
Lunch time!

Loki 1


6 Years
11-08-2013, 05:28 PM
Loki crouched on the edge of the beach, watching patiently as the tide crept slowly outward. Inwardly he congratulated himself for his genius; his former pack would not have in a trillion turnings of the season considered hunting this way. Oh no, they were more the "chasing down a full grown bull buffalo and showing your strength and maleness" sort. Feh. Well good riddance to them anyway. He was sure they were doing sooo well under the leadership of good ol' uncle Dim-brain now that Hati had taken care of the problem of Daddy Dearest. He much preferred his own way.

Ah, and there we go. The tide had gone out a more comfortable distance from the cave he had been watching, far enough for him to go down into it.

The fluffy wolf stood and stretched. Not a moment too soon, his left hind leg was starting to cramp up from being in the same position so long, not to mention the fact that his stomach was snarling at him like a rabid bobcat. Tail held at a jaunty angle, he sauntered with complete confidence into the cave.

As he had expected, the retreating tide had stranded several large fish in a shallow pool near the back. Loki sighed happily. Yes, he was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Too bad there was no one to around to marvel at his genius. That was ok. He and his stomach would marvel at it themselves.

Loki was dexterous, but he was hardly an expert fisher. The only water sources in his own pack's territory were either too shallow to support a population of fish, or too dangerous to get to, for him to have gotten any real experience at it. He'd once climbed down into a canyon to the raging river at the bottom and after hours of attempting he'd caught a salmon, just to show off. His father had been far from impressed; he'd been chewed the young Loki out and confined him to the den with the pups.

Well, who cared about him anyway. Loki didn't have to be expert to catch the fish in this cave. With the sun high in the sky, the interior was brightly lit enough that it was easy to see the fish, and there was nowhere for them to go. It was like taking meat from a little puppy - easy as anything. In no time flat he'd eaten his fill and stretched out on a somewhat-dry surface to digest and enjoy the cavern. Ah, the life of a rogue was fantastic.


11-16-2013, 11:31 PM

OOC: Coarse language, viewer discretion is advised. :P

The sultry shadow separated from the surrounding darkness, watching the lean, fluffy pelted dark male try and catch fish. He was clearly inexperienced, but there was an air to him that she found she could enjoy for a bit. Sauntering up towards him, hips swaying sensually and long tail sweeping over the sandy floor, she came up from behind him, exotic eyes fixed upon his frame. "Well hello stranger, what brings you into the heart of darkness?" She purred, letting her dual toned optics sweep over his body in a way that was both obvious and provocative. She knew not what she was getting into, but it was fun so far, so who gave a rat's ass? She grinned devilishly at him, seating herself a few body lengths away so all that could be seen were her eyes, glowing slightly in the darkness. The obsidian bitch wondered how this would play out, maybe she could have some fun, rid her mind of the death of her beloved, which had been plaguing her incessantly these days. A good fuck could probably fix that in a jiffy, and this man seemed like he would be willing. Now to see what happened next.


Loki 1


6 Years
11-17-2013, 12:19 AM

When a voice spoke out of the darkness behind him, Loki had to exert ruthless control over his natural reaction to jump in surprise. Instead he simply narrowed his acid-green eyes as he - very deliberately lazily - swiveled his head to face the shadowy form. He could make out an unusually colored pair of eyes, the wolf they belonged to obviously having chosen their spot specifically for the concealing darkness.

Female, and the tone in which she spoke - and the way those eyes were traveling over him - made it obvious what was on her mind. A most delicious intention indeed, if that was what she actually wanted, but Loki didn't intend to leap before he looked. He was no muscle-bound idiot like his brothers, who let hormones lead them by the nose. No, Loki was better than that.

Though he was not adverse to a little play.
"Heart of darkness, hm? Well, then, I suppose it is little wonder I felt so at home," he quipped as he stretched and turned to face the other wolf. "And who, pray tell, might you be?"
His voice was like liquid velvet as he spoke - two could play at this seduction game, and Loki had always considered himself a master of playing games.



