


11-01-2013, 12:08 PM
OOC- Bas, Taur and puppies

Aa raging howl split the earth, shattering the atmosphere and bringing the world to its knees. Pain riddled the silver temptress, contractions ripping through her bodice. Lips curled back in a silent snark. Her sides heaved, breaths came in heavy pants. There was no relief. Limbs trembled as she tried to support her weight long enough to get to her den. Growl vibrated in her throat. Contractions hit her like unforgiving waves.

It was slow and painful process trying to get to her den, each step was accompanied by pain. Where the hell was Bas? A snarl ripped from her jaws as a contraction brought her nearly to her knees. Her bodice dropped as she slide into her den, falling in a heap inside. She knew enough to know that the pups would be huge between herself and their bastard father.

The pants and contractions continued, contorting her face into one of clear pain. Audits fell back against her skull, her growls mingled with low whines. She rolled to her side, muscle stiff with discomfort. Already she wanted this dreadful experience to end. Silently she cursed the bastard who had gotten her pregnant. Attempting to relax, the temptress waited, waited for the little demons that occupied her womb to be born into this world and continue to plague her.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
11-02-2013, 06:45 AM

Basilisk Saxe knew this moment was coming ... but just how soon, he had not been sure. His attention would jolt towards Cataleya's cry as it echoed across the flat terrain, a call filled with pain and need and anger alike. Only briefly did the corners of his lips flick upward in a faint smirk. It was funny knowing that, in a way, she needed him -- just as he needed her. Slowly he would twist his body upright, clambering to all fours and immediately heading in her direction, knowing the consequences would be dire if he ignored her. And part of him wanted to see her children regardless, though he wouldn't admit that even to himself.

He was not far from her -- he never was -- and so it only took him a few minutes to reach her side in the den that they shared. He made no effort to be quiet as he made his presence known, not wanting to startle her. Her pain was obvious, and he would slide near her. If she wanted him gone, she would tell him quickly, and she knew he would listen. Somewhat instinctively he lapped at her face, hoping he could ease some of the pain, or at least distract her. Either it would soothe her pain or piss her off and distract her from the contractions that had begun to ripple through her body. Either way, it seemed a decent enough plan.


11-03-2013, 02:56 PM

Audible foot steps ripped a threatening growl from her throat, eyes narrowing dangerously. Nostrils flared taking in the familiar of Basilisk. He had come. The aggressive tension left her body as he curled up beside her, his tongue boldly lapping at her face. A halfhearted growl vibrated quietly but she was far to distracted to really care. Contractions continued until her body finally told her to push, acting on its will.

Her sides heaved, body ready to expel the little demons that had grown to large for her womb to carry any longer. Jaws parted, sucking in air to her screaming lunges. Again and again she pushed, the pressuring building painfully. Soon one pup would slide into the world, earning its self a rough cleaning before finding its way to her belly. A darkly colored female. No time was wasted on the first bastard child for another was following.

But it wasn't over. Her body heaved, bring a whine from her throat that slowly turned into a growl. The second pup slide to the earth, a lightly colored female. Tongue lapped at her roughly before the pup found its way beside its sister. She leaned back against Basilisk, her body limp with exhaustion, eyes fluttered shut, her breathing slowly returning to normal. It was over, or so she thought. But now she had two little demons to raise, with their idiot father breathing down her neck. With her pups now quietly sleeping at her side, the silver temptress began to drift off to sleep.

A sharp pain shot through, jolting her nearly to her feet, a high pitched snarl ripped forth. Her breathing hitched, her sides contracting painfully. What was happening? She would have sworn that there would only be two. Contractions hit her painfully, her body pushing, though it was useless. It was becoming dangerously clear that this would be the largest pup. Too large. She body battled to expel pup the body, to keep herself alive. She would not be taken out by a pup. With short and rapid pants, exhaustion claimed her body, making it harder and harder to push, to give the final pup life.

OOC- Pups can now post, as requested Drag wanted a little time to get gems for height for Sora, so Taur and Bas can post then Sora will be born.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


11-03-2013, 03:05 PM

She was comfort beside her siblings at first, their presence comforting, but now they had grown to large and constantly bumped into each other causing them to grown restless. Now a pressure began to surround her, one that she didn't like and tried to resist but was failing. She squirmed, desperate to avoid whatever fate had in store for her.

Frigid air burned her lungs as tiny jaws parted, releasing a cry of outrage. Now longer was her world soft and warm, but cold and hard. Oxygen burned her lungs and nose, limbs crawled blindly. Two heavy scents assaulted her, imprinting her tiny mind. One of her mother and the other of Bas, two wolves that would be prominent in her mind. Absent was her biological father, leaving only the two scents in her mind.

