
Singing in the Colours of Twilight


10-26-2013, 02:34 PM

A golden maiden wandered onto a bright moor, the colours of the setting sun turning her dusty brown pelt to a layer of pure flame. Bright grass green eyes scanned the horizon, watching the ever darkening sky begin to take over. A band of gold, thin around her ebony pupil, began to disappear as her eyes adjusted to the coming darkness. A lean, dancers frame was graced with her luxurious golden coat, thick and silky. The strangest part of her was her long tail, which she held curled at the tip to keep it from being dirtied by the ground. Her ears twitched back and forth, taking in the sounds of the land around her. Her cranium whipped around as a scent caught her attention, her body following suit as she turned swiftly to face the wolf that approached. She used her height as an advantage, straightening up to her full size. Her willowy frame was petite, she was built like a dancer, and it made her seem very nonthreatening. Her ears moved backwards in her unease, and a single lips lifted slightly to reveal the tip of her formidable canine. "Well hello. You are?" She asked, looking the stranger in the eyes, her own strange green one's making direct eye contact. Most wolves couldn't hold eye contact while talking, for a reason the golden woman didn't quite understand. She wanted to seem unafraid, yet in the inside she was terrified, she didn't want to get into a fight with anyone.

and this is how you hold a conversation


10-28-2013, 12:32 AM

The chocolate brown boy moved about across the lands of the west. He had left the view of the Ludicael border for a change of scenery. After spending several weeks just hanging around the Ludi borders with his brother Howl, Legend wanted to go and find his own adventure. He wasn't sure why he hadn't yet chosen to join the pack, but there was some clear reasons. He didn't trust the Alpha that ruled there, nor would he feel comfortable putting his loyalty to her or risking his life for a pack that seemed to have so much disorder. He heard about Symphony going off in an attempt to form a healers alliance, but it would seem many within the pack disliked that she had done that. His ears flattened at the thought, remembering how he had heard that they were basically calling her a traitor. He scoffed, Symphony was no traitor. Of that he was sure.

It was then that he was pulled from his thoughts when a voice would greet him. Cobalt blue eyes searched out the voice, and he saw before him a light golden she-wolf. It appeared to him, that she was on the defensive. His tail wagged slightly as he stopped a respectable distance, dipping his head to her greeting. "Well hello stranger, my name is Legend. Who might you be?" he questioned politely, his head tilting slightly to the left with ears cocked forward. His eyes danced with friendship, he would not and had no intentions of harming her. He wondered if she knew this, then again they were strangers to each other. And he was getting no bad feeling or bad vibes from the pretty woman. She was indeed an eye catcher, and he would feel a blush rise up in his cheeks. Oh, why did he just think that? Clearing his throat slightly, he would try to reassure her. "Don't worry, I won't harm you."

"Speech", Thought, You


10-28-2013, 04:46 PM

The figure revealed itself to be a chocolate brown male, who spoke to her immediately, kind and calm. He introduced himself as Legend, and asked the golden dancer for her name in return. She eyed the man nervously, letting her inky lips part to reveal her pearl razors, and her voice slipped forth.

"My name is Dawn. It's nice to meet you, Legend." She said, lowering her cranium slightly in greeting. When he told her he had no intentions of causing her pain, she gave him a look of disbelief. Her lip lifted slightly to reveal the tip of a sharp canine, her eyebrows lowering slightly as if she were frowning. She remembered so many men saying exactly that, and then pinning her so they could get what all men wanted. She huffed a bit, letting her face return to it's natural, edgy expression it took on around males.

"That's what the last man said, and my mother has the scars from saving me from that one." She muttered, grass pigmented eyes directly meeting the other wolf's cobalt blue optics. She wondered what reaction that would get from this one, it usually scared away the ones who had malicious intent, and brought pity from those with benign intentions. Let's see what this one's intentions are. I think my legs could use a rest for once... She thought to herself, watching the newcomer with grass and honey pools.

