
Challenged for Ludicael (Ulrike)


02-05-2013, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 06:14 PM by Pepper.)
OOC: Edited to put table in

A growl was all that had escaped from the woman's maw as the mans scent had reached him. She hoped he hadn't come to challenge her. Her two tone eyes scanned the direction in which his scent was coming from. As she waited the tip of her tail twitched like that of a plotting cat's. While the scent grew stronger, her mind silently went over everything she had been taught and everything she had learned on her own.
Every fighting tactic and lesson she had ever learned had swirled through her brain and continued to do so as the man showed himself. He was definitely older and much larger than herself, which gave him an advantage that she would not over look. Just by looking at him most would assume that he would not be able to move as quickly as herself because he was so much larger, and that because she was so small and her muscles did not show near as much that he would be able to over power her. But when she looked at him all she saw was a man, an older man not to be underestimated as many did to her.
One last hope had crossed her mind before the bruit opened his mouth. And when the words ceased falling from his vocals her hope was erased forever, as she had been challenged. It was all or nothing here, this man was now standing in her way. His name no longer mattered and as long as he was an enemy her name would remain unknown to him, her enemy didn't need to know anything about her aside from one thing. That one thing was that he had messed with the wrong girl.
The decision had been made the second the claim had left her own maw. His challenge was excepted with nothing more but her moving in the direction of the battle fields resulting in the place she now stood waiting for the man to ready himself, and the battle to begin.

word count: 342



02-05-2013, 04:31 PM
Ulrike made his way to the battle field along with the female. Ulrike knew that the looks of another may not be how they are and what they were able to do. Reaching the battle field Ulrike watched as the female waited for him to get ready for the fight. She had not addressed him her name yet and she might not, but him on the other hand it was polite to do such thing before a battle. Walking in front of the Female Ulrike took his stance and gave a sight bow. He raised his head and gazed into her eyes"May the best one win, I wish you good tidings."

Ulrike said nothing after that, he got into a fighting stance. His head was low ears pinned to his head, His teeth were bared and ready to sink in to the flesh of this other. He looked at her who seemed to have been ready the second they had arrived at the field. Ulrike's black eyes locked on the femme a small growl bubbled out of his throat, Pushing off with his hind legs he dashed to the other wolf. Teeth bared ears down, he kept his head low and out of reach, he did not care if the rest of him got hurt only his head. To him if he had his head he could keep fighting till the last drop of life escapes his maw.

Coming closer to the female he leaped into the air his hind legs curled inward defending his belly from an attack. As he came down his jaw opened and his front legs extended ready to dig into her flesh. If she did not move he would land on her back teeth bared into her flesh and claws diffing in to her side. Ulrike was determined to claim this land for his family, and to him everyone is an opponent until one of them wins.

Defensive actions: Head was in low and nearly impossible to reach, during the whole time. When he jumped in to the air he took his hind legs to protect his underbelly from an attack.

Injuries taken: Non at the time

Attacked with: If the opponent did not move he would sink his fangs in to her flesh and his front claws would dig them selves in to the side of her.


02-05-2013, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 06:16 PM by Pepper.)
OOC: Edited to put table in

As the bruit bowed so did she, and as the two raised their heads the man wished her good tidings and this threw her off only slightly. Pepper gave a nod and answered him back for the first time since she had seen him "And to you the same, Ulrike." her soft soprano voice filled the silence before the battle, and only moments before the man launched himself into the air.

The woman watched and remained in place only long enough to move to her right just in time to make sure that the man couldn't adjust so he would still land on her. As she made the quick movement she wasn't quite fast enough and the mans claws caught her left thigh, causing her to moved her hind end away from him so that he wouldn't be able to pull her hind legs to his jaws.

In moving her hind end away from him put her in the perfect position to launch herself into his side, maw wide open and front legs and paws outstretched. With such close proximity and so little time to move the direction he chose to move in would depend one weather her jaws found his side just behind(below) his ribcage where she could tear at the soft flesh leading to his stomach or his back legs where she could rip at the muscle and tendon making his hind leg rendering it useless to him. The other factor was where her claws dug in at.

Defensive actions: moved out of the way and moved hind legs out of reach

Injuries taken: Scratches on hind thigh

Attacked with: a lung to his side and being so close, depending on how quickly he moves, he will tear into either his side(just behind the ribcage) or his hind leg



02-05-2013, 09:20 PM
Ulrike was caught abit by surprise when the female took off swiftly. She was surely fast and had a good fighting style and this is something that brought her on good terms with him. After seeing how she defends herself Ulrike saw that he would need to change his fighting style in order to keep up with her. He was older than her and he did endure some, well a lot of injuries in his time bu this was something he needed to work around. He did manage to swipe her a little bit not as much as he was hoping for, but he knew this fight was only beginning.

