
Off To Wonderland [Neo]


03-13-2013, 01:48 AM

This land was familiar to the dame, but unfamiliar to her companion. Tortuga was not the safest of packs but they kept to themselves and let well enough alone. belittlement and insult were beneath them. They did not indulge in such things. They were a lose pack and Neo would be given his freedoms here. He would not be hunted by siblings or elders, here he could be his own wolf, and Luce would always be there when he needed well... anything. She would give him all the love and affection he had never received, she would drown him in her until she became the singular most important thing in the young pups eyes.

They breeched the border of Tortuga and she smiled down at the pup, lowering her crown to nuzzle him gently, her tail laxadaisically trailing behind her. Her lips pulled up into a smile. Her bright eyes surveyed Tortuga's lands, they were quite different from Valhalla's.

"Welcome home my love." She murmured softly too him, lifting her head once more, to survey the land spread before her. It had been a decently long journey, a hard days walk, a night of rest and a good portion of this day had been spent traveling. She would seek out Kaien come morning, she wanted Neo to feel comfortable in his own home, she wanted to show him her den, his new den. He was hers.

"Would you like to see our den? I will show you so many things Neo, I will teach you anything you wish to learn, including how to battle an enemy with not but your words... anything you wish for, you need only ask." Luce murmured to him, her gait continuing as they dove into the heart of Luce's home.



03-13-2013, 02:10 AM
A wide grin was plastered on the adolescent's face as he stepped next to his new guardian. His tail had yet to stop wagging since they left the lake, he looked over his new home with sheer amazement, steep cliffs and crags that would hone even the weakest wolf into a seasoned warrior greeted him. He was so used to the green slopes of Valhalla that as he looked over the stony landscape only one word entered his mind: "Woooaaahhhh." He was blown away, completely and utterly captured by this new world. His new home. He listened intently as she promised him things he could only dream of in Valhalla. She was everything to him and more. A tutor, a guardian, a shoulder to cry on...A lover? No. He was still too young to think in such a way about her, although her beauty had not gone unnoticed by his innocent eyes, indeed it had been what captivated him most about her, but for now he let such intentions perish. "Lead the way Luce." He said, responding to her earlier offer to show him to her...No. Their den.

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03-13-2013, 02:38 AM

She watched his reaction to his new home carefully. Tortuga was an entirely different world, and she supposed to a child who had seen nothing but lush forests and rolling hills, it was a paradise, a playground unexplored. She would give him free reign, free to come and go from her den as he pleased. If he wished to explore he could. If he wished for her to train with him, she would. Luce had no other responsibilities aside from Kaien's commands and they were far and few between. He was becoming her project and a part of her, that dormant, emotion filled side of her was slowly growing attached to the small thing. She would never harm him, not intentionally and she would take care of him, provide for him when he needed it. Affection was a realm she was familiar with. Notions of touch and comfort... she would spoil him rotten if he so desired.

His reaction amused her, and she laughed gently, it mimicked the sound of a babbling brook and she glanced at him bemused. "I am glad you approve doll. As long as you remain with me, you need no one's permission to go where you please. All of this land if yours to explore." That of course was not her doing, these were Tortuga's lands, as long as he resided here they were his.His request spilled from his larynx and she smiled, nodding gently.

She glided through the territory with ease, up rocky slopes, through patches and spaces trees. She took her time, allowing him to grow familiar with the terrain and the territory. A stream, sliced its way between the rocks and she glided along it, following its bends and curves. As she navigated up the cliffside, there was a short drop between where the river suddenly stopped and splashed back down to the earth. Behind the trickling waterfall lay a hollow cave, carved into the mountain. Large enough to accomadate four or five wolves.

"That is our den behind the waterfall." She murmured, French accent heavy as always, coloring her tones. She had discovered it two or three days into her joining. It was a hidden alcove, a secret place, not a single wolf had chanced upon it yet. Plus a morning drink was merely a step or two away. She awaited his reaction eagerly. He already seemed so excited, she could scarcely see him becoming even more so.



