
Reflected In You



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-27-2013, 01:17 AM

Somehow he had gotten away from his mother and left to explore. He had been having the unexplained urge to go out and find something, but that something was unknown to him. He had been having dreams lately, and in those dreams he kept seeing a much larger version of himself. He couldn't quite understand it, he was the only like himself that he had ever seen. Were the dreams about him in the future? Was that how he would look when he grew up? After all, he didn't know that his father was not the one that was always with his mother. In fact, Sora for some reason never bothered to talk to the other man. He didn't care for him, but didn't quite understand why.

As he thought, he hadn't realized that he had crossed the Tortugan boundaries. He was much too young to know the scents of pack borders or whose pack scent was whose. But he was sure he would learn soon enough. Moments later, once the realization hit of where he ended up, he stopped. Wide eyed, he glanced around at his surroundings, and he began to feel a little scared. He didn't know where he was, yet at the same time it seemed familiar. The cool evening sky cast its shadows across the ground, stretching them across his vision as he looked at his surroundings. This seemed eerily familiar, but he could not place his paw on it...moving slowly, he pressed on. But the more he walked, the more he felt unsettled, and soon a small whine would squeak in his throat as he stopped and sat in the dirt. He was lost. And he didn't know how to get back to his mother.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2013, 01:59 AM

His children. In the time that he spent in the den, whether curled up beside Maija or alone, thoughts of his children, of all three litters were never far from his mind. The only litter he had been able to lay eyes on were the ones from Cataleya. But he could barely remember what they looked like now. They seemed like a distant memory. How were they doing? Was Cataleya raising them right? Was she taking care of them like she should? What of his children from Argent? What would they look like? Would be able to meet them? And Maija's...if only she knew how much he hated that he wouldn't be able to see their children with his own eyes. It was the one thing as a father that he would fail as. He would never get to see his children grow up and start their own lives; he would only be able to hear about it and how he wished it wasn't like that. The albino ghost wouldn't get away with what he did to him. He wouldn't.

With thoughts of his children would quietly wander around, instinct driving him towards his borders. Old habits really did die hard. Mammoth paws would slowly tap against the earth, massive skull lowered towards the ground, nostrils flaring, auds attentive as the sound of a low squeak would catch his attention. Skull would raise up, nasals quivering as he tried to pin-point the location of the sound. Who's there? He would call out, hoping that whoever was there would respond. The scent that reached him was familiar, but it was too faint to tell yet if he knew this entity.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-28-2013, 04:35 AM

Night stretched on for several moments. The young boy looking around as he shrank towards the ground, hoping that an owl or other night time predator wouldn't pick him up for a late night dinner. He had never been afraid before, usually he was within the protection of his mother, but not this time. Nostrils quivered as he stared wide eyed at his surroundings, not realizing that he was about to make the encounter of a life time. "Who's there?"

The sudden appearance of the voice would cause him to jump, the young boy tumbling backwards from the surprise. Once he was able to right himself, he faced the on comer, fur bristling. Cobalt blue eyes glanced up towards the giant man that moved in his direction, and Sora could only watch in fascination as the man walked. His little chest heaved with the big breaths of awe he took, ears at attention as he stared wide eyed at the male. Hesitantly, he would then speak. "M-me sir...I, I'm lost and I don't know where I am..."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



5 Years
Extra large
11-29-2013, 04:49 PM

The Re would take several more steps forward, nostrils quivering. The scent belonged to a young boy, a pup if he wasn't mistaken. And it smelled oddly familiar. Who did this pup belong to? It didn't smell like it was from Tortuga. Could it be a rogue pup that had lost its way? Or perhaps the pup of another pack. There was no way to tell for certain. Limbs would pull the titan to a halt, milky eyes moving uselessly, auds twitching as they caught the sound of the boy's voice as he spoke, muzzle tilting downwards to where he assumed the child was. M-me sir...I, I'm lost and I don't know where I am...

The boy was lost. A friendly grin would twist the man's features as he sat before the child, ebony plume curling around his toes, expression welcoming. You needn't fret young sir, you've come across friendly territory. This is Tortuga. Where are your parents? He would tilt his head down to hopefully look at the boy, hoping that his eyes wouldn't scare the child away. He wanted to help the boy as best he could to return to his family.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-05-2013, 06:54 AM

Wintry eyes watched with wide wonder as the gargantuan man approached. Although he had never met this man, at least not that he could remember. He looked up, head tilted all the way back to stare up at the regal features of the dark male. A sense of awe fell over the boy, ears tilting full forward as Taurig spoke to him. He'd glance away suddenly feeling guilty about what he had done. In truth, he had sneaked away from his mother and siblings so he could go exploring. He was very different from his sisters to tell the truth. They didn't mind lying, didn't mind sneaking out all the time and not feeling guilty about it, but he always did. He'd bite his lip, unable to contain the guilt much longer. If it were anyone else that had confronted him, a darker heart perhaps, he would have had no problem lying to them. But lying to this male? He didn't appear like he wanted to hurt him. His words had sounded kind, and his demeanor the same.

