
Don't disappoint me


01-02-2014, 09:39 PM

It took a lot for Aislin to get frustrated over something, but in this case when Ludicael decided to change leaders, they in turn changed their whole way of things and it just pissed her off. At the same time, Aislin was glad she wasn't there when it happened. Of all the things that had to happen, it had to be that. Qanik also was there at the time of possible acceptance, however, when Jupiter disappeared, Aislin didn't bother trying to find her as there was no real purpose now. Aislin had this issue where she wouldn't put her eggs in more than one basket and the results were often disastrous. In this case, a pack lost its attraction.

Instead, she spent much of the day mulling over where she would go. Aislin kept coming back to Glaciem for the attractive presentation of power, organization, and structure. The other things were she would be treated like treasure. The only downfall would be that she would become breeding property of the King of the pack. Aislin groaned in disdain over it, but the more she thought of it the more she didn't mind the mandatory sex now and then. Plus it would keep her limber, as a dirty thought as it was.

Deciding that there was no other reasonable alternative, the black she-wolf got up from her laying place on the grassy knoll close to the borders (within three miles), and loped in Glaciems direction. Aislin's orange eyes remained focused forward, but mentally they were looking over thought after thought, and reason after reason for joining Glaciem. Aislin continued to come up with the same reasons time and time again no matter how she picked it apart. Still, her dignity had something to say about it in her head a couple times, but Aislin wouldn't be swayed.

This wouldn't be the first time she was cast into this position either. Aislin had previously joined a pack similar to Glaciem before, though, it didn't have as much attractiveness as Glaciem, nor was she put to any use. Aislin in her mind was a treasure to not be under-minded or neglected and she knew this. It was just up to the males to recognize the same. Though it was before her breeding age, she still thought of herself attractive and so did the other males. Aislin simply left out of boredom. Now, however, Aislin thought perhaps she would make this place worthwhile to stay at, one way or another.

The tracker approached the Sparse Pines where the scent of Glaciem was strongest. Knowing that sex sold mostly, Aislin sat non-nonchalantly about forty feet from the border with her tail wrapped around her toes, and her left leg slightly bent so it looked like she was sitting crooked, but barely noticeable. Aislin also rotated her body some so when approached, more of her shoulder was visible than the front was. Aislins ears were also in a relaxed position by being slightly turned back, but not enough to look aggressive. Pointing her nose to the sky, Aislin howled out for the owner, if not his commanders, of the lands to come and greet her and deem her worthy.



01-05-2014, 06:58 PM

The pristine princess would scour the borders dutifully, her pale presence a marker for all to see and obey. You were to not cross their borders with out explicit permission, and see was to see to it their command was held true. All would keep their distance, if they had a brain in their head. Either that or a quick death wish. Though it would be with pleasure that the fae would greet this new scent upon her nose. A howl would be heard upon the wind, with the summons the Sentinel would be quick to oblige.
The she would would sit far enough from the border to satiate any aggression from the tall woman, her cherry gaze would look over her lithe form. Judging from the way she presented herself she was not here to hunt for them, neither did she seem a warrior. The goddess would allow her pearly incisors to show in a rather hungry looking grin as she approached. Letting the distance between them come to 15 feet she would stop and address her. "Another trophy for my father's prize room?" for the dainty woman was nothing if not beautiful.




5 Years
01-05-2014, 08:13 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Shaking her fur of the snow D?gmar licked her lips and kept right on walking. So that shortcut had been a bad idea full of deep snow that clung to her in places she didn't even know she had. At least the fae was now back on track. Not that she minded the winter most days. If she did she wouldn't have been trying to hike so far north but the truth of the matter was that winter was always the ally of a wolf. Snow had aided her well in her hunts as she struggled to survive as a lone wolf. But it was time for that struggle to end. She was ready to join a pack and in these foreign lands she wasn't feeling to terribly particular just as long as the terra was familiar to her. Having her favorite food didn't hurt either. D?gmar turned her gaze to the west to see a herd of grazing reindeer. They'd be calving soon?

D?gmar licked her lips and continued her track until she came into an area of grasses and little pines sprinkled throughout the land. The wind was whispering through them and stirring the snow into swirling patterns. The air was filled with the scent of wolves.. a startling pack size to be sure. Her nostrils flared taking in the vast array of scents. Why not? this pack was probably as good as any. As long as it wasn't full of a bunch of honey-filled sweethearts, but somehow she felt confident that any wolves daring to live in this terrain were tough and enduring. Her kind of pack.

A howl fairly close by caught her attention and she recognized it as a howl for acceptance. The mottled charcoal fae sat down for a minute then shrugged why not. The terra sat well with her and she was confident in her analysis. D?gmar tilted her head and howled in her smooth, husky voice. The call was quickly followed by another shorter note to let the other acceptee know she was heading over to her location.

A small stream and about a dozen lichen-covered rocks later she came upon a darker-colored fae about her age as well as a snow. Ears lowering to the side and slightly back she kept her tail down in a respectful position. "Greetings, sorry to interrupt but as my request was similar to to the first call?I'd figure I'd lighten the legwork of those that would grant audience. I'm D?gmar Thyre of the northern wastes and I come seeking a pack to join."

