
Run [Neo]


03-14-2013, 01:56 AM

Luce navigated the heavy mountains slopes with ease, her limber lengthy bodice trailing across the rocks with the grace and fluidity that only time provided her. Neo, was often gone, training relentlessly, he grew stronger, faster, more limber, quick witted, with each passing day. He was an impressive pup and he had all but thrown himself into his training. He wanted to prove himself, he wanted to be the very best he could be. She saw it, as did the rest of Tortuga, but Neo was Luce's prize and she was fast to claim him. It was she whom he slept against at night, she whom he turned to for affection. Ah but he was growing on her, becoming a permanent part of her life. Whether for good or for worse she had yet to decide.

She carried a beaver within the confines of her jaws, she wasn't sure if the pup had ever tasted the rarity before but she enjoyed it, and it would be his treat for doing so well within Tortuga. Ah... but she was growing soft. She was slowly returning to Tortuga, the borders coming within her sights with ease she still needed to navigate her way to the next mountain to reach her den but it shouldn't be much longer of a... a rumbling echoed above her and she paused. There was only one other place she had heard such a sound.

In France, in the mountains, with an avalanche.

Ice colored oculars widened and her skull whipped around. Seemingly thousands of rocks, raced down the side of the mountain, barreling straight towards her. The silver hued dame scrambled forward, talons and claws doing everything they could to hold her balance while she raced. The rocks were gaining on her, the sound of their slamming drawing ever nearer and Luce pushed herself faster, harder. If not for her sake than for Neo's.

She could not escape the pull of gravity and all too soon, the boulders were upon her, crashing into her sides sending her careening into the air, smashing against the stone and spiraling out of control as they swept her down the mountainside, pain slammed into her everywhere, anywhere, and finally she reached the bottom, half draped over one of the stones like a carcass, blurry blue eyes attempted to blink back the pain as she tried to push herself up, her gaze caught the glimmer of a dark before it crunched into her skull painting her world black.



03-14-2013, 02:27 AM
The thunderous boom of rock on rock reached the cub even from the heart of Tortuga. His eyes widened as the mountain seemed to collapse in on itself and toward the base of the steep cliffs. There would be injured, his family needed helping paws to dig survivors out of the rubble. Without hesitation the young cub ran toward the scene, powerful, strained muscles pushing him toward the calamity. His heart ached for those caught in the landslide, praying that there would be at least one survivor. He could smell blood, he was getting closer, but it was something in the scent itself that stirred him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but beneath the metallic tang was something familiar. He stopped abruptly, his pupils the size of pin heads. It was the scent he carried on him now. The scent of flowers and crisp spring water. He kept running, all the while the same word running through his mind at a mile a minute. "No"

He collapsed as soon as he arrived. His legs giving out from under him entirely as magenta orbs fell upon his goddess, bloodied and covered in dirt. He attempted to stand but found it difficult. His legs trembled under the slightest strain, forcing him to remain pinned to the earth.His paws covered his face, grief pulling him away from his own body. It was a dream. Just a bad dream. He was going to wake up with his head to Luce's chest like always and they would both laugh at how silly he was for getting worked up over a dream. He moved his paws away just to check, just to see if her body was still there. He shielded his eyes again almost instantly, just barely catching sight of the blood pooling around her lifeless body.

He had killed her. He knew she was out hunting for him, knew that if it hadn't been for him she would still be alive. He knew he had killed her. With a roar of sheer agony he threw himself against a tree, nails digging into the bark and dragging them down, leaving eight perfectly straight gashes in the side of pine. How could life be so cruel to him? To send an angel to deliver him from hell, to have her bring him to paradise and give his life meaning, and then to have her taken from him so harshly. What had he done to anger the gods so much? Where had he trespassed? Why was this happening to him?

Words words words

This is speech


03-14-2013, 02:42 AM

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Luce had survived much calamity. The cruelty of the human race knew no bounds and her torso, beneath the luxurious coat of silver, reflected as such. Scars criss crossed the whole of her flesh, they were merely hidden. Broken bones, tattered ligaments, torn muscles... at one point or another she had felt them all, so when she awoke with a splitting migraine and pain lacing the vast majority of her bodice, she thought she could almost feel the iron shackles upon her leg, the heavy metal collar around her neck.

Her body twitched, legs slowly moving as a deep groan vibrated up through her vocals. She blinked, her blue eyes groggily fighting against the black spots that still dotted her vision. Everything hurt, her entire body bruised. Damn... she would take the avalanche any day of the week. She bent each limb, testing to make sure she could still feel each of her limbs. That was all she needed. To be paralyzed. She probably deserved it after all she had done but ah well.

