
Never Bow Down

Loki 1


6 Years
11-11-2013, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2014, 10:29 PM by Loki 1.)
Ebony paws fell in near silence as the big wolf wove his way over the blood-stain earth. They paused as he stopped to watched two wolves who were locked together in battle, oblivious to those around him. They appeared to be fairly evenly matched since neither of them seemed to be landing any serious blows. Loki's jaws were parted in a malicious grin. Stupid, muscle-bound brutes savagely tearing at each other and for what? Fun? What a ridiculously barbaric ritual. Perhaps he should make things a little more interesting for them.

With all the stealth he could muster - not that he needed much, with the moronic savages oblivious to everything but their asinine sparring match - he crept closer. One paw reached out to swipe up a big rock and with one smooth motion whip it in the direction of one of the fighters. The stone struck the wolf's paw with enough force to make him yelp, distracting him at a crucial moment. Instead of completing his dodge, he wavered. The other wolf was caught by surprise and instead of grabbing his opponent's scruff, which would have happened had he kept moving, his jaws closed on the wolf's face.

The pained shriek of the badly injured wolf was music to Loki's ears as he sashayed jauntily away to sow more chaos. Now that was fun. And who knew? Maybe he'd done them a favor the witless duo would engage in more intellectual pursuits from here on out.

Of course, he himself was woefully out of practice in the realm of battle. The pack he'd grown up in had, of course, valued physical prowess over intelligence, so he'd learned early to fight along with his brothers. He didn't enjoy it, but he was not fool enough to throw away a valuable means of survival simply because he was offended by those who fought for entertainment. No, he just needed to get over his disgust with the whole thing and get some practice in. He never knew when - perish the thought - his quick wits and silver tongue might fail him and he'd need to fight his way out of a bad situation. But he wasn't going to demean himself by calling for an opponent, as though he actually needed one. Loki continued over the field, a little sulkily now rather than silkily, irritatedly casting his acid-green gaze out ahead. An opponent would have to come to him if they thought they were worthy.


OOC: Edited it to take out an old OOC message, and to add the last paragraph.

Totally just made it rated M for you, Lunar. XD Yay puppies.



5 Years
01-13-2014, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2014, 10:27 PM by Dægmar.)

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar had finally made it to the battlefield just as the sun was beginning to set. A long day? a frustrating day. The mottled gray femme had been in a bit of a snit since her visit to Glaciem. She was all for sharing flesh and fluid but she was not put in the lands of Alacritis to pop out furry little rugrats. Pfft! Well, she'd just find her own way and perhaps it would pay off more in the end. But before she continued her search for a pack she needed a release? a physical one? something involving blood.

The sounds of scuffles filtered through her auds. There seemed to be quite a few matches going on and she felt alive with the rush of it. This was a popular place to gain experience but the danger was not lost on her. Individuals fighting without the backup support of their packs could easily fall prey to the fangs of their competitors and it thrilled her, this idea of living right on the edge of grizzly fang. Grinning she was about to call out her own challenge when the scent of nearby competition caught her attention. They were very close by?..

Gracefully, like water over stone D?gmar's body flowed into a stalking position as she slunk sensuously forward to see two males in what she would call a light scuffle. It looked more like play than battle, honestly? motion caught her sight as she noticed a large pitch black brute far off to her right whip a rock right at the fighters. Ohhhh that was low? she liked this one.

Licking her lips she couldn't help but grin as the jaws of one fighter latched around the face of the other. Did a fang hook an eye?.. pity?

Her sharp emerald eyes looked over at the brute who was swiftly moving on his way. Now where could he be skulking off to? Not even going to bother showing his play?

Brimming with curiosity she took off after this brute, not caring the least if he knew she was following him, in fact she wasn't really trying to hide the fact at all. "You know, Mr. tall, dark and anti-social, life isn't a spectator sport. You ever think of getting your paws a little bit? dirtier now and then?" Grinning she kept up her pace, curious if the male would respond or attempt to ignore her. Either way she had a feeling this game would be fun.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

ooc: edited for very silly spelling mistake in dialogue. Even changed to ever.

Loki 1


6 Years
01-14-2014, 10:33 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2014, 10:35 AM by Loki 1.)
OOC: Edited because I fail at coding. *sigh* Everything was green from like the second paragraph down. XD Anyway, sorry it was so short/sudden-ish, Lun, but I wanted to get into it before I had to get off the computer. Yay, fun, fight!