Coming down on his feet his eyes caught a glace of the female coming around and preparing for her attack.His eye never left the femme as she came at him. Ulrike kept his head down, his mind was racing as he calculated out things that could happen but most likely won't. Watching her get closer and closer Ulrike waited until she came in for the strike before he dashed out of the way. The females claws caught the edge of his behind leaving three claw marks in his but. Coming around he held his head low and leaned in a way that it was hard to get at his belly. He took off dashing at the female teeth bared and ears pinned to his head.

Ulrike pushed off with his hind legs and leaped over the female taken his hind legs curling them under him to protect his belly, his front legs and claws were out and extended. The way he held his legs and claws he wanted it to look like he was going to attack her from above. He soon landed on the other side of her once he landed he did not stop for one second and ran after her, His teeth bared tot he fullest and he lunged at her throat, If she did not move he would sink his teeth in to her neck.

Defensive Actions: Held his head in low hard to get to, during the whole time. he kept his underbelly guarded using both his legs and his own body by shifting his weight so his back would get hit if the femme was to attack.

Injuries: He took three claw marks to his hind quarters.

Attacked with: He did a confusion movement in hopes that it would confuse the opponent, Then when he landed he flung around and darted for the femme's neck with intentions of sinking his teeth into it.


02-06-2013, 05:12 PM

A growl found it's way from her vocals as the man caused her to only catch him with three of her claws. Witch wasn't an all together miss, and he definitely knew she was there. Both now had a rather tiny wound that was only enough to be annoying, and she knew her next defense and attack had to be done just right. So with that knowledge, her mind once again went over every battle tactic she knew.

Again Pepper watched as Ulrike launched himself into the air, and again she held her ground. Once more she was ready to move at the last second, but she had noticed one thing...the man was too high to land on her, so she held her ground and turned as he landed behind her. She had turned just in time to see that the man hadn't stopped turned and then come after her, rather the second his paws hit the ground he was after her.
Thankfully his head was low, giving her an option to jump and possibly miss him or to lift up on her hind legs opening up his throat to that is what she did. She brought her front paws off the ground and instead of her throat he got her chest just above her right leg, and being a flatter surface it was more difficult to tear into.
In doing so her penalty was a bloodied chest, but her gain was the back of his neck was opened up to her, and if she did it correctly, she could damage his spine. With jaws wide and the pain the bruit currently gave her chest she forced her head down with the intention of tearing into the back of his neck and causing some damage.

Defensive Actions: moved so that he would hit a more difficult place to tear into

Injuries: Total she has scratches on her left thigh from the first attack and from the second she has a bite wound to the right side of her chest just above her leg

Attacked with: With the mans face in her chest she forced her head downward, jaws wide, with plans to dig into the back of his neck and cause possible damage to his spine through the vertebra in his neck



02-06-2013, 07:57 PM
She had moved and he only bit down on to her side, This was not at all his intentions of the damage that he wanted to take upon the small femme. He soon berried his teeth into her flesh and with the small tug of flesh he felt her moving closer to him. He could not see what she was about to do, so his next course of action was to try to kick her off. He was much bigger than her and possibly stronger so this should be a piece of cake. He lunged his back up into her jaws and did a back flip. He felt some of her teeth clip his skin but soon he seemed to be free from what danger that lied in front of him.

Landing on his feet from the back flip he went after the female. This time all was open for the taking. He did not rest for a moment sprinting at her, growls bubbled up and out of his throat as his dark black eyes landed on her. His tail was swaying with rage, he bared his teeth and made his way towards the female. Pushing up with his hind legs he went straight for her. If she did not move he would take his front claws and dig them in to the side of her. By the slight chance that she is to move Ulrike would then use his teeth and do a quick snap down on the closest piece of skin and hold on. He would hold his head and neck out of reach from her jaws so that the best target was his side.

Defensive actions:He held his head and neck away from her jaws so that it was hard to get to.

Injuries:First attack got three claw marks to his hind side. The second got a few teeth scratches on his back.

Attacked with: If he was to go at her directly his claws would dig them selves into her side. If she was to move he then would sink his teeth in what ever flesh was the closest.


02-06-2013, 10:06 PM

The fact that Ulrike forced his head up had helped her out...and if she hadn't had a partial mouth full of skin and fur she would have smiled. Well, that was until the man did a flip. She had never before seen any wolf do a flip mid battle or even just to do a flip. It cot her off guard and she was tossed to the ground where she remained waiting just as she had for the last attacks made on her.
The man, just as determined as herself, came after her at full speed and she knew around what he would do if she didn't move and that was to plant that powerful muzzle into her side and tear at her with all his might. That's what she would do, and if the target moved she would grab hold of the closest part and not let go till the fight was over. She was going to make him go for the second option, and what she had in mind would be painful but it would open up his face and throat to her and that's what she wanted.
She moved just in time for him to catch nothing but her tail, just as she had wanted him to. Though it made her clench her teeth, she didn't stop her feet but instead turned on him the second he clamped down on it. She was going for his face and throat with her teeth and claws, if he didn't let go she would finally have his throat within the deadly vice grip of her jaws and if he did then he sacrificed his face to her jaws.

