
Who I Will Be



01-03-2014, 06:31 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

The behemoth's scar's twinged as he walked. The pain would have made him proud, once. Now it was nothing more than a painful echo, and a reprimand. It had been a long night, the last time he'd slept at least, the kind that had the brute's mind in other places. He had had that dream again, the memory of his drowning. It was as awful as the first time, it always was. Razo shuddered, feeling the terror roll through his thick muscle. To stare into the maw of hell... He had forsaken his past, and his old ways, but that did not mean he was done earning scars. It was only that these ran deeper. The man was desolate, his aura a sharp contrast to the bounty around him. Fresh leaves had sprung up on the trees and filled the air with a heady, sharp scent. Small flowers, blue and pink, bloomed around his paws, ever defiant of the cold nights. Razo had not slept in two days, had not stopped to eat. He wasn't where he should be yet, even if he didn't know exactly where that was. His body was strong, though, and he knew he could go a few more days yet. But what was he supposed to do? You will do better, the horrible, cold voice echoed within his memory, and Razo winced away from it, his paws coming to a halt. He realized then that his paws were raw with wear, and his mind was no better. "Perhaps rest would suit me after all. Only for a moment, of course," he murmured to himself, eyes downcast, forlorn, as he sank to the ground.



01-03-2014, 06:56 PM

Massive paws struck the grassy terra, and would be quaking the ground if she had not learned her graceful stride upon the consuming drifts of snow that blanketed the ground back home so often. These trees were quite magnificent, and the draping branches brushed against her sides as if in fond greeting. She smiled and let out a contented sigh. A dark figure caught in her soft crimson gaze, sinking to the ground below in a manner that alluded to the lupine not being in good health. Stealthy as usual she would approach, her voice finding it's way from her lips as she made her presence known. "Pardon my intrusion, but you don't look so well.. Do you need anything?" She would inquire, her feminine lyrics tender and kind. She noticed something as well, something she had in common with this man. Both shared an immense height.
Slowly she would move up to stand by his left haunch, looking down at him with large ruby pools. Slowly she would seat herself beside him, simply being there to offer companionship if he didn't need anything else. He did not seem like he warranted her suspicion or fear, but first impressions were not always correct.

image by Luisiana



01-03-2014, 07:05 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

Razo's ear flicked backwards, aware of a growing presence behind him. His first instinct was to flinch, and whirl around, but before he could move the figure seemed to stop. He heard rustling fur, as it settled, and did not feel the pain of an attack. They're not attacking? It seemed so... odd. He flicked his gaze to the side, catching sight of fur so white, it seemed devoid of any color at all. Raising his head slowly, Razo took in the fae's immense frame. As always, his first instinct was to lash out, to grab her by the throat, to tear... But he squeezed his eyes shut, and forced the instinct back. "Hello," he rumbled, his voice deep and raspy with wear. It had not been the same since his episode in the water. He didn't quite know what else to say, not knowing who she was or where she came from. He looked his companion over, noting for the first time that she was in fact devoid of any pigment whatsoever: an albino. He had seen very few of them back in the old days, and any they came across had been killed immediately. They were unnatural, he'd been taught. Filthy. Lesser. But now, Razo wasn't so sure. He didn't know right from wrong anymore, and it would appear she had no want to harm him.



01-03-2014, 07:18 PM

He seemed wary, strangely enough. When he greeted her, she noticed his voice was quite worn and raspy. He must be tired. She smiled softly, looking him over. Scars littered his massive, well muscled frame, and he was nearly shaking from exhaustion. "Hi, I'm Skadi." She replied, dipping her cranium in greeting. She laid down beside him, careful to put roughly a foot of distance between them as she did so. "So I guess you're fine then?" She chuckled, since he hadn't answered her first inquiry. Silvery, waved tresses settled perfectly around her frame, as if she directed their movement to ensure perfection. Raspberry gaze would fix upon the man's own, her mirth twinkling in those soft crimson pools. The scattered scars upon her own forelimbs were visible amid the thick fur, marks she had won in a battle she had brought upon herself. She ignored the memories that tugged at her mind, instead keeping her kind gaze upon the male as she awaited a reply.
She hoped she wasn't making the man seem uncomfortable, she had simply been curious and unsure of the overall condition of the stranger. The wintry goddess couldn't just leave another alone to die, or suffer amidst pain. She knew nothing of healing, but she could still be useful to someone who needed help.

