
You're Gonna Go Far Kid



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-08-2014, 12:47 AM

Adventure was pushing him forward on the tail wind. The cobalt pup climbed up a hillside, enthralled by the view he saw below. Spring was here, and with it came the returning herds of buffalo and their calves. Some he could tell were just born, the young beasts dancing on wobbly legs and falling over on unsteady stilts. His tail wagged as he watched them, wanting to go and play and get closer to see how they would react to his presence. He had no idea that they could be potentially dangerous, but he didn't want to harm them. He just wanted to play. Rising on his little paws, he began to descend into the grasslands below, on his way to try and make new friends!


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



01-17-2014, 05:02 PM
Her sister had walked off with Deteste that day, and neither had glanced in her direction. Still, she would only feel confused at the happening, did they not see her? Did she not matter? Whatever the reason, she would find them soon - for now, she wondered what had happened to her mother. The woman had been a quiet constant in her life, without her the silence seemed to loom in a dangerous way that it never had before. Paranoia had set in the cracks of the young female's core, but it didn't show on her face. Although she was unsure, there was a vast world laid at her feet, and she was hesitant to properly explore it, there was a journey ahead of her and her mother to find. How horrible, how wonderful to have to search like this to find her. With no home to turn back to she would close her eyes and struggle to still her beating heart. When she opened them again, she would truly take in where she had ended up.

Hills, they were grassy and flowed about in lovely waves. So colorful during the spring, her silver orchid eyes would widen at the sight of the many large prey that were there grazing. A thought would be spared for her sister - Aegira would love this... but she was not here, it was she alone and a plain full of buffalo that she had no clue how to hunt. The girl would sigh, plopping down and watching from atop her spot on the hill - only to pause when a little black speck went bumbling by below her. He was small, not a threat - and didn't seem to come from a pack either. The willowy yearling would quickly stand, before gracefully trotting after him, her bushy tail flowing behind her. "Hey there!" She would call out to him, nearly rolling down the last half of the hill that she descended from. She should really be more careful... "Are you looking for someone?" Her voice was sweet, and surprisingly bright despite her situation. A strange girl in a strange land. "There isn't anybody here but those big cows."