
Calling For Trouble


01-03-2014, 08:01 AM

The female could have been very, very misinformed. Going to the battlefield to find a pack wasn't going to be the simple or pleasant experience that Arietta believed that it would be.

The femme,a dark brown wolf marked with russet and a bit of tan, would walk into the battlefield unaware of the strange shift in fate that was going to become of her. When summer came around she would be old enough to bear pups, not that she had a mate to speak of yet. Not even a pack, though the loner assured her that a pack wolf would come and bring her to a new home. She thought back to Glaciem, of the wolf she had tried to bring with her. She had lost confidence in trying to go back alone... and part of her wondered if a wolf from Glaciem would come to claim her.

The femme would allow her blue orbs to gaze over the ground, taking note that here and there old bloodstains discolored the dirt or grass. Did wolves truly battle so harshly against each other? Compared to most wolves Arietta was still very naive, and did not know the extent of an evil wolf and their ways. The delicate femme, of a small build, would sit down, raising her muzzle to the sky. She was hardly twenty five inches tall, and only about sixty pounds. She was a tiny little thing indeed. She would howl for a pack wolf, hoping for someone, anyone to come along.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-03-2014, 05:14 PM
Sin Armada

Amber eyes fell over the scene before his steps. Gazing around at past bloodshed, the scent of fear and death and despair still seemed to linger in the air. A snarl creased his lips, the stench of metallic blood called to him, giving him the thirst for it once more. It had been a long while since he tasted the blood of another that was not prey...and yet, since coming to these lands he had been unable to satiate his thirst for death and despair. He was a reaper of sorts, and he was sure that soon, he would get the blood he so desired. Yes, it was no mistake nor dream. Sin would claim the blood of the male who dared walk away. Creedance would regret the day he claimed himself "the devil" for there was none worse then Sin.

The scent of a female would strike teasingly across his senses, causing him to stop in his blood stained tracks. Venemous glare fell upon a young brown shewolf, and Sin became pulled in curiosity. Approaching as silent as a wraith, he seemed to glide over the surface of the earth as he made his way behind the unfortunate girl. The tang of blood upon his pelt masking nearly all his Glaciem scent. "It's dangerous around these parts, I hope you know..." He sneered, standing at his full height as amber gaze fell hungrily over her smalle frame.


01-04-2014, 03:24 AM

Arietta would sit alone for a while longer, soft blue eyes looking out across the land that served as the battlefield. This was where official battles were fought, right? The femme knew nothing of fighting herself. It wasn't something that her mother had cared to teach her when it came to survival. The female would let out a soft sigh as she thought of the older female wolf. It had been quite some time now that she had left the other she wolf buried on the island of her birth.

A strange, yet familiar smell would intrude upon her senses before she heard a voice behind her. Arietta would get to her paws and whip around to face the other, though her stance was hardly that of a guarded wolf. No she looked upon Sin with wide eyes, tail lowered between her legs as she took a couple shaky steps back. The brute was a fearsome sight, standing tall with a dominant, hungry gaze fell upon her.

The brown and russet female tried to force herself to talk, to find words of which to respond to the white and crimson marked male. But she was scared. It showed in her eyes... her lowered ears... her stance... and even her voice when she finally managed to get some words out.

"I... I know that... I just..." It was a lie. She swallowed hard, forcing out the next words. "I was told by another rogue... that pack wolves would take you in... if you waited here..." It was the scent of blood that had her this way. It was all she could smell on the brute... so she knew it wasn't just simply because he was fresh out of a fight here.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2014, 05:17 AM
Sin Armada

Amber gaze watched as the female turned to his presence. A sneer on his face as the fear was quite apparent in her eyes. He always loved the look of fear, it pleased him to no end. It meant others feared the Devils child, and there was nothing more he loved then that very look and thought. The reactions he received were priceless, and it always brought about the sinister look in his eyes ever more. He watched her struggle to find her words, and at last they would be found. The young femme posed a question, and Sin would answer in his own special ways.

Slowly he moved forward, amber gaze never leaving her form. Oh how tantalizing she looked, teasing, toying, her body calling though unwillingly. Slowly he seemed to glide over the land, claws soundless upon the stained earth. His tail swept up against her form, touching...teasing. "Yes...that is true...So, if you know that...then what is it that you seek little brown fox?"

Quietly he came to a stop behind her, eyes raving over her lithe form and figure. Indeed she was a sight, one that tempted so unknowingly. A corner of his lips lifted to reveal canines in a low smile, thoughts created within his mind about the potential outcome of this meeting. Would she run? Back away? Fight? Submit? He so hoped for a struggle, she seemed like she had no idea what was going on nor what his intentions were, but alas one could only hope...