image by Luisiana



01-03-2014, 08:02 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

Razo's ears seemed to ring, and he only now noticed it. I'm more tired than I thought, he mused to himself. He listened as the fae introduced herself, rolling her name over in his mind. Skadi? It seemed odd, and he tried to place it's origin. His mind aligned it with northern names, and cold places, and snow. It matched her white fur, anyways. His next thoughts were the northern wolves he'd killed. The women he'd raped, the pups slaughtered. Gods, she had no idea who she seeks to comfort, his inner voice cried out. Leave me, I'm a monster, please, he pleaded to her silently. Instead, her second query brushed his sienna ears. He realized belatedly that he had not even heard her the first time, so strong had his distraction been. "I'm called Razo," he said in a voice barely more than a whisper. Razo the Demonborn... "I'm... I'm fine, thank you. Just tired. It's been a long few days." He tried to force a smile to his face, but it felt sour, unnatural. He had very little to smile about, after all. His gaze ghosted over Skadi for but a moment before flicking back to the ground. She seemed so... cheery. So full of life and possibility. He marveled at how different her life must have been from his.



01-03-2014, 08:43 PM

The man introduced himself as Razo, his voice hoarse and low. Still the man seemed uneasy, wary of speaking to her. How strange, since he seemed to still outweigh her and no doubt had more skill in battle, based on the scars littering his body. He told her he was fine, just tired. She nodded in acknowledgement, though she wasn't assured of such a fact. Most wolves when they were tired stopped and took a nap, instead of risking a foreign place with an unsound mind and weary paws. But she did not question, instead the immense femme simply smiled. "Well would you like me to find us something to eat? Or would you rather I left you alone so you can sleep?" She asked, her voice kind as ever as she tilted her cranium quizzically, ruby gaze fixed upon the face of her temporary companion. She would gladly help out the exhausted man, since there was no point in leaving him to starve to death if he didn't want her to.

image by Luisiana



01-03-2014, 09:15 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

The large fae's offer certainly surprised the equally massive brute, and he didn't know what to make of it. Her, hunt for them? Whether the male had the energy or not wasn't a factor. To think that anyone else would capture a meal for him was a startling deviation from the norm. Catch your own meals or starve, a voice whispered to him. Those who must rely on others are weak. Razo blinked the voice away, and nodded slowly. If the demons inside him disagreed, surely it was the path he must take. "I would appreciate that... Skadi." He hesitated on the name, if only because he didn't know what title to offer her. In the army, it had been brother this or brother that, women were called wench, whore, or other unsavory things. To look at them as his equals now, well... it was odd. And took adjusting to. Razo sighed and painfully pushed himself back to his feet. "I am not completely useless, of course," he said. "I can offer you some sort of help, I'm sure." The brute was so very tired, but while he would not tear this fae to pieces, neither could he let her show him up.

"Talk" Think "You"


01-03-2014, 09:25 PM

She smiled as the man accepted her offer of food, standing to her full immense height and shaking out her thick pelt. Wavy silver tresses fell softly back into place along her curvy frame, rosy flesh showing through the colourless fur. Soft ruby optics fixed on the face of her companion as he spoke again, laboriously shoving himself to his feet and telling the wintry giantess that he would help. She shook her head a few times, short pivotings of her cranium adamantly disagreeing with him. "You sit your ass down and stay there, all I'm doing is grabbing a few rabbits to share." She chuckled, though her eyes told him she was serious. She would not test the tired man, or let his macho instincts force him to try and prove his strength. One immense paw would rear off the ground, scattered bite and claw wounds over her forelimb flashing in the light as she placed it on the male's broad shoulder and lightly pressing him back down. "You're tired, which means that you should rest while I snatch a few snacks." She told him with a soft smile, pink lips curving upwards to reveal her massive fangs as she assured him. Long tail would wag a few times to remind the burly male she meant no harm to him in the statement, only that she would rather he rested while she hunted.

image by Luisiana



01-03-2014, 10:08 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

The command made Razo's control waver. He strained to keep his hackles from rising, or for a snarl to rip from his lips. Anger welled up inside him, a burning heat of rage... And a flash of pain. He gasped as his muscles turned to liquid, and he sank back to the ground. "You're right," he admitted through clenched teeth, the anger ebbing away slowly, only to be replaced by a shaking weariness. The fae is just trying to help, he reminded himself. He looked back to her, hoping his fatigued soul would not show through his eyes. "Thank you, Sakdi. Truly." He thought then that perhaps if she were so willing to help him, perhaps... perhaps she could teach him. He knew so little about the outside world, so little about how to behave alone or in a true pack. Surely he wouldn't have a chance in hell without some sort of assistance. The shadow within him raged and recoiled from the idea. It fought against the restraint of his limbs. Go for the throat, it said. Return to the Army and take back your throne. It would be easy. Razo squeezed his eyes shut, hoping Skadi had left already, and that she would not see his shame, or his agony.



