
We'll Meet Again


11-25-2013, 02:17 PM

He could hear the flies buzzing in his ears, feel blood running down to his paws, lifted in the air. It had taken a while but at some point he realized he had been impaled by a particularly large thorn. He hadn't even noticed that he punctured his eye on another thorn or the numerous scratches that tattered his body. He attempted to pull away but only found himself more ensnared on thorns and brambles. A low, weak howl escaped his lips as he cried for help. Medic. He needed a medic. He rolled off his side, splitting his paw open on yet another thorn, blood gushed freely from the wound now, and from his paw, staining his fine coat a deep crimson. How had it come to this? What had led such a beautiful creature to such an agonizing death?


He was trying to go home, trying to see his mate again. Ghost. The name rang so clearly in his mind now it almost seemed a shame that it was fading at all. He had wanted to see his children, and that was his downfall.No. His true demise was leaving them in the first place. Had he stayed this could have all been avoided. His children would have grown up to be strong men serving under their king with the same devotion he had shown Gerhardt. Now there was nothing. His children were gone and Ghost would be told in passing of his death. He should have never ran through the brier. He should have known better, but the young fool was excited and eager to see his children.

Slowly he limped through the thorns and brush, his face marred by thorns and other such ugly things. His leg was placed firmly against his chest as he walked on, unable to see half the brush that now seemed to be attacking him relentlessly. Finally he saw an opening in the brier, he hurried toward it as fast as his three legs could carry him. He ran until he was out of breath which wasn't very long at all. He collapsed against a pile of thorns, the pain indescribable. Slowly his eyes began to shut. A soft whine escaping his throat. Rest. He needed rest. The pain stopped.

-Exit Segar by death-



11-25-2013, 02:33 PM

Red, it was all she ever saw anymore. Nothing could sooth the fire that eat deep inside her chest. It was fever hot always, burning without mercy in the depths of her soul. Everything was crumbling around her and the world was relentless on causing her grief. There never truly was an end to the suffering she endured. There was never a light in the darkness to help bring her home. She had no home and she had no one. Her ears twitched as she stopped in mid stride. Her head pulled towards the left with the sound of distress. Someone needed help? Who was she to help them? What if they were one of Jupiter?s wolves? She would rather watch them die then help them but what if they were from Tortuga? What then? Her mother had vowed to protect those wolves and in a way she was obligated to do the same.

The woman looked more and more like her mother. Her violet appearing coat shimmered with the darkness of her fathers and the lighter gray violet of her mothers. Her violet eyes searched for the wolf that had found its way in its own prison. Metaphorically and physically the wolf would find its demise as the world crashed around him and drowned him into deaths arms. Her gaze shifted around the thorns growing wildly around the area. Their thorns were sharp and eager for blood. Her mother used to warn her about the roses. Whose thorns craved the blood of mortals and desired to know the depths of feeling in a more profound manner. She had always thought the flowers were her friends but perhaps they were not.

The body of Seager came into her view. This was a wolf her mother knew. However, she had no knowledge of that. Ghost had been the wolf who had sparked the desire for leadership into newts mind; she gave her the desire to lead with passion rather then aggression. It was a sad story that syn knew nothing of and as she looked over the broken wolf her heart seemed to burn with rage. Why did he get to end the suffering while she burned alive? Why did everyone get to feel something other then rage? She couldn?t remember the last time she felt anything other then heat and ice all combined inside her soul. Everyone needed to die! Everyone needed to burn in her flames and feel her fire, everyone but him. She looked him over, lost in his slumber, the thorns embedded in his coat and her ears fell backwards. She felt sorrow fill her heart for a moment. Felt the prickle of tears falling towards the ground but if she pretended she wouldn?t know she was crying. ?How could you not wait? Don?t you know others love you!? she all but screamed at the dead wolf. How could he leave his family behind! How could he! ?Don?t you know they?ll miss you? They?ll be broken without you?! How could you be so selfish!? she cried! Her ears back as she sobbed over the loss of her own father. She missed him and their family and missed what they had in Amenti. It was all ashes in the wind.