She pressed against the warmth of her mothers belly, tiny jaws searching for the source of an intoxicating smell of milk. Suckling eager, her belly began to fill until the tiny pup drifted off into sleep, barely registering the familiar touch of her brother and sister that lay on each side of her.

Talk like this



5 Years
Extra large
11-05-2013, 12:04 AM

He hadn't expected to become a father so soon in his life. To be honest, he hadn't pictured himself to become a father at any point in his life, much less after having become a king to his own pack. But he was an expecting father now and there was no way around it. He would be in the lives of his children, even if he didn't exactly get along with their mother. He would be the best father he could be to them, and hopefully he would be able to raise one beneath him if Cataleya decided to allow one of the pups to live with him. Regardless, he would be a constant figure in the lives of his children, of that he was sure.

He had been at the edge of his territory, pacing, waiting, worrying. Where was Cataleya? The pups were due any day and he was sure that she couldn't have gone far in the state that she was in. There was just no way. If she wasn't going to birth in the pack lands, then she would be somewhere near right? A call of distress would be heard across the plans south of his territory, the Re recognizing Cataleya's voice. The pups. Was she giving birth? Throwing a hesitant glance back towards his Kingdom, the titan would race towards the sound of the call, arriving much too late. As he tracked her scent, he located her inside of a den, another male curled up behind her acting as her support, three tiny figures suckling at the silver woman's abdomen. Two dark pups and one light one. Two females and one male, by their scents. Icy gaze would flicker to the woman's coral one for a moment before turning back to the suckling babes. Those were his children lying in front of her. His. He kept himself standing at the entrance, unsure if the mother of his children would allow him to come near them.

Talk like this

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
11-06-2013, 09:40 AM

It was strange how he had grown vaguely fond of her, feeling much more warmly toward her than he ever expected. She had forcefully claimed him, after all, and he knew he ought to feel trapped and itching to leave and claim his freedom. And yet the part of him that was perpetually waiting for someone, anyone, to come to his rescue was stronger than his need for freedom. He could only hope that even if Cataleya did not smother her children in love and affection -- and he would admit, he didn't anticipate her being a warm mother -- that she would come to them in times of need, unlike his own mother.

He was not surprised as Cataleya writhed and snarled at his touch, but she did not command him to leave or threaten him with violence. She needed his company, even if she would never admit it, and he couldn't help but smirk faintly to himself at the thought. He would shift slightly away from her as the moment arrived, giving her the space and room she needed to push the children from her womb. His amethyst gaze wandered as two children were born, both wriggling to slide closer to her warmth and feed. It was surprising when another child came, jolting her from near unconsciousness -- a child much larger than the others. Instinctively he crept forth again, letting his tongue glide over the side of her neck. Even if she pretended she did not like the feeling, it would comfort her and ease the pain that he was certain was rippling through her body.

He was so engrossed in the event he hardly noticed Taurig's scent impinging on his nostrils, but when he did his hackles would raise and his lips would curl to expose his fangs. Basilisk was grateful he did not enter the den, and chose to remain here instead of confronting the man. Cataleya would let him in if she so desired.


11-06-2013, 09:45 AM

One moment she was resting comfortably and the next she felt everything around her moving, pushing her forward. She wriggled uncomfortably against the sensation, but there was no fighting it. All at once a rush of cold hit her and then her mother's tongue was lapping roughly at her. Everything seemed so different, so strange, but perhaps not in a bad way. Soon she felt the familiar feeling of her sibling beside her and the warmth she was used to coming from her mother. She had her fill of her mother's milk, oblivious to her mother's struggles and pains. Senka drifted peacefully off to sleep with her stomach now full, ready to wait for her next meal.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-07-2013, 01:45 AM
Warmth enveloped the child. His world encased within a cocoon full of mystery. He knew not what lied beyond the darkness and warmth of the cocoon that he had come to love and rely on so much. Inside it was so warm, so safe, it gave him protection fromt he unknown oddities of the world outside. But then his world would come crashing around him, and he would begin to squirm and fight against the current that was his mothers contractions. All of a sudden the pair of bodies that were once beside him had disappeared, the warmth of their bodies flowing away from him like the tide returning out to sea. With silent terror he would fight against the unseen forces that threatened to push him from his cocoon, the outside world threatening to engulf him. He wanted to stay here, and so his large body would fight as his small legs jerked slightly. His body would jerk forward, trying to stay within the warmth and within the darkness.

