable to cut it off for speaking like that." She told the woman, not breaking the calm expression on her face at any point. A soft growl overlaid her lyrics, the threat evident, yet she did not in any way allude to the fact that she might be the one to do it at any time.




5 Years
12-30-2013, 11:34 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa could not help but chuckle at the ivory fae's frustration. Raisa was not ignorant, she knew the affect she had on others, and knew it was not a pleasant one. But what gave them the right to decide where she was, or what she said? No, that was one power that had not, and never would be, taken from her. So she rolled her shoulder, and rolled the threat right off. If the fae had better things to do with her time, she was more than welcome to go about them, the fallen queen would not stop her. If she stayed, the verbal spar would surely continue, and Raisa found herself looking forward to it. You mean to knock me down? To kill me? Her thoughts were as bitterly cold as a long-frozen tundra. I welcome you to it. Is there anything left for me in this life? But she did not voice this, and likely never would.

Instead she let the icy wolfess' words brush over her like a cold wind. She'd known colder, at any rate, and this was not the worst reception she'd ever received. "In truth," she said, her voice slightly less provocative, having been sobered by her dark thoughts, "What brings you here? I've seen few others, and in truth, that is why I'm still here." A light shrug graced her delicate shoulders, as if it were no more commonplace for a pack animal to seek solitude than a bird to forsake it's wings. To be near others was conflict, and disappointment, and terrible memories she'd rather not face just yet.

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


12-31-2013, 10:44 AM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The haughty femme needlessly explained herself, then once more repeated the original inquiry she had for the pale she wolf. Nonchalantly, ethereal tones were let forth. "I simply came to see the territory of a fallen empire." She replied, shrugging as she gazed coolly up at the darker fae. There was nothing wrong done by her presence here, not in any mind sound in it's logics. She did not inquire as to why the other wolfess was here, she had all the information she required to make an assumption that the female was not keen on being social. Neither was the former princess, but she had made the sacrifice to benefit a pack, now the only eastern pack, and it had gotten her everything in life she desired. But she would not force this obviously headstrong woman into anything, it was rather pointless. "Well, the pack that used to hold these lands has moved to the north, and there are very few members. If ever you chose to join one, I would choose it. The leader used to rule my pack as well, and he is quite good at it." She said calmly, her consuming mercury gaze showing nothing. She was simply making a suggestion to a pack that would fit this lass well. Twin raven's feathers, embedded in the fur of her long alabaster banner, twirled and danced in an erratic ballet from their place in her fur as a soft breeze rustled her plush pelt.




5 Years
01-01-2014, 09:22 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa ears perked with the knowledge that another wolf, let alone an entire pack, had once called this forbidding landscape home. That she had even come across this pale behemoth had surprised the smaller, dusky fae. Her surprise, quickly turned into an intense fascination. The sort that would choose to call this area home must have been a fierce sort indeed. She could hardly comprehend it. "An entire pack?" she scoffed, skeptical. When she spoke again her voice was sickeningly sweet and friendly, mocking the very words that fell from her maw. "Truly? I can't imagine anyone as mad as I." She laughed once more, and looked back at the glowing corona above them.

Perhaps the molten silver fae would think Raisa mad. She wouldn't be the first, and wouldn't be the last. Hell, perhaps she had a few burrs in the brain, but what concern was that to anyone else? Her thoughts turned back to the pack, the mystical pack, who's shadows and ghosts still drifted among the coals of this burned, smoking landscape. If this overly serious, judgmental, grandmother of a femme can be believed, that is, her more cynical side reminded her less than gently. That she suggested Raisa join them was jarring, and unsettling as well. To join a pack would be a betrayal. How could she lower herself to the command of another, when she would always know the royal blood within her? Her beloved mother and father had perished, and to think that their only surviving heir would so subject herself to a peasant's leadership made her skin crawl. But... perhaps she could meet these wolves, at least. "The North, you say?"

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


01-01-2014, 09:34 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The dusky femme's reply was incredulous, she clearly did not believe that an entire pack could live in this place. Was she really and truly oblivious to that degree? Their scents were still fresh enough that even a pup could smell them all over the mountainside. She nodded slowly, clarifying her previous statement. The woman's next words spoke of madness being a requirement to live here. "Tis not madness to live here, it just means that you are adept at surviving in the harsher lands." She replied calmly, shrugging as her ethereal tones caressed the lobes of the stranger. She still did not know the name of this she wolf, but it was no matter to her. Then she once more sought clarification for something she had said earlier. She nodded, saying nothing else to the fae as she watched her boldly marked face for reactions and emotions roiling in her molten optics.