03-13-2013, 02:54 AM

He stared at the trickling water with amazement, he'd never seen a waterfall in his life, and aside from rain, had never seen the beautiful ribbons of water as they fell to the earth. He stepped toward it almost cautiously, experimentally dipping a paw through the tendril of water as it fell only to have it, surprisingly, come out the other end into empty air. His mouth parted into a wide grin and his tail resumed it's previous rhythm. It was like run off from the dens, but constant, even in the sunshine. He marveled at such a strange and unique notion and jumped through the downpour, landing effortlessly inside the den. "IT'S AMAZING!" He yelped excitedly, his heart so swollen with joy he was almost sure he had died at the lake and had been brought to paradise. What other explanation was there other than the gods that be turning pity upon him, and bestowing to him his ideal life. For once there was no rage in his words, no anger in his heart, no self pity, no loathing, only joy. Joy at what had been given to him, and now he would gladly repay it. He would become the strongest wolf in Tortuga, the greatest to ever grace the Spartan pack, his name would be known in all corners and spoken with both adoration and fear, and he would do it all for her. His pearly white goddess, every move he made from this day on would be done with her in mind.

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03-13-2013, 03:13 AM

She watched him, greatly amused as he darted forward, she leaned backward, resting back upon her haunches as he paced forward. He was an adorable pup and despite the hatred and anger he displayed a scarce day ago, he seemed, renewed. So excited, so exuberant. She had done so very little other than offer him a new home and he acted like she had handed him the world on a silver platter. She wondered just how poorly he had been treated in Valhalla. It wounded her, it truly did to know that they had out-casted him, but it made her grin to know how quickly he had abandoned all of that for her.

She had never before been responsible for another's life, another's well being and the feeling was humbling. He now depended on her. Would look to her for guidance, friendship, advice and who knew what else. She would have to break her addiction. Would she give up her precious poppies for the tiny pup? Her keen eyes watched him extend a paw to touch the flowing water, his eyes widening in excitement and amazement as he bounded through and returned, soaking wet. Yes... she thought she could.

She laughed at his excitement, plume batting back and forth behind her as he expressed his excitement and his joy. "I am glad you approve!" She laughed lightly moving forward to join him, her head lowering and her body creeping low to the ground as she approached him. "Do you know what else the river is good for?" She had almost reached him and as soon as he breathed the word 'what' she pounced into the river, sending a wave of water, crashing down upon him. Her laughter carried upon the winds as she crouched in the shallow stream, her front end arched and low to the ground with her rump high in the air, tail batting back and forth, willing him to play with her.



03-13-2013, 03:27 AM
He drew back as she splashed him, blinking in astonishment as she fell into a playful bow. He hadn't played since...Since the day Cairo found them. After that day the two brothers went their separate ways, Preston always the socialite happily fell into place with his siblings...No. Guinevere's brats, while he was always the black sheep. And now suddenly he couldn't stop himself from dropping low himself, tail raised in the air, and a playful growl ripping through his throat. The smaller wolf charged head on, rearing up in front of her, with the widest of grins plastered on his face. "Can't catch me!" He challenged, weaving past her and into the open land surrounding their den. He was living, more than that he was home.

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03-13-2013, 03:50 AM

She watched and waited, her tail batting uselessly at the air as she awaited his movements. She had forever been a creature of unpredictability. She had been forced to become as such. Among humans, unpredictability, providing you still behaved, saved ones life. Luce had never experienced a childhood, a family... random bouts of playfulness was still befitting of her, and she would give him everything she never got, regardless of what it cost her.

He charged into the water, rearing up before her and darting away, laughter reaching her ears quickly as he bolted away. "Catch you? I will do much more than just catch you!" She pounced forward, missing him by a fracture as he darted this way and that, she let him win this game of chase, let his confidence blossom and grow. She wanted him to succeed, wanted him to be the very best he could be, she wanted to be there when he achieved his first rank, his first reward, she would drive him and encourage to the very best of her knowledge. He would be perfection at least in her eyes.

Finally she pounced and caught him, tumbling with him through the ow grass, her lithe body easily rolling along with his, her own laughter intermingling with his own as they rolled to a stop. Her own plume beat the earth at a steady rhythm and her gaze met his own. She wondered if she really could be everything he would need of her. She wondered if she had done him right, by bringing him here. Only time it seemed, would tell.



