
Alas the shaman is here [joining]


11-26-2013, 01:09 AM
The girl had made her decision upon Guinevere convincing her otherwise going after glaciem. Vahva was now at tortugan borders the strange blue haired wolf standing a little bit below herself. How she would get used to normal pack life again she didn't know but she'd do it. She wasn't just a healer she was a fighter too that was for sure. Born in Valhalla as a mistake then enslaved and reborn a queen things had their ups and downs. Much to her surprise a collections of memories that were good and horrible. So many thoughts ran through her head as she let out a bark at the borders. Here she was again this time awaiting acceptance for something so normal. What an odd feelng she had to admit . A little bit terrifying if she had to say.

Ooc ; sorry for crappy post on my phone



11-26-2013, 05:31 AM

Maija had been out patrolling and enjoying the cold atmosphere of Tortuga's winter. The winds had become harsh when they blew, making her shiver with delight from the reaction she got from the chills that made her skin prickle. It seemed that she was enjoying the smaller things in life more than she had before finding Tortuga, finding Taurig...and finding happiness. The cobalt Re was what made her feel good about waking up in the morning and seeing the day she was living to see. She wouldn't admit it openly in front of her pack mates, but Maija was slowly falling for her Re more and more each day.
With the thoughts of their last night of passion on her mind, Maija's mind was brought back to the present by an unfamiliar scent. It hit her nose with the brisk winds that were sweeping across and around Tortuga. Images of unseen chemistry were pushed from her mind and the gold female's senses heightened. She pinpointed the spot where the smell came from and approached it through the woods at a trot. Lithe frame wove through the woods unseen, silent paws trekking across the frozen ground until the figure came into view.
Leaf green eyes hid the curiosity that bounced in her chest, causing her expression to remain unreadable. The golden dame slowed down to a walk and revealed herself from the female's left. She stood with her head held high, regal standard showing in her frame. Maija took a couple of cautious steps towards the female, noting her scent and striking out the possibility of her being Glaciem property. "Hello," Maija said, tones thick with her Romanian accent and lacking much emotion. "What business do you seek in Tortuga?"



11-27-2013, 04:54 PM

Vahva was expecting to see taurig, but to her surprise she was confronted by another member of the pack. Which was alright, considering as long as she was accepted, she knew the drill, she was no stranger to alpha life or any other high ranked life for that matter. Though she showed no emotion on her own face, as to par with the other woman, yet that was simply how she was. Ever since her slight distrust of men, taurig and Tidus had been a nice break from that. She was sure her friend, her family, would be happy to have her here, but worry gripped at her throat from the Re not being here in front of her. Keeping her calm despite the feelings she offered a small smile towards the woman. Kindly, as the vibe Vahva sent off was everything but malice. Calm cooling, as the shaman had spent a year with this demeanor as a leader. Her attitude had cooled, unless someone were to mess with her family of course. "Hello, My name is Vahva Hutashi. I was hoping to see Taurig, but I am glad to see anyone at all. I'm here to join Tortuga. My cousin Hajime reside's here as well as my uncle Allen." She cleared her throat some and dipped her head in respect to the woman.
"I am experienced in healing and fighting. I recently left my pack in which I was alphess to return home. Only to find a bastard walking around causing my families strife. I was going to try and pry the throne from his head, but one of my fellow Valhallans of my birth pack convinced me otherwise. As thus I have decided to join Tortuga since it seems to fit me best and I wish to help the most I can since I decided against attacking the northern bastard." Vahva raised her head shortly then made it fall again. Her words cool, calming, explaining the best she could. After all she didn't mind what rank she was placed at, but she would rather put herself to good use if anything at all. While Taurig was not here and that worried her, she would make the best of it and tried to seem as polite as she usually was.




11-28-2013, 09:39 AM

The golden vixen listened without showing emotion in her face. As she watched the female with the blue streak of fur that raced down her cranium, she summed up her reason for appearing at their borders: She was a healer who was looking for a new home. Tortuga was the ideal place for her to go. When Vahva mentioned Glaciem, a low growl escaped the golden Regina. Her lips moved in a motion from the tip of her nose to the corners of her mouth as the sound slipped through her clenched teeth. "Only one pack has a bastard as their King. Your explanation could be vague like my face and I would know who you spoke of." It would probably make Isardis fluff with pride that the word 'bastard' had his face next to it in the dictionary.
Maija's perfectly groomed tail flicked behind her as she acknowledged the rest of what Vahva had said in her explanation. With the actions she displayed in front of her, she took that in account as well before speaking again. "From the way you describe yourself, you have two different talents wrapped into one...that is something not many wolves can claim for themselves..." Maija's head rose taller and she looked at Vahva with her crystal-like leaf green eyes. "You seem confident about your abilities, which only makes my decision easier..."
She acknowledged Vahva with a small smile and turned to face the unseen path in the woods that led back to her home. With an ear and eye turned to the female's form, she gently greeted her. "Welcome to Tortuga...I am the Regina, Maija...Taurig's wife-to-be." A hint of happiness appeared in the smile's crevice that could be seen from the side view of Maija's maw, but it slowly disappeared as she turned to look at Vahva head-on once again. "Whenever you are ready, we shall go to meet the King."

