
Spring Fever


03-14-2013, 08:03 PM

Gael danced around. It was spring, and this caused the pup to be merry. No more cold winter, no more snow. The young pup, only 3 months old now, was giddy. He longed for the day he would be bigger, stronger. He longed for the day he would begin training. For what he knew not. He was too eager to grow up, wasting his youthful years. But surely he did act too mature for his age.

Gael loved the feeling of the stiff, growing grass under his feet. He could feel the life growing from them, feel the heart of the earth. He wandered in a straight line, no meandering for him. Gael just wanted to see what was to be seen. He didn't want someone watching him, worrying about him. Yes it was a foolish thing. Perhaps one of the most foolish things Gael had ever done. Stepping him, the pup glanced to his right. His blue eyes beheld a flower. It lay at the base of a tree; a shrub of sorts. It was a small white flower, delicate in natural. It grew in clusters, and lay upon green leaves. It was known as a dogwood. But Gael did not know the name. It just fascinated him. All plants did in fact. He loved all flora. Gentle they seemed, loving and light. Gael wished to snuggle up in their many scents and sleep away. Lying down on his stomach, his white tipped paws wrapped around the plant, he stared at it. Studying; every detail, every leaf. Time slipped away. Gael just stared on, the world forgotten for the time being.


03-14-2013, 08:37 PM

"Ga-yel! Where are ya goin' brudder?" the young pup called after his sibling, his wiry legs ambling after the creature with fascination. He loved the freedom Valhalla encompassed. He loved being able to run where he wanted, and he loved the lady bug that he stopped before. "Dude, Seriously, you hafta come see this," eyes would widen and the little wolf would hunker down to push his nose towards the earth, tri-colored eyes devouring the site of the speckled thingy.

As his nose neared the odd little thing it's wings would expand and in what seemed a mere instant, the pups eyes would widen and with a confused, yet surprised, expression he would rear up until he fell backwards onto his back. "Woah," Laying on the ground for a long moment he called his brother again, "Gael...Gael...I think I just had an epitahpony," (epiphany) Swallowing and remaining still he would remain locked in the confusion, locked in the slight urgency to avoid the predator. What if the red-speckle butt monster was still coming for him? It had clearly just initiated an attack.


03-15-2013, 03:54 PM
Gael was still enticed with the strange flower, starting to fall into dream land. The heat felt wonderful, and it caused him to become even sleepier. As his eyes were closing he heard someone call his name. In the near distance he had heard his brother, Soleon call out. The pup thought he had managed to wander out alone, but alas no. Blinking his eyes rapidly, the young one got up from his abode. Gael called out " Brover! Me coming!" The pup began trotting towards the sound. His small legs carried him slowly, his chubby puppy figure holding him back.

Gael heard more exclamations, and mumbles of sorts. "I'm coming Brover!" He stated again. As he approached Soleon, he noticed he was staring at a creature. It was a red small thing that flew. It leaped into the air and was gone. Gael's name was called again, and some foreign word. " What?s an epitahpony Soleon? eyes wide with wonder. Gael stood by his brother, his face spoke volumes. It held excitement, disbelief, and hope. It held the wonderstruck expression, his azure eyes wider than before now. Turning his head, the multi-colored wolf spoke. "What now?? That thing was icky and ickle, so let?s go for a teensy-weensy walk!" His feet antsy, dancing about, he awaited Soleon's reply.

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03-25-2013, 05:23 PM

Rolled on his back and looking up at the skies in pure awe the child would paw slowly at his brothers face as he came. Face rolling towards his own Soleon would rise up, trying to sit on his back legs, forelegs would come up and attempt to place a paw on either side of Gael's face. The male would then proceed to press his face towards his brother, eye to eye, as his inquiry begged to be answered. What indeed was an epitahpony? Breathing in a large huff of air as though he was about to expel the secrets to the universe the babe would merely speak a single line, "I don't know," with that he would retreat from his brother and look around, "I will capture all the flutterbies. I thought flutterbies were bigger than that. Whatever," The boy turned on his heals and looked to the side. Hm. A walk. No. His expression would harden at his brother and the tiny pup would press out his chest, "No walking for me. I'm gonna be a warrior. Just like dad," And with that the little boy would face his brother, and with short legs and lots of stumbling, he would unleash a lethal attack upon his brother's ear. His paws flailing at his head his teeth would bare, and he would squeak.