03-13-2013, 04:12 AM
Boughts of laughter assaulted his lungs for the first time in his life. He could almost cry from joy as he rolled to the earth with Luce. He buried his muzzle in her neck lovingly. He adored her, he swore the ground she walked upon was blessed by each step she took, swore that no being on heaven or earth could be more understanding, more benevolent, more angelical than she. She was his world, his entirety, everything to him. He entertained the thought of another wolf having her pinned by the throat, ready to kill her, and how he'd strike them down instantly and without hesitation, even if it was Cairo himself. He...He loved her. He loved her! He couldn't deny it or escape it any more than he could his own tail! He loved her! She had delivered him to heaven on earth and rescued him from hell! HE LOVED HER! And he wanted everyone to know. Without any provocation he bolted to his feet and threw his head back in a glorious howl, declaring to all of Tortuga, All of Alacrita, all of the heavens I LOVE LUCE

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03-13-2013, 04:33 AM

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She rolled with him, careful not to crush him beneath her weight. When finally they rolled to a halt his and her laughter slowly died and he buried his face in the crook of her neck, nuzzling her affectionately. Luce dropped her crown, cradling him to her gently to her. He was so sweetly curled into her, such a gentle pup, she did not know how anyone could touch a hair upon his head. Why had he been treated so poorly when just a bit of love was all he truly needed.

He bounded away from her suddenly and she rolled onto her belly, curious if he would begin the chase again, he tossed his head back and sang to the heavens, but not just a howl of triumph or victory, no, he sang of only his love for her. Her ice colored eyes widened almost imperceptably at the declaration. No one had ever spoken as such to her, ironic that it would be the pup she had first intended on deceiving. of course... now... everything had changed, she was for all intents and purposes his family and without further ado, she smiled brightly at him, tail flickering out behind her.

"Je t'aime aussi, N?o..." The foreign language rolled from her tongue like silk as she leaned forward to touch his neck with the tip of her snout. "That means I love you too, in French." She purred against his skin. [COLOR=black]



03-13-2013, 05:07 AM
He touched his muzzle to her neck, his fur brushin against hers as she told him the words he longed to head I love you too.. His eyes shut at that instant, his face buried in her beautifully soft fur She loved him to. He was more than just refuse that she had chosen to clean. He was a lover, a suitor, a mate, he was more to her than any other male had been. But now, there was one question left unanswered. One question he could only assume the answer to. The answer that would determine just how much he cave to her, be it his entrety or simply his childhood. "Will you wait for me?" he asked, devotion swimming n the magenta pools that were his eyes

Words words words

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03-13-2013, 10:58 AM

Luce watched him ever the picture of relaxation upon the grass. Her gentle words both in this language and another reaching him easily. He returned to her, curling his body into the thick fur that lined her neck and she allowed the embrace with a soft chuckle, offering him a select kiss for his attention. Her tongue drifting over one of his ears as she pulled him to her allowing his body to collapse against her own. His gentle words reached her swiveling audits and she blinked, surprised.

She supposed if she was a decent creature, she would have told him no, that she was already four and he was scarcely one, she supposed if she was half way decent she would have tried to explain that he needed someone pure, someone good, but Luce was not this creature of goodness and innocence and even if that meant abandoning her drugs and giving up her life of carefree encounters... she supposed she would be willing to attempt it. She could mold herself into the picture of perfection. Deception was Luce's greatest strength, and with that thought swimming in her mind, she smiled upon him.

"Until the ends of time doll." She drawled out, her tail curling towards him to bat about his haunches.



03-13-2013, 11:25 AM

Some small insignificant voice in his head told him he was asking her for too much. Gods only knew what she was willing to sacrifice for him and had already relinquished for his sake. But he didn't care. He wanted her all to himself. He didn't want the risk of his attentions being diverted by some other John's pups. Or by another John for that matter. He was greedy, selfish, abhorrent in his desires for her, but he still didn't care. She was his now. She was everything he could have ever asked for and more. She was his Luce and he was her Neo.

Gently, almost timidly, his tongue caressed her chin before he buried his face again in her ivory strands. A grin parted his maw as his heart swelled with love and adoration for the femme. Time was meaningless to the cub. Perhaps because he had so much of it left in his life. He had watched his would be mother wither away after her first litter from the caprice of time, and while to some that would inspire a sui juris to him it only meant that when he reached his second year he would take her as his mate instantly.

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03-13-2013, 11:43 AM

Her body embraced him gently, encompassing him in all of the warmth and affection he had obviously never received. perhaps they were a bit strange, him being so young and she considerably older but Luce had never before cared for the opinions of others and why would she start now? She was attached to the tiny pup, that much was certain, perhaps it was about time she stopped being so... wild. Maybe he, was in fact the push she needed.