She lifted her head from its place among the dirt, shaking her head absently as her vision swam, the first thing to come into focus was the corpse of the beaver, lying a scarce few feet from her and if her brain had been working functionally she would have laughed. [i] Well damn... dinner may be a little late but it appeared it was still happening.



03-14-2013, 03:05 AM
His mind was reeling. He swore he heard a soft grunt, but what if his mind was plying tricks on him. Slowly, hesitantly he turned toward the mangled body of his angel. And what greeted him? a sight so beautiful he could feel his heart stop for just a moment. She was moving. She was alive. "LUCE!" He cried, racing toward her with every ounce of strength in his body. He fell upon her like a starved mongrel, assaulting her face with kisses and rubbing his body against hers desperately. "I thought I'd lost you." He sobbed into her fur. He snapped to attention, tearful greetings could wait, he needed to get her to a medic as soon as possible. He slid his muzzle under her rib cage, urging her to stand. As powerful as he had become there was only so much his smaller frame could handle. He needed to get her out of the rubble as fast as he could, his heart racing inside his chest as he glanced fearfully at the mountain, waiting, just waiting for its next assault on his beloved.

Words words words

This is speech


03-14-2013, 03:38 AM

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Luce was groggy and God only knew how she wished for a sprig of poppy seeds to cloud her senses and her judgement. But alas! She had none. She wasn't injured badly, some scrapes and nasty bruises, but nothing that wouldn't heal over a few days of rest, she had been lucky, she could have been damaged far worse than she was, with a grunt she willed her vision to keep focus, blinking repeatedly.

A shout of her name had her head tilting towards the right and a gentle smile drifted across her maw as the flying form of Neo shot towards her like a bullet. He slammed into her body and she took it with a soft grunt, his soft, pink tongue, lulling from his maw to bathe her snout in kisses, his tiny body brushing against hers repeatedly. She chuckled, foolish thing, a few rocks were not enough to best her.

He was pushing beneath her ribs, willing her to stand and she tried, pulling her legs beneath her and unsteadily getting to her feet. She swayed a bit unsteadily for a moment before she regained her balance, chuckling softly. "Hush, love hush. I am fine, just some scrapes and bruises." She murmured down to him. her tongue felt sluggish and slow, probably still attempting to regain itself from the blow her head received. Despite all of her own pain, her thoughts lingered on her yearling. [/b]"Grab the beaver my heart, it was supposed to be a gift to you, a reward for how much you have learned." When the hell had she stopped being selfish? [COLOR=black]"You won't ever loose me my heart, you may look we over once we get home if it would ease your mind."



03-14-2013, 05:22 AM
She really was an angel. She had a brush with death and all she could think of was him. He grabbed the carcass quickly then hurried back to her side, ready to brace her if she stumbled or fell. She swore that he would never lose her, a meaningless promise, he knew that for a fact, but an endearing gesture all the same. Everyone died sometime. But not today. Not her. And that was enough for him.

Every step he took was gingerly placed, his eyes flickering about restlessly, alert to any threat to his lover that may be present. He had lost her once today, he didn't intend for it to happen again if he could help it. He shepherded her into the cave and dropped to his hutches almost instantly. He was worn both physically and emotionally, the entire ordeal tying his stomach into knots and killing his appetite. A damned shame too. The beast she had brought him looked more than appealing and on any other day he would have gladly inhaled the creature. But today he only hungered for her soft words and gentle touch. Something to assure him that she was truly alive and well. Maybe then he would settle enough to indulge in the treat she had brought for him...And almost died trying to deliver it to him.

Words words words

This is speech


03-15-2013, 02:38 AM

The silver hued fae was out of it. Dazed, confused, and in a considerable amount of pain. Nothing was broken or torn, she was just banged up, bruised and bleeding in various places. It would take a few weeks for the soreness to drift away, but such easy pain she could endure, the last thing she needed were Poppy Seeds anywhere about her. She had been clean since the tiny pup had entered her life and she did not need a relapse. he was making her better whether he realized it or not.

She moved slower than usual, limping slightly on her hind right leg. It took them some time to reach their den and when they had, Luce waded into the stream, dipping through the waterfall, allowing the water to wash away the debris from her injuries. If infection set in, she really would be screwed. Neo herded her the entire way home, guiding her, making sure she was still conscious enough to speak, guarding her. Warmth flooded her heart, she had forgotten how high of regard he held her.