01-08-2014, 05:32 AM

Those eyes. Amber eyes that didn't leave her form, looking upon her as if he enjoyed watching her squirm beneath his gaze. He would move even closer, his tail brushing against her body. It would cause Arietta to shudder. This male... his very presence would disturb the female. Scare her. But more than that she was realizing very quickly his presence here was far from a friendly one. As he walked behind her Arietta spun around, keeping her body low, though her fangs flashed in warning.

"I seek to find a pack wolf and a pack to join... though it would seem your actions suggest you had other plans." Arietta might have been a little slow on the uptake, but she wasn't downright stupid. This wolf didn't smell of a pack... and to get so close to her... It made her skin crawl. She would take a step back, pinning her ears to her skull. The look of fear was still there, but anger too. "Its not going to happen. Find some other fae."

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-11-2014, 08:42 PM
Sin Armada

Slowly he teased, a taunt to her body. The response he received was all the more appetizing, he so enjoyed a struggle. She would turn to face him, teeth flashing with a glint of fear. Heh...fear...he bathed in it. He always managed to summon the fear in the hearts of almost everyone he came across. She was but one more victim to add to the books. And oh the plans he had for the future...he chuckled with delight, an ominous sound to escape crazed lips. Amber gaze drawn to her now lowered form, and he was all the more tempted.

A sound rumbled within the pits of his chest, claws scraping lightly on the blood stained ground. Lips curled slightly to reveal a glint of perfect pearls. "If it is a pack you seek, then you're in luck little fox. The dawn of a new era will be reining soon, and you may just be the start of a new beginning." He cooed to her, tail flickering lightly behind as he raised it up over his back in a dominant manner.

Venomous orbs narrowed, canines glinting in the light as her reaction alerted him ever more of the fear he was instilling within her. "Its not going to happen. Find some other fae." Another rumble within his chest, a mixture of laughter and growling. "You act like you have a choice in the matter." He hissed with menace.


01-13-2014, 03:49 AM

Her defense stance remained. Body lowered, head tucked close to protect her neck, though Arietta didn't think that this wolf had any plans on killing her. At least, if he did, it wouldn't before he took control of her and left her broken and begging for mercy. She could see the eyes of the devil as she looked upon this wolf. The fear held in her light blue orbs was well placed. He wasn't right in the head. She should run. Run far away from this damned brute and as fast as she could. But as much as she willed her legs to move she didn't move even an inch.

Her skin would crawl as he spoke. A new era reigning... and she could be the start of a new beginning.She would take a small step back. That could mean two things... and Arietta had the sinking suspicion that he meant both. As a new member... and as a female to bear him even more members. Heirs. The way he looked upon her with such hungry, dominant eyes... it left no question in her mind. To make matters worse her moment of courage was failing her as he continued to gaze upon her.

Did she really have a choice in the matter? This male was larger than her. Before she could help it a soft, fearful whine would escape her, and Arietta would take a further step back."I..." It wasn't like she had any friends or pack mates to call upon. This wolf could easily overpower her. Put her in her place... and there wasn't anyone out there that would even notice that she was gone.

The brown femme would swallow hard, shivering as she looked upon the male. Fighting... running... none of it seemed like a good option. But... she couldn't just give in. She had to do something. Finally Arietta willed her legs to work. She spun, small body shooting across the blood stained ground of the territory. She wouldn't look back. There was no doubt in her mind that the devil would try and pursue her.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-14-2014, 02:50 AM
OOC: This post is Rated M starting at the 6th paragraph.

Venomous optics stared down at the little girl, a burning and intense stare that he was sure unnerved her. He could see the fear, he could smell it, and it seemed he could almost taste it. It was like liquor to his tongue, to his very core. The taste of fear always gave him the chills, sending shudders down his spine. The apparent ecstasy was visible to the eyes of others, as he never made a point to hide it. Lips curled furthermore, as he once again made his plight to circle around the brown girl. Oh how he could not wait to taste her, to touch her, to feel her. Her small form would fit oh so perfectly within his form, there was no mistake that they were meant to happen upon each other. Fate did not toy with him, it only offered to him upon a silver platter the things he so desired. And she was but another trophy to add to his arsenal. The start to his new beginning that would soon reign upon the lands. There was no mistake.

His tongue would swipe over tainted lips, as if unable to wait any longer to taste his new toy. Taking a step closer, he watched her shiver and tremble before him. Painted audits would lean forward to catch the whispered sounds of her beating heart that called him forth. Oh how tantalizing it was. She teased him, did she not realize? It was then she would conjure up the thought to flee, her body turning away to bolt away from him. Golden orbs narrowed on her fleeing form, a hiss escaping through his teeth. Did she think she could get away? Did she think he would not pursue? Oh how wrong she was.