She would be his Luce, allow him to brand her, claim her as his own. No one had ever attempted to claim her before, and she wondered just how serious the tiny pup was. Did he understand exactly what he asked of her? Ah... did it matter? She had stolen him, claimed him for herself, turn about was only fair play after all. She knew, eventually someone would come for him, and it would be utterly delicious to watch him defy them. To deny their claims. She would gladly be his for eternity if she could see their faces crumble like the walls of Jericho.

He lifted his head, returning her affection with a kiss beneath her chin and despite her cold exterior she felt the ice chip away around her heart. She chuckled light and dipped her head to press her forehead against his own.

"I just want to see you happy love. Nothing more and nothing less."



03-13-2013, 12:05 PM

There it was again, that feeling of invincibility. That deliciously beautiful sensation that he could accomplish anything as long as he had her support. As he melted into the embrace it consumed him, and he saw it. Him, standing upon the peaks of Tortuga, the wind rippling around his proud muscular physique, and the clouds parting around his intimidating features. He would descend from the cliffs with learned skill and sure footing and land before his mate, as beautiful and dazzling as she ever was and ever could be. And at her feet would be his heirs, begging to hear the story of how he crushed his evil step-sister, and conquered Valhalla in the name of his Alpha, Kain. He would laugh, and she would laugh with him, burying her face under his chin lovingly "I think ten times is enough for the day." He would say to them, and they would plead and beg until he regaled them with the story they had heard so many times before.

That was the life he wanted. The life he would have even if he needed to fight tooth and claw for it. His life. With her. In Tortuga. Under Kain. And he wouldn't let anyone take it from him. "You've already made me happier than I could have ever been in Valhalla." He murmured into her fur. "Happier than I've ever been in my entire life. Love of my life."

Words words words

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03-13-2013, 12:36 PM

He leaned into the warmth of her bodice, he would smell so strongly of her that by the time Kaien got here, she feared he almost wouldn't believe her that the pup truly had come from Valhalla. She did not mind too terribly much. he had given her a permanent residence amongst Tortuga's ranks, and he was soon to carve one for himself. It took a great deal of courage to abandon ones family for the unknown and he had seemingly done so without hesitation. Had he done it solely for her? She didn't think so. Somewhere in his chamber of hearts he must have wanted this for himself. She could not have had that much sway for him... could she?

It mattered little what had ultimately drove him here. He was hers, she had claimed him and it seemed he had claimed her for the rest of his life. A vast deal could change for him between then and now but she would not allow whatever Valhallen came to claim him, take him back so easily. They would need to make it through Kaien, and if need be, her. She knew Kaien would not accept a direct challenge and Valhalla would be foolish to go to war for a pup whom clearly did not wish to return. Neo had chosen, and he had chosen Tortuga.

"You need never return to Valhalla if you do not wish it. You will be given honor here, respect, dignity, Kaien will think highly of you will offer you a rank befitting your strengths, and Valhalla will tremble at the gem they have lost. As for myself I will always be here, rooting for you silently from the sidelines. I cannot wait to see you become magnificent."



03-13-2013, 01:08 PM
"I'll never go back there." he said sternly. "I will never return to that world or to Cairo's brood. I will never leave you, and I will never let you down." He swore. He was not the scrawny timid pup he had been when Cairo had found him. He was no longer the pushed around black sheep of the family that he was before he had left Valhalla. He was coming into his own, blossoming into a warrior that would put the Adravendi to shame and make them wish they had never crossed his path. Still. He couldn't help but wonder; would any of this have happened if Luce had found him first? Would he have had to endure what he had if instead of Cairo the beautiful vision before him had scooped up him and his brother. No. Things would have always been different with Luce, she would always put his needs before her own and never once see him treated as an outcast by the others. Especially not by his own brothers. And yet...In an odd way he was glad things had turned out the way they had. Some part of him would thank his siblings for the way they had mistreated them, for without the horrid mental scars they had inflicted upon him he would have grown weak under the wings of an angel. Instead they made him strong. Stronger than the rest of them. And he would make sure, that when Tortuga marched up to Valhalla's gates they would know the wrath they had brought upon themselves.

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03-13-2013, 01:33 PM

Luce hummed, some ancient lullaby that she drummed up from her past, agreeing with his words. Neo had made his choice and he had made as such abundantly clear. Valhalla he would discard, nothing but a distant, fleeting memory. Here he could thrive, that rage he had displayed could so easily be turned to power and strength. he would not be hindered or weighed down. They would push him, but only in the desire to see him get better. He had chosen Tortuga over the wretched reign of Valhalla and had thus chosen her.