His mood, so briefly soured by the prospect of engaging in mock battle, immediately began to look that much brighter when a tall, oddly colored wolf fell into step beside him and spoke. Green eyes narrowed slyly in his dark face as he looked her over quite openly.

I have no problem with getting dirty, he purred, if I find something that interests me. The black wolf turned his head midstride to murmur softly in her ear - And you do so interest me, Greeneyes.

But the middle of a wide-open field, the cloying scent of blood in the nose, was probably not the best time for seduction. Loki could change his mind and his mood with sometimes startling speed, but he'd decided to focus on his rusty battle skills, and focus he would, this time. Besides, foreplay was nothing more than another battle, wasn't it?

He came to a halt, spinning to face the female. Holding himself lightly, evenly on his paws, green eyes slitted and glittering with manic energy, with his legs slightly crouched for better balance and quicker movement, he gestured invitingly toward the woman. Show me what you can do, lovely. And we'll see if we're not too tired to work our way to another, more pleasurable pastime.

Loki vs D?gmar


Round 0 of ?




5 Years
01-16-2014, 11:20 PM
fight table was getting cut off for some reason....

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Voice rippling from his throat in a sensuous purr only made D?gmar's sly grin widen. Ohhh yes? she hit the jackpot with this one. He turned to whisper in her ear and she brazenly let him. It was always possible he might attack her there and then, a cruel, brutish dolt might have but D?gmar recognized the need in him as it existed in herself. The need for the game, for the threads of the psychological to flow into the physical. Without the game and the amusement there was nothing and no point to the action.

The male stopped suddenly and turned to face her. She licked her lips. Good, it was time to get this started. Already her heart was hammering in her chest as excitement shot down her spine, making her limbs tingle with anticipation.

Show me what you can do, lovely.

"Oh, it'll be my pleasure, charmer." D?gmar's fur stood on end, her hackles raising as she rolled her shoulders forward, scrunching her neck back to bunch the fur and flesh around her vitals. Her head tilted slightly down to help guard her throat as her jaws fell agape, practically salivating at the thought of tasting this trickster. Her stance widened as the muscles in her legs coiled for the attack. Tail down, ears tight against her skull the muscles of her face bunched in a soft snarl that was almost more of a purr. Toes splayed she tensed, a coiled spring. Ladies first?.

D?gmar sprang forward, straight on at first before slipping an inch or so to her right to bring both her jaws and her left shoulder into attack position. The mottled femme's goal was to seize her jaws around the male's left foreleg, directly below the elbow and use her momentum, with another push of her hind legs, to throw him off balance. D?gmar hoped to use the natural movement of a bending elbow against her opponent. In the same motion of her head twisting in an attempt to grab his foreleg, her left shoulder would already be in position to push forward and aid her in her drive to get the lovely gentlemen in the dirt. She wanted to see just how dirty he was really willing to get?

D?gmar vs Loki


Round: 1 of 3

Attack: Attacking Loki head on and slightly to his left. Aiming to seize his left foreleg, directly below the elbow to use the elbows natural movement as well as her own momentum in an attempt to throw him off balance by pushing his foreleg back, causing the elbow to bend. As her head would tilt to seize his leg her left shoulder would be inline with his chest and thrust forward again for the main purpose of attempting to topple her opponent.

Defenses: Fur on end/hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | head tilted slightly down | jaws agape | widened stance | tail down | ears pinned | brow wrinkled | toes splayed

Injuries: none, first attack of spar

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

Loki 1


6 Years
01-19-2014, 01:50 PM

Loki might profess to be disgusted by the uncivilized nature of fighting, but with battle eminent a fire woke in his blood, a fire that burned in his acid green eyes with a strange light. A grin of anticipation bared his teeth as the female set herself to spring. His ears pinned back, his eyes narrowed to protect them from slashing teeth and claws. His silky fur bristled, an added layer of protection and misdirection should teeth try to find their way to his scruff. His weight gathered in a crouch, ready to move in any direction. Left, right, over, or...

Even as she sprang forward, so too did Loki make his move. Still in a crouch, he threw himself forward, claws digging into the soil to give more power to his motion. Even as he sprang forward, he dropped, letting inertia carry him as he slid on the blood-soaked ground, hoping to slide right under his opponent. The woman's bite would not land where intended, for his leg was no longer there, but the dark wolf would not escape unscathed. His leg was not there, but his body still was, and the bite opened a long, shallow wound, barely a quarter inch deep but around six inches long, as the sharp teeth sliced along the top of his left shoulder blade. So too did her charge miss striking him as intended, for her shoulder had hit not his chest but overtop his far more streamlined head, sliding along it instead of knocking him off balance. He hoped that she had over-committed, that she instead would be the one stumbling from the momentum of her strike, but he didn't survive as long as he had by making assumptions about an opponent's abilities.