5 Years
01-01-2014, 09:50 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa laughed again at the fae's bland retort. We're all adept at survival, she thought, but did not say. It's kill or be killed from the day we're born. We were born with fangs for a reason. The image of dark, bloody teeth flashed in her mind's eye, and she winced before she could repress in. The girl would paw at her nose, as if she had an inch, quickly trying to play it off. "Yes, yes, of course," she said, brushing the woman off. "Survival of the fittest, find a mate, settle down, die, whatever." There was something deeper at work in a band of wolves that would intentionally live in the shadow of brimstone and sulfur and death incarnate, couldn't she see that? The air stank with corrosion and danger and nightmares. It was hell on earth. Raisa smiled pleasantly at the fae and said, "I like you," knowing it would likely grate under her fur. Raisa was not a likable wolf. "I'm Raisa Xanilov, Queen to the Ebony throne, in a decimated land, far away." Her smile was as sweet as a rose.

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


01-01-2014, 10:09 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The femme rambled on about survival of the fittest, playing off the obvious pain in her mismatched, molten orbs. The alabaster giantess was calm, nodding along in partial agreement. She had her own opinions of life, but they had no business with strangers. Suddenly the dark furred lass admitted slight affections for the icy rose, which the ex princess took in stride and accepted with a soft smile. Some were quite strange in their emotions, but she would not comment on the statement. The introduction came soon after, the boldly marked woman giving her title as Raisa Xanilov, Queen of the Ebony Throne in a wasted land, similar to the dame herself. Otherworldly lyrics began her own introduction, equally or even more long. "I am Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunshka, Queen of the Lunashkan Empire, ruler of wasted lands that previously held the strongest empire from horizon to horizon." She calmly replied, her silky vocals whisper soft and lightly dusted with a Russian accent. She gave a small half bow in greeting as a soft smile played at her features, while mirth danced in her liquid mercury pools.




5 Years
01-03-2014, 12:29 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa's eyes narrowed, trying to root out any mockery. Did the ivory far, this 'Aurora,' not believe her? To claim that she too was of royal blood seemed too much to believe. Raisa looked over her carefully, and finally sighed. Did it matter? She thought she could feel sincerity in the air, and she couldn't imagine such a bland, drab femme tricking her for no gain. "All things fall," Raisa said sadly. "But we're all born such beautiful fools. Surrounded by strength, security, but what does it matter in the end?" All that was ever left was to pick up the pieces, of both mind and soul. They had both survived, at least. Whether or not that made them the lucky ones, well, who could know? Raisa doubted she would ever know, not until she died or was killed and passed into the next world, and saw her family once more. And whether I end up in the Verdant Fields or the Nether, one of my parents will be waiting for me. Her auburn furred father above, or her obsidian mother snarling, growling, savaging below...

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


01-03-2014, 01:00 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The dark furred femme scrutinized her face, trying to deduce the nonexistent lie she was supposed to have uttered. After a few moments Raisa gave up and continued on her strange speeches about the futility of life. The alabaster giantess nodded occasionally to acknowledge her hearing the words this fae spoke, but in reality she saw no point in pointing out the downsides of living, she instead chose to see the good points. Sighing, the pale woman softly cleared her throat. "Well, I must say it has been quite nice meeting you, Miss Raisa of the Ebony Throne, but I must be going. No doubt you would rather I got off you lands." She said with a chuckle, standing and dipping her delicate cranium politely. With that, she padded off in the direction of home, where she could go and see her mate and her friends, where life was good. She did not need to reclaim her throne, she had everything she needed right here in Alacritis.

.:Exit Aurora:.




5 Years
01-06-2014, 09:06 AM

Raisa listened impassively as the fae wished her well. It mattered little to the girl, all things considered. What was done was done and pity did nothing for her. She shrugged. Aurora went on to bid her farewell, and strangely that did bring up twinges of emotion. She was just settling in! The nerve of some wolves, that they would just- She sighed. Assuming this wolf was truly an ex-queen like she, she deserved more respect than that. Raisa nodded, and smiled. "Nice meeting you too, Aurora." She did not tack on the titles, merely because she did not remember them, and her full name was quite hard to pronounce. The dark fae turned away then, as Aurora did, not one to linger in sentimentality, to watch her new found companion cross the horizon. She went about her business, as if nothing unusual had happened at all.


code by sam & image by lu
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!