speech here


11-28-2013, 12:12 PM

Tuarig's wife to be? That was interesting, but it brought a little bit of joy into the girls heart. Entirely, Vahva remembered the boys in her pack getting mates having children. As it stood even if they had tortured her like no tomorrow, it took a while for her to understand them after becoming a leader of a sorts. "I had to learn how to heal and fight quickly, I was a slave for a season before becoming an alphess." Vahva explained walking beside the woman. Her mane shook a little bit as her red eyes looked over Maija, a strong dependable women. Something ached in her throat though, this place didn't seem as happy as it been in her last visit. And she hated to ask but she had to. "How is Taurig? The last I saw him the pack gave off a more comforted feeling. I know it may not be my place to ask, but I can't shake this bad feeling of worry." Her tail flicked slightly. As she strained her vocal cords with the worried tone she expressed. Everyone here was her family, regardless of how well she knew them or how well they knew her. Vahva was hoping to help as much as she could if things were becoming broken.
"I'm sorry miss Maija, I just get worried sometimes. This is my family as any other member of my birth pack is. And after speaking with Taurig he is a kind and dependable man." Vahva dipped her head. It was clear to see her leader qualities were shining through ever bright with her worry for the alpha. The entire pack as a whole, and how she handled such situations. The odd colored fae gave a soft smile towards Maija, trying to seem a less bit worried if anything.




11-29-2013, 07:52 AM

Maija raised an eyebrow as Vahva unfolded bits of her history. She silently wondered why the female felt it was necessary to bring up the post she had once held, but the mental inquiry was put on hold as Vahva asked her own question. Of course, the atmosphere had changed because the threat hadn't been as great when Vahva last came to Tortuga. Maija wasn't sure when the female with the blue Mohawk had last appeared, but an explanation was given nonetheless. "Comfort was taken away from us when the war took place between Glaciem and our ally, Valhalla. It struck a cord in us all, to have some of our best males leave to fight...and since they returned, the Glaciem threat has become even bigger."
The golden vixen truly hated Glaciem and what their leader stood for. He had hurt her husband-to-be, made it to where they didn't have the choice to procreate after this secret litter. It would be the only time she would get to have children with Taurig, and it was because of that fact Maija was more paranoid than ever when it came to the growing fetuses. Her tail curled its tip as they strolled towards the inner lands of Tortuga, small smile flickering across her lips as Vahva spoke positively about Taurig. "That he is," was all she would say as they walked, the brisk temperatures around them making Maija's exhalations turn to temporary vapor in front of them. "As for your pack being your family, I cannot say that I agree just yet. You have yet to prove your worth, of which I look forward to seeing in the near future." Who knew what would happen to have Vahva prove her skills. "Words only go so far, Vahva. Actions stand out more clearly."



11-29-2013, 10:34 AM

Vahva knew things fairly clearly in the world, she hadn't meant to come off as rude as that is how she felt the woman took it. Her tail flicked back and forth, her own worth would be shown in her healing skills and she could still fight. She smiled a toothy grin showing through her muzzle. "Yes they do, but words can give others the small push to be great." She moved her head as she looked around the forest. Isar, that bastard, she would heal all that he broke of Tortuga. After all she would fight for them as well. "I'll assist the healers, and show my worth over time. I look forward to becoming family Maija." Vahva stood in front of the woman and dipped her head nearly bowing with respect. Strange really, she had never thought to return in this manner.




11-29-2013, 10:39 PM

The abrupt halt in their walking startled Maija as Vahva eagerly bowed and spoke the evidence of her devotion. It was a bit early on, but Maija hoped that it would stick in the female's mind as time progressed. "All in good time, Vahva." Her tail flicked behind her again in an idle manner as her leaf green eyes flashed across the opposing maw. "I am eager to see the work you speak highly of. Until then, you are more than welcome to look around Tortuga. Just be wary of others who don't smell like us and of Glaciem...If anyone of that nature comes around, don't hesitate to let me know." Maija dipped her maw and began to turn back towards the rocky mountain trail that led to her den. "Until we meet again," came from her lips as she turned her head to glance at Vahva with one green eye. After an ear perked in the same direction, she turned her sights to the grand dwelling Taurig had chosen upon first arriving to Tortuga.-EXIT Maija-