Defensive actions:dodged at the last second

Injuries:Total she has scratches on her left thigh from the first attack and from the second she has a bite wound to the right side of her chest just above her leg on this attack she has a bite wound on her tail

Attacked with:Sacrificed her tail and lunged at his throat as soon as he clamped down. If he doesn't let go she will tear into his throat with her teeth and if he does let go then she will get his face with her teeth


Jupiter I


7 Years
02-06-2013, 10:30 PM
- it was easy to observe at first. patience was a habitual trait in jupiter's mind, and though her outward demeanor and form shifted and wriggled with skillfully-feinted excitement, the persona within watched with saintly detachment and tolerance. though she was usually a pessimist, at times the actions she projected at others and the personality she used with it had an effect on who she really was. she had relative hope that maybe, just maybe, the lands of this place would fall under skilled and worthy rule despite her existing doubts toward their leading abilities. as her midnight eyes observed the events unfolding before her, though, she felt the hairs upon her pelt slowly rising with great and uncontrollable unease, swelling and rolling and foaming about her being until she felt as if she would burst at the seams with such emotions. this was not some miscellaneous land in which she was arriving to. this was her home, where she had been born and raised. where she had returned to sleep every night no matter how far she had ventured. this was the land that had nourished her body with its bounty and nurtured her to health when she was ailed with sickness. alarm flashed through her, and a deep sense of guilt followed quickly, tailed firmly and harshly by anger. as her discomfort grew she struggled to maintain the guise she had so carefully crafted, but found that the ability had fled with her neutrality.

she no longer wished to stand by and placidly observe this battle. she had to be jupiter and show it sometime. iterjup could not rule her decisions forever, and this much the fae knew as solidly as she knew that her blood pumped through her veins. had she been a cat of sorts her claws would have retracted time and time again, only to be exposed and entombed in the earth by kneading range. celestial-resembling markings had spread slightly with the rising of her fur and the stiffening of her stalwarts, making her appear taller than she really was. suddenly she could not sit still, and paced, back and forth, and as she tired of such repetitive motions she began to circle, stride violent as she struck the ground sharply, each collision of her paw against the soil slightly audible, though whether they would notice her agitation in their toil she was unsure. either way, it didn't matter. how dare they march here and assume that the land was not already taken! she would return their selfishness. and she would do so with blood.

relatively calmed by the thought of being able to reclaim what was her, the fifth planet of alacritia lowered her hindquarters to the ground, settling upon her haunches and waited, an uncharacteristically malicious grin on the countenance that had before been so joyous.

? 472 words ?

[ o o c ; ] JUPITER lays CHALLENGE upon the leadership position of LUDICAEL. opponent to be decided by admin, depending how they wish to handle the additional challenge of Thane. thank you. <3

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


02-07-2013, 07:07 AM
A smile arose in his powerful jaws as he saw the female move. This was what he had hoped for from when he first attacked. He sunk his teeth in to the upper part of her tail.(the part where the tail and the back end meets) of her pulling his body, head and neck away from her jaws, not once letting go of her flesh. Ulrike violently threshed his head with the flesh still in his mouth. He took his front claws and swung them at the female face who seemed to try to lunge fro his neck. This was not going to ok he would not let this happen, if she was going to get to his neck she would have to struggle to get it. Still clenched down on her flesh Ulrike tightened his grip, the blood filled his jaws and ran down the back of his throat.He pulled back away from her jaw with all his strength not letting go of the flesh between his teeth as he felt it begin to tare.

His black eyes were full of rage at this point it was time he would finish this, he would not let go of her flesh till this was over. His front claws were still swinging at her face and did not stop for one moment, He pulled his body in more covering his neck from attack he took his back side and swung violently at the female trying to trow her attack off. He soon pulled away quickly and went back in violently trashing his head and pulling away from her jaws which was as deadly as his. Ulrike dug his fangs into her flesh even deeper, this was to keep his grip on her tail much titer with his fangs.

Ulrike would keep this up till the fight was over, holding on to her flesh with his fangs and now and then digging them deeper into her flesh while thrusting his head violently now and then. His front claws will keep swinging at the females head if it hits her it will be up to fate. Till the end of this battle he would keep his neck as small as it can be and his back as big as it can be to make it hard to get at his neck.

Defensive actions: He kept his neck hard to get while using the rest of his body to cover it making his side an easier target than his neck.

Injuries:First attack got three scratched to his hind quarter. Second he got teeth wounds in his back. The third not much injuries were here (used my one free defensive thing to get little to no injuries.)

