


10-30-2013, 06:08 AM

Journeying this far while so close to her due date, had been reckless, but she was out of options. She needed an herb, an herb that she had once seen in the Valhallan lands when she tended to their injured warrior, Ashtoreth. She needed it, because she couldn?t bear with the idea of losing this litter. She had scoured the northern realm, searching for another growing of this herb, desperate not to make this journey with tensions running so high, but alas, she had found herself traveling. The day was cloudy, the sky dank and dark, not exactly the ideal weather for her travels, but she knew she was running out of time. She had slipped from the territory at early dawn, and trekked restlessly towards the southern portion of the land, her back aching with every pawstep, her tortured body crying out in agony.

All this she did to better the chance at life, the life that she held in her womb. The life that so desperately deserved a chance. She prayed, the healer in Valhalla, wouldn?t turn her plea away for the herb, prayed that whomever it was parent, so perhaps they could understand the dire situation she found herself in. A mother would do anything to protect her children, even if it seemed suicidal. At the edge of the border, she came to a halt, her expression clouded with pain and worry, as she stared off into the distance, of the lands that marked Valhalla. It was time to call, before she was discovered on the edge of the land with the scent of Glaciem.

A sudden pain hit her, and she fell forward, her forelegs buckling under her, and a cry escaped her. No. This couldn?t be happening, not here, not so far from home. The pain brought tears to her eyes, God, it hurt, like she was being ripped apart, as if the life inside her was ripping its own way out. Gasping, she lowered her body to the ground, scrabbling for shelter in a near a rock, as the thunder rolled in the distance. Tossing her head up, she let out a pained cry, a summons for the healer of Valhalla, and laid there her body shaking in agony, praying the healer would arrive quickly. She prayed this other wolf wouldn?t be blinded by where she came from, and would see, that she was clearly in need. Lightning flashed across the darkening sky, and she stared up at it fearfully. It was as if nature itself was warring against her, and the birth of her children. Another rumble of thunder, paired with a flash of lightning, and it felt like her body burst open. It was time.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2013, 10:30 AM

The storm that brewed above the snow painted Theta matched the anger that roiled in her heart. Her brother was gone. Taken by Glaciem in the battle on the Borders. Deep blues touched upon whirling leaves, but didn?t see them. Swirling colors of Autumn flashed about her, vivid in the evening light. Thunder rolled like a herd of elk in full stampede through the sky, and lightning flashed above, the crackle of energy intermingling with a pained, desperate cry.

How could a healer ignore that noise? Her paws drove into mulch and took her at a lope toward the cry. It had sounded feminine, and there had been a note there that told of new life. So she came. And when she came upon the female who lay upon the borders of Valhalla, she stopped, staring at the Glaciem healer. The anger whispered through her veins like ice, then flowed away as she took in the trembles wracking the small form. If this female had been bred by Isardis, who she had glimpsed at the Field, this birth was going to be horrible, and it was time. ?Your king should rot in Death?s arms for putting you through this. These pups will be huge??

A sigh hissed from her maw, before she looked about, remembering a den on the edge here that was used as a pausing point for Patrols. It had been abandoned after the Flood. Ah, there it was. ?Look there, at that dip. That is a den that was abandoned after a flood. Get yourself in there. I need to get the plants needed for this.? She turned and began padding away, but stopped, and gazed over her shoulder. ?Your pack has a great deal to answer for. We did nothing to warrant what they have done to us. And if my brother is harmed while he is a prisoner there, they will have me to answer to.? With a flick of her tail, she disappeared into the shadows.

She slipped through the territory and found her den, gathering the birthing plants needed for a difficult birth, before she turned and bounded back through the storm to the female, offering a shoulder for her to lean on if she needed it, and helping her toward the den if she hadn?t already reached it. ?I shouldn?t be helping you.?


