
You know I could be just like you


11-27-2013, 12:45 AM

She needed to be alone. She needed to get out Tortuga for a bit, clear her head. She had watched her brothers life get torn to shreds in front of her very eyes. And by their own father. Rage still burned in her chest. She had developed a lust for his blood. To see his crimson life force stain his ivory pelt and the earth. But she knew she would need practice. She wasn't ready to go running to the gates of hell. Yet.

Her legs had brought her to the cliffs. A gorgeous place, though now snow littered the ground. Winter had set in, bringing with it her second birthday. She did not mind turning 2, it made her a full grown adult, finally reaching her full weight and height. The thing she didn't like was her heat. It was a wretched thing. She couldn't wait for it to be over.

Paws stood inches from the edge of the cliff, emerald gems peering down over the edge at the dark waters. They appeared so unforgiving, crashing against the earth relentlessly, slowly chipping away at it. For a moment she let her eyes close, she let herself be taken by the cool winds of the ocean, teasing her pelt. A sight left her creamy lips as she enjoyed the little slice of a heaven she had found. Shoulders slumped wearily, she couldn't remember the last time she had slept well. She had taken up a watchful post over her brother, never far from his den or himself. How she wished she took take away his pain.

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11-27-2013, 01:22 AM

Taurig was blind, castrated and yet it wasn?t enough; Isardis had longed for the revenge to subside the trauma?s of his raging mind. He thought that stealing from Taurig, what the boy had from him, would be as rewarding as his death. That watching the betrayer suffer would be satisfying. But it hadn?t helped, at least not while Argent was lost? or dead. He would take a couple of days to search for her, dead or alive, before he would return back to his Kingdom. His loyalty to his Queen unwavering even within her mistakes, even though he knew she had defied him and his wishes. A sense of rage would bubble at the thought of her cavorting with the enemy, and yet still he longed to find her, to be with her once more.

His search had led him to the cliffs of The East, a brittle hope had formed that even if he didn?t find her breathing, he would stumble upon her remains against the most rugged throes of nature in all her splendid violence. However, as the faultless ghoul would meander the furthest reaches of the climbing tower, a girl of familiarity would greet him somewhat unknowingly. It was the babe he had spotted amidst the other traumatized faces of Tortuga, and hers cent so eagerly matched Eulari?s explanations. Not to mention her uncanny appearance, which was so effortlessly comparable to Shaari. She was toying with her death, watching as the waves of promise reached so eagerly beneath her, ?Are you going to jump?? was all he had to say, curiosity had paused him eerily amidst his tracks; loitering against the heavy overhand of sea brewed mist.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


11-27-2013, 05:25 PM

Are you going to jump? Her peace was shattered. Lips twitched, aching to curl back. She didn't turn, only her ears flipped back to catch the voice. How he had managed to stumble upon her, she would never know. It was just her luck. He should have returned home by now, he should have been far from here by now. But no he was lingering. Why? It occurred to her the last thing he had asked Taurig. He was looking for someone. His Queen. Obviously she didn't want to be found, and the young Queen couldn't blame her for running away with her life.

"Not without taking you with me." Her voice became a gentle coo, carried back to him by the winds of the ocean. She sounded so sweet, so kind. Finally she would turn away from waters, turning to face the bastard who sired her. Emeralds steeled themselves into daggers. Hatred made her blood boil. Her gaze cast over him carelessly. She looked nothing like him, for that she was thankful. Her heart pounded in her chest, her face void of expression.

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12-03-2013, 10:34 PM

So yet another of his babes had been tarnished by the false cries of Taurig?s manipulative ways. And as the beast stood, rubies loitering amidst the vibrant emeralds of her almost familiar gaze, Isardis couldn?t help but feel a narrow sense of remorse for what seemed to be the loss of another child. His own head-strong ways had been woven into their blueprint, and now having met the abomination of their family line, the few that had been clutched would never truly be an Armada, no matter how hard he tried to mend them. He would chuckle weakly at her words, skull cocking slightly with a narrow-minded interest, ?Ah, so I see the betrayer has filled your head with false accusations; tell me, does he fail to mention why he is an outcast? Or does he speak only of my own actions, and never of his mistakes?? It was typical, wasn?t it? A clich? forming to the ruling of another, without even knowing the truth. Isardis was not pointlessly menacing, and he never refused anybody a chance to prove self worth, why was it that the world believed him so antagonistic? It couldn?t bother him in the least, for as long as his name was spoken, regardless of what for, he would be satisfied.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-03-2013, 11:16 PM

Tainted lyrics assaulted her ears relentlessly. Betrayer. He used the term so loosely, as though anyone who disagreed with him was labeled as such. Wheels turned within her mind, face void of any emotion. She really had no idea was had caused the tensions to run so high between her father and brother. But it didn't matter, not anymore, not after what she had witnessed. "Does is really matter? Everyone has seen you for the monster you are after you little stunt." Gentle words rolled off her tongue carelessly. The only one who didn't see it was her little sister. The girl was now an enemy, yet she sought shelter within Tortuga. The young Queen had little regard for her father and the words that fell from his pallid lips. Crown tilted to the side, mirroring her father, feigned interest playing on her russet features. This was a waste of her time, but the ghostly bastard stood in her path. Did he really wish to sway her opinion of him? She could almost laugh. If the Queen was anything like her father then she was head strong, unmovable in her decisions.

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