Attacked With: Ulrike dug his fangs into her back end and would thrush his head once and again go get both more depth in the flesh and make it more painful for the opponent while pulling away from the females mouth still not letting go. He took his front claws and clawed towards the female's head in an attempt for her to not get at his body or neck. He


02-07-2013, 10:21 AM

Pepper let out a small yelp like growl as the man gripped harder on her tail and thrashed his head to and fro to cause more pain. In throwing his paws at her face mid attack she had to quickly pull her face away from his to avoid his claws.
The woman's target remained Ulrike's face and throat, as if she could get one of the two she could possibly blind him if her teeth found his face...and if they found his throat then she could choke him into submission. So she would try for it once more, and with the small adjustment, she would be more likely to obtain her objective.
Before lunging back in she threw her own paws into the mix and kept them where she could keep him from scratching at her face. The second she was sure it would work she went in after his face and throat again. She was sure to hit her mark if he didn't let go this time. If he did she wouldn't catch his throat but his face and if he didn't it would be his throat..however short and difficult to get to he kept it, it wasn't at all impossible.

Defensive actions:pulled her head away from his flailing paws and used her own paws so he couldn't hit her face

Injuries:Total she has scratches on her left thigh from the first attack and from the second she has a bite wound to the right side of her chest just above her leg on the third attack she gained a bite wound on her tail, now she has no further wounds aside from the man's teeth going a bit deeper in the wound on her tail, and the skin in that area is torn a little more than the original wound was

Attacked With: again she went after his face and throat with her teeth, with a slight difference as her paws were protecting



02-07-2013, 10:37 AM
His attempt in to keep her from getting at his neck and head had worked for a little bit, that was until she begun to use her own paws to block his claws. his mind was racing, this female loves to go to the throat and head. He knew he had to change up his tactics once more. keeping a close eye on her he waited until she came at him with her jaws. He let go of her flesh and teeth wide open he flung himself around not with out getting a gaping tooth mark on his side, his neck was hidden by his body, his teeth bared and he went strait for her opened muzzle, he would go straight on mouth open and teeth ready to clamp them selves down upon her pretty little face.

If he was to clamp down on her muzzle he would begun to use all his force to fling his head teeth still in the muzzle. If she was to dodge his attack he would then take his teeth and dig them into her flesh once more, he then would let go and lunge around the small female still defending his neck and underbelly from her, This was to give him a few inches from her so he could calculate her next move better.

Defensive Actions:He kept his neck and underbelly from her getting to it.
Injuries:First attack got three scratched to his hind quarter. Second he got teeth wounds in his back. The third not much injuries were here (used my one free defensive thing to get little to no injuries.)Forth He got a few deep teeth marks into his side where he spun around to lunge after her.
Attacked with: Ulrike would bite down on her face if she did not move and then proceed to thrash his head still locked on her face. If the opponent was to move he would then go after what flesh he could get to and bite down for a few seconds before lunging around her giving a few inched from them.


02-07-2013, 11:07 AM

At about the same instant the man let go of her tail, she tasted blood on her teeth. Only moments after he came at her face, and in him doing so she saw two options. The first option was that she could jump over him and he would miss her completely, or she could take a chance in dropping to the ground and hope all he caught was her ear as she tripped him and bit at his legs in hopes of breaking one of them.
Again she took the chance and dropped to the ground, just in time for the man to catch her soft ear with the tips of his canines and tearing the flesh in a strait line from the point where her ear met the top of her head ant the tip, and only splitting it toward the tip. With a good healer the skin would heal back together and wouldn't be much more than a scar.
As Ulrike moved Pepper attempted to trip him with her body and grab hold of one of his legs or paws with her jaws with the intent to break any and every bone that went in her mouth.

Defensive Actions:Dropped to the ground in an attempt to avoid Ulrike's jaws

Injuries:: Total she has scratches on her left thigh from the first attack. From the second she has a bite wound to the right side of her chest just above her leg. On the third attack she gained a bite wound on her tail. On the fourth attack she obtained no further wounds aside from the man's teeth going a bit deeper in the wound on her tail, and the skin in that area is torn a little more than the original wound was. Now her ear has been split open in a strait, thin line.

Attacked with: Pepper is attempting to trip him by dropping to the ground and being beneath foot. She is also trying to bite down on a leg or paw and break it



02-07-2013, 11:30 AM
Seeing the female move out of his way and drop down to the ground, he had only clipped her ear and he was not thrilled. He had the thirst for blood and these little scratches were not cutting it. This fight for a pack was going to get a little more intense. His black eyes caught the sight of her teeth going for his leg. He moved out of the way but his leg did get cut open a bit by her teeth. Ulrike saw she was on the ground he did not stop and leaped a bit in the air and aimed him self parallel to her from above. If she was to stand up he would land on her if she stayed laying down he still would land on her. His mind begun to race as options came into his mind. His teeth were barred and his claws were ready to strike in to her flesh.