10-30-2013, 11:29 AM

The agony that she was experiencing was ironically weak in comparison to the agony, that she experienced of her heart as of late. Still, her body, felt as if it was being torn, ripped to shreds. Her call was answered quickly, and her eyes fell on a snowy white dame, her words were cold, but Eris had expected as much. She was right, Isardis was huge in comparison, she'd be lucky if this labor didn't kill her. Assuming she lived through this, she'd have the ivory dame before her to thank. She indicated a dip, where a den could be found, and Eris nodded exhaustedly. The white woman began to leave, needing to get the herbs need, before she turned, words coming to Eris's ears that prickled sadness in her heart. 'Your pack has a great deal to answer for. We did nothing to warrant what they have done to us. And if my brother is harmed while he is a prisoner there, they will have me to answer to.'

Her brother was one of the new prisoners? The ranking of the prisoners didn't matter to her. She treated each of them with the respect that any wolf deserved. As she stood, to move towards the den, she opened her jaws to answer her, but a wave of pain silenced her words. She'd have to state her opinion later, she didn't agree to her kings demands. If she knew that she could leave in good conscious, she would. The politics didn't matter to her. As she stumbled, the white dame returned, offering her shoulder, and Eris found herself lightly leaning into her, not wanting to burden her with her weight. 'I shouldn't be helping you.' She said, and between gasps, she managed words, as the moved towards the den. "Then... why are you?" She asked, her tone soft.

If this woman thought her in completely in league with her kings agenda, she would be wrong. She was in Glaciem because not all the wolves were to be held a fault, they needed a healer. They needed someone who didn't care about power to tend to them, to help the other mothers deliver their pups. A gasp left her jaws, as another contraction wracked her body, ripping through her as her pups struggled to make their way into the world. They had made it to the den, though it lacked the homey feel of her own den, she was grateful for it. Moving forward, she sank to the ground, her golden eyes coming to rest on the healer who had helped her.

"I can't defend what my king's done but if it's any consolation, I don't agree with it. I'd never agree with what he's done." A hissing squeal of pain left her jaws at the end of her sentence. Her heart beat furiously, tears dampening her face. God, it felt as if she was dying. Would this other healer understand that she couldn't just leave? That she was a healer, she was needed, she had to stay. Could she understand that? Was this punishment for not agreeing with the pack she had pledged her loyalty too?




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2013, 02:25 PM

The question was answered with a quiet huff. ?Because no Valhallan that I know has ever left a wolf in need to die. Our hearts are too kind. And I am a healer. Warriors fight to kill, Healers fight Death himself to save lives. Sometime we lose those battles, but we fought, nonetheless.? They descended into the empty den, which had managed to gather a great deal of autumn leaves from errant winds, enough for a comfortable nest. Quietly, she watched the female until she felt she was as comfortable as a wolf in labor could get, then set her plants down, picking out those that would help to dilate the womb?s opening and lessen the pain, while strengthening the contractions.

One ear cocked to listen as the female spoke, hearing the words end in a pained hiss. ?Then why do you allow it to happen? Or do they not give Healers the proper respect owed to them? Here, in Valhalla, Healers are important. They are trusted, and hold an authority even Alpha?s must sway to, or else the pack would be vulnerable. How can an Alpha lead the pack, if he or she becomes ill from not listening to the Healer when the healer says it?s time to back down and heal?? Her words were spoken in a low, relaxed tone, as she broadcast serenity through motion and expression. This would hopefully have a calming effect. She nudged the cocktail of herbs she?d prepared close to the healer. ?The pack is a healer?s child. Do what you must, to protect that child. Even if it means going against your king, because he is leading your children to harm. Valhalla are defending themselves, and I am protecting my children as best as I can.?

Her head turned and she made her way to the opening, where she sat, half in, half out, an ear cocked backward, listening to the soon to be mother.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


11-02-2013, 08:05 AM

The words that the seemingly older woman spoke reminded Eris of her mentor, Ezra, and a small smile flickered on her jaws as she looked at her. When she had passed through Valhalla... why hadn't she stayed? Pushing the thought away, she tried to remind herself that there was a reason for everything, good and bad. "Vahallans are wolves of honor." She murmured lightly. It was true, it did add up to everything she had heard about them thus far. Wolves of honor.