He remained standing, a brief sigh escaping his lips as he frowned slightly. "I...kinda sneaked away from my momma and my sisters. And, I don't know where my dad is...I see him in my dreams though, at least, I think it's him. But I can't tell; it just looks like me but all grown up!" He exclaimed with confusion and uncertainty. He had seen himself, or so he thought, in his dreams. Night in and night out, he dreamed of a cobalt pelt like his, though the markings slightly different. On rare occasions he would dream of two cobalt pelted wolves, one being him and one being another nearly identical. He didn't know who he was, his mother never really telling him who his real father was. So not even a name was familiar to him. However, he would slowly begin to realize the features of the male before him, though for now he was distracted by the thought of receiving an answer. He hadn't payed much attention to Taurig's eyes, not knowing what a blind wolf looked like. Though it would be apparent in the slight off tilt that his head was at, and so Sora would tilt his own crown in the same manner. Curious, he would ask an innocent question that would be natural for a child's piqued curiosity. "Your eyes are awfully light, lighter then mine. Momma says mine are the color of clear blue ice water but that sometimes they change a little. Do your eyes change color too?" He would ask innocently, oblivious to the condition or fact that wolves could lose their sight.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



5 Years
Extra large
12-10-2013, 07:54 PM

I...kinda sneaked away from my momma and my sisters. And, I don't know where my dad is...I see him in my dreams though, at least, I think it's him. But I can't tell; it just looks like me but all grown up! This was his first encounter with a pup and he didn't think he was doing that bad. An amused smile would curl his ebony lips. So this little pup was a trouble maker. Or at least, he was a pretty curious one if he was willing to venture out of his den to go exploring into places where he probably shouldn't have been going in the first place. Well little man, that probably wasn't such a smart idea. Your momma is probably worried sick about you and your sisters probably miss you. And plus, you're too little to be out here all alone. He would refrain from going into detail about the "monsters" that went bump in the night for fear of scaring the young child. He wanted to help him, not send him running for the hills into danger.

Your eyes are awfully light, lighter then mine. Momma says mine are the color of clear blue ice water but that sometimes they change a little. Do your eyes change color too? He would smile goodnaturedly, allowing his muzzle to dip downwards, moving it around a bit until he bumped into what he hoped was the boy's own muzzle, pressing against it gently. Ice blue water. His eyes had once looked like that...Mmmm, not anymore. He would chuckle, willing to play along with the pup. What's your momma's name little man? Maybe if he knew who the boy's mother was, he would be able to help him find his way home.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-11-2013, 02:37 AM

Sora's tail wagged slightly as the man addressed him. Ears slightly falling back at the mention of his leaving his mother and siblings. He looked up at the similarly pelted male, cobalt features seemingly blueish in the dark. The moon glancing off his pelt and giving him a sort of ethereal appearance. Like a protective guardian of the night. He didn't feel scared around this male. Oddly enough. But then again, he was the first stranger that Sora had encountered away from his mother.

"Yeah I know...but I'm not afraid of anything! And...momma won't know i'm missing...right now anyway." He watched as the male leaned forward, moving his head slightly as if searching for him. A little confused, Sora leaned forward to touch his muzzle against the males. Strangely, he found an eerie comfort in the touch. As if he had felt this presence before, but could not quite put his paw on it. He listened to the voice that would become rapidly soothing to the boys soul, the question of his Mother's name within his ears. He pulled back a little to stare at the strange milky eyes of the cobalt man, his own icy blues watchful and thoughtful. "My Momma's name is Cataleya, my sisters are Senka and Zaria." He replied, tail wagging slightly. In his brief response, he had forgotten to mention his own name. For some reason, thinking he had already mentioned it though it would seem that had completely eluded him.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



5 Years
Extra large
12-13-2013, 06:32 PM

Yeah I know...but I'm not afraid of anything! And...momma won't know i'm missing...right now anyway. He would shake his head in quiet amusement at the boy's thoughts. He thought that now, but he would definitely be saying different once he ran into someone that wasn't nearly as friendly as he was. He was surprised to feel the boy pressing back against him. A...feeling of protectiveness washed over the titan and his thoughts immediately flashed to Maija and the growing pups in her womb. Would he be a good father, even though he was a blind? He dearly hoped so.

My Momma's name is Cataleya, my sisters are Senka and Zaria. Cataleya. Ca-ta-le-ya. The silver woman who had birthed his first litter of pups. His pups. And she was the boy's mother. His boy. His son. His own flesh and blood. Cataleya...Is that right...Well I'm glad to finally meet you...son. He would murmur gently, muzzle extending once against to reach up and brushing against one of his ears, wanting to feel his son from nose to tail. His son. What were the chances that his boy would wander all the way to his borders?




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-21-2013, 01:16 AM

Sora's demeanor since chancing upon the cobalt male had changed. He felt calm, unafraid, like there was nothing to be scared of in the presence of the giant before him. Upon touching the titan's nose, he felt a strange warmth. He wasn't sure why, at least not until after what would happen next.

After stepping back from the brief touch, he noticed that the male seemed to be in thought. Small ears perking forward when the voice finally came out, Sora's tail wagging gently, head tilted slightly to the side as he wondered what the male would say. He froze, eyes widened as he stared at the cobalt titan moving closer once again, running his muzzle over his body. It hit him then, that the larger version of himself that he had been seeing in his dreams, wasn't was his Father.

"F-father...?" He would murmur in disbelief, wondering if this was truly the one he kept seeing stalking in his dreams. It was no wonder that he didn't feel scared or threatened when he was around him, and although he couldn't see the face in his dreams, there was no doubt in his mind that this had to be him. He looked just like Sora after all, so there couldn't possibly be any mistakes about that. "It's really you...the one in my dreams...y-you look like me! I mean, I look like you...All this time, I thought it was just a bigger me in my dreams...but it was you...watching over me, weren't you?" He'd press into Taurig's muzzle, rubbing his own against his father's lowered neck. He felt a warm glow in his chest, at last. He finally met his real father! Oh if only his sisters were here for this!


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.