His black eyes locked on her watching her trying to see what she was going to do next. Ulrike kept his head low and his under belly as out of reach as posible as he could. As he came closer to her he begun to swing his claws to her flesh, what to happen after this was all fate's deciding. He only hoped that Fate was on his side in this battle. He would sink his teeth into her pelt if his attack is executed the way he wants it to be.

Defensive Actions: Kept his head low and his belly out of reach the best he could with out interrupting his attack movement.
Injuries: First attack got three scratched to his hind quarter. Second he got teeth wounds in his back. The third not much injuries were here (used my one free defensive thing to get little to no injuries.)Forth He got a few deep teeth marks into his side where he spun around to lunge after her. Five, the opponents teeth punctured his leg and made a pretty deep wound.
Attacked with: He leaped in to the air a little bit so he can get him self over the female and make in self parallel to her so when he lands he would barrie his teeth into her flesh. As he was coming down he swung his claws at her pelt trying to keep her in that spot. So he could execute his main plan.


02-07-2013, 03:21 PM

Pepper quickly rolled out from underneath him as he came down. She did her best to avoid his claws and jaws as she could, and in the result got a small scratch on her side. The scratch didn't bother her as it could have been much worse had she chosen to stand or hold her ground.
The second her paws hit the ground, being only a foot away from him, she spun and into his side she shot. She put all the power she could into the attack as her hind legs pushed her into him with all the force they could. Her mouth was open, teeth bared and ready for the crimson liquids to fill it as no matter where he moved to she was going to hit him...but the extent of the damage depended on weather he moved or not. Her front legs were extended and her paws were ready to dig her claws into any flesh they came in contact with.

Defensive Actions: rolled away from the attack(dodged)

Injuries: Total she has scratches on her left thigh from the first attack. From the second she has a bite wound to the right side of her chest just above her leg. On the third attack she gained a bite wound on her tail. On the fourth attack she obtained no further wounds aside from the man's teeth going a bit deeper in the wound on her tail, and the skin in that area is torn a little more than the original wound was. For the fifth attach her ear has been split open in a strait, thin line. Now she has another scratch on her side, but its a small one.

Attacked with:She shot at his side with all of her strength jaws wide and ready to tear at any flesh in front of them and her claws are ready for the same



02-07-2013, 03:39 PM
She had moved from under him, his eyes snapped to her position as he looked at her he watched her make her move. Ulrike let out a deep growl, and just when she was about to bite down upon his side, he did a side step and flung him self around her, he did get a few cuts from her teeth but he would have to deal with it. Now he was behind her he did not stop and lunged for her hind end, his teeth were bared and eyes focused on his target and her at the same time. He was determined to give this fight all he had. The blood taste in his mouth was still there from when he bit down on her tail.

He was going to bite down on her hind end and sink his teeth deep down in her flesh. He had a plan b also to if she moved, he would then use all his strength and push off with his hind legs and push himself forward and claw at her digging them deep in to her pelt. This fight was reaching it's climax and Ulrike knew that it would be over soon. Ulrike still kept his head and neck out of the reach of her jaw.

Defensive Actions:He kept his head and neck out of her reach, but not to far where he won't be able able to execute his attack.
Injuries:First attack got three scratched to his hind quarter. Second he got teeth wounds in his back. The third not much injuries were here (used my one free defensive thing to get little to no injuries.)Forth He got a few deep teeth marks into his side where he spun around to lunge after her. Five, the opponents teeth punctured his leg and made a pretty deep wound.Six, He took four teeth wounds to his side.
Attacked with:He will attack by lunging at her hind end with intentions of sinking his teeth into her pelt, If she moved he would then use his claws and slash them into her pelt.


02-07-2013, 04:04 PM

The man had stepped back and caused her to nearly miss completely, though she still caught him with a few of her teeth. When the man turned on her she saw her way out and she took it...strait up. Due to her average sized, light framed body the woman could jump rather high. Though she wasn't trying to show off so she only jumped high enough to avoid his attack completely and for him to go right under her as he missed.
Pulling her legs into her stomach to prevent him from getting at her soft underside, she readied herself to land on his back. Her intent was to land on him if he didn't dart out from underneath her and tear into his back. If he did move she planned to reach out, grab him with her paws and, as she dug her claws in, to pull him into a powerful bite.

Defensive Actions: she jumped over him and avoided his attack completely

Injuries:Total she has scratches on her left thigh from the first attack. From the second she has a bite wound to the right side of her chest just above her leg. On the third attack she gained a bite wound on her tail. On the fourth attack she obtained no further wounds aside from the man's teeth going a bit deeper in the wound on her tail, and the skin in that area is torn a little more than the original wound was. For the fifth attach her ear has been split open in a strait, thin line. For the sixth attack she has another scratch on her side, but its a small one. She has gained no further injury(used my one free defensive thing to get little to no injuries)

Attacked with:Plans to land on his back and tear into it with her teeth and claws. If he moves out from under her then she plans to grab him with her paws/claws and pull him into her powerful jaws




02-14-2013, 02:05 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2013, 02:05 PM by Ardent.)
Ulrike Vs. Pepper for Ludicael

Round 1

-9 for clarity- Make sure you stay in the right Tense through the whole post. Some places you used past, others you used present.How is he leaping and landing properly if he was protecting his belly? Also...where is he trying to bite her? You have got to be specific.