Even as young as he was, his claim over her was solid, resolute. In these eyes of this pup, she was better than Cairo, she was better than his family, she was better than Valhalla. He saw her through the innocence of a babe and not for the drug addict that she truly was. he saw an angel where she knew only selfishness and gain lingered, but she would try. She would try terribly hard to think of him, to keep him sheltered and keep him safe, to watch him become something grand, a reflection of her deviousness and trickery, but coupled with the strength and prowess of a fine warrior. he would have all of her positive attributes with none of her negative. He would be magnificent and he would be hers.

"Cairo holds no sway here. He need never influence you again and he will regret neglecting you my love. You already make me proud, look at all you have accomplished in not but a few days? A new home, a new family, and soon to be a new pack... you are magnificent." She dragged him tighter to her, squeezing him with hidden zeal, hidden excitement, he had tainted her world with so many possibilities, she knew not where to begin.



03-13-2013, 03:13 PM

An odd call came forth but it wasn't summoning anyone. No. It was a call of love and adoration towards someone. The voice was male yet it sounded like a boy, not a man. The voice was definitely not familiar. Who had entered the territory without his knowledge. Better yet, who had brought him here?

Like an good Alpha he rose from his den. All thirty nine inches of him stretched out legs splaying out in front of him as muscles pulled themselves taut. Fire colored eyes roamed the area around his den making sure everything was in order before the Vecaan set out to find out what had disturbed the peace.

The young Lord picked his way through the valley making his way to where the noise came from. He was aware of the waterfall but faint scents surrounded it. Luce and another scent. Definitely male. He didn't bother going any closer. He'd call them to him and he would demand an explanation.

A soft howl escaped his jaws as the silver male called both creatures to him. Luce had better had a good explanation for bringing an unknown wolf to them without permission.



03-13-2013, 03:27 PM

His bellow, it seemed had called forth Kaien himself. The declaration of love having alerted the alpha to the presence of another. It seemed he would not get until morning. The pup had burrowed himself into her side, unsuccessfully becoming a permanent part of her through the power of osmosis. Her icy blue eyes flickered to the reigning alpha and gently she nudged the pup, willing him to leave the warmth of her bodice to meet him.

Languidly, she rose to her pads, her body arching as she stretched out the kinks in her spine. She shook her coat free of debris and dust before she smiled genuinely at Kaien, her body bubbling with excitement at the news she would lay before him this day. She approached him swiftly, the yearling keeping time with her beautifully. As they entered his line of vision, Luce dipped her head, a swift show of respect for her superior.

"Kaien, I had intended to wait until morning but I suppose the sooner the better." Her eyes flickered to the pup, glittering with wicked intent. "I would like to introduce to you Neo. The once adopted son of Cairo. They neglected him and his abilities and after a touch of kindness and persuasion I have claimed him, brought him home. He wishes to share a vast storage of knowledge about Valhalla with you to prove his loyalty." Her words were as soft as silk and oozing with warmth, her accent thick and heavy in her excitement. Kaien would know that it had been her deviousness that had brought such a treasure to him, she need say no more, the rest was up to Neo and Kaien. She had done her duty and had fulfilled her oath. Her eyes glanced between the two, she could not wait to see how this played out.



03-13-2013, 03:47 PM
His head shot up abruptly as the low howl reached his ears. It was a call he had grown familiar with. The call of an alpha, a sound that rang with a fierce demand for respect and order. Kaien. The wolf Luce had told him countless stories about as they ran to Tortuga. Before he could even think he ran alongside the white goddess to meet the fabled leader, even managing to pass her once or twice. His body swelled with excitement, this was it, the first step to becoming a true Tortugan. His first step in becoming one of the great and feared legion.

He starred in amazement at the beast before him, almost forgetting to bow and show his neck in respect. Almost. He dropped his head hastily, eyes never leaving the magnificent beast before them. "My Liege." He said softly, breath batting lightly against the earth. This was Kaien. Everything the stories had built him up to be and more. A wolf even the great Cairo feared, and Collision's mortal enemy. He would be the one to lead him down a righteous path, and with Neo's help Kain would trample Valhalla into the dust. He had heard stories of what Tortuga wolves did to prisoners, and his body trembled with anticipation. To See Epiphiron begging for her life in one of the holding dens...That would be heaven on earth for the cub.

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