11-17-2013, 12:38 AM

His voice found it's way to her ears, velveteen tones caressing the hairs within them. Eyes like acid, like algae upon a pond, met her own, and she enjoyed the wonderful darkness hidden within them. She grinned, ivory daggers flashing in the sensuous darkness as her long salmon tongue flit across her teeth to reply. "I am Raven, previously of Amenti back when it was under the glorious reign of Canttina. What do you call yourself?" She asked him, approaching slowly with her duo toned eyes fixed upon the attractive man. He was different, holding himself with an air of superiority, even though she doubted he was as wonderfully dark as her lover, her Queen. The bitch remained invisible in the wondrous shadow that dripped from every inch of the space but she stood a few paces from him, gazing upwards and letting that devilish grin play across her features, her long tail flicking back and forth. This would be interesting, he seemed to be in on the game; so she would play.


Loki 1


6 Years
11-19-2013, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2013, 09:30 PM by Loki 1.)

Loki mentally dismissed all the pack nonsense the female started spouting as she introduced herself. Until it affected him directly, he had no wish to be involved with or hear about the politics and drama and utter RUBBISH that was pack life. He did take note of the female's words concerning this... Canttina, however, as the name sounded important to her. He would be several kinds of fool if he didn't tuck that little tidbit away for future reference...

He flicked his brushy tail, cat-like, as the purple-ish eyes drew closer, but not close enough for him to make out the form in the darkness. A grin played around his muzzle. Bitch was playing hard to get, it seemed. He found himself rather liking the challenge.

"You can call me Loki," he said lazily, deliberately leaving out his surname. Hati would be livid, no doubt, a thought that almost made him squirm with gleeful malice. But enough of Hati. He would much rather focus his attention on this - presumably - lovely little bitch here with him now.

And now to get down to business. He cocked his head to the side, narrowing his acidic green eyes playfully. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, my most mysterious Raven?"



11-19-2013, 09:49 PM
Finally his name would meet her auds, and the ebony bitch filed it away in her head in case they met again, though hopefully they wouldn't, since this would be a bang and bounce, hopefully. Though she might come back for this one, he seemed like he'd be a nice exception to the rule. The rule being that the rides at the carnival are only fun once. Soon his voice would meet her tall ears again, and a question was posed. Her voice bubbled up from her lips, greeting the air as a silky purr. "Well, dark one, I find that pack life has become dull and now I'm wandering about in search of something more entertaining. You seem to be just the remedy for that right now." She told him, looking him up and down coyly, her voice echoing off the walls of the cave. Her grin surfaced when her dual toned optics met his own acidic green pools. This was getting more and more interesting by the second.


Loki 1


6 Years
12-05-2013, 09:30 AM

This was turning into quite the lucky day for him. A full belly, the pleasant dimness of the cave, the lack of family members, and now this - the tantalizing possibility of a liaison with this coy stranger with the unusually coloured eyes.
A sound that was part hum, part chuckle filled his chest as his ego asserted itself at her words. "How fortunate for you that you found me, then. I'm sure you would find me most..." His grin widened suggestively, "...entertaining."

If you can catch me.
He was on his feet in the space of a heartbeat, sauntering closer to the female he still hadn't yet seen. His ears nearly quivered with mischief, but Loki suppressed the reaction, displaying instead a casual nonchalance in his posture and stride as he circled around Raven. Not close enough to see, no. He'd let her play her little game, but he wasn't going to play by the rules. Loki wasn't big on rules, nor was he some foolish pup ruled by his hormones. If she wanted more, she'd have to come to him.
He cast a sly glance back over his shoulder as he passed by her entirely, instead returning to the pool he had been fishing in to dabble a paw lazily in the water as though he were catching another of the fish still wriggling desperately in the shallow water. How unfortunate that the dimness of the cave didn't show off his lean body to his advantage, but that couldn't be helped. Would she be irritated? Entertained? Intrigued? Would she raise the stakes? Loki nearly giggled inwardly - no matter which way this encounter continued he would be entertained now.



12-05-2013, 05:38 PM

The man seemed to be up for a quick game, and circled her once, twice, and moved to the pool. He lazily batted at the water, attempting to play coy. Raven could play coy too, even though at the moment she did not feel up to it. His avoidance was exciting, it simply gave her all the more reason to pursue him. Sauntering towards the larger man, she grinned slyly in the darkness. Dual toned, exotic orbs glittered with mirth as she came up to his side, running her lean body along his own. "If you're sellin', I'll be buyin'." She purred, her voice lilting with amusement. This one seemed quite alluring, and she would enjoy fucking him, and leaving before daylight could shine upon her sultry, shadowy essence. No doubt she would find him again, because he seemed like the kind to offer the best of the best. Banging him once would be like taking a crumb of a free meal. Why on earth would anyone do that? Take everything you can, that's the rule of life.