-5 for powerplaying. If he is trying to bite her you can not say it is impossible to reach his head. It is right there by her.

-7 for defenses. You didn't state anything except that his head was impossible to reach (which it wasn't) and that his legs were protecting his underbelly, well okay, but this only works some of the time.

-8 for attack. How did he get behind her if he went head on? Doubtfully would a wolf (with a bad leg) be able to jump over a full grown female.

-0 for injuries.First round

Round one Ulrike Total:21/50


-10 for clarity- 'In moving her hind end away from him put her in the perfect position to launch herself into his side' You need to make sure you're sentences flow and make sense, they can cause confusion if we have to re-read to figure things out. Where are her claws aiming? You said they were making an attack...but made no description as to where. Also, you need to always explain where you are in relation to the other. Okay, she stepped to the right when he jumped, but, where was she? On his right side by his head? By his rear? Clarify please!

-2 for powerplaying. You really didn't powerplay much, but vague descritpion as mentioned above can make it harder for the other person.

-7 for defenses. You didn't really list any defenses in your post...

-4 for attack. Your attacks were pretty understandable, but I have to subtract from you because, your clarity really messes with the plausibility of them.

-0 for injuries. First round

Round one Pepper Total:27/50

Round 2


- 7 for clarity-retaining the issue with trading past tense. Don't switch from would be doing to is doing to will throws us off, and sometimes, especially when attacking, it can be read as powerplaying. Example of it: 'he calculated out things that could happen but most likely won't.' How...if he is turning his head towards his stomach to keep her from biting it is he now dashing towards her? That makes no sense. There would be no room to run.

-9 for powerplaying. He completely jumped over a full grown wolf...again...without even an attempt and did so without a true running start? There was no distance between them, he would not have been successful.

-8 for defenses. Same as last time, for the most part. And added point, because, shifting his weigth in the air would do nothing to protect his stomach....

-8 for attack. Never Use the word would, unless you've made an attempt, How is he running after her, he is right on the other side.

-3 for injruies. Minor damage, but this plays a lot on clarity. Damage should not have been dealt there.

Round two Ulrike Total:15/50


-3 for clarity- He was jumping over her back to my knowledge? So, he should be to the side.

-4 for powerplaying. Just be clear a little bit more on your attacks and the fact they are attempts. You didn't really list any defenses in your post...Also, you need to be careful of direction and the angle your wolf can move towards his.

-7 for defenses- Failure to really elaborate on how she is protecting herself.
-3 for attack. Effective and noticeable, nice, you went for what was acceptable.

-2 for injuries. I don't believe you should be deduced in points for not letting him scratch her face when realistically he couldn't from the angle he was in, but other than that good job. You took a fair injury.

Round Two Pepper Total:30/50

Round 3

-6 for clarity- Sentence structure almost unmanagable to read in the first sentence. Tense confusion.

-3 for powerplaying. unrealistic made her character not be able to get you for not properly responding.

-6 for defense.makes no sense... character would have fallen over if that had been done. I just experimented on my dog to find out XD

-6 for attack. Bite to the tail is acceptable but counter attack not acceptable

-5 for injuries. full dodge used but the likely hood of him swiping at her face with any paws and keeping his balance is slim to none. You get half credit, -10 would have been the original.

Round Three ?Ulrike ?Total:25/50


-4 for clarity- Not too clear on exactly how she moved to make him catch her tail. Few grammatical errors that had me wondering what was going on.

-0 for powerplaying. Ulrike did just what Tero said he would do.

-2 for attack. Unique attack plan that covered multiple possibilities, just a little off for detail
-4 for injuries. Not a vital spot, but would be painful.
-8 for defenses. Didn't plan for balance. Defense lacks details.

Round Three Pepper Total:34/50

Round 4

-1 for clarity- I understood it all, but some of it was illogical.

-3 for powerplaying.Minor. Can't really say what you just won't do to someone.

-7 for defense.Needs to be more elaborate.

-4 for attack.Attacking the Tail really isn't as major as one would think. Smarts, but that's really it. You won't make someone drop from that. Also keep in mind, wolves can't really, pull at things when they claw...they won't ever cause gashes this way, scrapes and minor scratches /maybe/
-4 for injuries. Awkward placement.

Round Four Ulrike ?Total:31/50


-2 for clarity-Fair, minor tense change.

-1 for powerplaying Not bad, just watch your wording.

-10 for defenses. Paws really won't be much of a defense.

-6 for attack.Face or throat? Two different areas...specification needed.

