


01-14-2014, 06:40 PM
set immediately after the events of "your soul is mine," artemis wont ask about the outcome until the official results are up.

The sight of his pallid form disheartened the Elysius babe and his treacherous presence repulsed her. What was once a kindred spirit to the wraith had been reduced to naught but a foil in her ultimate plans to peacefully unify a broken family, and therefore she had felt it only necessary to disown him for his lack of cooperation. Although it had been his paws that were drenched in the blood of their mother, his decision to abandon his family?s side in favor of an outsider, and his lack of will to reprimand another for speaking such heinous insults against the woman who birthed them, still the phantom could not entirely place the boy at fault. No ? it was her strong and unwavering belief that the sable brat he ?adored? had impregnated his mind with false beliefs, and thus, it was only reasonable that the horrid wench would be depicted as the source of Ares? downfall and her mother?s demise. There were no other factors that could possibly contribute to the abrupt and complete shift in Ares? demeanor ? at least, that is what was perceived in the eyes of the porcelain babe. It was for this reason and this reason alone that the vindictive nature of the viper would rain down upon the skull of her true adversary rather than her once-sibling; she would ensure that karma struck Devya in the harshest of ways for all the turmoil she had caused for their family.

She, however, did not appear to be the sole figure who looked upon the brat with disdain and utmost loathing, for she had witnessed as her littermate attempted to knock the bitch down yet another peg. It was almost laughable how Devya believed her actions would not come with repercussions, and the babe had sincerely hoped that her brother would yet again prove to the wench just how truly powerful those of their bloodline were ? the bloodline that Ares biologically shared. Although the sight of her fervent sibling tearing at the flesh of her greatest adversary was satisfying, the phantom prodigy could not bear to remain within such close proximities to her once-sibling and had therefore fled the scene before the battle had breached its conclusion. Concern for her brother flared within the babe?s chest and a desire to educate him on the most recent and tragic events of her life consumed her, and so she positioned herself approximately a mile away from the battlefield, patiently awaiting Codeine?s approach with stoic composure.


01-17-2014, 11:26 PM
Artemis had thrown the fight. It had surprised him, he had nearly stopped his own to question her - and yet he had fought on until a victor was chosen... but he didn't feel like the fight was over. His wounds were sore, the bitterness still fresh, and his parents were both still gone. It made him angry, that he had lost his father to his own mother, but even angrier that he had lost his mother to his sibling. Although he was stubborn, held a towering spirit within him despite his diminutive size, he still felt utterly hopeless without Morphine's existence. What would happen with this family, how was Artemis handling herself with her gone? It was all so up in the air.

But one thing was for certain - he and Artemis were now the oldest members of their family, and the Elysius would depend on them if it was to be given proper life. He would limp slightly away from the battlefield, leaving behind his disowned brother and his precious whore - and follow immediately after his one true litter mate. When he found her, he was bloodstained and could use a damn healer - but he would smirk in her presence, a small one-sided lift of his lips, before his figure would cave into a sitting position beside her. This had been where they found each other the first time - he knew that he would find her here.

"Artemis." Seeing her soothed his nerves, took the bite off of the swelling virulence that had taken hold of his mind on the battlefield. "I heard what happened, while I was on the field." What was there to say on the death of their parents? The betrayal of their sibling? He was at a loss for words for once. "I'm glad you didn't claim the bastard, he's not worth it." His words were uttered in a low manner, his ears peeling back as a small sneer presented itself on his dark lips.


01-30-2014, 05:09 PM

Strategically, the banshee had positioned herself within the premises of the humid area where she had previously held an audience with her sibling, violet and metallic gaze darting through the hazy mist that encompassed her surroundings in a desperate search for his familiar form. She feared not that her brother would fall defeated at the incompetent paws of Ares' petty whore, but still, she could not help but succumb to the slightest worry of how he would fare with any of the injuries he might have sustained throughout the battle. The power he harbored beneath his rugged exterior was undeniable even to one who had not yet witnessed his true potential in combat such as herself, and yet she understood that this did not make him an indestructible force; no matter the surname that was linked to the moniker their mother brandished upon him, he would return battered and bruised because of Devya -- such a concept left the bitterest of tastes to linger upon her tongue, serving as an unpleasant reminder that the war between she and the brat was far from over.

At long last, the glint of her sibling's pallid flesh beneath the pale moonlight ensnared her attention, forcing her muzzle to tip towards the direction he approached from, pupils dilating with concern as she examined the ruby decor embellished upon his coat. Ears would swivel towards her hindquarters as her upper lip would twitch to reveal the tainted bone of her incisors in an open display of her displeasure, limbs subconsciously pumping her closer towards him so as to eat away the distance that separated them in order to alleviate the pain of his obvious limp. Porcelain features softened slightly as she breached his side, noting upon the mischievous smirk he adorned with fondness as her countenance warped to reflect the expression laden upon his, pride teeming within her system for her brother's achievements; his face boasted of an obvious victory. Satisfied with her presumptions, she allowed for her rump to greet the earth adjacent to her sibling as he rolled back onto his haunches, pupils still ravaging his body in search of his wounds. "You look... awful," the wraith admitted, tones one of light jesting as the smirk elongated across her visage, gaze shifting back to greet his own. "But that is what makes you look so powerful," she rasped fervently, eager to grant him every ounce of her approval in the absence of their mother.

He would mention Ares and the initial subject of their meeting, and immediately the viper's demeanor would shift from appeased to one of utmost loathing, silence captivating her as she diverged into the confines of her own mind where horrid and vivid memories haunted her. A deep sigh would part her frayed lips and she would avert her gaze from her sibling, dread soon finding its way worming through her core as it so often had as of late. "He has committed a crime so heinous -- he deserves no mercy, he deserves no life. And yet I cannot harm him. I cannot harm him because she wasn't angry with him." Sorrow would reign over her interior at the thought of her mother's lifeless corpse and at the image of her once-kin hovering so maliciously above her, his face caked in her blood without the faintest trace of remorse. He deserved death -- he deserved it, and yet it would not be Artemis that would present it to him.