
Regretful Broken Hearts


11-26-2013, 07:13 PM

She had lain here for weeks, watching the sun rise and fall, ignoring the painful snarling of her empty stomach and the aching of her muscles from being in the same pose for so long. Her orchid eyes were blank and empty, her heart broken. She had watched her own father destroy her beloved big brother Taurig, and she still had yet to know what had become of the cobalt man. She longed to move, to eat, but now her muscles were too weak, her body too far gone to accomplish these things on her own now. Her ribs and hips stuck out from under her rusty bark pelt, which was matted and dull. Her ribs were clearly visible, and her flesh was pulled taut over her angular cheekbones. The landscape before her was getting boring, nothing was showing itself to entertain her tired eyes. She slept much, but now she was awake and her mind had once more returned to the vengeance she would wreak upon her father for what he had done to her brother; the words she would scream at him for doing something so horrendous. She sighed, the action stretching the skin over her obvious ribs even more. She was skin and bones now, wasting away as penance for her sins.



5 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 08:45 PM

His life would never be the same. The chance to continue to procreate would no longer be an option for the cobalt Re, but that wasn't something that particularly bothered him. He wasn't like Isardis whose only purpose in this world was to pack it full of his demon spawn. Unlike the bastard of a sire he had, procreation wasn't about just making more wolves; it was about starting a family and having kids of his own. And he already had three litters(assuming he already knows about argent and maija). Cataleya's kids, which he could still remember seeing the day that they were born; Argent's unborn children and of course his Queen Maija's unborn children. He was overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a father except for one thing...He would never be able to see what they looked like. He wouldn't be able to tell if they came out looking him or like their mothers. He would never be able to watch them partake in their first hunt, or play with their siblings. Isardis' had taken that away from. And for that he would pay. Whether it be his own jaws or the jaws of another, the ghost would one day truly become a ghost.

It was difficult, adjusting to being blind. He was used to using his eyes for everything that now that he couldn't use them, he felt completely useless. How was he supposed to lead a pack when he couldn't even look at his packmates in the eye when they spoke to him? Maija had been doing an excellent job in helping him, but the Re didn't always accept her help. He loved her and the fact that she was here for him, but he needed to do this on his own. He needed to learn how to re-adjust to his new dark world, how to navigate the terrain he had traversed thousands of times when his eyesight still worked. It had been about two or three days since the woman Ozz and the girl Lily had helped to heal him. He had most grateful to the two dames, especially since his recovery was going along quite well. The swelling between his thighs had gone down significantly and the wound across his left cheek had begun to slowly scab over. He had stayed inside his den with Maija for a majority of the two days, just talking to her, listening to the sound of her voice; but only particular thing she told him struck out to him. There was a russet girl at his borders with an ivory marked face who hadn't left since the day of the maim. He had been rather weak and hadn't been able to go out and find her, but today was another story. The Re was feeling more at ease with the new realization that he would have to use his other senses to get around and what better what to test them out than to find Eulari.

With slow, measured steps the cobalt man would emerge from his den, crown held low, cautious of the roof of his den. It wasn't until his tail brushed the lip of the den that he would lift his head to its normal state, ears perking up. The mid-morning sun would beat down on his scared face, illuminating his now milky white eyes. Nostrils would flare, inhaling the crisp morning air as he hunted for his baby sister's scent. She hadn't gone far enough into Tortuga for him to catch it, but if she was where they said she was, then he could track her back the way that they had brought him. Cautious paws would turn his massive frame as he began to move back in the direction where the packs' scents were coming from, muzzle kept low to the ground to act as a "walking stick" and alert him to any obstacles in his path. His good right ear and what was left of his left ear would swivel back and forth, listening to his own pawsteps as well as to his surrounding area. It was a bit difficult to navigate blind, but it wasn't impossible. Eulari? Little sister, talk to me so I can follow the sound of your voice. Her scent had begun to tickle his nostrils and it was only then that he would realize that he was getting close. Pace would come a halt, ears swiveling as he strained to catch Eulari's voice.