01-03-2014, 10:37 PM

He was still for a second, muscles quivering for a few heartbeats before her admitted that she was right. She smiled and nodded, watching him sit down before replacing her paw upon the terra. He thanked her earnestly, and she wagged her tail a few times. "It's no problem, really." She murmured cheerily as she padded off in search of something to eat. Tall rose coloured audits flickered in search of the familiar scuffling of prey, until she located something that could be what she was looking for. Soft footsteps kissed the ground, approaching the selected creature. A squirrel. Not the most nutritious food, but it was better than nothing. Quickly the rosy hued femme pounced upon the brown furred rodent, snapping it's spine under her massive paws. A quick death for a noble cause. Stooping, the pale giantess grabbed it's fluffy tail in her jaws.
More rustling caught her attention, and when she looked at a shivering bush, it went immediately still. Curiosity got the better of her, and she padded forwards. Folded neatly under the bush was a fawn, sickly and starving as it tried to find nutrients in the leaves it could not yet digest. Lunging, massive jaws stretched wide and then snapped together with a crunch as she snapped the neck of the dying ungulate. It's soul left it's tormented body graciously, and she retrieved her abandoned squirrel before letting the snapped neck of the sickly fawn join the fluffy tail within her powerful jaws. Lifting her crown, well muscled neck would assist her in dragging the helpless infant between her legs as she returned to her companion.

Muffled vocals would tumble from her gaping jaws as she called the attention of Razo. "Told you I didn't need your help." She chuckled as she approached, then dropped the carcasses at the feet of the large man. Before he could be chivalrous, she snapped her jaws back down and plucked up the squirrel. All the man could eat was the fawn, which was her initial plan. Laying herself down, she plucked the thick fur from the carcass and tore into it's belly. Sanguine wine stained her maw as she ate, soft raspberry gaze flicking up every now and again to check on the progress of her fatigued companion.

image by Luisiana



01-04-2014, 01:46 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Razo could not help his eyes from widening, seeing the catch the fae brought back. A small rodent and a young deer? In so short a time, she must have been either extremely lucky or quite skilled. It was hard for him to reconcile either notion in his mind. The bitches of the army did nothing but sit and wait for their duty, food was brought to them by the elders or the young in training. He quite agreed with her boast, that she needed no help. He eyed her carefully, wondering perhaps if this was some sort of trick, or ploy of the gods. Were they testing him? He settled down before the deer, sniffing it, and giving it a cautious lick. He looked back to Skadi and nodded his approval, and acceptance. She was already beginning to eat her smaller, apparently fluffier meal. "Thank you, but surely the hunter should get the king's portion. You do not want this one?" While it was not a woman's place to be doing any such actitivites, Razo was coming to realize that perhaps this was only an aspect of life among the army, and not necessarily life outside.

He had thought before that the Empire was massive, and all there was to the world, even as he was occasionally sent to expand it's borders. He was quickly learning how wrong he had been, and about how many things. The world was more massive than he could have ever guessed, and was filled with so many odd creatures. Their ways of life astounded him, and their personalities and views even more so. Oh how wrong he had been, how wrong they had all been! He felt like wailing, but instead kept a stoic look on his face and waited for the fae's reply.