-3 for injuries. Adequate.

Round Four Pepper Total:29/50

Round 5

-3 for clarity- Honestly, the entire first paragraph has be confused a bit.

-3 for powerplaying.You didn't really powerplay that much this time, but you moved too much, which essentially is powerplaying, you can't throw your body around so much without adequately considering what the other will do.

-10 for defense.Not listed. "he kept his neck and underbelly from her getting to it" Not really a defense, more fo a proportional counter, defenses need to cover lots of bases.

-4 for attack.Not bad at all, but if her jaws are open, chances are he won't clamp both, is he going for her upper set, or lower set? this is also a really risky attack, because if he bites, she can return the favor.

-5 for injuries. You took damage she was aiming to apply, was it on his side? Be specific if you meant the side of the face.

Round Five?Ulrike ?Total:25/50


-4 for clarity- Pretty clear for the most part, really you just needed to explain if these were left, right, head on. Where did she hit the ground in comparison to him?

-0 for powerplaying. Sounded overall, very clear.

-10 for defenses. Lost all by lowering herself before him.

-9 for attack. I like the uniqueness of it, and trying to trip him, but first of all, how? I like the attempt to break, but anytime in a fight, when a wolf hits the ground, they open themself up for way too much damage.

-3 for injuries. Adequate.

Round Five Pepper Total:24/50

Round 6

-10 for clarity- " He moved out of the way but his leg did get cut open a bit by her teeth." Well...I would rephrase that as he attempted to move out of the way...If he is trying to bite her you can not say it is impossible to reach his head. It is right there by her. "Ulrike saw she was on the ground he did not stop and leaped a bit in the air and aimed him self parallel to her from above." I really don't know if I'm getting a vertical wolf, or one that is doing the superman. Tense problems. How is he slicing downards depending on how parallel he is? How is he taking all this time to attack...the rate of gravity is -9.8 Seconds per second, he would not have time to be planning all this unless he can jump like 10 ft in the air, and he has a bad leg which inhibits his ability to jump.

-4 for powerplaying." If she was to stand up he would land on her if she stayed laying down he still would land on her. " Not necessarily. Especially with the lack of sense this makes.

-8 for defenses.You didn't really state do you do half of this without being on the ground.

-8 for attack. It's just really unrealistic, he is moving far too much.

-5 for injuries.There was no recollection that he actually was harmed...he just got his leg bitten?

Round Six Ulrike Total:15/50


-10 for clarity- You have got to include rights and lefts. you have got to say how she is doing everything, not just that she /is/.

-4 for powerplaying. She should be face to face attempting to get to his side not just at his side.

-7 for defenses. Full dodge means you take no damage, not that your defenses are covered.

-6 for attack. How is she attacking his side?

-0 for injuries. Full dodge used.

Round Six Pepper Total:23/50

Round 7


-10 for clarity-Which side did he turn to? How massive was the turn? Where, in relation to her, is he? How did he get behind her? where are these cuts?

-4 for powerplaying.Too much movement.

-7 for defenses.Not elaborate enough.

-6 for attack.Deduction for moving too much, attack is semi-okay.

-5 for injuries.I don't understand the damage taken with the huge movements you had him make.

Round Seven Ulrike Total:18/50


-10 for clarity-I don't understand how she jumped? Like...straight up? Because she could have just lurched forward. On his back...wolves don't do that in real fights. And if he was behind her, as you even notied, did she levitate upwards and glide /backwards/ onto his back? Bite where? Also, wolves can't sink their claws into opponents. They can scratch lightly, like a dog, but it won't be a cat like thing where they like peel flesh.

-5 for powerplaying. Really honestly lost here, she moved out of his reach onto his back. That just...doesn't give Ulrike a full advantage..

-10 for defenses. Wolves can't jump over eachother in such a short space, and will not aim to do so.

-10 for attack. Unrealistic.

-6 for injuries. You dodged last round.

Round Seven Pepper Total:9/50


Ulrike: 150/350


And the winner is...

Pepper! Ulrike must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Ulrike-Minor scathing and bites to both sides-soreness and probable issues of running or heavy movement for 1 OOC week. Muscle inflamation in his damaged leg for 2 OOC weeks due to pulling and general over exertion.

Pepper Scratching on chest, shoulders, and sides that will remain sore for 1 OOC week. Major scarring on tail. Pain for 1 OOC week, permanent scarring.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Both of you really need some grammatical work, A lot of times, I am having issues keeping up with sentences because of spelling, improper punctuation, or sentences being generally jumbled up. It really needs to be something you pay attention to. If a word looks wrong, look it up, make sure you refer to google or ask someone about a comma rule if it seems a little off. If you need help figuring out if a sentence makes sense, then don't hesitate to do so. Granted in a fight, we can't assist you. I really suggest doing some spars (both of you) Because I do see quite a few things of improvement. Of course, I'm certain you aren't the only ones. The main thing fighting wise you have got to work on, is setting defenses guys. You lost so many points on those. Also, the defensive actions/injuries/attack with notes you do at the bottom, i don't score what's in those. Those are just like clarification of what you should have put in the post.