Speech, Thought, Others,


11-17-2013, 04:05 AM

Legend's tail wagged slightly as the pretty female introduced herself. An uneasy flick of his ears presenting itself when the golden femme seemed to be on the defensive. A slight furrow of his brows accompanied the motion, and so he remained where he was and not daring to move any closer. His ears would find themselves flattening to his head, his body tensing slightly as she seemed to compare him to someone else's previous and past intentions. He met her blazing green gaze, his own cobalt blues seeming uneasy and unsure. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to saunter up to someone so boldly, who was he to do such a thing anyway? Though he was somewhat na?ve, she hadn't seemed dangerous to him. But now? What if she tried to attack him because of the fault of someone else?

"I, erm...Sorry. I just...I mean, I honestly swear I won't harm you. I'll keep my butt planted right here to prove it. I could never hurt anyone." his words would fall in all honesty from his tongue. At the same time he would seat himself onto the ground where he stood, tail wrapped around him and his legs planted firmly in the ground. He didn't want to scare her, didn't want her to mistake his actions as someone who would attack her. Why would he? She was no threat to him, unless she attacked that is. But even then he wouldn't fight back. He could see that she had been hurt in the past, judging especially by her last statement about her mother. For now he would wait, and hopefully before they departed, he would have a new friend to talk to.

"Speech", Thought, You


11-17-2013, 12:34 PM

This male seemed all too keen on proving his innocence, so the golden dancer let her guard down a little, relaxing enough to seat herself as the chocolate furred male had done, unusually long tail wrapped around broad golden paws. Then her voice would find itself slithering from between her ebony lips as her grassy gaze found his. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little edgy around guys... Back home they were all rapists and murderers.. You can never be too careful." She told him, her voice trailing off uneasily and her eyes turned to the ground, her muzzle lowering as well as she stared at the dying grasses sheepishly. Why had she given away that information? For all she knew he could be working for someone who hoarded women, or worse... Turning her gaze upwards once more, she offered a sheepish smile and let her mezzo-soprano voice fall from her lips. "I'm sorry about that.. Let's just change the subject." She said with a giggle, smiling slightly in an attempt to remove the awkwardness from the situation. Then she continued, looking into the male's cobalt blue eyes. "So how long have you been in these lands?" She asked, her eyes dead set on his own. Why was she letting her guard down so much? This was crazy, he was probably thinking the same thing as the rest of them did, he just seemed like he cared because he was a better actor than the rest of them...



11-28-2013, 09:48 PM

Cobalt blue eyes watched her warily for signs of hostility, however all he really saw was unease and a struggle of her mind. It wasn't long when her bi-colored eyes falling on his just as he was about to speak, though held his tongue when her words came first. Ears would fall back and he would glance away in slight discomfort. Did she think that he was going to harm her that way? He wasn't too sure what to do with the information that was just shared with him, though it would put him into a rather awkward position.

He turned away from her, staring uneasily in another direction trying to figure out how to change the subject. It was then as he tried to think that she suggested it first, and with hesitant relief he looked back at her as she giggled. Ears perked forward when she asked him a question, and cobalt eyes looked steady and thoughtful at her. "Well, not that long. Couple seasons I think...I came with my siblings, tracking my older siblings. We found 'em, but...I haven't decided whether or not I want to join that pack yet." He'd give a crooked half grin, though it would show uncertainty as his thoughts began to wander...

"Speech", Thought, You


11-28-2013, 10:08 PM

His voice would fill her tall auds as he spoke of family, and her heart began to ache for her mother's presence, having abandoned her in search of a new life. He had pondered joining a pack, but was unsure. Sounded like her, though she wasn't a big fan of large groups of wolves. She would enjoy the safety and security of a pack, but not the large numbers of the group, being socially awkward to the point where she was more anti social and prefers not to talk to anyone. She nodded in understanding, beating her tail a few times on the ground absentmindedly. "I've been thinking of joining a pack, somewhere around here. These lands are nice, I think I would like to stay here instead of going somewhere else." She said, smiling. Then her eyes found his again, and she looked deep into them, her voice falling from dark lips. "I'm glad you're not going to rape me, Legend. Would you like to go find something to eat? I could use a snack right about now." She murmured, tilting her cranium slightly to the side. She stood, stretching out her long legs and yawning as she did so. She could learn to enjoy the company of this male, maybe others after him. Only time would tell, but so far so good. She waited calmly for a reply from the chocolate brown man, her unusually long tail flicking a few times.

and this is how you hold a conversation