His tail would shrink towards his body as his rump would seemingly burst into the cold air, outside was unknown to him. Why were monsters trying to pull him away from his home!? After much struggling, his large body finally squeezed through to the outside world, and he would immediately find himself being washed over by his mothers tongue. Within moments, he was at her side pushing through his siblings to suckle his mother. Moments more later, he was sound asleep. The world was now at his mercy.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-07-2013, 12:03 PM

Her world spun with pain, sides heaved uselessly. The pup fought her every step of the way. But soon she found relief as the pup slid fromherr body. The temptress barely had the energy to free him and clean him before the boy found his way next to his sisters. She body sagged against Basilisk, jaws parted to suck in air. She felt the sudden tension in the man at her side, it was then she noticed the figure at the den entrance. She had no energy to fight or issue any sort of warning. Bas did it for her.

Noisily quivered, mind barely registering the scent of Taurig. "Taurig...?" it was unintended to sound like a question but the woman barely had the strength to even say his name. Crown dropped to the earth, hee back pressed against her shadow, pups sleeping soundly at her belly. She didn't care of he came in or not, though it was certain that he would want to meet his children.

Eyes fluttered shut, sleep threatened to claim her. The silver temptress fought it, determined to stay awake until it was just her and Basilik. She'd be damned if the cobalt man triede to sneak off with her children, she trusted that Bas would not let that happen, nor did she intend to hand over any of her children to the Alpha, who in her eyes was a waste of a man. A sigh heaved heed chest, audits angling towards the father of her bastards, waiting to see if he was so bold as to enter the devils den.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
11-07-2013, 02:11 PM

He could care less who else Cataleya was involved with as far as her relationships went. He had no romantic feelings towards her, and she none towards him, so her business with others didn't matter to the cobalt Re. But that didn't mean that he would allow the pup curled up behind her to threaten him when he staked absolutely no claim over Taurig's children. Ebony lips would pull back against his own pearly daggers, ears flattening against his skull as his own growl rumbled in his throat. Trying to keep him out of the den? Fat chance of that happening.

To his surprise, Cataleya would turn towards him, his name slipping from her lips as a question, as if she were surprised that he were here. The growl quieted in his throat, lips shielding his weapons once more as he nodded to affirm that it was indeed him, limbs pulling the cobalt Re forward with cautious steps. Neither of the two were really in any position to attack him, but that didn't mean that he could relax. Icy gaze would zero in on his three children, nostrils quivering as he came up behind them, gently pressing his nose into each of their little rumps, inhaling each individual scent as well as passing his scent to them through a little puff of air from his lips. They were beautiful little things. His children. Who would've thought. One of the girls slightly resembled Cataleya, while the only boy looked extremely similar to himself. The other little girl looked like a mixture of himself and her mother. Who would they turn out to be like? The Re could only wonder as his eyes soaked up their tiny bodies, a gentle smile curling his lips. He was a father. A father.

Talk like this

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
11-11-2013, 06:34 AM

A strange instinct had been sparked inside Basilisk's chest. Part of him longed to lean forward and bathe the children, to make sure they suffered from no deformities, wanting them to feel his touch and know the sound of his voice. But he was not there father, even if he had promised Cataleya he would care for them, though he knew he would be part of their lives for some time. Unless someone came for him -- which was looking highly unlikely at this point -- he had resigned himself to Cataleya's company, which wasn't entirely unpleasant. She had promised to teach him. To help him avenge his father.

Amethyst gaze lingered on Cataleya as she spoke Taurig's name, her lyrics fatigued and lacking in their normal fire. The man took it as an invitation and crept forward, examining his children. The boy would shift, guarded and alert, ears pinned back against his skull as he eyed the man. He could look at them and touch them, and do whatever he liked, but he was unwilling to let him steal her children.


11-12-2013, 07:25 PM

A growl reached her ears, invading them harshly. Lips curled back in a silent snarl. She was no in mood. Her tongue would curl against the roof of her mouth, eyes narrowing as she curled defensively around the demons at her belly. Through narrowed slits she would watch the cobalt man approach, his crown dropping to inspect his young. A smile curled his lips as though he was a proud father. Had she not been tired she would have scoffed at the sentiment.

Resigned that nothing would happened to her children, the silver temptress would against rest her head on her paws, allowing herself to rest and sleep. She did not want to be part of the two males pissing contest between who would be part of the bastards lives. They could sort that out themselves. Legs and tail would curl in and around the still pure babes, instinct kicking in once she dozed off.

-exit via sleep-

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"