As he moved Loki would aim a bite toward the front of woman's right hindleg between her paw and her knee, not trying to hold but hoping to score a slashing blow. Even as his jaws snapped forward the dark god was digging his claws into the ground, gathering his weight evenly over his legs, arching his back to lead with his shoulders rather than his head, and pushing up and forward with all his strength, seeking to at least shove D?gmar off balance from below, and to therefore move past her to once more give himself room, hoping it would hit hard enough to bruise her chest or stomach.

The whole maneuver was a calculated risk that some wolves may have been uncomfortable taking, but Loki had never been one for being predictable.

Loki vs D?gmar (spar)
Round 1 of 2




5 Years
01-25-2014, 03:51 PM
ooc: sorry for the wait! Also, Tea and I discussed in the cbox extending our post deadline to a week.

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar's eyes widened at the males brazen move as his body dropped to slide under her. Whatever she'd been expecting it wasn't that. Not only was she the slightly shorter one, with her body already slightly lowered from her attack it was bound to be a tight fit for her opponent. Smaller opponents had tried to slip under her before she'd never had a larger one try it. Oh this brute was something else and it both thrilled her, the thought of his body sliding along hers, and filled her with fear. Because she could not see his attack nor would waste the movement to see she assumed in her caution that he was going for her belly.

Heart racing, adrenaline shot through her body at the dose of fear that jolted through her nerves. This was a spar but she did not know this brute. It was always possible for the fight turn more serious and for her to be none the wiser. But she loved that feeling, the risk. While many wolves shunned fear as some sort of weakness she saw it as a necessary tool in any fighters survival kit. As long as she kept control over it, the fear kept her alive. And it was time for D?gmar to roll with Loki's punches.

D?gmar's fangs grazed Loki's left shoulder blade, blossoming a shallow wound. As Loki was now sliding under her D?gmar's shoulder strike missed completely but it wasn't all a loss. She let her own momentum carry her to the left with her left shoulder leading, her body already in a subtle arc as she pushed off with her right legs which would then recoil close to her body, D?gmar's left limbs bent and coiled to bear her weight, tail thrashing counter clockwise to help her shift her movement into a controlled fall on her left side that would turn into roll. She exhaled to prepare for the blow.

Fangs sliced into her right hind foot squarely between her paw and heel as his jaws lunged forward and her limb recoiled up. The wound caused her to wince in pain as two lines of split skin traced the front of the foot horizontally. Thankfully they were shallow but the pain would prove a dangerous burden if the fight lasted long as she needed all four to bear her weight unflinchingly to be at the top of her game. At the same time Loki's head and shoulders were already pushing along her chest as he tried to squeeze under her and she let the movement unbalance her in her own favor as she fell to the left. With their bodies already in contact from the brute squeezing under her his thrusting up failed to bruise her undersides and instead helped her over. Though as she was already falling when he performed this move she'd didn't take the full brunt of it.

D?gmar landed on her left side on her left thigh and shoulder, head held up from the ground as her spine twisted in a single roll to flip her over onto her belly, legs coiled under her like a sphynx. Her angle was now 45? facing in towards the brutes right hind leg. Sinewy muscle uncoiled as D?gmar launched herself forward, claws digging into the dirt for propulsion as she kept her attack low. Jaws parted and fangs bared seeking to dig into his right hind leg just above the heel with the hope of closing her jaws around it and ripping into the peroneus brevis where it tapered down along the sides and front of the ankle. While the achilles tendon ran along the back of this target it was not her goal to cripple him. The blow was meant to shred muscle, rather than to hold as she didn't want to risk straining her lower jaw or neck. And depending on her opponents movement and if she hit maybe she could make him trip or stumble.

Head tilting to left to make her strike her shoulders rolled forward, forcing flesh and muscle over her throat which could potentially be left exposed if the brute whirled around. In particular her right front leg shot forward tilting her body further to the left with the goal of putting her right front fore leg in front of his right hind limb below the knew to enhance her chance of tripping him. D?gmar's tail flowed to the right to offset her leftward movement and help her keep her balance as her weight shifted to her left. Her hind limbs would follow to bunch herself up like a spring, legs tense and coiled, toes splayed, ready to unwind if she failed. D?gmars ears were still pinned and her fur and hackles still on end in response to her adrenaline. The fight wasn't over yet.

