
Accidental Find



7 Years
01-10-2014, 12:38 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The pups were so adventurous! She had been watching them as they learned the lay of the Range, slowly becoming familiar with its structures and beginning to recognize and recall specific places they had been. And she got to hear all about it. Anais spoke enough for the lot of them, going on an on about the places she had been, the other pack members she was meeting, the exciting escapades she became involved in. Tahlia had listened patiently to her stories, reminded somewhat of her own sister by the pup's exuberance and fearless streak, and a little she was envious. At one point, when she had been a new member in Seracia, it had all been new as exciting to her too and she had gone out of her way to locate new places to suit her, places that she could relax in.

It struck a nostalgic nerve in her and leaving a quick note of her absence with Destruction she went beyond the borders of Seracia. No sooner than she left her thoughts wandered to Bane, suddenly very tempted to pay him a visit now that she had gotten away. But he had not been the point of her outing. She was really looking for a place for herself, a quiet corner that was pretty and pleasant and peaceful. But once she found such a place she supposed there was nothing stopping her from dropping by his riverside den. Yes, after works.

Where she found herself was somewhere entirely new. Most other places she had explored had been green, save the shoreline, but none of them rivaled this. It was green, very many shades of it and lively despite the retreating winter. Flowers bloomed as if spring was already in full force and the scents from them were quietly beginning to thicken upon the air. It was enjoyable, all of it, and as she wandered aimlessly through it she found herself liking it more and more. Reclusive. Pretty. And she was sure some of the plants might have been useful if their peculiar smells were any indication. "What a lovely place," she considered aloud to herself, continuing to wander about and find out about the gulley what she could.

OOC: Tahlia's scouting for Seracia. xD Random thread for that purpose.


01-10-2014, 01:00 AM
The need to walk and move about brought Squall to this side of their new territory. He needed to get away from the main part, too many things he didn't want to remember as well as too many things he already knew were there. He needed to get out, to explore places he had not been to before. On top of that, he needed to get out and see the world more. Since arriving, he had mostly remained in the main packland. And now, he was wanting to explore elsewhere that was now claimed as their territory. Seracia had been growing, many pups had come in to fill up the numbers, Loccian had children, as well as former King Maverick and former Queen Epiphron. He wondered how many others would soon be having children, and wondered if he himself would ever have children in the future. First, he had to find a mate...but it would be a long while till that happened. He had trusted twice before, and he wasn't sure if he could do it again so soon. They always said third time was the charm, but he couldn't bring himself to face disappointment again. Not now. Not so soon.

And so it was that the tri-colored male came into the territory of a place he had not been to, but only heard of. There was many radiant shades of green, flowers blooming here and there in vibrant colors. This was truly something he had not seen before, but it was certainly a different scape on his eyes. Not only did he find verdant green nature, but another sight caught his eyes as well. This one he knew to be familiar, though he did not know her name. He knew she had children, but didn't know about the Father or who he was. He certainly hadn't been at the last meeting anyway. Approaching with caution, he heard her words as he came closer. A small smile lifting his own inky lips, icy blue eyes trying to seem as kind as possible. "It is quite an interesting place, isn't it?" He responded almost quietly, stopping a yard or so away to give her space.

Speech, Thought, You



7 Years
01-22-2014, 01:20 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Someone spoke. Stopping short, Tahlia halted and turned her head to stare into the face of another Seracian, one that she vaguely remembered seeing before within the pack's borders and during meetings. But of course, unsurprising given her distant behavior as of late, no name was matched to him. It seemed to be a commonality that she was finding more and more, one that she knew she was going to need to fix if she intended to redefine her and her children's standing within the pack. And perhaps, if she conducted herself well enough through this meeting - as she had been taught since the beginning - she could even start now.

"It is," she remarked, drawing her expression into a dignified yet polite smile, halting her movement and allowing him the last step as he joined her there at a respectable distance. "The colors are very appealing. And the fragrance of the place is rather alluring." So heavily floral with just a hint of medicinal herb, Tahlia was quite sure this new hiding spot was valuable in many different ways depending on who was asked. For her, its vibrant, lively look was quite enough to win her over.

Always one to stick with formalities if they could be helped, she added, "I do not believe we have been introduced. I am Tahlia Carlier. You are of Seracia, yes?" The golden eyed wolf was certain she had seen him before, at meetings if nothing else, and she was eager to have her thought confirmed, especially since it meant making a new acquaintance within the pack.