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


01-06-2014, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2014, 05:11 PM by Aislin.)
Aislin didn't get to speak much before another female patrolled onto the scene and acted as if though she wasn't intruding, which she was. Aislin looked her up and down briefly and sighed as she sat and listened to the girl. Aislin looked back to the alabaster female and gave a little smirk.

"Trophy? Not exactly. I have beauty enough to be a trophy yes, but I have my uses. I can do more than just be someones object to look at. I have to be able to run and track for the pack and not be someone sex object."

Aislin spoke as she looked to the female loner who walked up and eyed her. The grey woman looked like she could also be put to use. It was unsure what she might put into as far as duty wise, but something told Aislin that if she didn't decide then she might be put into a nightmare.

"I came here to answer some questions of mine. I was curious about learning more of the pack. I had an understanding of what the women become, and your statement confirmed more of it. Still, do the women here get to be what they wish and aren't just trophies for the king? And what of the males? With such a structure in the pack as far as the women go, where do they stand?"

Aislin had changed her mind from joining this pack to getting one final dip of information of the pack from a member of the pack that could answer her questions better than just hearing rumors. Aislin sat a little more taller this time, and a little more proper, as she got more serious about her information seeking.

((So I had a change a little bit, and thought this might work better. Aislin will continue to be in the thread, but to ask questions more about the pack. I thought it might work better instead of up and leaving, and ICly it will keep the ties reasonable. Sorry about the instant change but I had something open up plot wise that I want Aislin in before this.))


01-07-2014, 11:18 PM

Not long after the first woman's call another would bring its sound to her ears. They seemed far off, so it was no surprise that she was in the clearing alone for a few more moments. She would turn her attention to the pretty she wolf as her words caressed her, "Trophy? Not exactly. I have beauty enough to be a trophy yes, but I have my uses. I can do more than just be someones object to look at. I have to be able to run and track for the pack and not be someone sex object." She would nod to the woman, of course the ranks were open to her if she could prove herself. The one who owned the call would then wind its way into her vision, instinctively the she wolf would bring her royal figure to attention. Champagne hued banner would lift over her back as alabaster audits sought out the lyrics of the silver woman, "Greetings, sorry to interrupt but as my request was similar to to the first call?I'd figure I'd lighten the legwork of those that would grant audience. I'm D?gmar Thyre of the northern wastes and I come seeking a pack to join." Impra would shake her head, this would make for an easier acceptance she would only need to explain herself once. "I came here to answer some questions of mine. I was curious about learning more of the pack. I had an understanding of what the women become, and your statement confirmed more of it. Still, do the women here get to be what they wish and aren't just trophies for the king? And what of the males? With such a structure in the pack as far as the women go, where do they stand?" the darker she wolf would visibly hold herself in a more respectable manner and Impra would digest her questions.
She would turn her attention to the silver she wolf, who seemed much more keen on joining into their ranks. "Only the great should choose to join Glaciem, we seek the blood lines of the strong and willing. For this Kingdom will provide you protection and a purpose, all we ask is loyalty and devotion. Glaciem is whatever you make of it dear, you can be drafted in to the ranks of a hunter, or assailant, or brood. Males are expected to look after the children of the King and his brood." Her eyes would fall back to each of them, judging their reactions and seeing if they would fully make the commitment.



5 Years
01-09-2014, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2014, 09:09 PM by Dægmar.)
ooc: word is the three largest aren't accepting anymore due to the cap so I'll just pull D?gmar out so I don't draw this out to long. xD

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar watched with grinning maw and growing curiosity as she learned of the pack. How odd? as the ebony fae spoke D?g set to taking in the scent of the terra and slowly she began to frown. What had seemed like such a great idea at first was quickly causing her to loose interest. Stretching her back she yawned. Well great? the pack was massive. The multitude of scents that met her nostrils was impossible to sort out and the tracks that wove in and out in the snow was further evidence that this pack was probably not going to take her? though she was fine with challenging for a spot. Maybe even against the black fae? however?

It was a conflict of interests. D?gmar had no problem sharing skin with a random male if she was in the mood but it would be when she was in the mood, not he and if she didn't want to become a mother she wouldn't. D?g was fairly confident in her skill. Once they saw how she fought, they'd see there was no need to make her a brood mare, surely?.

Still, that was an interesting risk to have to take? and whose word was she to believe more the glowing angel to her right or the dark ebony to her left. Oh? and here she was, the mottle grey femme in the middle. Oh this was delicious!

"I thank you for your time miss snow angel. I am strong but willing?. that is a tangled road. I was seeking a pack to join but I've no interest in becoming a brood mare and from the scents here you've a well-stocked pack. I need room to grow and I think Glaciem is not meant for me as of now. Thank you for your time all the same? and yours as well miss ebony dagger."

Turning she strode away from the pair. Curse her luck? but oh well, she could only move on in hopes of finding a pack that would allow her to keep more of her freedom.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]