The next questions from the other healer, made her pause. 'Then why do you allow it to happen? Or do they not give Healers the proper respect owed to them?' She would let the other woman finish, but her mind froze on that first sentence. "Have you met Isardis by chance? I doubt his own queen can sway his mind once it's made up." She commented, her voice light. "Respect? Ha, I've already been reminded that I'm nothing more than a mure 'curerer'." The words were tinged with a bitter edge. The woman went on to talk about the pack being a healers children, and she nodded slowly, eating the herbs the other had pushed towards her.

"You can say what you will about Isardis, but the wolves under him are perhaps the only reason I haven't left. I don't agree with what he does, but those under him aren't guilty of his decisions, and they need me." Light words were tinged with slight wines of pain, as her contractions grew closer together, her body working to expel the life from her belly. Her head laying back to rest on the ground, she pushed her first bundle of life into the world. The pup was huge, it felt as if it's body was thrice her own, and ripping her into shreds. The agony. She could smell blood, and as she moved to inspect her pup, she realized something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Nosing it rather urgently, her teeth clipped the sack containing her pup, her tounge reaching out to caress it, cleaning the fluid from it's face.

Hues of gray and brown colored the pup, markings unique to it, but it wasn't breathing, it wasn't even moving. A heartbroken whine escaped her jaws, as she nosed it again. Not again...

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-07-2013, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2013, 12:48 AM by Erani.)

Erani nodded gently at the younger female?s remark, noting the thoughtful expression that was pushed away beforehand. ?Yes, we are. Most of us at least. There?s always one or two that walk a slightly different path. I learned honor and Healing, as well as fighting in my Birth Pack, Redwood Pack. There was still so much to be learned when our enemy wiped my pack out. My mother and father were both Lead Healer. But honor was taught to me by our Alphas. I didn?t know it then, but they had chosen me to take their place, as my Aunt Adaina was barren and could produce no Heirs.? Why was she sharing this, she wondered. Perhaps part of it was to keep this female centered and focused on conversation while her body worked on readying itself for labor. Her words were issued in a low, melodic tone, almost like a storyteller.

She turned away from the opening of the small den and returned to the female?s side, checking her over, one ear cocking to take in her question. ?No, but he has already made an impression on a great deal of wolves, and not for the good. He started a war over a bruised ego. Many have suffered, on both sides. I don?t doubt that he has the mindset of a mountain once it?s made up. But even mountains can move, over time.? A sharp glance was given at the female?s next words. ?Then those who have said that are fools. You are a healer. Carry your knowledge with pride, and don?t let the high heads get to you.? Erani watched as Eris consumed the plants she had given, nodding as the last one vanished. The Motherwart and Cohosh would take effect in a matter of minutes, perhaps less.

She took in the next words, these intertwined with rising pain, with a quiet look of acknowledgement as she moved behind the female, settling back onto her haunches to watch alertly as the contractions grew in strength and speed. The pup that arrived was massive, and un-moving. She watched as the female rose to tear the sac away and clean it, and knew already that the pup was stillborn. ?This one is gone, but there may still be hope. Rest a moment, then keep pushing. The bit of Valerian should be kicking in soon.? Gently, she lowered her head and lifted the limp body away, to make room for the next bundle.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
11-09-2013, 12:10 AM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2013, 02:57 AM by Isardis.)

Oh yes, Satis had arrived just in time to be greeted by the words of which Eris spoke; as if it weren?t shocking enough for the prisoner to scent Eris upon the borders alone. There had been rumours of the banshee desiring higher rank, that her loyalty to her home was unwavering, and yet here she was, betraying The King that would throw his own life in front of ravenous jaws to keep her safety in good hands; where was he anyway? Surely her father would be hot on the tail of the woman that attempted to flee with his precious spawn boiling within the womb. Valhalla?s healer aided her by whatever sane means; wouldn?t it be laughable if the children she helped deliver were the ones to chew her pipes out in future years? Now, Satis was not at all volatile without the strict orders of her family, but the thoughts couldn?t be helped- what else was to be expected between enemies?

