
Jay Alone...or is he?


01-04-2014, 01:17 AM

Jay walked along the sand. Lonely and confused. 'Why doesn't anyone want me?' He thought cruelly to himself. Everyone he had met so far was either dead or disliked him. How was he to find a pack and mare if he couldn't even play nice with the cute little lone wolves? As Jay Srelantra padded along the moist sand of the beach, he mulled over his perception on life. He saw everything as a threat. Even forest animals if different species. The great white wolf was pissed, at himself for being arrogant and nonchalantly dismissing every kind thing ever done for him was a way to get on his good side so they could betray him. An ivory ear of his pricked at a twig snapping to his immediate right. The beast within him told him to howl and stand his ground, but what for? He didn't even know what the hell it was; it could be a damn squirrel for all he knew. But as the wind changed, he caught wind of a male wolf scent of about his age. the presence of the male wolf ticked him off. Who did the wold think he was, stalking Jay Srelantra?! He heard a deep growl emit from the wolf's throught, and immediately retained fighting posture: Ears pricked forward, hackles raised, teeth bared, tail raised. "You really have the guts to make me play for blood?!" He yelled, outraged. He heard a chuckle, and growled deeply. 'Who is this damn wolf?'



01-04-2014, 02:58 AM

Situations grew complicated. Relation's of any kind made them all the more complicated, and the situation he quickly got wrapped up in while his time here was far from simple. That buzzing in his brain was back, louder then ever, shooting through his head like a nest. Hornets shooting around, sending uncomfortable shocks through his brain, his body. On the outside, the brute was as composed as a symphony, collected like a museum, but inside himself, the monster was restless, the inner bear was pacing, locked up inside and caged like the monster it was.

The thing inside was twitching, it's head making ticks like a broken clock, repeating its motions occasionally in a maniacal display of insanity. Dexter could feel the beats roaring, banging against the inner cavities of him, and giving the beastly ghost a rather uncomfortable headache. A heavy sigh escaped black lips as he shook his head a little and smirked at himself, wasn't this a rather strange predicament he had gotten himself into this time? A soft chuckle escaped the once silent cavern and soon was slowly whisked away with the wind, falling on to absent ears.

He aimlessly wandered in search of a place to lessen the noise when he heard a strange series of shouts and hollers in his head, though relief he knew, would be rare. Breaking him from his trance he did something he wasn't sure completely if he should have done, he trotted forward as he picked up his pace from a casual stroll. Dexter came upon the shouting man, raising an eyebrow he stared at the blue eyed boy in confusion, his head was cocked ever so slightly and the long haired male stood still as stone. The inner demons wanted to play, they shook their bars, rattled their cages, at the strong urge to smack this one, but all he did was raised his hackles even more, the long bristling black hair spiny and sharp looking under the light above. No teeth were bared, though he did raise a tail in dominance and stood much taller then his relaxed state beforehand. After long moments passed in silence he broke it with his velvet knives piercing through the air, soft dreamy tones drifting from his mouth once more. Short and sweet usually was the way of the beast, and so it was.

"Excuse me?"


01-04-2014, 10:27 AM

One side of Jay's lip began to tremble. How he wanted to snarl. His inner beast was whispering to him now, softly at first, but then it grew louder. As the other wolf stepped out of the teee line, Jay smirked. This wolf was almost exactly like him. Jay could see the evil caged in his eyes, in his soul. Jay, licking his dry lips, wondered how to come about being at least a little kind. " My apologies, I thought I knew you. What's your name?" Jay loosened up his posture, showing he was in no mood to get aggressive. He did however, keep his tail raised in dominance. Jay wanted the wolf to know who was boss here. Although he was a large beast, just as Jay, Jay was a bit taller, and slightly more muscled. But this other wolf was probably faster than he; and more agile at that. The mysteriously evil wolf's body coloring a were interesting. With black fur from the top of his head to his tail. This... Other wolf... Looked to be quite the figure. But what was he? Pack? Lone wolf? If he was in a pack, then maybe Jay could worm his way in, perhaps?