11-26-2013, 08:56 PM

A voice came to her ears, and the little fae was only vaguely aware of it. Until her slow functioning brain realized who it was, she remained motionless, but once the vocals were matched with a face her voice would wheeze from her throat. "Taur..." She would whine, her sweet alto voice faint and cracking with disuse. She could sense his presence, but her body was too weak to allow movement now. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to bear looking onto her brothers face and see what she had caused to happen. She had been unable to save him, and now he was damaged beyond repair. She flopped over, rolling onto her side and finally stretching her legs, ushering a series of whimpers to escape her ivory maw at the pain of the action. Every bone and joint was visible in the fae, especially in her legs, but she didn't care. This is what she deserved now.




5 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 10:16 PM

He would wait patiently, dark face pointed forward in the direction that Eulari's scent was coming from, ears constantly swiveling atop his head. It was several moments before he heard the faint voice of his youngest sister, extremely faint and misused. What had driven her to linger on the border for so long? Using her faint voice as his guide, the Re would slowly begin to move forward again, muzzle still held low to the ground, tail sweeping out behind him. Her scent became stronger the closer he moved and he would follow it until he assumed he came to stand before her, dark muzzle reaching out to brush against another nose; Eulari's nose. It was dry and rough against his own flesh, brows furrowing together in concern. Eu, get up please. Why are you out here? I thought you'd gone to Glaciem? Right forepaw would reach forward to touch her cheek, needing her to get up. She didn't sound like she was in good shape and he could only imagine how she looked.



11-26-2013, 10:27 PM

His wet nose touched hers as his voice invaded her russet audits, questions flowing forth from his black lips. Her response was short, her throat dry with the lack of water she had ingested. ?I had to make sure you were okay, and I don't want to see father right now.? She murmured, her voice hoarse, pained. The fae left out the part where she deserved to suffer, seeing as she didn't want to alarm her brother in his fragile state of healing. She opened her eyes to see her brother's face, his milky pools staring into nothing, his left cheek scabbed and damaged. She whimpered, her voice bubbling from her throat again, sweet alto tones nothing like they once were. ?Oh Taur... This is all my fault...? She cried, her voice barely reaching above a high pitched whisper. Her salmon tongue poked from her ebony lips to try and swipe across the side of his muzzle, an apology. She wanted to curl up around him and never let him go, to fix his damaged body and make new his form, bring back what greatness he once possessed. But she couldn't, she could hardly move, and she deserved it. She stared at him with those broken, muted pink pools that no longer held the sweetness, the joy, the innocence that they once did. She was a shadow of her former self, her spirit cracked and broken from what she had witnessed of her father.



5 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 10:42 PM

Her voice was so hoarse, so underused he was surprised that she was still able to talk. I had to make sure you were okay, and I don't want to see father right now. So she'd heard. Or she'd followed the albino bastard here and stumbled across the fight. If he could've, he would've saved his baby sister the horror of having to witness his momentary downfall. It wasn't something such a young girl was supposed to see so early on in life, but it seemed that any spawn of Isardis' never really had a normal upbringing. But perhaps her witnessing would work in his favor. Maybe she would realize that their sire really was a monster and that she needed to get away as soon as she could, lest she suffer the same fate. Would the albino creature be able to deliver the same punishment to his baby sister if she too were to betray him?

Oh Taur... This is all my fault. She would reach out with her dry tongue to swipe it across his left cheek, causing the titan to recoil slightly. The wound was still in the process of scabbing over and even the slightest touch hurt, but he would make no sound of pain or anything to upset his sister more than what she already seemed to be. It's not your fault Eu, it's mine. I had this coming long before you ever came here to Ala. Now please, get up so we can get you some food and water. I can tell that you really need it. He gently push at Eu's cheek with his paw, encouraging her to stand.



11-26-2013, 10:54 PM

His voice finally reached her ears, an apology spewing from her brother's lips to reach straight into her mind and pluck up the broken pieces of her soul. It would take time, but they would mend again, though never quite the same as before. His enormous paw would push at her cheek, ushering her to stand. She was so tired, she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep. But she would listen to her big brother, slowly gathering her tea cupped russet paws underneath her tiny, emaciated frame. With all the strength left in her tender, unused muscles, she pushed herself up; finally off of the ground she had warmed with her body for so long. Her legs shook, and she pressed herself against her brother, taking strength from the sensation of his warm fur against her own. "Do you want me to guide you?" She whispered, looking over at her brother, the great Taurig. She had met blind wolves before, and often they had wolves help them move about by telling them what their surroundings were, and approaching obstacles. She could do it, despite how tired and malnourished she was; if her brother needed her help she would give it to him regardless.