The oddity would approach almost warily, willing to defend herself if the healer decided to attack, acting somewhat passive as she would slink with tucked tail towards the den entrance; eagerly attempting to peer in to where the stench of after-birth so potently rotted. ?You?ve made a tragic mistake, Eris,? hackles began to bristle as her ears pinned in a near-aggressive disappointment for the woman?s actions. ?Do you seek to be the cause of more deaths? Had you any worries for the safety of these Valhallans you would not have lead my father to the door of this foolish healers fatality,? her words were sour as she shook her head, scrutinizing gaze narrowing, ?You carry the one thing Isardis kills for; his children. He will come in search of you, you know that- and he would do his upmost best to be-head everyone in his wake. Yes, he is hostile; and yet only ever for superior reasons and with warning,? her weight shifted as she glanced to the snowy healer, ?This woman is the bringer of death to your people herself, you assist only in her craft of attempted murder; whether she denies it or not.? And oh wasn?t it so true? Eris was a fool, and blood would be shed in the wake of her mistakes.



11-09-2013, 12:42 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 12:47 AM by Caerul.)

The fight was over, and now Caerul had a new charge. The Glaciem prisoners. He had seen Erani move about earlier, and he always sought to keep an eye on his family. He moved about, paws carrying him quietly as he followed his Aunt's scent. It wasn't long before he came to the location, his eyes narrowing and hackles bristling when he saw the wandering prisoner. He would approach, his body remaining calm though he held absolutely no kindness towards their kind for taking his father. "Prisoners are not allowed to roam're not supposed to be here. If there is a problem I'd be more then happy to give word to Chrysanthe to have you confined." He would stare at her, his gaze full of eery calm as he moved forward. "Go back to your assigned den. And if you try anything there will be consequences, prisoner. On top of that, you must have no honor. It is dishonorable of one to threaten a healer...get moving." He growled at her, pushing his way past to his aunt.

The usual calm man would have no tolerance, not for the enemies of Valhalla. This woman had sought to harm his equine cousin, and he was not happy with her at all. Turning his attention to Erani, but keeping his sights on Satis he would see if Erani needed him to help her. "Erani, do you need help with anything?"



11-10-2013, 06:28 PM

The ivory woman was a gift from the gods in this dark hour. She had already once suffered through the pain of birthing a litter of still-borns alone. God, she wouldn't have to face the wrath of Isardis for her foolish actions if this whole litter were dead, she just wouldn't go home. She'd find herself the tallest cliff in the lands and fling herself from it's edges into its depths. She couldn't live through that again. She would never do that again. She didn't remember labor being this painful, at least the pretty ivory healers herbs were taking effect and the pain was lessening. She listened to the words of the healer, with a slight nod enjoying the story until another contraction came along, bringing the birth of her next pup to crown.

A hissing whine left her, as she pushed her pup into the world, her small chest quivering with effort, as she gasped for air. She couldn't look, she couldn't deal with knowing that this one too was dead. A few seconds passed, before she heard the approach of another and a scent she recognized. Satis . As the other woman spoke she moved to nose the other pup, a thorn stabbing into her heart as she found it dead as well. Why? Why did this keep happening to her?! Satis's words sparked fury in her heart, of all the times.... for the love of God why now? Why in the hell out of all the wolves in this god forsaken land did it have to be her? She could hear the words of the uniquely colored wolf, and each word was a nail to her heart. She had endangered the Valhallan wolves, like Liberty the grey dame who had captured Isardis's attention, if anyone happened... it would be her fault. The ramifications....