D?gmar vs Loki


Round: 2 of 3

Attack: Lunging low for Loki's lower right hind leg just above the heel in the hopes of scoring a shredding blow to where the peroneus brevis tapers down to the hock, hoping this will cause him to trip. Her right front foreleg is also thrusting forward in the hopes of catch his lower right hind leg and adding more effect to her goal of tripping her opponent.

anatomy reference used:

Defenses: Ears pinned, fur and hackles raised, legs coiled, toes splayed, shoulders rolled forward, stance widened.

Light bruising to shoulders and hips from her drop and roll. Two shallow cuts across the front of her right hind foot.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

Loki 1


6 Years
02-09-2014, 04:00 PM

His opponent allowed herself to fall, aided in part by his push forward under her chest. Loki felt his teeth catch slightly on her leg even as it was pulled out of his reach. A surge of triumph was tempered by caution, for the female had managed to flip herself to her stomach upon landing and faced his hindquarters ready to leap.

His feet already firmly under him for his push upward, Loki sprang forward to get some distance, feeling the brush of one of her forepaws against the front of his hindpaw as he did. As his forefeet impacted, he twisted his spine, catlike, and used his forward momentum to pivot on his forefeet so that he faced back toward Daegmar. His hindfeet came down lightly, slightly underneath of him so that his body was coiled, ready to spring in any direction, his weight held evenly and lightly. The sharp stinging across the top of his heel heralded the fact that her paw had caught him long enough for a tooth to clip him, though the cut was barely a quarter inch long and barely deep enough to draw blood. Loki ignored it for the moment to keep his concentration where it belonged.

Ears pinned and eyes narrowed, teeth bared in as much a grin as a snarl, Loki threw himself once more toward his opponent. Not straight at her, but rather at an oblique angle to his left to take him to her right, before pivoting once again to face directly at her right shoulder. He drove forward once again, aiming to throw his left paw over her shoulder, wanting to hold her with his leg and his weight as he sent his teeth snapping toward the bunched up skin and fur at the base of her skull. Now he wanted to hold, wanted to sink his teeth deeply not to sever the spine, but with the intention of controlling where her head could go - if he even could. The cut in his left shoulder stung as his maneuver pulled on it, but Loki pushed aside the slight pain.




5 Years
03-09-2014, 07:46 PM
ooc: I'd still like this fight judged for the sake of learning but we're going to go ahead and move this thread along

He was quick, she'd give him that. Her fangs barely scathed him and as he whirled around she turned to face him a grin on her face. The fight was fun but there were? other needs stirring inside her and watching the male move, feeling him against her. It was getting her quite heated. Her defenses resent, fur and hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched back. Her stance widened, jaws parted as her tongue ran along her teeth, eyes bright with lust. Ears pinned as claws dug into earth, tail streaming out behind her. He charged at an angle and she sprinted forward.

Fangs that were meant to seize her shoulder instead landed on the top of her left hip while his left leg locked over her back. Pain blossomed in her skull but at the same time it was a sweet spot of her's and she felt suddenly flushed a soft groan slipping from her maw. She bore his weight, paws slipping to the side to further hold his weight. Her front paws maneuvered as she sought to bring her side flush against his, tongue snaking from between her teeth to slither down the inside of his left thigh. She hand no idea how he'd take this sudden shift in her intent but she couldn't wait to find out.

Loki 1


6 Years
03-09-2014, 10:28 PM

Even as he was moving forward again to attack, his blood pumping hot in his veins, his breath panting in anticipation, his opponent was moving as well. Still, his paw would manage to snake over her hip, holding her against him. His fangs would of course miss their mark half a bodylength away, but they would sink nonetheless into flesh. She moved against him, curving against him. Loki began to move as well, seeking to bring sensitive areas away from her threatening jaws, but the heat of her tongue stroking against the inside of his thigh halted his motion and nearly stopped his heart as well.

Blood that was already running hot from battle began to boil as need raced like lightning in tingling arcs from his head to his feet. A growl bubbled from his throat, aggressive but lacking the vicious quality it had held earlier. So she wanted to play a different game, did she? Loki was more than happy to oblige her. Somehow the scent of blood and sweat from their battle fanned the flames, igniting sparks in his acid green eyes as he pulled her against him with both paw and teeth.