"Talk" Think "You"


01-04-2014, 02:09 PM

The man looked at her curiously, inquiring as to her preferences in food. She shook her head, in the process sending a few tufts of fur flying from her maw. "You need it more than me, go ahead." She told him with a smile, continuing to pull fur from the carcass to provide more flesh to eat without the less than desirable feel of fur on her tongue and the roof of her mouth, lodging itself in between her teeth. "So tell me, Razo, where did you come from?" She asked with a soft smile, cherry optics fixing upon his face, sparkling with intrigue. Salmon tongue would poke out from her rosy lips to swipe crimson stains from her flawless, regal jaws.
She had always loved stories, tales of faraway lands and princesses, horror stories of demons hiding in caves, ready to swallow you whole. She remembered when her grandpa would visit, telling her stories of his past while she was sandwiched between the quivering bodies of her excited siblings. He would speak of humans, the things they did, describing the things they had made, all these wondrous fantasies. She had one day asked him about the black marks inside his nicked ear, what they meant, and he had told her the stories that had taught her to fear. He had sat down in front of her while her siblings were playing outside in the warmth of summer, and he had murmured into her young ears the tale of how he had been captured by humans and how they had taken him away and done things to him, then dumped him back in the pack lands with fear in his heart and a strange thing around his neck.

Those thoughts faded as she shut out the memory of seeing her grandpa laying beside his mate, one forelimb over her shoulder, and a soft smile on his face. She had prodded him, tugged at his ear with her little puppy teeth, yelled at him to wake up and stop trying to scare her. But he never woke up, and later that day her mother and grandma picked him up and carried him to the river. That night the entire family had remained on the bank and sang all night, until dawn came and his body had long since floated away. Tears prickled at the back of her eyes, but she wouldn't let them leak past her ruby optics, simply blinking a few times and returning her attentions to Razo and his scarred face. What had his past been like? She wondered as she waited for him to start his story.

image by Luisiana



01-04-2014, 02:28 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

Razo's gut clawed at him, and the large male decided not to argue anymore. Skadi was right, he did need his strength back up. Perhaps once that happened, he would be able to return the favor for the odd, kindly albino. He sank his fangs into the guy of the fan, pleased to find them retaining some heat. They spilled out before him, and the scarred brute began to pick at the choice bits. Skadi's inquiry, however, soured them in his mouth. "Where did you come from," she asked, as if it were some mundane pack, some simple answer he could offer her. Did she care, or was she passing the time? Her interest tapped against the world's wait upon his shoulders, and it rocked dangerously, threatening to fall and crash around him. Scenes began to bubble up behind his eyes, and Razo attempted to blink them away. "A distant land," he finally said, his voice low and quiet. "A very bad place." He debated telling her how he had come to be here, the attempted murder, but then he'd have to tell her how that had come about. Why he'd been worth killing. What all he'd done.

She would either run from him, or attack. If she'd heard of the Militants, than perhaps she would do both. He wasn't sure what he'd do if provoked. He fought so hard all the time to keep his beast caged, and it was difficult enough while doing simple things like walking, seeing small animals about in the spring air, not crushing flowers he trod past. He did not want to hurt this strange fae, and was terrified the he might not have a choice. His demons were strong, and voracious. He finally said, "I was not, what you might call, a good wolf to be around, but it was the only world I knew." And this one is so different, he wanted to add on. And I have no idea what to do...



01-04-2014, 02:59 PM

He spoke softly, as if afraid his words would break something. She tilted her cranium to the side as he called his home a bad place. "Is there ever anyone who leaves a good home?" She asked, the question obviously rhetorical. She had left because it was time to leave, and now her father knew of her existence, only not her mother's name. Most likely the shit eater couldn't even remember the tall beauty that was her mother. Razo continued to speak, confiding in her that he had not been a good wolf, that the world he knew had made him that way. She nodded in understanding, a soft smile curving her rosy lips. "The past is the past." She murmured in reply with a little shrug, knowing full well the truth of her words.
Sighing, she took a few bites of her meal and let it settle in her stomach before letting her silky voice slide from her lips. "I came here searching for a half sibling outcast by my sire, no doubt for carrying albinism, much like myself." She explained, growling out the word 'sire', the sound burring her speech with it's deep rumbling. "So now I'm looking for her to take care of her and show her that her father is just a shit eating scumbag who is wrong about doing this to her." She told him, hackles raising as she let a bit of her anger towards her piece of shit father show, though slowly they would fall back down, the silvery white silken strands falling flush with her curvy bodice.

image by Luisiana



01-04-2014, 04:25 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Razo wanted to scream at the fae, No, you don't understand! He loved his home, he fit there so well, there was nothing more in the world that he wanted. He had to face hell to understand this was not a possibility for his future. How could it lie peacefully in the past when it had not been his choice? How cured was he? For all she knew, for all he knew, Razo could snap at any moment. But he did not voice a complaint, but instead went on tearing at the carcase of the young creature, trading in his weakness for it's strength. He listened carefully to her story, wondering that she had come to hunt down her sire. This was another odd feature to the fae, that she even knew or cared for her parentage. She knew her siblings, her mother, and despite her less than affectionate feelings for him, her father.