Leaping to her feet, trying to ignore the pain she lunged towards the funny colored wolf, her teeth bared in a snarl. As she moved her paw caught the body of one of her pups, the fate of the one she had just birthed still undetermined for the moment, "Go to hell, Satis." She spat, stopping just short of the now Valhallan prisoner. Her small form wet with birth, tears, blood, didn't compare to Satis's height, though she stood as firm as she could before another pain of labor, brought her to her knees. Another pup?

Another wolf appeared, speaking to Satis ordering her to leave, and Eris tuned him out, so close to backing out, she laid on the ground. She couldn't do this... she wouldn't live through this. She couldn't handle another pup... the size of these last two. Holy mother of God. A whine left her, as she pushed, her last pup into the world, and she felt her mind go blank for a few moments succumbing to the pain that she felt. The unworldly pain, before she turned her head, slightly to look at the last pup she had pushed into the world, and was astounded to see it move. Pushing herself towards it, her teeth clipped the sack containing it, and she nosed it quickly, licking it clean, bringing herself to stand over it. A child? A child that lived? "Irune Ezra.." She breathed, giving the bundle a name, welcoming it into life.



11-11-2013, 07:26 PM


It was all he felt as of late. It filled his heart, caused his muscles to remain rigid, froze his emotions. Seraphim had been blank for some time, since his last meeting with Eris. He worried that if he let out the slightest emotion, he would be unable to control himself. Thus, he had not seen Devya, and he had not sought out his other children yet. He had strategically avoided anything that would trigger feeling within him.

Nonetheless, he needed a distraction. Needed something to fill his mind with new thoughts. It was why he had decided now to travel to Valhalla. In the midst of war, he realized he knew only two members of Tortuga's allied pack. As Duca, it was his duty to know more of those his Re trusted, so it could do nothing but help him to reach out. He felt the storm brewing, but he paid it no heed. He needed this.

Questions of how he would approach his allies when he reached them were interrupted by a familiar voice that cut through the air ahead of him. The call stopped him in his tracks and the pain within it cut straight to his heart of ice. Eris. What was she doing down here? Travel to Valhalla was risky for any Glaciem wolf, especially considering the war... What could she possibly have hoped to find here? Had she been taken by them?

Mere seconds passed before he picked up his pace, sprinting in the direction of her call. He had sworn not to see her again, but he needed to be sure that she was okay, that she was safe. Even at a high speed, it took him some time to reach her. He stood just beyond the gathering of wolves there, noting that one was a Glaciem prisoner. If he addressed Eris before the wretch, he risked her safety. He would have to wait until she obeyed her dismissal, so he would admit to only his original purpose for being there. He cleared his throat, and focused his narrow gaze on the ivory healer of Valhalla.

I will help you as well, lady healer, if you should ask it of me. I am Seraphim, the Duca of Tortuga, and I have come to Valhalla to meet some of our allies. I would be glad to be of assistance.

talk, think




6 Years
11-11-2013, 10:18 PM

Azalea hadn't departed from Glaciem all too long ago. Blood was being spilled with each passing second and where was Azalea but off trying to find the healers. She need to be grounded, to see her mother's clear blue gaze as well as see Erani and Rayne and all the other familiar faces. So what did she get but the scent of Eris. By her scent she was stressed and Azalea wondered why the healer would be in the heart of homeland.

Despite being on good terms with the woman, her hackles still raised. If push came to shove Azalea would do whatever was necessary to protect her packmates.

Her surprise at what she found... priceless. The white and auburn wolf deflated. From a hidden den came cries of despair and and other sounds too. Her heart seized uncomfortably as she realized that the wolf was giving birth. She breathed in deeply. Milk. A wolf of Glaciem moved in, clearly hostile. Azalea's hackles rose once more as she marched toward the wolf. Eris appeared then, telling her to go to hell. Satis she called her. Careul was there too and Azalea was made aware of Satis' prisoner status.

With a devious smirk on her face she moved toward the odd little gathering and placed herself as guard. Eris had done the same for her once and it seemed this Satis character held ill intentions against the laboring wolf. Teeth glinted as her amber gaze fell on bizarrely marked Glaciem, "What's your plan, kill her while she's in labor? What will you tell your lord then? Huh? When you kill his children by depriving them of the one wolf here who can nurse them?"