For Tero
Your main issue in the grammar area is not staying in the proper tense. So many times you completely switched to past, present, and future, without a plausible reason for transferring. I would understand if there were flashbacks or something that pertained here, but there wasn't and I am a bit lost. Truthfully, it just made it harder to comprehend. Also, you really really need to watch the powerplaying, you've constantly got your wolf doing things like...jumping over a full grown wolf by getting a running start and it has a bad leg. See the problem? Wolves don't do backflips.

For Secret
You really Aren't doing SO bad, you're spelling needs some work, but you've improved so much. I would suggest really slowing down, and making sure it's all good, try asking if you need help spelling, no one will condemn ya, I make spelling errors like a baws from typing too fast. I would also, highly reccomend, being more aggressive in fights. You are by nature somewhat of a tentative writer, which is not a bad thing at all! it's just your style, but yes, just work on remembering, this is a fight, she has to win. she has to be vicious. she is defending what she wants, and her honour.

Pepper will fight the winner of Thane x Jupiter, after the admins decide what we are going to do about that fight. It got made a bit unrealistic, so we are going to figure something out.


02-15-2013, 09:16 AM
Ulrike came to a complete halt as he had knew that The female had won the battle. He indeed respected her, she was strong and a great fighter, with youth on her good side. Ulrike limed over to the female and lowered his head with a bow."You gave me a fight worth wild,I am falling back on this challenge and is giving you the victory, i respect you Pepper, you have truly won this battle, i wish you best luck in what ever lies ahead of you. And that we can remain friends in the years that are yet to pass before us." With that said Ulrike gave one more bow and walked away from the bloody battle ground.

He was proud of the young Femme and he wished her good luck in what is to cross her path in the next few months and even years. Even though he did not win this battle, he was not upset, there will be other times in his life that he can rise up to become the Alpha of a pack, but for now his mind was on his family, all that matters is that they have a safe environment to live. All went well in this and amongst the fighting he had gained an new acquaintance and if she was to win all this he would be proud to see how she will develop in the years yet to come.


02-19-2013, 04:31 PM

As the man came to a halt she didn't let her guard up. She figured he was simply trying to catch her doing so giving him the upper hand. She bared her teeth and remained in a readied stance until the man gave her a bow like gesture and spoke submission along with his respect for her. A smile graced her features as she returned the gesture. "I return the respect." the reply was short and she said nothing more till words of friendship escaped the man's maw and she gave voice once more but briefly "Thank you, and I would be proud to call you friend."

When Ulrike bowed once more she did not return it again. Pepper simply watched the man silently bow, turn and take his leave before taking her own. The girl was proud of herself for winning her first real fight, and even though at first meeting she hated the man, she held no grudge gained him and truly wanted him as a friend. Her newly found pride left her walking from the battlefield with an easy stride carrying her from it. Sure the scratches on her chest and sides were sore but they were minor and wouldn't affect her much in other challenges if they were to come before they healed, nor would her tail though it would hold a large scar, she could only hope the fur would cover, for the rest of her life, and was a bit more painful as it was larger than the scratches.



02-24-2013, 09:50 PM

The wolf's muzzle touched lightly into the dirt as Rakshra sniffed. She was alone, searching along a vacant plain for a chance at a meal - something hard to come by lately. The entire area seemed to be evacuated of any other life, excluding the occasional scurrying rat. She needed to find food soon, already having gone several days without a significant meal and little to no sign of any pack of her kind.

Rakshra hadn't had very good luck with getting into the one pack she had seen lately; Glaciem. The alpha didn't seem to fond of her personality, which he had pointed out her traits were two-sided. She had obviously been told before by many travelers she had come to paths with. Though, she didn't mind being disliked by many. She was also loved by many.

As she continued to walk, her stiff muscles underneath showing through her skinny underfed self, she had heard sounds coming from a few miles ahead. The Battlefield. She had heard about challenges going on to claim the territory 'Ludicael' as their own. Rakshra started to walk in that direction, which soon turned into a canter and then a run. For once, her body didn't ache completely. She had actually gotten some rest over the past couple days, and she felt a lot more rested.

Rakshra skidded to a halt before the challenge going on. She knew challenges were still opened and her heart almost leaped out of her chest. A pack, where she was the leader. That's a life she would actually enjoy. She sat down and watched the opponents, picking up tricks and moves as they went on. When she had the chance, Rakshra would challenge the winner and hope for the best results. Rakshra wouldn't risk her life for this, but she would put all the effort she had in her into this.

{Lurking within the shadows... Dangerous and intelligent... Beautiful and brave... And Rakshra is her name...}

**316 words**