But he needed more, more of her heat and more of the intoxicating feel of her body against his. Tightening his grip with his jaws he sought to pivot around her body, to bring his right paw against her hip and his chest to her tail. The growl deepened in his chest, a sound of aggression and dominance. At this point he wasn't certain he would let her go if she changed her mind. Things might need to get bloody.




5 Years
03-10-2014, 06:57 PM

Her body sung with the tantalizing electricity of their meeting, her tongue seeking to do the same to her "opponent". It was like flirting with danger then taking several steps further. Blood was matting the wound on her hip but for some reason it only served to rile her up more but then this was what she lived for. Battle, blood, flesh? and when it overlapped into a fight of a more intimate nature she found herself still craving the rough, down-to-earth aspects of it. Floating, dreamy sensations just weren't her. D?gmar was grit and spark and bloody passion in a body designed for acts of physicality.

He pulled her closer to him and already she could feel her mind slipping as her body took charge. This position would be fine if she wanted to draw it out a little longer and tease the poor brute senseless but her blood was racing, her body on fire and she needed release. D?gmar was about to take things into her own paws when she felt him shift. Her heart nearly stopped and her body shivered in anticipation.

Her tail twitched a little before curving around the outside of his right foreleg, gracefully out of the way. She answered his growl with her own, though it bubbled out of her throat more like a purr than a threat, her husky breath slipping from her maw in a slow hiss. Then she stretched a little, wincing at the mix of pain and pleasure that rolled through the wounds on her frame. Her front paws slipped forward a little as her hips raised slightly, shifting along him as a light tremor ran down her legs. D?gmar had no desire to turn back, the only desire she held was to bear his weight and loose herself in the sensation of a taught chest along her swaying back.

Loki 1


6 Years
03-15-2014, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2014, 06:29 PM by Loki 1.)

A feral grin bared Loki's teeth still further from where he gripped Daegmar at the way she shifted to accommodate his weight, no argument or struggle against his obvious intentions. She was shuddering beneath him, yearning for him. Practically begging him. As he balanced himself he released his bite, delivering a series of nibbles along her spine that were less caress and more arrogance. The desire seared through his veins like poison, blinding and deafening him to all but this moment, this very second, as he began to move. With one swift motion he joined them as one, laying claim to her in the most intimate way possible.

Fade to Black

OOC: Lame short post, sorry, but now we can apply for pups. :D


The Judge


03-23-2014, 09:40 AM


Round 1

9 for clarity- which way did she turn her head to grab his elbow? (-1)

8 for powerplaying. You need to write in an attempt with the attack using her left shoulder (-2)

10 for defenses. hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head tilted down, jaws agape, stance widened, leg muscles tightened, tail down, ears tight, toes splayed

5 for attack. bite to foreleg (+3), pushing into with her shoulder(+2),

10 for injuries.First round

Round one DAEGMAR Total: 42/50


9 for clarity- which side of his head did she hit with her shoulder? (-1)

7 for powerplaying. The ground probably isn't slick enough for him to slide unless it's raining (-2), he's a bit bigger than daegmar, he wouldn't fut underneath her (-1)

6 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, fur bristled, weight gathered to spring, claws digging into soil, weight evenly spread,

6 for attack. bite to right hindleg(+3), pushing up with his shoulders (+2)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one LOKI Total: 37//50

Round 2


10 for clarity- a clear post

7 for powerplaying. how deep are the wounds to her foot? (-2), a lot of movement (-1)

7 for defenses. shoulders rolled, tail positioned for balance, hind limbs ready to spring, legs tense, toes splayed, ears pinned, hackles raised,

4 for attack. bite to right hind leg (+3), attempt to trip with her foreleg (+1)

8 for injuries. shallow wound to hind foot (-2), minor bruising to shoulders and hips (self inflicted)

Round two DAEGMAR Total: 36/50


10 for clarity- a clear post

6 for powerplaying. wolves aren't flexible enough to pivot so quickly (-2), not enough damage taken (-2)

3 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, teeth bared,

4 for attack. left paw thrown over opponent (+1), bite to skull (+3)

8 for injuries. clipped ankle (-2),

Round two LOKI Total: 31/50


DAEGMAR: 78/100

LOKI: 68/100

And the winner is...

DAEGMAR! Loki must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


DAEGMAR- no lasting damage done

LOKI- no lasting damage done


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Both of you did well! I like the creative attacks - it was a very interesting fight to read. Remember to add in all of your defenses in every post, and always clarify your injuries to the 't' (how deep, how much blood, how long, ect.)

- By [Serendipity]