A growl rose from deep within her, her ears tight against her skull and tail raising high over her back where it rightfully belonged. "Now I suggest you get the hell off, prisoner. Careul?" She looked to the white coated Tortugan who had proclaimed his services to Erani. "Feel free to help too." Her tone made it very clear that she wanted both the males gone, to see Satis off to some other location. Not only did they not belong here, while Eris gave birth, but they weren't helping by just standing around.

There was a rage that was pent up in Azalea at all this. She couldn't explain why it made her so furious to see the Glaciem bitch interrupting Eris' private moment. She looked to her friend, and beyond to the squirming pup. "Eris," Her greeting was hollow, her attention locked on the little squirming life form. She lay in the destruction of birth and Azalea felt her stomach begin to turn before managing to tear her eyes away. She licked her chops, swallowing hard, and then looked to Erani with a steely gaze. "Is there anything you need?" There was no hello, no great reunion. Azalea had never been overly kindly to the she-wolf but knew that Erani only wished the best for her. Azalea didn't have time for mushy welcoming homes, she was too busy with her emotions.

On the outside Azalea seemed to be holding together well, she could even be described as mature. Motherly, almost. Her slightly pudged stomach a giveaway of what was yet to come for her.



5 Years
11-12-2013, 01:47 AM
It was time. Life was rushing her out of the womb she had been made in and grown, a new life force that was now ready to enter the world. But the process was slow and unforgiving to the one in labor. This small being of life had to wait, but waiting was not on her list. While her two larger siblings had been pushed out into the world with no air in their lungs or strong beating heart, she kicked about. When would nature allow it to be her turn? Her answer would come soon after her second sibling had been birthed. She wasted no time, rushing into the waiting world.

First the pup was limp till it's mother broke her free from the sac and cleaned her up. Body twitched and squirmed. Air filled her lungs, a sensation all so new. Everything was so strange and she couldnt comprehend. Why was it cold now? Where was the pressure of her siblings she had felt within the womb? But now something was licking her, she didnt know what but only felt a strong connection to it. Her brain could only give the answer that this large being was safety and provided everything she needed. Deft to the chaos she had been born into she drew in a large breath and let out a rather loud squeak for a pup, just after Azalea had dismissed Satis. With more calls to what nor who she knew not, she crawled and wiggled her way to her mother's belly. Something so strong and compelling drew her there, told her she had to or would never be able to drink in this air she breathed in. Tiny nose moved along Eris' belly till she would latch onto a tit and take in the first life needed drink. Her nose would now be able to pick out her mother's scent along with milk. Two things she somehow knew she needed to survive. She let out another whimper and disgruntled grunt at the chaotic energies that laid outside the den before continuing to suckling and drift off to sleep. Who knew coming into the world could be so tiring.



4 Years
11-20-2013, 08:36 PM

She watched as more of them would file from the surroundings, shaking her head in pity for their bleak future. So, Erani was the healers name? She knew her father would want to know exactly who touched his child, and as Eris abused her from her sensitive state and the life of a small female would come to be, Satis began to apprehend for the safety of all involved. As Azalea approached, she too would mutter pathetic cries of her over-loaded ego. Satis hadn?t threatened to do anything, she simply warned them of everything her father would attempt, not one word spoken was a lie or an exaggeration. The peculiar only acted upon self defence, and upon orders. While her superiors were not here to direct her, she would stand only for what she had been taught. The stench of birth hung heavy in the air as Satis completely overlooked the speeches of those who accused her, she held no interest in them, her only curiosity was within the safety of the helpless half-sibling that squirmed within the confines of Eris? den.