With a rather loud huff, she folded her legs beneath her, collapsing upon the floor of den, she bit back the groan of relief and forced herself to focus. Neo starred at her, fearful, anxious. Clearly he was no convinced that she was well. "Come here love." Her accent was thicker with the pain, her neck extending to coil around him and tug him tightly against her body, her tail, as always draping over his form and holding him tight. "I am fine sweet Neo, see for yourself." Her maw split apart, pink ribbon drifting from her maw to brush along the top of his head in a gentle kiss.



03-15-2013, 12:54 PM

He pressed against her body without provocation, burring his nose in her soft fur and whining ever so quietly. He needed her. More than she would ever know he needed her in his life. She kissed him gently and he felt his worries melt away around him. He whined softly and nuzzled her soft fur lovingly. "I love you Luce." He said quietly, licking her wounds soothingly. "I'd die without you." There was no lie in his words, he knew for a fact that without her by his side he'd never accomplish his dreams of conquest. She was everything to him, and the thought of losing her made him feel as though his heart was full of angry bees."I will protect you with my life." He swore

Words words words

This is speech


03-15-2013, 01:18 PM

She chuckled softly as he burrowed into her side. She did not mind the protest one of the bruises gave her. This pup, she was his world and she knew it. She may be nothing more than a run down wolf whose abuse of drugs ran her into a wicked spiral of lust and anger to everyone else, but to the life squeezed against her, she was perfection, and that was well enough for her.

"Je t'aime aussi, mon N?o." She answered her love for him, in her native tongue, she had spoken it enough to him that she no longer needed to translate it. I love you too, my Neo. She bathed the length of his spine in gentle kisses, while he cleaned her wounds with a great tenderness. "I believe you, now go, eat your dinner, you won't be protecting anyone if you do not eat." She chuckled lightly, motioning to the beaver. She wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon.



03-15-2013, 02:54 PM
He stood and walked to the beaver, picking it up and carrying it back to Luce before nudging it toward her. "You need it more than I do." He said. He knew the femme would deny his statement and insist that he eat it, but he beat her to the chase. Slowly he ripped open the beast and divided the meat between them evenly. No mate of his would ever watch while he gorged himself on sweet meats. He would never forgive himself if he committed such an atrocity. Without a word he dug into his half of the meal, his tail wagging against hers as he ate. The only aquatic animal he had ever eaten was duck, his favorite, but beaver he found had the sticky consistency of hare with a concentrated duck flavor. Truly a delicacy in his mind

Words words words

This is speech


03-16-2013, 02:07 AM

Luce watched, blue eyes keen on the almost fully grown pup. He was already gaining on her own height and would no doubt pass her by the time he finished. He admired her, she knew that, but she wondered how he would view her in a year. Would he still love her? Would he resent her? Would he make true on those fiercely possessive words? Only time would tell.

Very much as she predicted, he dragged the carcass back to her, curling up against her and twining his tail with her own, what she had not anticipated was her half of the kill being nudged towards her. His words reached her ears delicately and before she could formulate a protest he beat her too it. She shut her jaws and watched him soundlessly, slowly devouring her piece of the beaver.

"You really are amazing my heart... do you know this?" She murmured, dropping her head back to the den floor, twining her body around his own, he was getting to large for her to do so anymore, her tail barely covered half of him.



03-16-2013, 08:40 PM
He grinned up at her, swelling with pride as she complemented him. "Only for you my moon and stars." He said, kissing her cheek softly. The future seemed bright for the two, his devotion to her and her adoration for him made the two inseparable as a couple, however with so many yearlings in one pack it was far from impossible that his heart might be taken by another more suited to his age, he was already quite popular among the ranks, and was quickly becoming a favorite among females. But in his heart he knew he would never stray from Luce, never leave her side, never stray from her affections. They belonged to each other entirely and no one would make them think otherwise. Not Cairo, not Kaien, no one would stop them, no one would separate them. Not if he could help it.

Having eaten his fill, his immature belly puffing up ever so slightly he rested his head on his lover's arms, just under her hear and nuzzled her neck ever so slightly, closing his eyes and listening to the rhythm of her heart beat. These were the moments he would hold onto forever, the quiet serene bliss of their moments together, sharing their affections and living for one another. The moments when they completed one another and became one.

Words words words

This is speech


03-19-2013, 09:26 PM
Luce chuckled, tugging him closer to her bodice and letting her eyes drift shut, belly full and a warmth pressed against her belly and Luce drifted off to sleep.

-exit Luce-