He allowed her to think she would get away. Sin remained unmoving for several seconds as she ran a few yards. And then the demon would suddenly burst into motion. Ears pinned to his head, sharpened claws leaving indentations in the ground as he bolted after her. He ran in the motions of a cheetah; banner flying behind him, claws digging into the ground for traction, teeth bared, and his form lithe and streaming as he gave chase to the prey that tried to flee. Heat began to course through his body, the excitement of the chase along with what would soon come upon catching her, excited his senses. His body couldn't wait to take her, to strip her of the last bits of dignity she tried to cling to. He would make her submit, force her to follow. Force her and bend her to his will, and she would enjoy every second of it just as much as he would. And if not, then it would be all the more pleasurable for him.

The scent of fear became strong again as he drew closer. Her attempt at fleeing was a failure as he swiftly caught up within moments. It was like chasing a frightened doe, and he could not wait to sink his fangs into her flesh. He pushed harder, his tainted form coming up beside her to send teeth snapping at the back of her neck. In a swirl of dust, the pair disappeared in the cloud that rose and enveloped them. The struggling would commence, as Sin?s jaws closed and dug into the back of her neck. If she so chose to struggle, then she would learn soon enough that he would not play nicely. A series of growls escaped his throat as he rose to his feet. His pelt covered in dust made him a little angrier; she definitely would pay for this. ?You've gone and made me dirty my pelt?you foolish girl. Don?t you know that escape is futile? None escape me?especially those I have my sights set upon. And you my dear, you are my prize.? He?d laugh with menace seeping through, he would enjoy this. He always enjoyed a game, especially with an unwilling player.

He?d place a paw on her neck, sharpened claws digging gently into the skin. Slowly he lowered his head to her own, breath slipping out in a hiss as he whispered into her ear. ?Now my dear, you?ll pay for attempting to flee. I hope you like games, because you?re in luck.? A light laugh swept past parted jaws, tongue snaking forward to taste her bloodied neck. The metallic tang of it sent a shiver coursing through his body, his sensing becoming heated further by the struggle and of what was to come. Releasing her, he kept close as he placed himself over her, tail curling high as he gazed down at her defeated form. Now?now he could have a taste. Now, he could enjoy what he so craved. Teeth flashed in a warning, if she so tried to fight back then he would ensure she couldn't. And it would be such a waste if she chose to do so.

Roughly, he lifted her body slightly with force, Teeth gripping into the base of her tail to force her to rise. ?Cooperate, and this won?t hurt?as much.? He murmured briskly as he released. With effortless ease, he gathered himself, right foreleg swinging over her hips to grasp her, his left foreleg straightened on the ground for balance. Her scent tempted him, pulling him in. He re-positioned himself behind her, hind legs holding up the weight as he so eagerly began to close the gap. All it would take was a few inches to breach her. His body was ready, and he cared not whether she was ready. It was something she didn't want, he was sure. However, he knew that her body would betray her and succumb to the ecstasy that would soon come to her.

A grunt escaped his throat as his body pressed into hers?the tight warmth that followed, sending a shudder throughout his body. His grip tightened around her abdomen, pulling her deeper and closer to his own?in due time, she would be the beginning to his new era.

-Fade to black-



01-14-2014, 03:29 AM

Terror sped the little brown female along. Her body was shaking, fear radiating from her body as she attempted to flee the white and crimson devil she had so unfortunately come across. Tears flowed from soft blue eyes down onto furry cheeks. At first Arietta heard nothing behind her... but the female didn't stop. She kept rushing ahead, using all the strength in her small body to propel herself forward and away from the brute that lurked behind.

But then she heard it. The sound of claws digging into the ground. She could hear the wind as it rushed past Sin's body as he gave chase, and she could hear the sounds of the male growing closer and closer. The tears fell thicker. She wanted her mother. She wanted to be back on the island, back when life was simple and there were no other wolves to worry about. She didn't want to be here in Alacritia anymore.

A yelp, mingling with fear and pain, would escape the femme as she and the devil went down, dust rising around him. She would instantly cower down. He had her. She wasn't going to try and fight... she wasn't going to try and run anymore. It was all for nothing. She squeezed her eyes closed, a loud, fearful whine escaping her throat. For whatever reason this white and crimson demon had deemed her his prize... and she had no chance at escape now. No chance at a different future. Her only choice was to submit to this male.

His claws wound gently press against her neck, her pulse pounding wildly as she opened her eyes partly to look up at him fearfully. He was going to punish her for running. Her body shuddered, and another low whine escaped her. There was no one to help her. She was alone with this man. As she was released Arietta didn't move, gazing up at Sin in horror of what he was going to do to her.

Arietta would wince in pain as he pulled her to her paws from the base of her tail, spreading out her balance as her body shook. She knew what was coming... even before he spoke. She couldn't help but tense, squeezing her eyes closed. She was too young for this... it wouldn't be until next season that she was mature enough for this activity. But it would happen now anyway... the brute closing the distance between them, the heat of his body growing closer.

She was aware of a sharp pain. A feeling unlike anything she had experienced before. He would take her, forcing her first time... but... as it went on... Arietta would find that... through the pain... there was something else in that feeling. Something... she actually enjoyed.

-Fade To Black-

Speech, Thought