She wouldn?t move. Where was Impra? Her ears remained flat to her skull as defences would rise in preparation for attack, her duties were ever-loyal; even within the borders of the enemy she would stand tall to what she had been instructed, to what her family needed of her. She knew that the pup that cried beneath the soil was pure riches to Glaciem, and she sprawled amidst liquid gold as the next generation of greatness. Yet she knew she was well outnumbered, attacking first was unwise, but if Impra revealed herself from loiter? ?Eris, for the sake of your child, yourself and the safety of everybody here; return to Glaciem. It?s a warning you are unwise to shrug free, if you do not yield you know what will become of you, and this healer,? her head motioned towards Erani. Strange it seemed, as her tones hung somewhere of care, craving desire for the small tawny woman to save herself from a living hell before it was too late. She could do no more, if Eris chose to stay god only knew what would become of them, ?There is no escape from prisoner status, not even in death.? If she left soon, perhaps she could avoid erratic punishment.


11-20-2013, 10:33 PM
user posted image



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-21-2013, 04:34 AM

Of course, things would begin to deteriorate, as one of the prisoners, Satis, came from the shadows. Erani noted her words but didn?t acknowledge her. Eris was the Theta?s priority at the moment, and until the last pup was born, dead or alive, that would remain so. The voice of Caerul would be added to the group, and his rudeness made her frown. Eris produced another stillborn, and Erani?s heart bled for her loss. The next moment Eris was on her paws, snarling at Satis to go to hell. And then she was down again, a third pup making its way to the world beyond the womb. Erani gently nosed the stillborn second born pup away, to join its sibling.

A third new arrival came outside, a male from Tortuga. His offers were unanswered, as Erani studied the third born pup. It lived. A ray of light in the darkness, given a name. Irune Ezra. Erani?s sixth sense said this was the last pup, and she turned to the stillborns, trying to see if they could be revived. Two more had arrived outside. Azalea, and the other prisoner, and Albino female that was obviously another daughter of Isardis. This one seemed distressed to see her still half siblings, and Erani cast her an understanding glance before leaving the two stillborns and checking over Eris and the newborn Irune. Eris would recover well, she felt, and this pup would be strong. If only that strength could mean future peace for Valhalla and Glaciem.

Finally, deep blues turned to the wolves outside, and she stepped forward, head lowered, eyes narrowed. ?All of you, kindly take your hostility elsewhere. This wolf has just borne two stillborn pups, and that is pain enough. Let her enjoy her time with her daughter in peace. When she is well enough to walk, of course she will be leaving for Glaciem. Right now, she must stay for the sake of your newborn sister. It is almost winter, and a newborn wet from birth would die of cold, and of course, your father will find some way to blame Valhalla for nature?s damage. He started a war over his injured pride instead of taking a loss of a simple challenge like an adult wolf and moving on. The battle is over. Save your anger for the next one, nephew, and kindly refrain from giving our guests names they can use when they are either won back or find some way to pass information to a spy.?

Was the healer angry? Yes. She was furious beyond words, but the only hints of that rage were her still gaze and calm voice that somehow sounded colder than ice. ?Satis, Impra, kindly allow these two," She nodded to Azalea and Caerul as she spoke. "to escort you to your dens. Your half sibling is in safe paws until she leaves with her mother. Eris is no prisoner. She has made no blows against us for foolish reasons, and in fact, she helped one of our wolves back before Isardis had Glaciem. This is repayment for that help. Eris, do not allow Satis to put any blame on you should Isardis choose to make more trouble. You didn?t choose to go into labor so close to Valhalla. No one chooses when to give birth. That is Nature?s will alone. I suppose you were trying to find an herb that would strengthen your pregnancy? They wouldn?t grow that far north this time of year.?

Gaze turned to the Tortugan male. "You can help by tracking down a rabbit to get Eris' strength up. I've given her plants to help her milk flow... Lets hope this pup likes to eat a great deal. I believe I saw a warren a ways off outside the borders." Extricating herself from the small den, she peered back in at Eris. "What do you wish to be done with the stillborns? I know it is painful, but they must have a resting place. And names to honor them by." This was a tradition from her birth pack. Stillborn pups were named, and buried, loved even in death. The one litter her Aunt Adania had borne had all been stillborn, and had been honored with names, and given burials of the highest honor. They had been children of Alphas.


