
Vague reflections


11-21-2013, 02:51 PM

Apart from the rocks poking their heads out of the snow, the place was pretty much white. Her blue eyes looking about the weird place, as she sneezed slightly from the cold. Minx had been growing a bit tired of the cold, after all, snow was fun, but for a loner it deprived her of sleep and food. Luckily for her she still had a thick coat of fur, and a full stomach. Nearly looking like she belonged to a pack, her coat shiny, it was nearly no way to tell the difference. Apart from her attitude of doing whatever she pleased when she wished. The woman had been having the time of her life.
Minx gave a yawn as she climbed onto one of the rocks. Curling up into a ball she placed her odd white sleeved paw over her snout. The black paw touching her white splashed face. She couldn't say she was unhappy with her coloring, but sometimes it felt like it was fairly bi polar. If anything at all, it certainly didn't her away in a crowd though with the different colors she had seen. But, naturally, she wished her coat had either been plain white or plain black, similar to her brothers.

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