03-28-2013, 03:51 PM
The child watched his brother, the creature pawed at him, causing Gael to step back. He looked down at Soleon; watching him struggle to do a maneuver. With his paws around Gaels crown, they soon looked each other in the eyes; staring at the hidden beast that lurked behind these vast openings. The urchin just stared at Soleon. He was eager to learn and awaited the arrival of an epitahpony. As Soleon spoke, Gael?s spirit crashed to the floor. I don?t know. That was what he had heard. It crushed him, his hopes flailing to the earth. It showed upon his face, that fluffy pup face. At this, he sat down with a grunt.

Lost in his guessing game of what an epitahpony was, he vaguely heard what his brother said. Something about flutterbies. ?Sounds good.? He muttered. He really wanted to walk about and look at the flora that grew abundantly here. Ears leaning forward, stretching towards Soleon?s voice, they captured the vocal sound that rang out "No walking for me. I'm gonna be a warrior. Just like dad," Cerulean eyes stared at Soleon again. A warrior. Gael didn?t care much for fighting, nor the anger that went with it. I don?t think me can be a warrior like da.? the boy stated. What had happened next seemed to come in slow motion. Soleon stumbled and fell, attacked Gaels ear and squeaked. Gael stood dumbfound, absorbing what had happened. It was puppy play, and Gael was unequipped. Even so, he tried to play along; it was after all, what his brother wanted. Meekly, he swung out his right paw, batting Soleon?s head. It was an effort, but an atrocious one at that.

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6 Years
03-29-2013, 07:43 AM

The pale little monster was hunched down, stalking. Her mouth ajar, breathing in and out as quietly as possible. Small shoulders and hips and worked like a cat's before that final pounce. Just past a mulberry bush was a patch of open ground and at it's heart was a twig. The tiny huntress smiled in a most wicked way that would make any adult assume she was up to no good, and then without further warning she bolted forward. Paws tangled in the bushes, mulberries smearing against her coat. Tripping she stumbled out into the clear where she finally righted herself before triumphantly slapping a paw down onto the unfortunate twig that was her target. Her amber eyes closed as she threw her head back. "AAAHHHRRROOOOOO," was her cry of victory.

Tail tucked, mouth wide open with lips drawn back to show her teeth. No in the aggressive way but in the playful one. She ran around the twig excitedly, springing toward it time and again to almost grab it before dashing away again. After a good minute or two of this she stopped, teeth still clear in view, her tail sticking out behind her to where the tip flopped over toward the ground. Panting with wide eyes Azalea suddenly froze. Her ears went sideways to hear what she knew to only be one rowdy bunch of pups. Her brothers.

With a grin she grabbed her twig, not to leave her prize behind, and darted away to catch her siblings. She found them on a narrow path, worn by the feet of many. Soleon tormented his brother who fought back halfheartedly. Screaming like a banshee Azalea broke cover, dropping her twig, and sprang at Soleon full speed to attempt to barrel him over. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I SAVE YOU, GAEELLLLLLL!"

Her attack on Soleon hadn't been meant to bowl them both over. She didn't intend to scuffle with him. Both her brothers were quite a bit larger than her and when it came to brawn they would always over power her. Instead her tactic was to use him like a spring board, shoving off him with her paws. Now she stood back, jumping from side to side, tail wiping dangerously fast. "Taruga's attacking! Taruga's attacking!" She squealed, bolting up the tail, brushing by Gael, her eyes pleading him to follow suit.

Clearly Soleon had been conned into being a Tortuga wolf in this game.



03-31-2013, 01:18 AM

The wobbly legged pup would stare at his brother's ear in blatant disregard. It would be his ear. Forever. Then Gael would only have one. Maybe...if he had one would make him more appreciative of his own ear. Then...Soleon would have three and oh how happy he would be! Yipping the male pawed at his brother's ears again and again, his attempt to snatch it off becoming quite...full of failure. Yet, it would come to stand that they were not the only ones about. A loud sound would break into his thoughts and the pup's eyes would widen and his pads would firmly plant against the ground as Azalea bounded forward.

There was fury in her eyes. She was going to kill him. A look of terror flooded the male's face and he began to slowly back away. "Azalea...Azalea! NUUUUUU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The male would turn on his legs and attempt to run, and before long he would feel Azalea's legs on his backside, and the long legged pup would careen towards the earth. Eyes would spring to life and ears would pin against his head as he got a mouthful of dirt and grass. "That...was not very cow!"
"That's not nice! One day I'll have Taruga wolves serving me. They's bad news," he shook his head and wrinkled his nose at his sister. He didn't want to fight her anymore. "We calls it toucheyshay? Kay? The male turned his head and waited for her to decide.