11-21-2013, 07:22 PM

The commotion all around her was nearly lost, as she gently cleaned the one pup that had survived, and mentally mourned the loss of the others. Words flowed into her mind as a scent filled her nose, Seraphim... Forcing an impassive look she glanced at him, before looking back to her pup. Her emotions couldn't give her feelings away now. Another arrived, the once prisoner of Glaciem Azalea, and she spared her a fleeting smile as her golden eyes paused on her swelling form. Soon more children of Isardis's would be born. Satis spoke again, and as the physical pain faded she realized, what Satis thought. She wasn't trying to betray Glaciem... "Azalea, glad to see you are well." She murmured lightly, happy the young Valhallan wolf had made it home.

Erani, the ivory healer who had helped her, spoke before Eris could figure out exactly what she wanted to say. Erani's words were very truthful as to her purpose here. A sigh left her, as she laid beside her daughter, and she looked up at the wolves gathered, it was time to tell some truth. Looking at Satis, she spoke alone to the oddly colored wolf, ignoring the others. "Satis, if you think I came to Valhalla to escape Glaciem, you misjudge me. Erani is right, I came to Valhalla's borders for an herb, an herb that I thought would prevent what's happened here." She paused, a sad look crossing her, as she looked at her dead children, before continuing, her voice hollow. "From happening again. The herb I needed grows here, and it may have strengthened me enough to save their lives. I scoured the North searching for it, every nook, every cranny. The last thing I wanted to do was ask Valhalla for help, when I knew it would upset Isardis so, but I had no choice."

She paused for a moment, before speaking, continuing with what she had to say, to hopefully calm the rising tensions. "Erani did everything she could, we both did what we could to save these two." She spoke, her voice hollow with grief, with a look at Impra. "But, sometimes life makes no sense and death takes those who haven't even had a beginning." Standing, she detached herself from her nursing pup, and nosed her gently before moving to stand over the two who were lost. Looking at the white healer, she paused for a moment before speaking again. "Erani, if you don't mind, I'd like them to stay, at least long enough to meet their sister. These pups are their blood too. " Gently she nosed the corpses of her children, tears pooling in her golden eyes as she contemplated names for the fallen pups.

With a sigh, she realized she had left one question unanswered. "I would like to see them buried. Once Irune is dry enough to travel, I'll make my return to Glaciem, and stop when she needs the rest. " Her mixed feelings about the pallid brute aside, Isardis was a good father, and Irune would need him in the coming days. By now the king had to know she was gone, and she'd have to explain all of this to him again. Her exhaustion played no part in her decision. She just wanted to be home, before Isarids stormed the front demanding her release from a place where she wasn't a prisoner. Pushing aside her anxieties and worries about the future, she left her deceased pups while contemplating names, and stood over Irune, using her muzzle to beckon Satis and Impra forward, "Come, meet your half-sister." She murmured, stepping slightly away from her daughter, so the she-wolves could see her.

Turning towards the Valhallan wolves and Seraphim, she sighed lightly. "I know tensions between our packs are horrible, but I thank you for looking past that to help me when.... I needed it. You are honorable wolves, Erani... all of you. I won't forget what you've done here." She looked at her dead pups, before looking back at the ivory healer. [b]"I want to take them home, but I know that isn't possible, so they'll have to be buried here, or perhaps just over the border?.. Names... I don't know what to name them.." She murmured, her voice breaking, as she spoke of their fate.

With those needed words finished, she left Irune's side, hoping that her sisters would meet her, and went to her deceased pups sides. She wracked her brain for names, trying to think of something.. anything.. to call them. She didn't particularly know what to call them, and she stood there, hollowly looking at them as she debated. She knew she couldn't leave directly to Glaciem, it was cool, and the pup needed to dry at least. Why couldn't this be easier?

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