
i'm a slave to all these voices in my head.

Bronze i


12 Years
11-07-2013, 07:25 PM

Bronze was not okay -- but he was certainly alive. Physically he was healing, albeit slowly. The soreness in the side of his neck had subsided but the wound on the side of his ribcage was deep and had yet to fully heal. He had received no help, but even if it had been offered to him, he would have rejected any offers of medical assistance. Briefly after the siege he was certain he would die, so dejected and ashamed did he feel; but he had lived, and though it seemed a permanent limp had affected his gait, he was not yet approaching death.

All he knew was that he was a prisoner here, and he would not leave without a fair fight. He was unwilling to anger this pack that had taken him and threaten the safety of Seracia, of his own wife and children if he dared to anger these wolves. They were clearly capable of things that he was not. He had never expected to lose so easily, but it had been so long since he had fought...

A sigh left his lips as he settled himself down near a tall pine. Winter would be here soon, and he could not imagine living here through the harsh season. No. His wife needed him, and so did his children. But Seracia would care for them without him. They would not fail without him, and while that thought comforted him in one way -- that they would be safe if he somehow never returned -- but it also made him feel replaceable and made his existence seem all that less meaningful. Quietly he would curl his body to a more comfortable position, leaning to lap at his healing wound, wincing slightly at the feeling of his tongue against the sensitive flesh.


11-07-2013, 07:51 PM

After the war had died down, Lova had found herself back where she was. A dame, lower then the lovely Abelinda, and just another servant for Isar. Though they had gotten plenty of prisoners from the time that they fought. Even the boy that Lova herself had fought against. Her ribs caked with blood and other various wounds from bronze. They hurt but happily would not scar. As she held a snow rabbit in her jaws, fatty and plump, she looked around before walking towards him under the pine. Her ears pinned back as she looked at bronze with her cyan eyes. Setting the rabbit down she pushed it gently towards Bronze. "Has anyone treated your wounds yet?" She whispered silently. Isar would probably have her head if he caught her healing him. But she wasn't doing it because she pitied him. It was simply in her nature. Naturally she believed that since Bronze was here, he couldn't escape with his own strength anyway, not with these many wolves anyway. Feeding him was another thing, Lova could do whatever she wished with Bronze unless Isar told her otherwise. In which case she would listen to the icy king.
"I didn't do anything to the food so it's safe to eat." She whispered splaying herself onto her stomach. She kept her bright cyan eyes on him though, just in case she needed to detain him. Lova was nice, but she wasn't a saint after all. She was under the ice kings rule, yearning to have his children. Even though he already had women he favored over her. It was just plain lucky Lova did not believe in love.


Bronze i


12 Years
11-07-2013, 08:29 PM

Just a year ago, he wouldn't have given a damn if he was a free man or a prisoner -- he likely would have embrace death with open arms, and would've been content to go out in a blaze of glory. And yet now all he wanted was to be home safe with Silent and with his children, curled safely in their den, warm and content. But it was he that had put himself in this predicament, and he knew it was he that would have to figure out a solution. Would they come for him? Or would he be forced to fight for his freedom?

Bronze was arrested from his somber thought by the voice of one of the last women he has expected to see today. Quietly his head would life, his spine arching as he kept his gaze locked on her. He had experienced pain and torture -- and yet it didn't seem like this pack, as awful as they were, had any intention of bringing misery to their captives. The male was not willing to let down his guard though, especially around the woman that had been the one to inflict his injuries upon him. But to be fair, he had engaged her, and all they had been doing was fighting for their respective packs. He did not hate her -- not for what she had done, at least; he knew little to nothing about her character.

"No," he answered gruffly. "I will be fine. They are healing well." There was no sign of infection, and the pain was beginning to subside, though it seemed a kind of fatigue had found its way deep into his soul, a feeling he could not shake even as he began to heal properly.

She offered him a rabbit, and he eyed it warily. "You eat some first," he suggested lightly. Was it crazy for him to be hesitant? He certainly didn't think so. "But thank you. I appreciate the gesture." Though he was on edge, he was not at all aggressive -- he was far too tired to fight or even try to run today.


11-09-2013, 04:27 AM

Good, she didn't have to be that nice, even though she felt like she should have been. The odd colored tuxedo woman shrugged, guessing he was just being cautious and she hadn't eaten yet either so it was alright. As she took the kill she ate into it, respectfully chewing and eating a few bites before pressing it back towards bronze. Lova wasn't for starving prisoners, they weren't slaves after all. Her black tail flicked back and forth as she lowered her eyes. "Sorry about attacking you, to be fair you attacked me first. And we were on opposing sides." She shrugged. The longer bronze spent here, the more he'd probably notice about how plenty of these wolves felt about each other. And the king for that matter. In fact Lova wasn't quiet sure about the others. She just knew Abelinda and Oddity.
The lady's cyan colored eyes starred at bronze. Her eyes didn't leave his pelt. "My name is Lova, what's yours?" She asked. Knowing she didn't know his name, nor did he know hers since they had just only fought. Lova was an odd one, she loved personalities, she loved wolves. In general, though never the concept of love, that escaped her like many other things. Since she had been living here, her russian accent had died down slightly. But it was still there lightly.


Bronze i


12 Years
11-11-2013, 08:02 AM

Bronze did not despise her, did not even openly distrust her; and yet he was visibly wary, poised with his paws tucked beneath him lightly as though ready to spring upright if necessary. Though the brute was certainly not in his prime, he was on edge since he had been taken prisoner here and, despite his injuries, he was certain he could hold his own against most if they tried to harm him. Not only did he want to return home to his wife and his children -- he needed to.

His brown eyes fixated on her as she chewed some of the meat, proving it was not poisoned or foul. With a grateful nod he would grasp some of the flesh between his jaws, tearing into it gladly. The meat was still warm and he gulped it down. He hadn't realized until now just how hungry he truly was. Only did he glance back at Lova when she apologized, and he let out a slightly detached chuckle. "You did what you had to," he mused gruffly. He was not pleased about it, but he wouldn't hold it against her. She had not maimed him, had not tried to permanently cripple him -- she had simply taken him down. Truthfully, he appreciated her honorable method of fighting. "And it just so happened you were the winner." It was a hard fact to face, but one he had come to terms with surprisingly easily. He was not the warrior he used to be -- and though he wished he had won, he figured it was better this way.

"I'm Bronze. Of Seracia." It was no secret that Seracia had aided Valhalla -- in fact, another male, Themisto, had been taken prisoner as well -- and he figured it would put his family in no greater danger by simply acknowledging the fact. "Thank you, Lova, for being a decent opponent. And for bringing me food."


11-18-2013, 02:52 PM

Lova gave a slight chuckle to the man. It was nice not to have someone who was so cynical to the world. Then again, she spent a lot of her time exploring out of the pack with others since she loved personalities of wolves so much. The hard facts in life were still there, but she buried them lower than her heart. The fact was, that she was far more accepting than most others. She ended up here because she was so used to her old life, and she did indeed want to secure strong blood and future for her children if she were to have any and that was to be saved for Isar. The concept of love escaped her the same as how anyone would have a proper relationship of a companion through prey animals. That, was a even bigger mystery.
"It's no problem, I'm not going to be mean to someone I don't even know." She noted smiling as her cyan eyes glinted within the moonlight. "After all, it's like we gave each other the same wounds. If anything I wouldn't have lasted much longer if you had held on." Lova giggled a little bit. It was true though. Her black tail flicked back and forth as she quietly layed her head down on her paws.