5 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 11:12 PM

He would stand before her, paw gently resting against her cheek, muzzle tilted downwards towards her, milky white eyes focused on where he hoped her eyes to be, but he would never know for sure. He would only remove his paw when he felt her head rise, massive frame taking a step back to put a bit of space between himself and his baby sister. Ears would swivel forward as he listened to the rustling of fur against earth and claws striking against dirt as Eulari raised herself up. Despite being unable to see her, he could very well hear her and it made him glad that she would listen to reason. Ebony lips would curl up at the corners in a gentle smile as he stood beside his baby sister, chuckling softly as he felt her smaller frame lean against his larger one, apparently trying to regain her strength. He was glad that she was here, even if she was only here because she felt bad for what had happened to him.

Do you want me to guide you? A short nod would be given to the tiny russet fae in denial. I was able to make my way over here just fine, wasn't I? You could use me as a crutch though if you're too weak. There's a river not too far from my den that I can take you too so you can catch some fish and get some water. Sound good? Ebony plume would brush against his sister's legs as he waited for a confirmation.



11-26-2013, 11:31 PM

Chuckling was followed by a curt reply from her brother, dismissing her offered aid with a kind refusal. She nodded in reply, then listened to the remainder of his statement. When he searched for affirmation, she made a small sound of agreement, and the two set off, side by side. He led her to the creek, and she plopped down on her rear to watch small fish dart by. Placing her front right paw in the cool water, she let it rest suspended until the fish became accustomed to the presence. Once one swam beneath it she slammed her tiny pedestal to the bed of pebbles and scooped the dead fish from the water. Dainty jaws plucked the oily meat from the creature, until her shrunken stomach was full. She pushed it away, looking to her big brother and letting her voice trickle from between her ebony lips. ?You want the rest?? She asked quietly, watching him with her sweet orchid pools for a moment, regarding the damage to his face. She felt terrible, though the cobalt male insisted it was not her fault. Quickly she dipped her muzzle into the crisp, clear water of the stream, and lapped up enough to rehydrate her body for now. Her muted pink gaze would turn once more to regard Taur, waiting for him to say something. She was starting to get tired, her eyes heavy. A yawn stretched apart her jaws, but she would wait until Taurig was settled in before letting her attention leave him.



5 Years
Extra large
11-29-2013, 06:18 PM

The pair would advance slowly towards the stream, walking side by side, russet against cobalt. It took the duo a bit to get there, but once they did, the Re allowed his baby sister to part from his side as he listened to her plop down on the shore. Moving up beside her the titan would inch his way towards the water, right forepaw reaching out to brush against the surface of the water before allowing his foretoes to submerge in the cool liquid, muzzle dipping downwards. Inky lips would part, salmon tongue slithering out to lap at the refreshing water, satisfaction rolling through him as the water settled in his stomach. It was only when he had had his fill that he would pull back in time to catch Eu eating, only to finish and offer him whatever was left. Are you sure you don't want to finish it? You need it more than I do. Massive skull would turn in the direction of his baby sister, ears attentive as he waited to see what she would say.



11-29-2013, 11:05 PM

A question would fall from her big brother's dark lips as he looked at her quizzically. She shook her head, and then realized the error in that. Her voice would fall from ink toned lips, a chuckle accompanying it. "No, it's fine. I'm full right now." She murmured, pushing the remaining carcass through the pebbles of the riverbank. Wrapping her tail around her paws, she dropped her front half onto the ground, keeping her cranium raised to watch over her brother and make sure he was okay. Once he calmed down, then she would nap for a bit and recover her strength before maybe grabbing another fish to eat. The babbling of the creek was comforting, a soft ambiance for the situation that had arisen between the siblings. She wished she could take everything that had happened to her brother and turn it unto herself instead, because her brother did not deserve this pain. He was the Re, he had to be strong and all powerful, not debilitated by a lack of vision. He needed spawn to continue his bloodline, the wondrous Armada bloodline. For now her orchid optics would remain fixated upon the dark and cobalt man, watching him like a hawk. She would not let anything happen to him ever again, not while she still lived and breathed.