Unable to hold back his curiosity any longer, Razo looked up and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Is that... typical?" He cursed himself; his hesitation had made his speech choppy, his words unclear. He sighed and tried again. "I mean to say, that you are so familiar with your family. It is not how I was... raised." He winced, and tried to flash the fae an apologetic look. It had taken him long weeks to learn how to be polite, let alone amicable. Talking so frankly to one another, the openness of it all, was something he thought would take him long weeks to get used to, if not months or years. Skadi seemed so... at ease, and him a complete stranger! This day was full of surprises.

"Talk" Think "You"


01-04-2014, 04:43 PM

The male simply kept eating while she talked, listening intently as if he had never heard of something like this, though he probably hadn't, her father was probably the only asshole who would do that to a child for no reason other than the colour of her fur. He asked if something like that was typical with the world, and she nodded her head after he clarified. "Most children live with both of their parents, as far as I know. Though some families are like my own, with the children born from a one night stand and the mom taking care of them by herself." She explained, her gaze never straying from his face as she spoke. She wondered what kind of place would raise children to turn out like this, unsure of how the real world works.
She sighed, batting the meat stripped carcass of the squirrel between her massive paws a few times before looking back up at the large man. "Though my father was a special kind of asshole who only wanted children with dark pelts, the rest of the children were scarred and outcast to die." She growled, ear flattening against her skull in anger. She felt good about teaching her father what was what the day she left, even if it had given her the scars on her forelegs, the one's she wore with pride now.

image by Luisiana



01-04-2014, 05:27 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

He drank in her words, nodding slowly, before looking down at the meat before him. His stomach was quite full, and he found that he had nearly stripped the small, frail thing clean. He listened as she went on, intent and avid. The second scenario was more like what he knew, except neither parent was known from where he came from. He had a pretty good idea about his lineage, on one side at any rate, and he wasn't exactly a paragon of good parenting. The topic of conversation seemed harmless enough, for now, so Razo expanded. "Where I was raised was very different. The brutes and... fae's, were separate. It didn't matter who mated with who, as long as pups were produced. We were taken from our parents and raised separate. I never knew my father or mother." He felt no particular urge to meet his father, or have the sort of bond he'd been seeing in the wolves of the outside world. His mother, on the other hand, stirred his curiosity.

As if the flood gate had opened, more questions began to pour forth, and in the back of his mind Razo wondered if he would perhaps startle the girl. "Where did you learn to hunt, Skadi? We're you forced? Or just no pups to bring you your meals? And why are you wandering without some sort of... of, escort." He had never seen females outside the dens, save for the ones they came across on rangeings, but those weren't exactly amicable encounters. Other queries bubbles under the surface, eager to be released, answered, in the hopes that perhaps the gargantuan male would find some sort of ease, or relief.



01-04-2014, 05:51 PM

The man was quite eager to hear what she had to say, drinking in her smooth vocals avidly. He spoke of how he was raised, which brought a strange reaction from the woman, her cherry optics widened for a moment before she regained her composure. Eyebrows were still raised, surprise evident in her facial expression, but given the shock she was feeling to hear of his past, it was inevitable. She hoped he would not be offended by her reaction, she couldn't quite help it. "Well, I must say that is... Different." She replied, her voice hesitant as she searched for a proper word. Soon she was flooded with questions, his voice filling the air as he asked about how she had grown up. She listened intently to his questions, and did her best to answer each one in a single sentence. "My mother taught me and my siblings how to hunt, simply because all wolves should know how to hunt. If we weren't taught, we would be forced to rely on our mother forever, and the gene pool of Levader would never expand." His last question, however, posed an interesting one. She didn't know that women would require an escort, she had been wandering by herself her entire life, with no problem. She tilted her cranium to the side in thought, ruby pools focussing on the sky above, watching a few wisps of cloud scuttle across the vast expanse as she tried to find an answer that made some sort of sense. "I was never aware I needed one. Most wolves that lived near my home did not like pale pelted wolves, and stayed far from them. Albino's were thought to be sins, bred by demons. Though I don't think anyone ever had them..." She murmured, her voice nearly quizzical itself. She had never heard of such a custom, of giving female's their own escort.
She looked into the teal optics of her companion and smiled softly, trying to lighten the mood a bit. Clearly talking about his past was not his favourite thing to do, and it wasn't hers either. "But who knows, maybe my home was the odd one out." She chuckled, beating her thick banner upon the terra a few times. Yawning, powerful jaws stretched wide to reveal a tongue as pink as the rest of her. Snapping those jaws shut, she shook out her thick silken ruff and let a huff shudder through her chest, rosy tinged flanks heaving with the rapid inhale and exhale. "If you have any other questions, ask away." She said with a smile as she laid her large crown upon her broad paws, looking calmly up at her newfound friend with twinkling cherry optics.

