
Cyanide In My Soul[joining]


11-27-2013, 11:10 PM

The dual toned male had been all over. He had gone to Glaciem to see how they were. The albino king not to his liking as Uisge noted the over-bursting pride of the pinkie pie king. A sneer lifted his mouth, giggling at the nickname he had secretly given the king. He wasn't worth following. Then he had visited Amenti when it came under a new rule. Having left a peace offering so he could get in and see what he could learn, he had left soon after. The pack there...not worth his time. The kids especially, he despised the attitudes they had. Especially of the insolent girl he learned was Vyvienne. He curled his lips at her attitude, the insolent fool who would be her own downfall as well. They too weren't worth dealing with.

So it was then that he would come to Tortuga. The fascination he had for this particular pack would bring him to it's borders. He had heard about the feats of the alpha, and it was him that Uisge would choose to serve. Stopping just a few feet from the borders lines, he'd tilt his head back to bring forth a rough sounding and melodic howl. Accented lyrics flowing into the sky, the darkness of the sky glinting his narrowed sapphire orbs. Once he finished his short song, he would stand and wait. Dark sapphire orbs staring through the moonlit winder night as he waited for someone to arrive.



5 Years
Extra large
11-29-2013, 04:59 PM

The Re would sit before his den, lids pulled closed over his milky white eyes, tattered eyes attentive atop his chiseled skull. The crisp night air would buffer the man's cobalt pelt, running over the scarring flesh on his face and spine. The future of Tortuga was uncertain at this point, but Taurig wasn't about to give up. He had gotten this fair with his pack, and his people trusted him, followed him indefinitely and he had their true loyalty. He wouldn't let them down. Whether they stayed here or relocated, or perhaps even began a new pack, the Re would come through for his people, despite the obvious challenges he was faced with now.

A rough voice would pierce the quiet atmosphere around him, lids snapping back to reveal milky eyes out of pure instinct, ears already swiveling in an attempt to pinpoint the location of the call. It was coming from his borders. A man. Was this stranger not aware of the danger that Tortuga was under from Glaciem and any possible allies Glaciem would be acquiring? Unable to leave someone at his borders, the Re would raise himself, giving his pelt a quick shake before he would turn to move in the direction of the border, using his muzzle as his guide, trailing his scent back to the little path he had worn visiting the borders so frequently. The stranger's scent would fill his nostrils, skull lifting to hopefully allow the titan to be looking into the stranger's face. Odd time to visit a pack sir. He would call out, stopping a few feet from the border.

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