image by Luisiana



01-04-2014, 06:20 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

That the fae seemed so surprised by his own youth's customs, in truth, did not surprise the man so much. He knew it was very different from the other wolves he had met or seen thus far, and had come to understood that he was most likely in the minority, even vast minority. The second blow to his way of life came when the milky fae told him her mother had taught her how to hunt. That a wench would be in a position to raise, let alone teach a pup seemed... Well, Razo didn't know how that should seem any more. He supposed maybe it was time he began to think of this as normal. That she did not, nor ever had, and escort was less surprising. In truth, Razo's pack had never used them either, but nor had a woman ever been permitted to leave the camp. It just had seemed odd to them that she might have the freedom to come and go as she pleased. The wolve's outlook on albinism, however, was finally something he understood, or recognized as familiar. "Those lacking pigment were not welcome in my homeland, either," he mused quietly, still digesting all she had said. Finally, when Skadi offered to answer all his questions, Razo froze.

Surely this was his chance for a full, or at least partial, grasp of the world? Skadi seemed well traveled, but also experienced, if the scars on her limbs were anything to guess by. Even if she was, as she thought, a minority, it would be a perspective he had never had before. Furthermore, she seemed friendly and at east with him. Razo lifted his gaze to hers, searching for what he might find there. Finally, he let out a slow, long breath. As if not sure the best way to phrase himself, the words he spoke came out choppy, and uncertain. "Skadi... if you could help me, I'd be most grateful. I must tell you a terrible story, and if you feel you must leave me, I understand." His words after poured forth in a terrible torrent. He told her everything, of his birth, of killing the den mother, his brother in training. He told her of the horrible way the Militants had operated, and of all the terrible sins he had committed. Gruesome, terrible, unthinkable things. Finally, he was able to tell her of the final day as Razo the Demonborn, when his closest friend had attempted to end his life, and he had met a god or a true demon instead. He told her of the terrible, rending, excruciating pain he had caused and thus suffered, and of the ultimatum given to him. From the moment he awoke on the riverbank to now, as he tried to learn and understand what he should do now, he had been terribly confused and afraid. He looked to Skadi with pleading eyes, and begged her. "Please Skadi, I don't know what to do..."

"Talk" Think "You"


01-04-2014, 06:45 PM

He told her that his home had not welcomed albino's either, but she did not mind, it seemed to be a common opinion amongst wolves. A soft sigh escaped her pink lips, but she was not sad, she had long since gotten over the fact that she would not be accepted everywhere she went. A slight shrug of her shoulders was her response, general indifference to the matter. Razo searched her eyes after she told him she was willing to answer his questions, as if he thought it might be some cruel prank brought upon him by a twisted mind. After a moment he seemed to be satisfied, and he warned her that he was about to speak of true horrors. Then his voice flooded her tall, rosy audits; his entire story hitting her like a tidal wave. One wolf should not be able to experience so many things like that and come out alive, was all she could think to herself. As he came to the end of his story, his gruff vocals took on a pleading note, nearly a whimper as he begged for her help.
Soothing noises left her lips as she stood and sat beside the large man, lifting one of her large paws and stroking his back like a mother would when her children were upset. "Razo, there is nothing you can do but move on and let the past fall behind you." She murmured, her crystalline talons brushing against his coarse, dark fur as she tried to comfort him. The wintry goddess was calm as she repeated the same movements, rosy pads kissing his spine, until the gesture began to become mundane, a background noise amid the whirling movement of the world around them. "You are not with them anymore, so you can move on and do whatever you want to do here." She said with a chuckle, because that had been her plan when she came here, after she retrieved the outcast youngster.

image by Luisiana